QUE PASA 5/23/2018 (English)

Dear Parents,

       This Monday, we celebrate Memorial Day, a day where we take the time to honor and remember those who died in all of America’s wars.  These men and women sacrificed their lives as they were protecting others and protecting our rights and freedoms.  Let us offer this prayer for the soldiers who have given their lives for our country, and reflect on how we ourselves can peacefully work for justice in our world:
Dear God,
This Memorial Day, we pray for those who courageously laid down their lives for the cause of freedom.  May the examples of their sacrifice inspire in us the selfless love of Your Son, our Lord Jesus Christ.
Bless the families of our fallen troops, and fill their homes and their lives with Your strength and peace.
In union with the people of other nations, give us the courage to work for peace and justice, and seek an end to violence and conflict in our communities and around the world.
We ask this through your holy name.  AMEN.

--Mrs. Sandra Jimenez



This Friday, we will honor our 8th graders as they receive their St. Peter’s School Pins—a symbol of their time spent here at St. Peter’s.  You are welcome to join in this special mass and celebration at 8:30 AM.  Students should be in complete uniform—no gray sweats or free dress passes may be used on this day.



Join the Sports Committee as they plan on how to help our Athletic program grow.  The next meeting is next week on Tuesday, May 29 at 5:00 PM in the Faculty Meeting Room.

We are also looking for coaches for the 3rd and 6th grades girls’ volleyball teams and the 7th/8th grade boys’ soccer team for the upcoming school year.  If you are interested, please contact Mr. Suárez in the office or email rsuarez@sanpedro.org. 



Tomorrow, students in grades Kindergarten through 7 will be receiving information about the Summer Learning Challenge.  Completing this Summer Learning Challenge will help prevent the “summer slide,” where students can lose 2-3 months of reading and math skills every summer.  This adds up—by 5th grade summer learning loss can make a student 2.5 - 3 years behind their peers who read during the summer.

Please look over the summer learning challenge with your child, and encourage them to complete the mandatory components of the challenge by the due date.  



Registration is now open for the BVCC Summer Program.  Weekly programs are available from June 11 - July 27.  Tutors from the University of San Francisco will be available once a week throughout the program and can provide assistance to your child as they complete their Summer Learning Challenge.



Friday, June 8th is the last day of school, and dismissal is at 10:00 AM.  However, BVCC will not be open on that day, so no child care at school will be available.  Please make arrangements for the pick-up of your child at 10:00.


2017-2018 YEARBOOK

The Yearbook is on sale NOW!  $25 for a 52-page, full-color, hardcover memory book for this school year!  Supplies are limited.  Pre-order now to guarantee your copy!



If your child received a statement for any unpaid balance for the mandatory AZTEC TREK Fundraiser, this balance is past due.  Please pay the amount as soon as possible. 



If your child took LifeTouch Spring pictures, please return payment of the pictures that you wish to keep, and return any photos that you do not purchase.



On Sunday, June 10 at 2:30 PM at St. Peter’s Church, a special mass and reception will be held in honor of Sr. Ana Maria Pineda.  She is a St. Peter’s parishioner since the 1950s, a St. Peter’s graduate from the 1960s, and a Sister of Mercy since the 1970s.  She is a former St. Peter’s teacher and Parish Minister at the Church for the Hispanic Community, and currently a professor at Santa Clara University.  She has recently been elected as Assistant to the President of the West Midwest Sisters of Mercy.  Please join is un honoring Sr. Ana Maria!




KINDER - We will continue to identify vowels and distinguish between short and long vowel sounds. We will participate in various vowels games and work in pairs. We will review the letter names a, e, i, o, and u. In math, we will describe the position of these shapes: cone, cylinder, sphere, and cube. We will use words such as above, below, in front of and behind.  


1A -  This week in first grade we are reading about and discussing different traditions and working on words with beginning three-letter blends. In religion, we are practicing the different ways we can pray to God. In math we are beginning our fractions unit. In science we are working on distinguishing between different sounds. In social studies we are continuing our study of direction. 


2A - Second graders will be reading “Amazing Grace” and determining the problem and solution in the story. We will review adding 3-digit numbers. Have you seen our lettuce in the garden? We will continue working with our composting jars and garden in science. We will be talking about peace and justice in religion this week. We are keeping many loved ones in our prayers.


3A – This week in 3A we are beginning a Science unit on OWLS. Everyone is very excited, especially Mrs. G. We will not only dissect pellets but we will learn the names of many different owls and their body parts. In Math class, we continue multiplying 2-digit numbers by 1-digit and dividing numbers with remainders. In Social Studies class, we will focus on Memorial Day activities. This is an important patriotic holiday that honors all the men and women who died in the service of the United States. GOD BLESS AMERICA! 


4A - This week 4A will begin working on their 4th Quarter Projects.  These projects will focus on their understanding of the Gold Rush, the three types of rock, and a board game covering much of what they learned this school year in Religion, Math, Reading, English, History, Science, and Handwriting.     


5A - Over the past month, 5th graders have had "genius hour" time to research anything that they're interested in. We've been practicing our technology, research, and writing skills during this unit. Students will finally start to present these passion projects this week. We're excited to learn about everything from the history of hot Cheetos to the science behind eye color in our classmates' presentations this week.


6A   Religion – 6th graders will be learning about the different types of prayer and writing their own prayers.   Language Arts –Students continue to work in the rotational model and are really getting it down! Students are well into their novels for their literature circles and this week will be working on writing sentences in parallel structure.   Social Studies – Students will begin their Ancient Rome Unit by completing a lesson on the physical geography of Italy and coming up with questions they have about the Roman Empire.   Science – 6th graders will review the principles of condensation in relation to our larger weather systems and begin discussing evaporation.  


7A/7B    Language Arts - Students have ended their reading of The Outsiders. They will complete a Final Project to capture the overall content of the novel.  Social Studies – 7th Graders will be completing a five-paragraph essay on the First American Civilizations and will be presenting their passion projects.   Science - Students pick up where they left off after their week at Caritas. Genetic disorder presentations are done and now we look at ecology.


8A   **8th GRADE REMINDER**  

·       Pinning Mass will take place on Friday, May 25 at 8:30 AM. 8th graders must bring their gowns and wear formal attire. Families are welcome to attend. Should you have any questions or concerns, please do not hesitate to contact Mrs. Fuaau.

Religion – 8th graders will take their final exam and finish their read aloud book: RefugeeLanguage Arts - Students have finished Of Mice and Men. They will now participate in a Final Exam based on the novel's last chapter. Did George make the right decision when he killed Lennie? Was he helping a friend or getting rid of a burden?  Social Studies – 8th Graders will take their final exam and present their passion projects.   Science - Mousetrap car races and runs begin! This will be a three-day event capped off with a post-lab assignment to analyze their performance.




May 25      8:30 AM  8th Grade Pinning Mass

May 28      Memorial Day Holiday; NO SCHOOL

May 29      5:00 PM  Sports Committee Meeting

May 30      9:00 AM  8th Grade Awards Ceremony

June 1        9:30 AM  Graduation Mass

                  5:00 PM   Graduation Ceremony



Dear Parents,

       Please join me in congratulating our 8th graders who received the Sacrament of Confirmation this past Saturday!  They have been “sealed with the gift of the Holy Spirit!” This is an important step in their faith journey, and they were able to reach this point thanks to the loving support of their families and teachers.

       It is our hope that they are now united more firmly to Christ; have a strengthened bond to the Church; and possess a special strength of the Holy Spirit to spread and defend the faith by word and action as true witnesses of Christ.  How appropriate that they took this step in their faith journey just one week ahead of Pentecost (which is this Sunday, on May 20), and is considered the “birthday” of the Church.  Pentecost is the day the apostles were granted the gifts of the Holy Spirit.

     And suddenly there came from the sky a noise like a strong   

     driving wind, and it filled the entire house in which they  

     were. Then there appeared to them tongues as of fire,

     which parted and came to rest on each one of them. And

     they were all filled with the holy Spirit and began to speak

     in different tongues, as the Spirit enabled them to proclaim.

     [Acts 2:2-4]

I hope that we as parents, along with our newly-confirmed 8th graders, will continue to be strengthened by the Holy Spirit.  We strive to be positive examples of love, kindness, peace, patience, courage, and faithfulness, and live out our St. Peter’s KEYS!

--Mrs. Sandra Jimenez




We are so grateful for all the hard work and dedication that St. Peter’s teachers have shown this school year.  They are a KEY part of our school community, and they definitely model how SERVICE UNITES.

We especially thank Mr. David Guzman, our 4th grade teacher for the past 10 years, and Mr. Lawrence Hargarten, our 7th grade homeroom and Middle School Math teacher for the past 4 years, for their service at St. Peter’s School.  Mr. Guzman and Mr. Hargarten have chosen different paths for the upcoming school year.  We thank them for their dedication and care for the students at St. Peter’s School, and wish them the best in their future endeavors.  We will miss you, Mr. Guzman and Mr. Hargarten!




This Sunday, May 20, is Pentecost Sunday and our Family Mass celebration.  Join us for mass at 9:30 AM!



Aztecs!  Did you play a sport this year? If so, you are invited to join us for our Annual Sports Celebration THIS SUNDAY on May 20, 2018 at 10:30 a.m. (after our 9:30 a.m. Sunday Family Mass) in the school gym.  Not only will we have delicious pastries and exciting information to share with you, we will also take the time to recognize some scholar athletes for exemplifying our core values: grow, accomplish, love, serve, and unite!

Registrations for 2018-2019 sports seasons will also be available at the celebration.  See you there!


2017-2018 YEARBOOK

The Yearbook is on sale NOW!  $25 for a 52-page, full-color, hardcover memory book for this school year!  Supplies are limited.  Pre-order now to guarantee your copy!



If your child received a statement for any unpaid balance for the mandatory AZTEC TREK Fundraiser, this balance is past due.  Please pay the amount as soon as possible.



If your child took LifeTouch Spring pictures, please return payment of the pictures that you wish to keep, and return any photos that you do not purchase.



On Sunday, June 10 at 2:30 PM at St. Peter’s Church, a special mass and reception will be held in honor of Sr. Ana Maria Pineda.  She is a St. Peter’s parishioner since the 1950s, a St. Peter’s graduate from the 1960s, and a Sister of Mercy since the 1970s.  She is a former St. Peter’s teacher and Parish Minister at the Church for the Hispanic Community, and currently a professor at Santa Clara University.  She has recently been elected as Assistant to the President of the West Midwest Sisters of Mercy.  Please join is un honoring Sr. Ana Maria!




KINDER - This week in Kindergarten, we will review Unit 10 and our sight words. Also, students will work together to write sentences that state opinions about a topic. Then they will make a poster to display their opinions. For example: “I think we should keep parks clean!”


1A -  This week in first grade we are reading and learning about how weather affects us and working on reading words with silent letters. In religion we are continuing to talk about the importance of forgiveness and saying sorry. In math we are continuing with double-digit addition and regrouping. In science we are continuing our study of sound and vibrations. In social studies we are continuing our practice with directions and using a compass.  


2A - Second graders will be reading more poetry and determining the author's point of view. We will review adding and subtracting with 2-digit numbers. We will continue working with our composting jars and garden in science. We have been visiting the grotto to say prayers lately for loved ones.


3A – Our reading dioramas were finished and proved to be done with lots of thought and creativity. Great job 3rd grade! You gave it your all and never gave in or gave up. Now we'll begin our next chapter book called Chocolate Fever by Robert Kimmel Smith. In Math class we are multiplying 2- digit by 1-digit numbers. We are also exploring long division with remainders. This skill is made so much easier when we know our basic math facts!!! We are sounding much better at Tuesday Mass since we've been practicing our Mass responses each week.


4A - This week 4A will continue to explain and identify an author's purpose, identify and use adverbs in writing, and add fractions with unlike denominators.      


5A - This week, 5th grade will finish their STAR testing and book talk presentations, go on a field trip to the California Academy of Sciences museum, and celebrate the end of our book study on A Wrinkle in Time with a class party.


6A   Religion - Students will be reading about Pentecost as the Easter season comes to an end.    Language Arts – 6th graders will continue reading novels in literature circles, while practicing using context clues to find the meaning of unknown words. We are also trying out rotating in learning centers, so students have the opportunity to learn in small groups.   Social Studies – Students are finalizing their Greek Unit by viewing Hercules, completing their review game boards, and having an art teacher visit the classroom for a Greek art project.   Science – 6th graders will review principles of condensation as they prepare for an investigation into water vapor's impact on weather systems.


7A/7B    Language Arts - Students are continuing to read The Outsiders. They have engaged in thought-provoking discussions and lessons based on what it means to be hero. Can Greasers bestow acts of heroism or does their negative reputation hinder them from being heroes?   Social Studies – 7th graders will begin to compare and contrast the four early American civilizations.   Science - Students are back from camp and now we look to complete our genetics presentations and begin our ecology unit here at school.



·         Graduation Fee ($140) and any Outstanding Bills (tuition, AZTEC Trek)—NOW PAST DUE! Please make payments in the school office.

·         Picnic Permission Slips due Wednesday, May 23 to Mrs. Fuaau.

Religion – Students are continuing their book, Refugee, and will reflect on the end of the Easter season with readings about Pentecost.  Language Arts - Students have begun reading Of Mice and Men, by John Steinbeck. They are introduced to the unlikely pair of Lennie and George, their friendship, and the journey west.   Social Studies – 8th Graders will continue learning the details of the Civil War and presenting on specific battles that occurred.   Science - Students have been hard at work on their mousetrap cars. This week, we look to get all of the kinks out as we prepare to race next week.



May 16       8:30 AM  May Crowning Prayer Service and Student Council Installation

May 20       9:30 AM  Sunday Family Mass

                   10:30 AM  Sports Celebration in the Parish Hall

May 25      8:30 AM  8th Grade Pinning Mass

May 28      Memorial Day Holiday; NO SCHOOL



Dear Parents,

       This Sunday, we celebrate Mother’s Day. We recognize the important role that mothers, aunts, grandmothers, and all mother-figures play in our lives!  We are thankful for the love they show us and sacrifices they make for us.  During this month of May, we also dedicate time to pray to our Blessed Mother Mary.  We look to Mary as an example of faith, love, and courage as she said YES to God!  Let us pray in thanksgiving for our Blessed Mother Mary and for all mother-figures in our lives.

Heavenly Father,

We Praise You and we thank You for the gift of our mothers, through whom You give us life and through whom we experience love. We thank You for Mary, the mother of our Lord Jesus Christ, a mother so gracious and a woman of example in motherhood for all of us.  May our prayer warm the hearts of all mothers. May they know that they are loved and precious. May mothers all over the world feel in their heart the joys of being called a mother and in all their goodness and all their failings, be blessed in Your love and forgiveness.

We pray in Grace they belong close to You Lord Jesus Christ, AMEN.

(Prayer by Geevetha Mary Samuel)


--Mrs. Sandra Jimenez



This week is National Teacher Appreciation Week!  Join me in showing thanks to all of our teachers for all that they do at St. Peter’s School!



This week, our 7th graders are having their 5-day retreat and outdoor education experience at Caritas Creek Camp.  This week is also time for the final preparation for our 8th graders before they receive the Sacrament of Confirmation on Saturday.  Both are important events in the lives of our 7th and 8th graders, and we keep them all in our prayers. 



From May 7 – May 18, students will be completing their final STAR standardized tests of the school year.  These tests help identify areas of strength and growth so that teachers can meet students’ needs, and results are also shared with the Department of Catholic Schools at the Archdiocese of San Francisco.  To help students do their best, please make sure that your child is getting a good night’s rest and eating breakfast.  Also, providing your child with a recess snack would be helpful.  Please help the teachers in encouraging the children to do their best on the last STAR tests of this school year.



We are extremely proud of all those students who showed COURAGE and school spirit in running for office!  Below are the newly elected officers for the 2018-2019 school year:

   President, Tattyana Montenegro

   Vice-President, Cesar Jimenez

   Secretary, Julian Bautista

   Treasurer, Matthew Jimenez

   Commissioner of Religious Affairs, Oscar Castaneda

   Commissioner of Traffic & Safety, Luis Flores

   Commissioner of Sports, Odalis Alvarez

   Commissioner of Communications, Elijah Langlois



Thank you to all parent volunteers who helped in the planning and preparation of our first Family Lotería Night last Friday! We appreciate all the time and donations that helped make the event possible.  If you are interested in planning future community building and fundraising school events, please contact Mrs. Jimenez.



If you are aware that your child has lice, please keep him/her at home and immediately begin treatment to help remove the lice.  Your child may not return to school until your child is fully clear of all lice and nits.  We want to prevent the lice from spreading to other children in school.  Thank you for your cooperation on this matter.



If your child received a statement for any unpaid balance for the mandatory AZTEC TREK Fundraiser, this balance is past due.  Please pay the amount as soon as possible.



If your child took LifeTouch Spring pictures, please return payment of the pictures that you wish to keep, and return any photos that you do not purchase.



Aztecs!  Did you play a sport this year? If so, you are invited to join us for our Annual Sports Celebration on May 20 2018 at 10:30 a.m. (after our 9:30 a.m. Sunday Family Mass) in the school gym.  Not only will we have delicious pastries and exciting information to share with you, we will also take the time to recognize some scholar athletes for exemplifying our core values: grow, accomplish, love, serve, and unite!  Registrations for 2018-2019 sports seasons will also be available at the celebration.  See you there!



KINDER - This week, we will learn about how things can be alike and how things can be different. We will start by reading a poem about a made-up world and discuss how things are very different. Also, we will explore words with long and short e sounds. We will use sound boxes to count the sounds and write words. In Math, we will learn how to compare solid and flat shapes.


1A -  This week in first grade we are reading and talking about the different people in our lives that help us. In religion we are talking about the importance of forgiveness. In math we are continuing our introduction to addition with regrouping. In social studies we are learning about the different directions and how to use a compass. In science we are beginning our unit on sound and vibrations. 


2A - Second graders will determine the theme of the story, Poetry! We will finish up math arrays and review adding coins. We will continue working with our composting jars and garden in science. We will talk about our special gifts in religion.


3A – This week we are completing our Mother's Day projects. In Religion, we continue to learn about the different types of prayer including The Rosary. During Math class, we've begun learning how to multiply two digit numbers by one digit.


4A - This week 4A students will identify and use adverbs in writing, explain and identify an author's purpose for writing, and rename improper fractions as whole numbers or mixed numbers in simplest form.    


5A - This week in science, 5th graders will investigate making solutions of different concentrations. Students will continue working to challenge themselves with their math groups and will also have a special introduction to coding workshop on Friday.


6A   Language Arts – 6th Graders will begin their literature circles unit, focusing on different roles as they read a novel with a small group. We will also be studying how to use context clues to find the meaning of unknown words.   Social Studies – Students will be working on an Alexander the Great Board Game Project.   Science – 6th grade scientists will continue examining the effect of wind patterns on our weather by comparing land breezes and sea breezes.


7A/7B    7th Graders are at their Caritas Creek Camp retreat this week!   Science – 7th graders will study ecology while at Caritas Creek Camp in Occidental.


8A   **8th GRADE REMINDER--Graduation Fee ($140), Confirmation ($8), and any Outstanding Bills (tuition, AZTEC Trek)—NOW PAST DUE! Please make payments in the school office.**

Religion – 8th Graders will be preparing for their upcoming Confirmation.  They will be receiving Confirmation this Saturday, May 12 at 10:00 AM at St. Mary's Cathedral.  Language Arts - Students have finished Romeo & Juliet. They have discovered how far one will go to be together in this tragic love story. They will now begin their introduction to their last novel of the school year, Of Mice and Men, by John Steinbeck.  Social Studies – Students will be watching the movie Glory about the Civil War and will begin a 4th Quarter Passion Project.   Science - We continue to build our mousetrap cars this week as we prepare to compete next week!



May 7-11    7th Grade Retreat at Caritas Creek

May 7-18    STAR Testing

May 9         Free Dress for No Tardies in April

May 9         6:00 PM  8th Grade Confirmation rehearsal at St. Peter’s Church

May 12       10:00 AM  8th Grade Confirmation at St. Mary’s Cathedral

May 16       8:30 AM  May Crowning Prayer Service and Student Council Installation

May 20       9:30 AM  Sunday Family Mass

                   10:30 AM  Sports Celebration in the Parish Hall


QUE PASA 5/2/2018 (English)

Dear Parents,

       It’s SPIRIT WEEK at St. Peter’s School--a special week where we can celebrate our unity and school pride!  As parents, some ways we can show school spirit are by supporting our children as they learn new things at school, guiding them to have open hearts and open minds, attending school events and sports games, and volunteering to help at school.  As we take part in this fun week recognizing the different ways we can show our school spirit, let us take time to pray as a community to the HOLY SPIRIT for guidance and strength, especially in these final six weeks of school.


And fill our hearts with your gifts.

Let our love be true and our charity be generous.

Help us in all our needs

and grant us the knowledge to do what is right.

Advise us in our doubts, 

strengthen us in our weaknesses, 

protect us when we are tempted, 

and console us when we are afraid.

Graciously hear us, O Holy Spirit, and pour your light into our hearts, minds, and souls.

Guide us to live holy lives and to grow in goodness and grace.


--Mrs. Sandra Jimenez




Join us in playing Loteria THIS FRIDAY, May 4, from 5:00-7:00 PM in the Parish Hall!  Only $3 for a Loteria card for unlimited play for a chance to win a prize from the prize table.  Or, pay more to play for one of the Grand Prizes, which include tickets to watch the San Francisco Giants!  There are limited Loteria cards available to play for the grand prizes, so pre-purchase your card at the office before May 4.  Any remaining cards will also be sold at the event.  Also, see the flyer for more details and ways that you can help out with this fun event.



If you have not done so already, please return the bright orange re-registration form to school.  The form and new tuition rates are also available on the school website, www.stpeterssf.org.  In order to reserve your child’s space for the next school year, the registration fee of $450 per student is now due.



If you are aware that your child has lice, please keep him/her at home and immediately begin treatment to help remove the lice. Your child may not return to school until your child is fully clear of all lice and nits.  We want to prevent the lice from spreading to other children in school.  Thank you for your cooperation on this matter.



Beginning next week, from May 7 – May 18, students will be completing their final STAR standardized tests of the school year.  These tests help identify areas of strength and growth so that teachers can meet students’ needs, and results are also shared with the Department of Catholic Schools at the Archdiocese of San Francisco.  To help students do their best, please make sure that your child is getting a good night’s rest and eating breakfast.  Also, providing your child with a recess snack would be helpful.  Please help the teachers in encouraging the children to do their best on the last STAR tests of this school year.



If your child received a statement for any unpaid balance for the mandatory AZTEC TREK Fundraiser, this balance is past due.  Please pay the amount as soon as possible. 



On Sunday, June 10 at 2:30 PM at St. Peter’s Church, a special mass and reception will be held in honor of Sr. Ana Maria Pineda.  She is a St. Peter’s parishioner since the 1950s, a St. Peter’s graduate from the 1960s, and a Sister of Mercy since the 1970s.  She is a former St. Peter’s teacher and Parish Minister at the Church for the Hispanic Community, and currently a professor at Santa Clara University.  She has recently been elected as Assistant to the President of the West Midwest Sisters of Mercy.  Please join is un honoring Sr. Ana Maria!



KINDER - This week in Kindergarten, we will explore words with short and long u sounds. We will also review pronouns: I, we, he, she, it, and they. Then, students will work together in groups to write complete sentences using a pronoun. In math, we will review flat shapes and explore solid shapes. We will continue talking about how shapes are alike and different.


1A - This week in first grade we are reading and discussing how we can work together to make our lives better. In religion we are reviewing what we've learned about the Eucharist. In math we are gearing up to begin double-digit addition with regrouping. In science we are working on recording observations over a month-long period. In social studies we are continuing our study of commerce.  


2A - Second graders will be determining the problem and solution in a story.  We will be making arrays and starting to learn about multiplication.  We will continue working with our composting investigation in science. We will attend mass, receive the Eucharist, and practice mass responses.


3A – In Religion, we are beginning a unit on the Rosary.  We'll study the Joyful, Luminous, Sorrowful, and (for the season of Easter) Glorious Mysteries.  We'll also learn the various types of prayer. In Reading class we'll begin making shoebox dioramas. These will show our favorite part of one of the stories in our reader.  This will be the 3rd graders’ culminating assessment on the reading text. Our school will show UNITY and school spirit as we "dress up" during this spirit week.


4A - Students will continue to identify and explain an author's purpose for writing, identify and use adjectives, including proper adjectives and articles.  Students will also add fractions with like denominators.  


5A - This week in 5th grade, students will start creating a plot for their own comic. In math, we will learn how to add fractions with different denominators. We're also going to test solutions with different concentrations in science.


6A   Religion – 6th graders will reflect on the story of Satan testing Job and journal about how Job inspires them to live their life with trust in God.   Language Arts – We are completing our unit on the novel Tuck Everlasting and sharing our dreams about our futures through our Ferris Wheel projects. We will also take a closer look at the characteristics of different genres this week.  Math- 6th graders are into the world of Geometry, focusing on angles and triangles.  We will explore the world around us and find how angles make up the structures and shadows among us.  Social Studies – Students will begin to read about Alexander the Great, his empire, and the effect it had on world history.   Science – 6th graders are learning how the flow of air particles affects weather patterns. They'll complete an investigation on wind this week.


7A/7B    ** 7th GRADE REMINDER—Caritas Creek Camp Retreat payment and paperwork now past due!  Please submit all payments and forms to Ms. Land. **

Religion - We continue our study of prayer and leadership, this week focusing on the Lord’s Prayer, The Our Father, and the elements that make it such an impactful prayer .  Connected to this is the journey of St. Peter and how he was a true leader.  We will focus on elements of doubt when we are faced with challenges and how prayer can be a way to put our doubts and fears to rest.  Language Arts - Students are continuing to read The Outsiders. They will analyze Robert Frost's poem "Nothing Gold Can Stay" and how it applies to the novel.   Math - We continue our exploration of all things small and large and look at the immeasurable with exponents and Scientific Notation.  Social Studies – Students will be finalizing their outline and research on the Incan Empire. 7th Graders are also preparing to spend next week at Caritas Creek!   Science - Students will be presenting their genetic disorder projects all week long.


8A   ** 8th GRADE REMINDER--Graduation Fee ($140), Confirmation ($8), and any Outstanding Bills (tuition, AZTEC Trek)—NOW PAST DUE! Please make payments in the school office..**

Religion – 8th graders will be continuing the book Refugee, reflecting on how the book inspires them to treat their neighbors.   Language Arts - Students are well into Act 3 of Romeo and Juliet. They have participated in lively, thought-provoking discussions based on the play's themes, especially regarding young love.  Math - We put it all together with using systems of equations in various real world situations and then start our culminating 4th quarter project of building our ramps using linear equations.  Social Studies – Students will determine which Cause to the Civil War had the greatest impact on the start of the war.   Science - Students will begin building their mousetrap car for their final project.




Apr. 30 – May 4    SPIRIT WEEK

                Movie Monday / Teacher Tuesday / Work-It    

                Wednesday / Tourist Thursday / Fairy Tale Friday

May 4         1:30 PM  Spirit Week Finale

May 4         5:00-7:00 PM  Family Lotería Night

May 7-11    7th Grade Retreat at Caritas Creek

May 7-18    STAR Testing

May 8         8:15 AM School Mass

May 9         Free Dress for No Tardies in April

QUE PASA 4/25/2018 (English)

Dear Parents,

       Growing in faith is an important goal here at St. Peter’s School, and last weekend 22 of our St. Peter’s students grew closer to God as they received the sacrament of the Eucharist for the first time.  With the support of their families, Mrs. Schusteritsch, Mrs. Ortenzo, and Sister Lucy, the First Communicants were lovingly ready to receive Jesus.  

As parents, we have the responsibility of being role models of living our faith, not just when receiving First Communion, but at all times.  I offer this prayer so that we can continue to be positive role models of faith:

Lord, give us the wisdom and the courage to help our children as you would, 

to develop in them a Christ-like love for all people; 

to nurture in them a desire to give and not simply to take; 

to teach them to be doers of Your Holy Word.  

Guide us in our responsibilities. 

Strengthen our love as a community so that we may work together in coming closer to You.  

May we be the expression of Your love to our children, to help us be one in the Body of Christ. 


--Mrs. Sandra Jimenez




Last week, your child may have received a statement for any unpaid balance for the mandatory AZTEC TREK Fundraiser.  This balance is past due; please pay the amount as soon as possible. 



If your child took LifeTouch Spring pictures, please return payment of the pictures that you wish to keep, and return any photos that you do not purchase.



This Sunday, April 29 at 9:30 AM is Family Mass at St. Peter’s Church.  Please join in the celebration of the Eucharist.  Attend mass in uniform and receive a free dress pass to use during the month of May.



Monday, April 30 - Friday, May 4 is Spirit Week at St. Peter’s School! See the attached flyer for the ways that your child can participate in the different themes of each day of the week. 



Join us in playing Loteria on Friday, May 4, from 5:00-7:00 PM in the Parish Hall!  See the flyer for ways that you can help out with this fun event.



If you have not done so already, please return the bright orange re-registration form to school.  The form and new tuition rates are also available on the school website, www.stpeterssf.org.  In order to reserve your child’s space for the next school year, the registration fee of $450 per student is now due.



With safety as a priority, the students, faculty, and staff practiced a shelter-in-place drill at school last week.  This helps us to be prepared in the event of an emergency on campus.  Teachers have taken the time to have age-appropriate discussions of safety at school.  As partners in education, parents should have appropriate discussions with children as well.  We appreciate your support on this matter.  



Homeroom teachers identify Students of the Month at the end of each month.  We celebrate these students because they have exemplified living the St. Peter’s KEYS:

Knowledge feeds GROWTH. 

Every ACCOMPLISHMENT needs courage.

You are LOVE.


KINDER - Savannah Febo comes to school every day with great enthusiasm and with a smile on her face. She is kind and thoughtful to classmates as she tries to make them feel better when they are upset. Savannah is also persistent and tries to do her best work every day regardless of the task. Over the past month, she has shown tremendous growth in Math and Reading. For these reasons, and many more, Savannah is our student of the month

1A - Ella Jimenez is a kind, caring, and thoughtful student. She is an incredibly hard worker and she loves to push and challenge herself and make her brain grow.  Ella always goes above and beyond what is asked of her and lately she has been working hard to step out of her comfort zone.  For these reasons I am really proud to announce Ella is first grade's student of the month.

2A - Isabella Del Rosario is second grade's student of the month. She has worked so hard all year. Isabella never gives up, she works cooperatively with others, and has grown so much academically this year.    

3A - Viviana Hernandez is a diligent worker on all class and home assignments.  In class she stays focused even when distractions are around her.  She has developed into a very responsible student who helps others to understand concepts that are new or difficult. She definitely exhibits a Growth Mindset and it is serving her well as she prepares for the fourth grade.  Her family, her teacher and her classmates are proud of her.

4A - Karina Ramirez is a shining example of a student who lives out St. Peter's School's KEYS.  She is a wonderful student who works really hard to do her best.  Her hard work paid off as she earned Second Honors during the Third Quarter.  She is respectful in class and to all of her classmates and friends, as well.   

5A - Charlize Becerra is always cheerful and willing to help our class. She is curious, persistent, and dedicated to learning new things. Charlize is also a talented and creative writer. We're so glad that Charlize has been able to share her growth mindset and positive attitude with 5th grade this year! 

6A - Yasmin Bello-Leon has shown much GROWTH since the beginning of 6th grade.  She is beginning to share her interests and knowledge with her classmates and has inspired curiosity in many of her peers.  Yasmin has an exciting zest for learning and is proving that she can balance many different sixth grade responsibilities.  We appreciate her hard work this year and the support that she gives her peers and teachers. Thank you for setting a great example of a student with the KEYS to open hearts and open minds!

7A - 7A is a hard-working class, and this month a perfect example of hard work and a positive Growth mindset is Juan Galvez.  He has shown great attention, patience, dedication, and teamwork in everything he has worked on, from math, to his STEAM Fair Project, to his interactions with teachers and classmates alike.  He also has shown some great learning skills by sharing some fantastic questions and ideas.  Juan has certainly shined brightly this month!   

7B - Luis Flores has a great way of persisting and putting in the work to accomplish his goals. His teachers appreciate his thoughtful participation in class. He shows that every accomplishment needs courage because he's willing to take risks and try new things in order to learn.  

8A - Emilio Jones has consistently demonstrated what is means to grow and how necessary it is to have courage to accomplish difficult tasks. He has blossomed in his academics and personal endeavors. He has learned to build up the courage to confidently speak in small and whole group activities. Emilio continues to share his talents with all those around him and to rise up to his true potential!  




KINDER - This week in Kindergarten, we will talk about natural resources. We will learn that natural resources are things that come from nature, such as plants, water, animals and soil. We will determine natural resources used to make various items on the school and record them on a chart. Also we will explore words with short and long o sounds. In Math, we will compare and analyze flat shapes.


1A -  This week in first grade we are reading and discussing how different structures are built. In religion we are continuing our study of the Eucharist. In math we are measuring weight and capacity. In science we are continuing our study of kites and wind. In social studies we are discussing jobs and the need for them.


2A - Second graders will be summarizing stories and determining an author's point of view, We will start working with arrays in math (3 x 3 =9). We will continue working with soils in science. 


3A – This week we are focusing on completing our Rainforest Unit in Science and our Social Studies Unit on the Pacific Coast Native Tribes.  In Reading, our story for the week is called The Legend of the Persian Carpet.  It is written by a famous children's author, Tomie dePaola. In Math class we are working on fractions, lines, line segments, and rays. Please continue to have your children practice their multiplication and division basic facts as it is imperative for our more advanced math problems.


5A - This week in math, 5th graders will continue practicing comparing and ordering fractions with different denominators. We'll also read more stories about the lives of children during the Revolutionary War. 


6A   Religion – 6th graders will be reading the Old Testament stories of Esther and Job.   Language Arts – 6th Grade is in the middle of our novel unit Tuck Everlasting, reaching the exciting climax and answer the question, will Winnie drink the water? We are having very interesting ethical discussions around the purpose of life and tampering with "nature." Students will begin looking at the stages of their own lives as they create a Ferris Wheel as a culminating project.    Social Studies – Students will begin to compare the daily life in Athens to the daily life in Sparta.   Science – Students will continue working on testing their designs for insulating a model home. 


7A/7B     Language Arts - Students have begun reading the novel The Outsiders. They are recording and analyzing the main ideas through a series of Comprehension Questions. These questions will serve as a resource for class discussions.    Social Studies – Students will continue their First American Civilization Research by outlining the textbook information about the Aztec Empire!.   Science - Students are putting the finishing touches on their genetic disorder presentations as we prepare to present on Thursday.


8A   ** 8th GRADE REMINDER--Graduation Fee ($140), Confirmation ($8), and any Outstanding Bills (tuition, AZTEC Trek)--DUE: Tuesday, May 1. **

Religion – 8th graders will be continuing with their book study of Refugee by discussing and Quick-sketching Chapters 16-21.   Language Arts - Students did an amazing job finalizing their Zoot Suit 1940's Dress-Up Presentation and Swing Dance Performance last Thursday! They have wrapped-up their introduction to Romeo and Juliet and have begun reading the play.   Social Studies – Students will begin reading and becoming experts on the Causes of the Civil War--deciding which Cause had the greatest influence in starting the war..   Science - Students are in the beginning stages of their mousetrap car project: this week we dive deep into the mechanics of a mousetrap car.




Apr. 26    Student Council Primary Elections    

Apr. 26    3A to Mercy High School to watch Seussical

Apr. 26    7A to Mission Science Workshop

Apr. 27    Student Council Final Elections

Apr. 29    9:30 AM  Sunday Family Mass

Apr. 30 – May 4    SPIRIT WEEK

                Movie Monday / Teacher Tuesday / Work-It    

                Wednesday / Tourist Thursday / Fairy Tale Friday

May 1      8:15 AM  School Mass

May 4      5:00-7:00 PM  Family Loteria Night


QUE PASA 4/18/2018 (ENGLISH)

Dear Parents,

       We continue to grow this Easter season.  I particularly enjoyed reading an article (www.loyolapress.com) by Chris Sullivan not only because she guides us to grow in faith, but also because I note connections to a growth mindset.  Here is an excerpt that can guide your own personal reflection.

Throughout the 50 days of the Easter season, we are invited to celebrate the reality of new creation in our own lives, our re-creation as the children of God, having moved through Baptism from death to new life in Christ. Even as we may fear entering into this new world, uncharted but for the fact that our Risen Lord goes always before us, how might we pray our resurrection joy?

- Easter comes in the midst of spring. How can the new life rising out of the earth inspire us to prayer? What newness is springing forth in your soul?

- The Risen Christ bears in his resurrected body the scars of his crucifixion. We too may bear the scars of our former life of sin and death. We can ask the Lord in prayer to show us how he might use our scars to lead others to share in our trust that our God can make all things new.

How do you best experience a sense of praise and gratitude toward God? Do you feel called to create works of art? To keep a gratitude journal? What is one practice you could continue or add to your life of prayer that celebrates the truth that God is renewing creation in you?

May we remember to live out our resurrection joy and be models of a growth mindset for our children.

--Mrs. Sandra Jimenez




Last week, your child may have received a statement for any unpaid balance for the mandatory AZTEC TREK Fundraiser.  This balance is past due; please pay the amount as soon as possible. 



If your child took LifeTouch Spring pictures, please return payment of the pictures that you wish to keep, and return any photos that you do not purchase.



STEAM stands for Science, Technology, Engineering, Art, and Mathematics!  Yesterday, our middle school students did a great job presenting their STEAM exhibits to students, teachers, and parents.  Special thanks to the STEAM Fair coordinators and advisors—Mr. Suarez, Ms. Land, Mr. Hargarten, Ms. Ruiz, and Ms. Myranda.



Join us in playing Loteria on Friday, May 4, from 5:00-7:00 PM in the Parish Hall!  See the flyer for ways that you can help out with this fun event.



If you have not done so already, please return the bright orange re-registration form to school.  The form and new tuition rates are also available on the school website, www.stpeterssf.org.  In order to reserve your child’s space for the next school year, the registration fee of $450 per student is now due.



Below is a link to a brief school survey about the Catholic Identity of our school.  This link was also e-mailed to families via SchoolSpeak.  Your input will assist us in identifying strengths and areas for growth.  Completing this survey will take about 10 minutes.  Thank you in advance for your participation in this very important survey!

Live Survey Link: https://www.surveymonkey.com/r/D286WCF




KINDER - This week in Kindergarten, we will talk about ways to be good citizens and show respect. We will read "Hen Hears Gossip" by Megan McDonald and discuss things that we should or should not do to be good citizens. Then, students will write about how each animal in the story could be a better citizen. We will also explore words with short and long i sounds.


1A -  This week in first grade we are reading, writing, and learning about different sounds and how they are made. In religion we are learning about the importance of the Eucharist. In math we are beginning our unit on measurement. In science we are observing the wind by making and flying kites. In social studies we are continuing our discussion on saving money.


2A - Second graders will be determining the main idea and key details of “An Astronaut's Handbook.” We will be measuring using our rulers. We will be working with soils in science. We continue to prepare for First Communion. TONIGHT--April 18 is rehearsal at 5:45 p.m. in St. Peter's Church. Saturday, April 21 is First Communion at 10:00 a.m. in St. Peter's Church. (Students meet at 9:30 a.m. in lower parish hall.)


3A – 3A is continuing the Rainforest Unit in Science. We are learning about the animals, plants, insects, birds and people that inhabit this very special part of our world. We will also learn about the many products that we get by using the Rainforest's resources. In Social Studies, we are studying the Pacific Coastal Native American tribes. It is interesting to know about their life styles including their homes, foods, culture and celebrations.


4A – This week 4A will continue to understand compare and contrast by identifying similarities and differences, write a fraction in lowest terms, and discuss ways to live out the Beatitudes.  


5A - This week, 5th graders will continue to build on their fraction knowledge by practicing simplifying fractions to add and subtract. We will also read a story about James Forten, an African-American sailor who fought in the Revolutionary War.


6A   Religion – Students are turning back to the Blest Are We readings of the Old Testament as the Lenten Season has ended and the Easter Season has begun.   Language Arts – 6A ELA is continuing our analysis of different types of text structure in both fiction and non-fiction text. We are doing close reading of our new novel Tuck Everlasting and looking for clues that tell us what type of text structure is used.  Math - We are learning the properties of equality and learning how to write equations from word problems, and acting those out.  Social Studies - 6th Graders continue their research on Greek gods and goddesses and will write their own creative Greek myth this week.   Science – Students presented their projects in Tuesday's STEAM Fair and will also work on designing their own engineering designs to insulate a model home. 


7A/7B   Religion - “Blessed are the 7th graders in the 4th quarter for they will soon be 8th graders…”  This week we are studying The Sermon on the Mount, and the Beatitudes.  We will explore and discuss these, focusing on each in great detail.  Language Arts- Students will continue their introduction to their final novel, The Outsiders. They have engaged in lively and thought-provoking discussions based on stereotypes and the time period, 1960's. Students will begin reading this week.   Math - 7th grade math finds us learning about the 4 quadrant grid, plotting coordinate points and how this can help us read maps.  Social Studies – 7th Graders are strengthening their outlining skills with Chapters about the Mayan Empire and the Aztec Empire.  Science - Aside from the STEAM fair on Tuesday, students will be working on beginning their genetic disorder presentation.


8A   ** 8th GRADE REMINDER--Graduation Fee ($140), Confirmation ($8), and any Outstanding Bills (tuition, AZTEC Trek)--DUE: Tuesday, May 1. **

Religion – 8th Graders are reading and discussing the book: Refugee by Alan Gratz. Language Arts - Students will finalize their Zoot Suit unit with their 1940's Dress-Up Presentation and Swing Dance Performance on Thursday! They will also continue the introduction to Romeo and Juliet with an Opinionnaire of the different topics and themes that will present themselves as we begin reading.   Math – Students are learning about different ways to solve problems.  They are learning the three methods to solving linear equations.  Which method will be the popular winner this year?!  Social Studies – 8th Graders are using evidence to write an essay: Did the North or South have the strongest advantage before the start of the Civil War?   Science - After wrapping up their final STEAM project, eighth grade students will continue to work through their f = ma problems and be introduced to their final project: the mousetrap car project.



Apr. 18    First Communion Rehearsal and Parent Meeting, 5:45 PM in St. Peter’s Church  

Apr. 21    First Communion Mass, 10:00 AM

Apr. 23    12:30 Dismissal

Apr. 24    School Mass, 8:15 AM

Apr. 24    Tree Frog Treks Animal Presentation for Grades K-2


Dear Parents,

       I hope you had a blessed Easter with your family! We are now in the liturgical season of Easter, but what does living the spirit of the Easter season mean? Here are three suggestions from, “Be Fearless, Be Joyful, Be Renewed: Living the Spirit of Easter” (www.loyolapress.com).

Live With Joy.  The Passion and Resurrection of Jesus teach us that suffering is transformed through faith in the Risen Christ. With this faith, we are able to hold on to an enduring sense of joy even in the midst of the sadness we experience from the loss of a loved one, a failure to achieve an important goal, or a setback during recovery from an illness.

Live Without Fear.  The Resurrection teaches us that God can overcome anything, even death. When the Risen Christ appears to the women at the tomb and later to his disciples, his first words are “Do not be afraid!” (Mt 28:5). These words speak to our hearts, helping us cope with fear. Our faith allows us to trust that God can overcome our most serious problems.

Live With New Eyes.  Just as the return of spring makes us feel like the whole world is new, the Resurrection of Jesus makes “all things new” (Rev. 21:5).  The Easter spirit is a spirit of renewal that enables us to show up at work with a positive attitude, to renew relationships that have been taken for granted, and to express appreciation and affection to those closest to us. It means to see the world through new eyes—God´s eyes!

We can celebrate our faith by feeding our Easter spirit—embracing joy, living without fear, and seeing the world again—as if for the first time.

--Mrs. Sandra Jimenez



Report cards were sent home with your child on Tuesday, March 27.  If you have not signed and returned this report card yet, please do so right away. 



If your child took LifeTouch Spring pictures, please return payment of the pictures that you wish to keep, and return any photos that you do not purchase.



STEAM stands for Science, Technology, Engineering, Art, and Mathematics!  Come and see the Middle School STEAM Fair Exhibits next Tuesday, April 17 from 9:30 AM to 2:30 PM.  We’re all excited to see what our middle school students have been preparing.  Special thanks to the STEAM Fair coordinators and advisors—Mr. Suarez, Ms. Land, Mr. Hargarten, Ms. Ruiz, and Ms. Myranda.



If you have not done so already, please return the bright orange re-registration form to school.  The form and new tuition rates are also available on the school website, www.stpeterssf.org.  In order to reserve your child’s space for the next school year, the registration fee of $450 per student is now due.



Below is a link to a brief school survey about the Catholic Identity of our school.  This link was also e-mailed to families via SchoolSpeak.  Your input will assist us in identifying strengths and areas for growth.  Completing this survey will take about 10 minutes.  Thank you in advance for your participation in this very important survey!
Live Survey Link: https://www.surveymonkey.com/r/D286WCF



In order to be a volunteer at school events (such as a field trip chaperone or a sports team coach), adults must complete the online training on www.virtusonline.org.

*If you have already completed the online training by Shield the Vulnerable, your volunteer clearance is still good for 3 years from date of completion of that online course.

Follow these directions to complete the VIRTUS online training:

·         Go to www.virtusonline.org

·         Click on “First-time Registrant”

·         Click on “Begin the registration process”

·         Select San Francisco (Archdiocese)

·         Create a User ID and Password for yourself

·         Fill out the requested personal information

·         Select St. Peter Elementary (San Francisco)  **DO NOT SELECT St. Peter Parish**

·         Provide your digital signatures for downloading and reading the documents: “Standards of Conduct for Those Working with Children and Young People” and “Policies and Procedures Regarding Child Abuse”

·         Select the online course “Protecting God’s Children for Adults” (Online Training)

·         Once you’ve completed the course, go to your Toolbox and click on “Training Report” to verify the completion of your course.

Upon completion of the online course, please email sjimenez@sanpedro.org or print out the “Training Report” page and submit it to the school office.  You will receive 3 parent hours.




KINDER - Welcome back! I hope you all had a wonderful spring break. This week in Kindergarten, we will review our letter sounds, sight words and numbers. Also, we will learn how the short “a” vowel changes to make a long “a” vowel sound by adding the "e." We will explore words with short and long “a” sounds. Parents, this is a hard concept that requires a lot of practice at home. I want to encourage you to help your child with blending sounds to make words. In Math, we will continue to talk about measurements and review our math facts.  


1A -  This week in first grade we are reading and learning about inventors and inventions. In math we are focusing on telling time. In religion we are discussing ways to spread the good news of Jesus. In science we are continuing our study of the wind, and in social studies we are discussing buying, trading, and saving money.


2A - Second graders will be determining the author's purpose by reading “Pedal Power” and “My Light.”  We may just eat some fractions again this week in math! We are going to learn about Lady Diana. We will be working with soils in science. We continue to prepare for First Communion. April 18 is rehearsal at 5:45 p.m. in St. Peter's Church. April 21 is First Communion at 10:00 a.m. in St. Peter's Church (students meet at 9:30 a.m. in lower parish hall).


3A – Welcome back to school after our Easter break.  I hope that all had a restful and blessed Easter. 3A is back to work on all of our academic subjects for the fourth and final quarter of the school year.  In Language, we are identifying the various parts of speech including pronouns, verbs, adverbs and adjectives. We will also revisit all types of nouns including possessive nouns. We continue to be challenged with our multiplication and division facts but as usual WE WILL NOT GIVE UP OR GIVE IN. 


4A – I hope that 4A families had a blessed and restful Easter break.  This week 4A will learn the Beatitudes from Matthew, understand compare and contrast, and write a fraction in lowest terms.


5A - 5th graders will continue working with fractions in math. Students will pick one character from A Wrinkle in Time to analyze for the remainder of our novel study. Finally, we'll continue discussing solutions in science this week and end with a special ice cream making activity on Friday.


6A   Religion – 6th graders will be reading the Gospel stories of Jesus' resurrection.   Language Arts – Students will be taking a closer look at text structures and the features good readers look for to identify them. We'll continue this analysis as we begin our next novel unit Tuck Everlasting by Natalie Babbitt.  Social Studies Students will continue comparing the different types of government in Ancient Greece and what those governments look like today.  Science – Students will review what we've learned so far about different methods of energy transfer and start relating those concepts to weather patterns.


7A/7B   Language Arts - Students have begun their introduction to their final novel, The Outsiders by S.E. Hinton. They are continuing to explore the role of stereotypes and what it means to be different, while also researching the 1960's Era in which this novel is set in.    Social Studies – Students will be learning about the migration from Asia to the Americas by the early Americans.   Science - Students have now wrapped up their study of heredity and are now preparing for their genetic disorder presentation project.


8A   Religion – 8th graders will be reading the Gospel stories of Jesus' resurrection and the Liturgical season of Easter. Language Arts - Students are beginning their preparation of their final Zoot Suit assignment, 1940's Dress-Up Presentation and Swing Dance Performance. They have begun their research and dance lessons this week. They will also be introduced to their next play, Romeo and Juliet by William Shakespeare.   Social Studies – Students are reviewing the Texas revolution and Mexican American War.   Science - Students have now wrapped up their introduction to the laws of motion through the egg drop project and will continue to dive deeper into physics through their mousetrap car project.




Apr. 17    8:15 AM School Mass

Apr. 17    STEAM FAIR, 9:30 AM - 2:30 PM

Apr. 18    First Communion Rehearsal and Parent Meeting, 5:45 PM in St. Peter’s Church 

QUE PASA 3/28/2018 (English)

Dear Parents,

       Throughout Lent, I have spoken to the children about how God the Father is like a Good Shepherd, and we are the sheep in his care.  Now that we find ourselves in Holy Week, I hope your journey through Lent has brought you and your family closer to God, and that together, you can share the love that our Good Shepherd has shown us.  Remember Jesus’ gift of the Eucharist on Holy Thursday, and the ultimate sacrifice he made for us on Good Friday so that our sins could be forgiven. Together, take time to say a prayer of thanksgiving for God’s love as we await Jesus’ resurrection on Easter.

We pray:

Heavenly Father, thank you for the gift of everlasting life brought about by the resurrection of your son from the dead! This dark night is enlightened by a glimpse of the greatest mystery.  Our minds could never have conceived how you would save us, Lord, nor can we ever fully understand the depths of your love in choosing to do so.  We thank you for all that you have done for us throughout Lent. Now, throughout Easter, grant us the fullness of life.  AMEN.

(Adapted from “The Joy of Lent: Encouragement and Daily Prayers”)


Have a joyous Easter!

--Mrs. Sandra Jimenez




Report cards were sent home yesterday (Tuesday) with your child.  Please make sure you go over the report card with your child, sign it, and return it to school by tomorrow, Thursday, March 29. 



If your child took LifeTouch Spring pictures, please return payment of the pictures that you wish to keep, and return any photos that you do not purchase.



The EASTER TRIDUUM (Holy Thursday, Good Friday, and Holy Saturday/Easter Sunday) is the most sacred time of the liturgical year. Below is the St. Peter’s Church schedule for the remainder of Holy Week:

Mar. 28  Holy Wednesday -  Confession 4:00-6:00 PM

Mar. 29  Holy Thursday - Mass of the Lord’s Supper 7:00 PM  (Bilingual)

Mar. 30  Good Friday  -  Morning Prayer 8:00 AM (Spanish)

Stations of the Cross 10:00 AM (Spanish)

Solemn Liturgy with Communion 12:00 PM (English) and 7:00 PM (Spanish)

Mar. 31  Holy Saturday  -  Easter Vigil Mass 7:00 PM (Bilingual)

Apr. 1  Easter Sunday  -  9:30 AM (English); 8:00 AM, 11:00 AM, 1:00 PM, 5:00 PM (Spanish)



If you have not done so already, please return the bright orange re-registration form to school.  The form and new tuition rates are also available on the school website, www.stpeterssf.org.  In order to reserve your child’s space for the next school year, the registration fee of $450 per student is now due.



Below is a link to a brief school survey about the Catholic Identity of our school.  This link was also e-mailed to families via SchoolSpeak.  Your input will assist us in identifying strengths and areas for growth.  Completing this survey will take about 10 minutes.  Thank you in advance for your participation in this very important survey!

Live Survey Link: https://www.surveymonkey.com/r/D286WCF




Registration is open for BVCC Spring Camp, which will be held from Monday, April 2 – Friday, April 6.  Registration forms are available in the school office and after school at BVCC in the Parish Hall.



In order to be a volunteer at school events (such as a field trip chaperone or a sports team coach), adults must complete the online training on www.virtusonline.org.

*If you have already completed the online training by Shield the Vulnerable, your volunteer clearance is still good for 3 years from date of completion of that online course.


Follow these directions to complete the VIRTUS online training:

·       Go to www.virtusonline.org

·       Click on “First-time Registrant”

·       Click on “Begin the registration process”

·       Select San Francisco (Archdiocese)

·       Create a User ID and Password for yourself

·       Fill out the requested personal information

·       Select St. Peter Elementary (San Francisco)  **DO NOT SELECT St. Peter Parish**

·       Provide your digital signatures for downloading and reading the documents: “Standards of Conduct for Those Working with Children and Young People” and “Policies and Procedures Regarding Child Abuse”

·       Select the online course “Protecting God’s Children for Adults” (Online Training)

·       Once you’ve completed the course, go to your Toolbox and click on “Training Report” to verify the completion of your course.

Upon completion of the online course, please email sjimenez@sanpedro.org or print out the “Training Report” page and submit it to the school office.  You will receive 3 parent hours.




Homeroom teachers identify Students of the Month at the end of each month.  We celebrate these students because they have exemplified living the St. Peter’s KEYS:

Knowledge feeds GROWTH.

Every ACCOMPLISHMENT needs courage.

You are LOVE.



KINDER - Damian Perez is a role model for the whole class. He shows a willingness to learn new concept and strives to do his best work regardless of the task. He is also excited about learning and always has a positive attitude towards school. It is a pleasure to work with Damian each day and I am delighted to announce that he is our student of the month for March.


1A - Layla Diaz is a kind and caring student. She is very helpful to those around her and is always thinking of others. Layla is a hard worker, who is always looking for a challenge. She takes pride in her work and it shows.  For these reasons I am proud to recognize Layla as first grade's student of the month.


2A - Paola Carranza is our student of the month. She is diligent about her work and she stays focused in the classroom. She always has a smile on her face and is ready to help others.    


3A - Joshua Cortes is a good example of Growth Mindset as he tries his best, and if he doesn't get the result that he feels is correct, he tries again.  He doesn't give up or give in.  Joshua is a success story because his attitude keeps him motivated.  Keep up the Growing and Accomplishing that have made you our 3A Student of the Month!  


4A - Luis Saavedra is a shining example of a student who lives out St. Peter School's KEYS.  Besides being an excellent brother, Luis excels in class.  He understands that "Knowledge feeds GROWTH."  You will often see him preparing and studying for an upcoming test.  He is helpful, respectful, and an overall great person.  Keep up the good work


5A - Aurora Ramirez! Aurora brings so much joy to our 5th grade classroom. She is incredibly compassionate, artistic, and very funny. She puts her full effort into everything she does. Aurora has grown so much this year, especially in math, because she asks questions and keeps trying even when she doesn't understand something the first time.


6A - Gabriel Sembrana has been an incredible support this year to his teachers and his peers.  He is always willing to take the time to help his neighbor.  He has stayed motivated to do his best throughout all of 6th grade and understands the benefits of having a Growth Mindset.  Gabriel's organization, hard work, and kind heart have made him a great example of a 6th grader with the KEYS to Grow, Accomplish, Love, Serve, and Unite!


7A - Nathalee Estrada has grown "exponentially" since this school year has started!  This month Nathalee has shown what it means to be courageous.  She has stepped out of her comfort zone to accomplish some great things.  It is not always easy to take a chance and try to do something that is hard, but that is something that Nathalee has done a lot of this month, both inside and outside of the classroom.  She won't admit it, but Nathalee’s hard work and courage are motivation for us all!  


7B - Anahi Hernandez has a genuine enthusiasm for learning and a love for her community. Through her dedication to her school work and her positivity in all situations, Anahi shows others that not only does she know and understand St. Peter's core values, but that she wants to live them out every day.  


8A - Kevin Cruz Mendoza has shown recognizable growth, love and courage in the way that he approaches class and in his willingness to participate in school-wide activities. He is able to step out of his comfort zone to understand the challenging curriculum, while also enjoying the material covered in class. His kindness and leadership makes him well-liked by his peers and teachers.  




KINDER - This week in Kindergarten, we will review preposition terms. We will discuss the meaning and importance of prepositional words such as on, under, above, in, at, and beside are directional words in relation to an object. It is important for students to know that these words help us understand where something is. In Math, we will continue to talk about measurements. Parents, please continue to help your child with homework. Thank you for everything!


1A - This week in first grade we are reviewing what we have covered so far in ELA. In math we are continuing to practice counting the values of groups of coins. In religion we are celebrating Holy Week and preparing for Easter. In science we are continuing our study on wind. In social studies we continue to talk about and practice the steps we follow in making good decisions. Have a wonderful Easter Break!


2A - Second graders will be determining the author's purpose by reading “Pedal Power” and “My Light.” We continue learning about 2-D shapes in math. We are going to learn about Lady Diana. We continue to talk about the Lenten season and how we can prepare for Easter, pray and give to others. We will make clay beads. Enjoy your spring break!


3A – This is a short week due to Holy Thursday and Good Friday. Please return the report card that you received on Tuesday.  We have several Science units to complete before the end of the school year. These include a unit on the Rainforest, a unit on the bones of the human body and my personal favorite, a unit on owls. In Reading, we begin a new story called “The Story of Z.”  This story teaches us that always wanting to be first and get the best/most is a very selfish way to behave. This is, of course, NOT what the Good Shepherd teaches us.


5A - This week in math, 5th graders will be practicing putting fractions into greater terms. We will also review adverbs and continue practicing our research skills as students begin their "genius hour" projects. In religion, we'll be discussing different culture's traditions for Holy Week.


6A   Religion – Students will be observing Holy Week through prayer and the stories of the Last Supper and Christ's crucifixion.   Language Arts – 6th Grade ELA students have really pushed their writing skills by including figurative language, imagery, and sound devices into their poetry. Our poetry unit will culminate with a final exam this week, which we will prepare for with flashcards, a Jeopardy game, and poetry bingo.   Social Studies – Students will be studying the different type of government in Ancient Greece.  Science – Students will be wrapping up our study of energy transfers by contrasting radiation, conduction, and convection.


7A/7B   Language Arts - Students are finalizing their Nonfiction Unit with the use of Text Features. They will be introduced on how to identify and use the characteristics with a series of activities. Students will also have a brief introduction to their final novel of the school year, The Outsiders by S.E. Hinton. We will continue after Easter Vacation. “Nothing gold can stay.”   Social Studies – Students will finalize the Renaissance Unit and begin to talk about the First Americans: The Olmec.   Science - Students have now wrapped up their studies of heredity and we are now getting ready to start our genetic disorder project.


8A   Religion – Students will be observing Holy Week through prayer and story.   Language Arts - Students are wrapping up the play Zoot Suit and will participate in a 1940's Dress-Up Presentation and Swing Dance Performance when we return from Easter Vacation. ¡Vamos a bailar el swing!    Social Studies – Students will be learning about the major causes and outcomes of the Mexican American War.   Science - Students have now completed their egg drop project and we protected an impressive 88% of our eggs from a three-story drop! Now it's time to complete our post-lab report.




Mar. 27    Report Cards sent home

Mar. 29    8:30 AM Holy Thursday Prayer Service

Mar. 29    12:30 Dismissal

Mar.30-Apr.8     EASTER VACATION

Apr. 9      Classes resume


Dear Parents,

       We are fast approaching the beginning of Holy Week this coming Sunday, which is Palm Sunday.  At school, children have been preparing their hearts for Jesus’ death and resurrection by receiving the sacrament of Reconciliation, making special donations to the Missions, learning about the Stations of the Cross, and writing special prayers.  Our middle school Service elective class also donated their time at the SF/Marin Food Bank last week.  During your Lenten journey, I pray that you and your family have grown closer to God, and continue to strengthen your faith and service towards God during Holy Week and throughout the year.

Let us pray:

Heavenly Father, we enter into Holy Week so that we might accompany you through your passion to your death. We have to remember that your story does not end in sadness. Rather, your story is the greatest love story that we could ever know. Holy Week gives us an opportunity to participate in that love story in a profound and personal way. We pray that you give us a special attentiveness during Holy Week, Lord. Shower us with your grace!  AMEN.

(Adapted from “The Joy of Lent: Encouragement and Daily Prayers”)


--Mrs. Sandra Jimenez




If you’d like to join the Community Builders parent group in planning events, or join another parent group—including our Madrinas/Padrinos, Campus Care, or Sports Committee—please contact Mrs. Jimenez or Mr. Suarez.  The success of these groups makes our school community stronger, and this depends on our helpful parent volunteers!

The next Community Builders Meeting is TONIGHT, Wednesday, March 21 at 5:45 PM in the Faculty Meeting Room.



Attention parents and siblings of St. Peter’s Alumni who are currently in high school!

Please remind your high school son or daughter to check their email for an invitation, “Back to St. Peter’s” for tomorrow, Thursday, March 22 and to RSVP for the event.  We want to make sure that we’re well-prepared with pizza for them to enjoy that afternoon.



Join us for family Mass this PALM SUNDAY, March 25 at 9:30 AM in St. Peter’s Church.  Following mass will be a reception in the parish hall. If you are able to help set up for the reception, please meet in the parish hall at 8:45 AM.  Students who attend in uniform will receive a free dress pass to use on the following Monday.



If you have not done so already, please return the bright orange re-registration form to school.  The form and new tuition rates are also available on the school website, www.stpeterssf.org.  In order to reserve your child’s space for the next school year, the registration fee of $450 per student is due by March 28.



Renewal families will be filling out their BASIC Fund Renewal Application this month.  All student accounts must be current with no past due balances. Please be sure you have your 2017 income tax information or 2017 income information (Calworks, social security, food stamps, etc.).  Please contact the school office if you have any questions.



Below is a link to a brief school survey about the Catholic Identity of our school.  This link was also e-mailed to families via SchoolSpeak.  Your input will assist us in identifying strengths and areas for growth.  Completing this survey will take about 10 minutes.  Thank you in advance for your participation in this very important survey!
Live Survey Link: https://www.surveymonkey.com/r/D286WCF



Registration is open for BVCC Spring Camp, which will be held from Monday, April 2 – Friday, April 6.  Registration forms are available in the school office and after school at BVCC in the Parish Hall.



In order to be a volunteer at school events (such as a field trip chaperone or a sports team coach), adults must complete the online training on www.virtusonline.org.

*If you have already completed the online training by Shield the Vulnerable, your volunteer clearance is still good for 3 years from date of completion of that online course.

Follow these directions to complete the VIRTUS online training:

·         Go to www.virtusonline.org

·         Click on “First-time Registrant”

·         Click on “Begin the registration process”

·         Select San Francisco (Archdiocese)

·         Create a User ID and Password for yourself

·         Fill out the requested personal information

·         Select St. Peter Elementary (San Francisco)  **DO NOT SELECT St. Peter Parish**

·         Provide your digital signatures for downloading and reading the documents: “Standards of Conduct for Those Working with Children and Young People” and “Policies and Procedures Regarding Child Abuse”

·         Select the online course “Protecting God’s Children for Adults” (Online Training)

·         Once you’ve completed the course, go to your Toolbox and click on “Training Report” to verify the completion of your course.

Upon completion of the online course, please email sjimenez@sanpedro.org or print out the “Training Report” page and submit it to the school office.  You will receive 3 parent hours.




KINDER - This week in Kindergarten, we will learn about symbols, like our flag, that stand for this country. We will sing "You're a Grand Old Flag" and discuss the colors in the U.S. flag. Afterward, we will work together to make a travel poster. In Math, we will review counting to 100 and discuss about measurements.


1A - This week in first grade we are reading and learning about what we can see in the sky. In phonics we are focusing on the different spellings of the /er/ sound. In religion we are continuing to celebrate the Lenten season. In math we are continuing our unit on money and time. In science we are finishing up our study of pinwheels and beginning our study of wind vanes. In social studies we are talking about the steps we follow in making good decisions.


2A - Second graders will be reading “Visiting the Past” and discussing cause and effect. We are learning about 2-D shapes in math. We are learning about how laws can be changed. We continue to talk about the Lenten season and how we can pray and give to others. In science we will observe rocks in use on the yard.


3A – We have completed our Geography Unit and are busy working on a Rainforest Unit. In Math we are continuing to practice our multiplication and division facts. We are enjoying learning about symmetry and drawing symmetric figures. In Language Arts we have completed our study of alphabetical order to the third letter and are completing Mr. Popper's Penguins. Soon we will show our KNOWLEDGE of this story with a vocabulary and comprehension test. Ask your son or daughter about the Lenten practices that help all of us GROW closer to Jesus. A walk around the Stations of the Cross at church is one of the many ways that we have been showing LOVE during this special time of year. The third quarter is quickly drawing to a close so look for report cards which will be sent home before Easter vacation. Please be sure to sign and return them as soon as possible.


4A - This week 4A students will recognize and use past-tense forms of irregular verbs and use commonly misused verbs correctly; locate, compare, and order fractions on a number line; and describe the role of Spain's missions and why some California Native Americans revolted.


5A - 5th graders will continue working with equivalent fractions in math this week. We will also analyze the motivations of different characters from A Wrinkle in Time as a part of our continuing novel study.


6A   Religion – Students will be comparing the four Gospels and their details of the story of Jesus entering Jerusalem.  Language Arts – 6A continues to unlock the mysteries of poetry. Through identifying poetic devices like alliteration and rhyme scheme and unraveling the hidden themes in different forms of poetry, we are starting to see that poetry isn't so mysterious after all.   Social Studies – Students will be comparing and contrasting the four governments of Ancient Greece.   Science – 6th graders were given the criteria of warming water to exactly 30 degrees Celsius using only materials in our lab and will use engineering principles to design investigations of their own this week.


7A/7B   Language Arts - Students are continuing their Nonfiction Unit with the conclusion of Author's Point-of-View. They will now be introduced to Text Structures, how to identify and apply the characteristics with a series of activities.    Social Studies - 7th Graders will be practicing their outlining skills with the Lesson: The Scientific Revolution.   Science - Students will complete their test on genetics and begin their research project on genetic disorders.


8A   Religion - 8th Graders will be receiving their Lenten Reconciliation.  Language Arts - Students are continuing their reading of Zoot Suit.  As the trial continues for the Pachucos, students will create a Letter of Appeal on behalf of a character in the play. They will use evidence from the text and elements of an appeal.    Social Studies – 8th Graders have been split into expert groups: Researchers of the Northern States and Researchers of the Southern States--to start learning about the Causes leading up to the Civil War.  Science - Students will take their test on energy and complete the second stage of their egg drop project: a drop from the gym stairs!




Mar. 21    5:45 PM Community Builders Parent Meeting in the Faculty Meeting Room

Mar. 21    6:00 PM First Communion Meeting in Church

Mar. 23    End of the 3rd Quarter

Mar. 25    9:30 AM Sunday Family Mass and Reception

Mar. 26    12:30 Dismissal

Mar. 27    8:15 AM School Mass

Mar. 27    Report Cards sent home

Mar. 29    8:30 AM Holy Thursday Prayer Service

Mar. 29    12:30 Dismissal

Mar.30-Apr.8     EASTER VACATION

QUE PASA 3/14/2018 (English)

Dear Parents,

       With all the different responsibilities we have as parents, it is very easy for us to feel overwhelmed and tired. Yet let’s not forget how Jesus can be a source of strength and a loving comfort to us, and how we can follow his example to spread that love and be a positive example for our children. 


How true are Jesus’ words, which invite those who are tired and weary to come to Him to find rest! His arms outstretched on the cross show that no one is excluded from his love and his mercy, not even the greatest sinner: no one!

-Pope Francis, 11/12/16


Heavenly Father, your son’s death on the cross stands as a testament to your endless love and care for all of us. No one who seeks you out is excluded from your love, no matter what we have done. No one is cut off from your mercy, no matter how great our suffering. Give me the courage, Lord, to always look to Christ crucified as the promise of mercy for me. In this Lenten season, give me the confidence to trust that your love for me will never die. AMEN.

(from “The Joy of Lent: Encouragement and Daily Prayers”)


--Mrs. Sandra Jimenez




If you’d like to join the Community Builders parent group in planning events, or join another parent group—including our Madrinas/Padrinos, Campus Care, or Sports Committee—please contact Mrs. Jimenez or Mr. Suarez.  The success of these groups makes our school community stronger, and this depends on our helpful parent volunteers!

The next Sports Committee meeting is on Tuesday, March 20 at 5:00 PM in the Faculty Meeting Room. 

The next Community Builders Meeting is Wednesday, March 21 at 5:45 PM in the Faculty Meeting Room.



Attention parents and siblings of St. Peter’s Alumni who are currently in high school!

Please remind your high school son or daughter to check their email for an invitation, “Back to St. Peter’s” on Thursday, March 22 and to RSVP for the event.  We want to make sure that we’re well-prepared with pizza for them to enjoy that afternoon.



If you have not done so already, please return the bright orange re-registration form to school.  The form and new tuition rates are also available on the school website, www.stpeterssf.org.  In order to reserve your child’s space for the next school year, the registration fee of $450 per student is due by March 28.



The application process for the Archdiocese Family Grant for the 2018-2019 school year has begun.  Please go on to mytads.com to begin the application process. Be sure you have your 2017 income tax information or 2017 income information (Calworks, social security, food stamps, etc.).



New students entering for the 2018-2019 school year must complete the BASIC Fund Application no later than March 16, 2018.

Renewal families will be filling out their BASIC Fund Renewal Application this month.  All student accounts must be current with no past due balances. Please be sure you have your 2017 income tax information or 2017 income information (Calworks, social security, food stamps, etc.).  Please contact the school office if you have any questions.

An update from the BASIC Fund: The BASIC Fund will increase the maximum scholarship amount from $1600 to $2000.  This means that the deadlines for applications will be especially important, so please submit applications for new siblings by the BASIC Fund deadline.



Registration is open for BVCC Spring Camp, which will be held from Monday, April 2 – Friday, April 6.  Registration forms are available in the school office and after school at BVCC in the Parish Hall.




In order to be a volunteer at school events (such as a field trip chaperone or a sports team coach), adults must complete the online training on www.virtusonline.org.

*If you have already completed the online training by Shield the Vulnerable, your volunteer clearance is still good for 3 years from date of completion of that online course.


Follow these directions to complete the VIRTUS online training:

·       Go to www.virtusonline.org

·       Click on “First-time Registrant”

·       Click on “Begin the registration process”

·       Select San Francisco (Archdiocese)

·       Create a User ID and Password for yourself

·       Fill out the requested personal information

·       Select St. Peter Elementary (San Francisco)  **DO NOT SELECT St. Peter Parish**

·       Provide your digital signatures for downloading and reading the documents: “Standards of Conduct for Those Working with Children and Young People” and “Policies and Procedures Regarding Child Abuse”

·       Select the online course “Protecting God’s Children for Adults” (Online Training)

·       Once you’ve completed the course, go to your Toolbox and click on “Training Report” to verify the completion of your course.

Upon completion of the online course, please email sjimenez@sanpedro.org or print out the “Training Report” page and submit it to the school office.  You will receive 3 parent hours.




Sister Marian Rose and The Sisters of Mercy Solidarity Committee invite you to attend a special gathering: “Conversations for Relationship Building” on Sunday, March 18 from 1:00 – 2:30 PM at Mercy Center Burlingame, 2300 Adeline Drive, Burlingame, CA.




KINDER - This week in Kindergarten, we are learning about things people use to move from one place to another. We will sing a song about "moving in a boat." Then, we will take turns sharing and writing how we get to school and what different kinds of transportation we have used. In math we will review math facts and count to 100. Also, we will practice writing numbers from 1-100.


1A - This week in first grade we are reading and learning about how we classify and categorize things. We are focusing on the /ar/ sound in words such as, art and barn. In religion we are continuing to celebrate the Lenten season. In math we are finishing up our unit on geometry and beginning our unit on money and time. In science we are continuing our study of air and wind, by making pinwheels to observe the speed of wind on different days. In social studies we are continuing our unit on occupations.


2A - Second graders will be reading “Why Fir Tree Keeps His Leaves” and “The Golden Flower” (fables and folktales). We are reading and making more graphs in math. We are learning about how laws can be changed. We continue to talk about the Lenten season and how we can pray and give to others. We will explore clay in science.


3A – In 3A, we are enjoying the very funny book, Mr. Popper's Penguins. We will have a test on the vocabulary and understanding of the story once we complete reading it. In Science, we are studying insects and their various habitats. In Social Studies, we continue a unit on the rainforests of the world. In Religion, we continue to learn about the Lenten season which leads us up to Jesus' suffering, death and resurrection.


4A - This week 4A will continue to identify cause and effect relationship, recognize the numerator and denominator of a fraction, and explore ways of following the example of Jesus Christ.


5A - In math this week, 5th graders are starting their fractions unit. We will also continue our black box investigation in science and continue our novel study of A Wrinkle in Time.


6A   Religion – 6th graders will be participating in their Lenten Reconciliation.  Language Arts – 6th Grade is continuing the exploration of poetry. This week we will be analyzing poems from Shel Silverstein, Maya Angelou, and Langston Hughes. Students will annotate their text by identifying figurative language, sound devices, and themes in the poems we read.   Math - Our unit on expressions will morph into equations as the 6th graders study equivalent expressions and the properties of equality.  Social Studies – 6th graders will begin learning about the Physical Geography of Greece and how geography affects early Greek life.   Science – 6th grade scientists will investigate the difference between heating by conduction and radiation.


7A/7B   Religion - 7th graders will be taking what they have learned about parables to create their own modern day parable that will aim to help others understand what a 7th grader’s journey to the Kingdom of God may look like.  Language Arts - Students are continuing their Nonfiction Unit with the conclusion of Author's Purpose. They will now be introduced to Author's Point-of-View, its characteristics, in nonfiction text.   Math - Last week the 7th graders got to see how percents are used in news articles to sway opinions. This week, they will be calculating simple and compound interest, and discovering when and why they are used.   Social Studies - 7th Graders will continue with their Renaissance Unit by looking closely at the changes that took place in Europe in the 1500s.   Science - Students continue their study of heredity...this week we explore incomplete dominance.


8A   Religion - 8th Graders will be researching the life of St Patrick.  Language Arts - Students are well into Zoot Suit, they have completed Act 1 and will begin Act 2 next week. Will the Pachucos win the appeal or continue to suffer unfair punishment? Students will also interpret the role of Pachuco, is he real or an imaginary character to Henry Reyna?   Math - functions and equations continue their happy union as they work together with different forms of linear concepts proving to the 8th grade that algebra is indeed used every day in real life. They will be learning about the different forms of a linear equation and how they help us.   Social Studies – 8th Graders will be researching the inventions from the 1800s that were significant to America's Industrial Revolution.   Science - Students continue their progress on the egg drop project as we continue to explore energy.




Mar. 14    8:30 AM 5th and 6th grades Lenten Reconciliation

Mar. 20    8:15 AM School Mass

Mar. 21    8:30 AM 7th and 8th Grades Lenten Reconciliation

Mar. 21    6:00 PM First Communion Meeting in Church

Mar. 23    End of the 3rd Quarter

Mar. 27    Report Cards sent home

QUE PASA 3/7/2018 (English)

Dear Parents,

       As parents, we strive to be role models of open hearts and open minds for our children.  Here at school, we encourage each other to develop a growth mindset and live our St. Peter’s School KEYS so that we can open our hearts and minds.  Lent pushes us to dig out of our souls all the things that have clogged our hearts, the little sins that we clench in our fists, keeping us from opening our hands, hearts, and minds freely. God is offering to not only lift the burden from our shoulders, but also to help in rebalancing our load in the future. Tossing those small bad habits, pushing aside bitterness and resentment so that we might love God with our whole heart, and with all our strength.


What is weighing you down? How might you prayerfully sort through what takes up room in your heart and mind? What habits and grudges can be cleared out, left behind?

God, take away what clutters our hearts, feed us with your Word, so that we might have the strength and freedom to love you with all our hearts, all our souls, all our being.


(Adapted from Daily Reflections for Lent: Not By Bread Alone 2018)


--Mrs. Sandra Jimenez



We appreciate all families who turned in all their fundraising money on time! Thank you to all the parents who helped with the Aztec Trek. Despite the rain last Friday, we continued with the walk-a-thon and games at school.


Congratulations to our individual fundraising winners!

1st place – Rio Rangel, KA

2nd place – (Tied) Isaac and Dominic Leonor, 3A and KA

3rd place – Diego Diaz, 5A


Congratulations to our AZTEC TREK Class winners!

1st place – 4A

2nd place – KA

3rd place – 3A



If you’d like to join the Community Builders parent group in planning events, or join another parent group—including our Madrinas/Padrinos, Campus Care, or Sports Committee—please contact Mrs. Jimenez or Mr. Suarez.  The success of these groups makes our school community stronger, and this depends on our helpful parent volunteers!



If you have not done so already, please return the bright orange re-registration form to school.  The form and new tuition rates are also available on the school website, www.stpeterssf.org.  In order to reserve your child’s space for the next school year, the registration fee of $450 per student is due by March 28.



The application process for the Archdiocese Family Grant for the 2018-2019 school year has begun.  Please go on to mytads.com to begin the application process. Be sure you have your 2017 income tax information or 2017 income information (Calworks, social security, food stamps, etc.).



New students entering for the 2018-2019 school year must complete the BASIC Fund Application no later than March 16, 2018.

Renewal families will be filling out their BASIC Fund Renewal Application in March and April.  All student accounts must be current with no past due balances. Please be sure you have your 2017 income tax information or 2017 income information (Calworks, social security, food stamps, etc.).  Please contact the school office if you have any questions.

An update from the BASIC Fund: The BASIC Fund will increase the maximum scholarship amount from $1600 to $2000.  This means that the deadlines for applications will be especially important, so please submit applications for new siblings by the BASIC Fund deadline.



Registration is open for BVCC Spring Camp, which will be held from Monday, April 2 – Friday, April 6.  Registration forms are available in the school office and after school at BVCC in the Parish Hall.



In order to be a volunteer at school events (such as a field trip chaperone or a sports team coach), adults must complete the online training on www.virtusonline.org.

*If you have already completed the online training by Shield the Vulnerable, your volunteer clearance is still good for 3 years from date of completion of that online course.


Follow these directions to complete the VIRTUS online training:

·       Go to www.virtusonline.org

·       Click on “First-time Registrant”

·       Click on “Begin the registration process”

·       Select San Francisco (Archdiocese)

·       Create a User ID and Password for yourself

·       Fill out the requested personal information

·       Select St. Peter Elementary (San Francisco)  **DO NOT SELECT St. Peter Parish**

·       Provide your digital signatures for downloading and reading the documents: “Standards of Conduct for Those Working with Children and Young People” and “Policies and Procedures Regarding Child Abuse”

·       Select the online course “Protecting God’s Children for Adults” (Online Training)

·       Once you’ve completed the course, go to your Toolbox and click on “Training Report” to verify the completion of your course.

Upon completion of the online course, please email sjimenez@sanpedro.org or print out the “Training Report” page and submit it to the school office.  You will receive 3 parent hours.




CUSTODIAN -- Full-time or Part-time position available.  Must have flexibility with weekends and late afternoon shifts.  HOUSEKEEPER -- On-call, weekdays or weekends.  Both jobs are located at Mercy Convent (2300 Adeline Drive, Burlingame).  If interested, please leave your name and phone number at the school office for Sister Marian Rose, or call the school office at 415-647-8662.




KINDER - This week, we will continue to work on completing our "stations of the cross" booklet and our animal report. Also, we will learn how to write questions and answers about where animals live. Afterwards, we will focus on independent writing and work on our math facts. I will send home math facts flashcards for students to practice at home. Please help your child to quickly identify basic math facts. It is very important that your child works with this at home as we are approaching the end of Kindergarten. Lastly, I want to remind you that there is no school this Friday. Thanks for all the support!


1A - This week in first grade we are reading and learning about how people work with animals. We are focusing on the long /e/ sound with the -y and -ey spelling patterns. In religion we are continuing to celebrate the Lenten season. In math we are continuing with our unit on geometry. In science we are continuing our study of air and wind. In social studies we are beginning our unit on occupations.


2A - Second graders will make their First Reconciliation on Wednesday, 3/7/18 at 6 p.m. in St. Peter's Church! Please talk to your child so they are not anxious. Second grade will be reading “The Woodcutter's Gift” and “The Art Project.” We are reading and making our own graphs in math. We are learning about local government. We continue to talk about the Lenten season and small acts of kindness. We will explore sand and clay in science.


3A – 3A is finishing the unit on Geography and beginning the unit on the Rainforest. In Reading, we will begin the chapter book, Mr. Popper's Penguins by Richard and Florence Atwater. In Language class, we will begin our study of different types of nouns including common, proper, singular, plural, singular possessive and plural possessive. We are also beginning to learn cursive writing. Our handwriting text called "Writing Our Catholic Faith" has many lessons that are related to our Religion class in the third grade.


5A - In math this week, 5th graders are learning about prime and composite numbers. 5th graders will also continue reading A Wrinkle in Time and learning about the causes of the American Revolutionary War in social studies.


6A   Religion – 6th Graders are sharing how each Station in the Stations of the Cross encourages them to live out their faith.  Language Arts – We are beginning our exploration of poetry and will concentrate on identifying and interpreting different types of figurative language, such as metaphors, idioms, and hyperboles. We'll draw visuals to distinguish between their figurative and literal meanings.   Math - This week we are studying equivalent expressions using the distributive property.   Social Studies – 6th Grade Social Studies will read about the Tower of Babel and will participate in a STEM tower of Babel challenge. 


7A/7B   Religion - In groups the 7th graders are interpreting different parables and how they teach us about the kingdom of heaven.  Then they will be creating their own parables in modern-day form.  Language Arts - Students are continuing their Nonfiction Unit with the focus on Author's Purpose. They are understanding and applying the reasons why authors write: to persuade, to inform and to entertain.   Math - We are on the final stretch of percents, finding simple and compound interest, and reviewing all things percent.   Social Studies - 7th Graders will be recording and playing their Renaissance Video Project.   Science - Students are continuing to absorb heredity vocabulary as they prepare to dig into their unit on genetics.


8A   Religion - 8th Graders will be reading about different Lenten stories in the four Gospels and comparing the Gospel accounts as witnesses to Christ's life before his death and resurrection.  Language Arts - Students are well into Act 1 of the play Zoot Suit. The overarching themes of Culture Clash and Racial Discrimination the Chicanos faced during the 1940's are stirring up lively discussions. Students are finding similarities of past and current examples in their own society. They are continuing to record their thoughts of tone and mood in their Reporter's Notebook.  Math - 8th graders will be analyzing the slope intercept form and linear equations in problem-solving situations and graphing them case by case.  Social Studies – 8th Graders are beginning to read about the Industrial Age in the United States and the positive and negative effect that industry has on communities.   Science - Students are learning about different types of energy and now begin their journey to protect an egg from gravitational potential and kinetic energy. 




Mar. 7      8:30 AM 3rd and 4th grades Reconciliation

Mar. 7      6:00 PM 2nd grade First Reconciliation

Mar. 8      Free Dress for No Tardies in February

Mar. 9      NO SCHOOL (Faculty and Staff Retreat Day)

Mar.13     8:15 AM School Mass

Mar. 14    8:30 AM 5th and 6th grades Reconciliation



Dear Parents,

       We are now in the 3rd week of Lent.  Hopefully, we are consciously taking this time to pray and reflect both individually and as a family, so that we can grow closer to God and live out our KEY, “You are LOVE.”  This week, I would like to share this Lenten reflection and prayer with you:

God is an ordinary part of our lives. All powerful, but also ever present. We often find it hard to remember how truly extraordinary God’s works are. We are offered miracles, but can we recognize them when they come clad in the ordinary? Perhaps it is God’s way of being tender with us. Miracles are bubbling up everywhere he touches.  When has God come to your rescue in ordinary ways? What miracles have you rushed through? When have you been a prophet for others, offering everyday help in need?

All-powerful and ever-living God, give us the eyes to see the miraculous in the ordinary.  Help us to trust in your help, even when we cannot see the way forward.

(Adapted from Daily Reflections for Lent: Not By Bread Alone 2018)


--Mrs. Sandra Jimenez



Last Saturday, we had another sold-out, successful Family Dinner and Dance!  Events such as these would not be possible without the help of parent volunteers and family donations.  I would like to especially thank parents who took the time to plan the Dinner and Dance, including Myra Santos, Judy Perez Diaz, Raquel Rangel, and Vanessa Espinoza.  Special thanks to the Leonor Family and Rochelle Celedon for providing us with music for the evening, and Hardwood Bar and Smokery for donating the dinner items.

If you’d like to join the Community Builders parent group in planning other events, or join another parent group—including our Madrinas/Padrinos, Campus Care, or Sports Committee—please contact Mrs. Jimenez or Mr. Suarez.



The Aztec Trek Walk-A-Thon and Games will take place this Friday, March 2, beginning at 12:30.  All students must have the minimum $100 paid prior to the date of the Aztec Trek.

Your child received a Permission Slip for the Aztec Trek to Precita Park, which should already be submitted to his/her teacher.  If you would like to chaperone and walk with your child’s class during the Aztec Trek, please contact your child’s teacher.  *In the event of rain, all activities will still take place on school grounds.



LifeTouch Spring Picture Day is Thursday, March 1.  It is optional to take these photos.  If you would like your child to take Spring pictures, he/she may do so in free dress.



If you have not done so already, please return the bright orange re-registration form to school.  The form and new tuition rates are also available on the school website, www.stpeterssf.org.  In order to reserve your child’s space for the next school year, the registration fee of $450 per student is due by March 28.



The application process for the Archdiocese Family Grant for the 2018-2019 school year has begun.  Please go on to mytads.com to begin the application process. Be sure you have your 2017 income tax information or 2017 income information (Calworks, social security, food stamps, etc.).



New students entering for the 2018-2019 school year must complete the BASIC Fund Application no later than March 16, 2018.

Renewal families will be filling out their BASIC Fund Renewal Application in March and April.  All student accounts must be current with no past due balances. Please be sure you have your 2017 income tax information or 2017 income information (Calworks, social security, food stamps, etc.).  Please contact the school office if you have any questions.

An update from the BASIC Fund: The BASIC Fund will increase the maximum scholarship amount from $1600 to $2000.  This means that the deadlines for applications will be especially important, so please submit applications for new siblings by the BASIC Fund deadline.



Registration is open for BVCC Spring Camp, which will be held from Monday, April 2 – Friday, April 6.  Registration forms are available in the school office and after school at BVCC in the Parish Hall.



In order to be a volunteer at school events (such as a field trip chaperone or a sports team coach), adults must complete the online training on www.virtusonline.org.

*If you have already completed the online training by Shield the Vulnerable, your volunteer clearance is still good for 3 years from date of completion of that online course.


Follow these directions to complete the VIRTUS online training:

·         Go to www.virtusonline.org

·         Click on “First-time Registrant”

·         Click on “Begin the registration process”

·         Select San Francisco (Archdiocese)

·         Create a User ID and Password for yourself

·         Fill out the requested personal information

·         Select St. Peter Elementary (San Francisco)  **DO NOT SELECT St. Peter Parish**

·         Provide your digital signatures for downloading and reading the documents: “Standards of Conduct for Those Working with Children and Young People” and “Policies and Procedures Regarding Child Abuse”

·         Select the online course “Protecting God’s Children for Adults” (Online Training)

·         Once you’ve completed the course, go to your Toolbox and click on “Training Report” to verify the completion of your course.

Upon completion of the online course, please email sjimenez@sanpedro.org or print out the “Training Report” page and submit it to the school office.  You will receive 3 parent hours.




CUSTODIAN -- Full-time or Part-time position available.  Must have flexibility with weekends and late afternoon shifts.  HOUSEKEEPER -- On-call, weekdays or weekends.  Both jobs are located at Mercy Convent (2300 Adeline Drive, Burlingame).  If interested, please leave your name and phone number at the school office for Sister Marian Rose, or call the school office at 415-647-8662.



Homeroom teachers identify Students of the Month at the end of each month.  We celebrate these students because they have exemplified living the St. Peter’s KEYS:

Knowledge feeds GROWTH.

Every ACCOMPLISHMENT needs courage.

You are LOVE.



KINDER - Angel Robledo is responsible, respectful, kind, and gentle to all. He is generous and is focus on being a role model to others. His willingness to grow and learn is what makes him stand out as such a wonderful example for all students in the classroom. Angel is also a great listener and follows all classroom rules.


1A - Daniel Saavedra is a very kind and empathetic student. He is generous, quick to help those around him, and a friend to everyone. Daniel works hard at staying focused and always completes his work to the best of his ability.


2A - Isabella Coreas is our Student of the Month. Isabella is always trying her best, in school and on homework. Isabella is always there to listen to and support her friends. She is helpful to her classmates if they need help.


3A - Ariana Narciso is a very conscientious student. In class, she remains focused on whatever assignment or project that she is working on. She consistently follows through with projects and home assignments as well. Keep up the good work habits. Thank you for being so responsible.


4A - Dulce Arana has been a shining example of a student who demonstrates the KEY that "You are Love." She is a great friend to everyone in class. She is kind and gentle. She is that friend that is always willing to give you a hug when you need it. And of course, she is really smart, too.


5A - Giovanni Serrano is our 5th grade Student of the Month. He accomplishes great things in all subjects and is a particularly great writer. Gio also works incredibly hard to grow and learn new skills in each day. Giovanni, thank you for sharing your joyful spirit with our 5th grade class every day!


6A - Justin Abregana Reyes has been a very helpful leader in the 6A classroom this school year. Leading the line to their classes and leading his peers by setting a great example as a student with the KEYS! Justin sees Jesus in the hearts of others and truly knows what it means to follow the Golden Rule. We appreciate his kindness, positive energy, and focus this school year!


7A - Cesar Jimenez has been consistent in showing his care for learning, growth in leadership, keeping positive, supporting his classmates, and showing integrity! These are not the easiest skills for a 7th grader, but Cesar has shown a huge percent of increase in all of those categories!


7B - Katherine Sanchez-Arias is a wonderful example of how St. Peter's students are committed to service. She helps her family, friends, classmates, and teachers, often without even being asked. She is called to serve and share her many gifts and St. Peter's is grateful to have her set such a great example for all.


8A - Brianna Febo has demonstrated what it means to live out the keys. She continuously challenges herself in the classroom, raising questions, contributing to class discussions, and has a genuine willingness to learn. Brianna also shows love for her community by helping others, her teachers, her peers and those younger than herself.




KINDER - This week, we will continue to work on our animal report. Students have chosen an animal, found books and articles on their animal, and now they are ready to highlight information. Students will write what their animal looks like, eats, its habitat, and any additional information they want to share about their animal. Also, parents, please continue to work with your child on their fluency with basic math facts. Looking forward to an exciting week of researching and learning about different animals!


1A - This week in first grade we are reading about and discussing the insects that we are familiar with. We are also focusing on the more complicated spelling patterns of the long i sound. In religion we are continuing to learn about Lent. In math we are starting our geometry unit. In science we are continuing to observe air and wind. In social studies we are learning about our neighboring countries.


2A - Second grade will be reading biographies this week. Please let your children count coins and dollar bills with you! We will be adding up dollar bills, pennies, nickels, dimes, and quarters. We will screen river rocks in science. What does Lent mean to your family? We are getting prepared for our First Reconciliation on 3/7/2018 at 6:00 p.m. in St. Peter's Church.


3A – Our crayfish investigation is going "swimmingly" as the British would say. We are enjoying learning, writing, drawing and making journal entries on our individual observations. In math, we’re working on basic multiplication facts. This is one of the many important skills that students need as they get into the middle grades. PARENTS, please study with your son/daughter and support them as they learn this important skill. In Religion class the students are learning about the symbols of Lent i.e. the color purple, ashes, Reconciliation, fasting, abstaining, palm branches and many others.


4A - This week 4A students will explore ways of following the example of Jesus Christ, identify cause and effect relationships, and divide 4-digit dividends by 1-digit divisors to find 3-digit and 4-digit quotients with and without remainders.


5A - 5th graders will review all of the long division skills we've practiced so far in preparation for a big math test. We will continue learning new vocabulary and analyzing character motivations with our A Wrinkle in Time novel study and learn about taxation in the colonies in Social Studies.


6A   Religion – 6th Grade Religion is continuing their Lenten Journey and comparing Gospel stories related to the Lenten season.   Language Arts – We are finishing our second novel Hatchet with an art analysis of how Brian's character has changed over the course of the novel. We will also be comparing and contrasting the film version with the book version.   Math - 6th grade math we are working on variables, algebraic, and numerical expressions. This week we are delving into the distributive property.   Social Studies – 6th Graders will be studying the traditions and beliefs of the Jewish Religion and will compare Judaism to Christianity.   Science – This week, 6th grade scientists will investigate the way radiant energy warms up different earth materials and have a special visit from a UC Berkeley scientist.


7A/7B   Religion - We are working on parables and how Jesus used Parables to tell the story of the Kingdom of God.  We will be making and presenting our own modern-day parables to show our own interpretation of what it means to get into the kingdom of God.  Language Arts - Students are finalizing Freak the Mighty with a Literary Analysis Essay. They will continue the introduction to their Non-fiction Unit.   Math - We are plugging our way through percents. This week we are having fun with discounts, markups and interest rates.  All the good stuff to think about finances!  Social Studies – 7th Graders are working on a group research project around the Renaissance in Europe.  Science - Students have completed their organ systems unit and we now begin to look at genes and heredity.


8A   Religion - 8th Graders are finishing their ACRE test and continuing their Lenten Journey and comparing Gospel stories related to the Lenten season.   Language Arts - Students have showcased a couple pieces from their Poetry Portfolio. They will begin the introduction to their third text, Zoot Suit by Luis Valdez this week.   Math - We are just diving into the slope intercept formula and learning about the y and x intercepts. Soon we will be discussing the codes and regulations of city streets.  Social Studies – 8th Graders are learning about the effects that the Indian Removal Act had on different Native tribes in the 1830s.    Science - Students are learning about different types of energy as we begin our physics semester and look toward our egg drop project. 



Mar. 1      LifeTouch Spring Picture Day

Mar. 2      12:30 PM AZTEC TREK Walk-A-Thon and Game Day

Mar. 6      8:15 AM School Mass

Mar. 7      6:00 PM First Reconciliation

Mar. 8      Free Dress for No Tardies in February

Mar. 9      NO SCHOOL (Faculty and Staff Retreat Day)


QUE PASA 2/21/2018 (English)

Dear Parents,

       During our school morning assemblies since Lent has begun, I have been reflecting with the students about how God is like our shepherd, and we are his sheep.  Like a shepherd with his sheep, God watches over us, protects us, and leads us away from harm.  As parents, we are shepherds for our children.  We are called to care for the flocks that are entrusted to us—our families, friends, and colleagues.  We hope to lead by living as a positive example and helping those in our care to grow closer to God.  Let us pray for strength and courage so that we can be shepherds for our loved ones.

Shepherd us, O God, and guide us in your paths.  Grant us wisdom and courage, compassion and strength, so that we might faithfully tend those you have entrusted to our care.  Guard your church, built of living stones, on the foundations you set.  AMEN.


(Prayer from: Daily Reflections for Lent, by Michelle Francl-Donnay)


--Mrs. Sandra Jimenez




St. Peter's School will be initiating a sports committee this year. The committee will be working directly with the Athletic Directors and Mr. Suárez. We will be working on policies related to the sports program and brainstorming on fundraisers to help bring in money for equipment, uniforms, and awards. If you would like to be involved please contact Mr. Suárez. We will be having a meeting TONIGHT—Wednesday, February 21 at 5:00 p.m.

--Jim Sanchez and Lissette Lopez, Athletic Directors



This week, we will be taking our school panoramic photo on Friday, February 23.  On this day, all students must be in complete uniform—no gray sweats or free dress passes may be used.



The Family Dinner & Dance is a fun community-building event that will take place this Saturday, February 24 from 5:00-8:00 PM.  Tickets must be pre-purchased.

If you’d like to help with set-up on Friday, February 23, please see Mrs. Jimenez in the office.



The AZTEC TREK fundraiser helps to keep our tuition the lowest in the Archdiocese.  The last day to turn in the envelope for prizes was February 9. If you have not yet turned in your minimum mandatory amount of $100, please do so by this Friday, February 23.  The Aztec Trek Walk-A-Thon and Games will take place on Friday, March 2.  All students must have the minimum $100 paid prior to the date of the Aztec Trek.

Your child received a Permission Slip for the Aztec Trek to Precita Park.  Please return this form by Tuesday, February 27.  If you would like to chaperone and walk with your child’s class during the Aztec Trek, please contact your child’s teacher.



If you have a concern regarding your child, please schedule an appointment in advance with your child’s teacher.  Once the morning bell rings for students to go to their classrooms, the teacher must focus on the students.  This is your child’s learning time, and not the proper time to enter the classroom with your child and conference with the teacher. Thank you for your cooperation in maximizing classroom learning time!



If you have not done so already, please return the bright orange re-registration form right away, as it was due today, February 21.  The form and new tuition rates are also available on the school website, www.stpeterssf.org.  In order to reserve your child’s space for the next school year, the registration fee of $450 per student is due by March 28.



The application process for the Archdiocese Family Grant for the 2018-2019 school year has now begun.  Please go on to mytads.com to begin the application process. Be sure you have your 2017 income tax information or 2017 income information (Calworks, social security, food stamps, etc.).



New students entering for the 2018-2019 school year must complete the BASIC Fund Application no later than March 16, 2018.  Renewal families will be filling out their BASIC Fund Renewal Application in March.  All student accounts must be current with no past due balances. Please be sure you have your 2017 income tax information or 2017 income information (Calworks, social security, food stamps, etc.).  Please contact the school office if you have any questions.

An update from the BASIC Fund: The BASIC Fund will increase the maximum scholarship amount from $1600 to $2000.  This means that the deadlines for applications will be especially important, so please submit applications for new siblings by the BASIC Fund deadline.



Registration is open for BVCC Spring Camp, which will be held from Monday, April 2 – Friday, April 6.  Registration forms are available in the school office and after school at BVCC in the Parish Hall.



In order to be a volunteer at school events (such as a field trip chaperone or a sports team coach), adults must complete the online training on www.virtusonline.org.

*If you have already completed the online training by Shield the Vulnerable, your volunteer clearance is still good for 3 years from date of completion of that online course.


Follow these directions to complete the VIRTUS online training:

·       Go to www.virtusonline.org

·       Click on “First-time Registrant”

·       Click on “Begin the registration process”

·       Select San Francisco (Archdiocese)

·       Create a User ID and Password for yourself

·       Fill out the requested personal information

·       Select St. Peter Elementary (San Francisco)  **DO NOT SELECT St. Peter Parish**

·       Provide your digital signatures for downloading and reading the documents: “Standards of Conduct for Those Working with Children and Young People” and “Policies and Procedures Regarding Child Abuse”

·       Select the online course “Protecting God’s Children for Adults” (Online Training)

·       Once you’ve completed the course, go to your Toolbox and click on “Training Report” to verify the completion of your course.

Upon completion of the online course, please email sjimenez@sanpedro.org or print out the “Training Report” page and submit it to the school office.  You will receive 3 parent hours.




KINDER - This week in Kindergarten, we will be reading "ZooBorns" and make an animal card. We will talk about animals that we like and know. Then students will choose an animal to write about and work in partners to make an animal card. However, students will need to use action words to describe their animal and what it can do. It's going to be a fun week learning about different types of animals!


1A - This week in first grade we are reading, writing, and learning about how different animals survive in nature. In religion we are continuing to learn about the significance of Lent. In math we are working on choosing the right strategy to solve different addition and subtraction equations. In science we are exploring air and wind through blowing bubbles. In social studies we are continuing to study the geography of the United States.


2A - Second grade will be reading Once Upon a Baby Brother. Please let your children count coins with you! We will be counting pennies, nickels, dimes, and quarters.  We will talk about Lent and prepare for reconciliation. We will find out what happens when you get rocks wet.


3A – Our live crayfish have finally arrived! We are very interested and excited to begin our investigation of these fascinating creatures in Science Lab. In Social Studies, we continue to study the geography of our Earth. This includes maps, globes, the compass rose, continents and oceans. In Math, we begin an intense study of basic multiplication. During the next two weeks, we will focus on the zero through the three timetables.  PLEASE help your son/daughter to learn these facts. Ask your child to show you an ARRAY and how it helps them understand the facts.


4A - This week, 4A students will pray the Lord's Prayer using sign language, combine simple sentences into compound sentences correctly, and multiply 3-digit whole numbers and money amounts by 2-digit multipliers with regrouping. 


5A - 5th grade students are continuing our novel study of A Wrinkle in Time, dividing large numbers and money amounts by 2-digit divisors in math, and beginning our social studies unit on the Revolutionary War by analyzing the story George vs. George.


6A   Religion – 6th graders will be continuing their Lenten Journey through Journal Reflections about Prayer, Fasting, and Almsgiving.   Language Arts – 6th Grade is continuing to read the survival novel Hatchet and will be incorporating hands-on STEM activities to relate to the experiences of the protagonist, Brian.    Social Studies – Students are starting their Ancient Hebrews Unit where they will be comparing the traditions and beliefs of Judaism and Christianity.  Science – 6th grade scientists will investigate how radiant energy impacts the temperatures of different locations around the world.  


7A/7B   Language Arts - Students have finalized their reading on Freak the Mighty. They will now transition into their Non-fiction Unit.   Social Studies – 7th Graders are finishing the construction of their Medieval Cathedral Art Projects and they will be starting Renaissance Research Projects.   Science - Students will wrap up their study of the organism as we prepare to start looking at heredity!


8A   Religion - 8th Graders will be taking their ACRE Religion test on Friday at 9:00am.   Language Arts - Students have completed their reading and writing on Poetry and will assemble a Poetry Portfolio to end their unit.   Social Studies – Students will be learning about the Five "Civilized" Tribes in the 1830s and the Indian Removal Act.  Science - Students have now completed their studies of chemistry and now it's time to make our way into physics...the study of motion!




Feb. 23     School Panoramic Photo Day

Feb. 24     Family Dinner & Dance, 5:00-8:00 P

Feb. 25     Sunday Family Mass, 9:30 AM

Feb. 26     12:30 Dismissal

Feb. 27     School Mass, 8:15 AM

Mar. 1      LifeTouch Spring Picture Day

Mar. 2      AZTEC TREK Walk-A-Thon and Game Day



Dear Parents,

       Today, Ash Wednesday, marks the beginning of Lent. This is a special liturgical season when we take time to pray, reflect, repent, and renew so that we can grow closer to God as we prepare for the death and resurrection of Jesus.  Each week I’d like to offer a prayer (from “The Joy of Lent: Encouragement and Daily Prayers”) as we journey through Lent with each other and with our children.  We pray:

Heavenly Father, be with us at the beginning of this Lenten journey. You breathed into us the breath of life, the Spirit that formed us in your image.  Throughout the whole history of sinful and broken humanity, you have never left us, for you are the life that flows in us and through us through all of our relationships.  Help us to feel that breath of life on this journey. AMEN.

--Mrs. Sandra Jimenez



St. Peter's School will be initiating a sports committee this year. The committee will be working directly with the Athletic Directors and Mr. Suárez. We will be working on policies related to the sports program and brainstorming on fundraisers to help bring in money for equipment, uniforms, and awards. If you would like to be involved please contact Mr. Suárez. We will be having a meeting on Wednesday, February 21 at 5:00 p.m.

--Jim Sanchez and Lissette Lopez, Athletic Directors



Next week, we will be taking our school panoramic photo on Friday, February 23.  On this day, all students must be in complete uniform—no gray sweats or free dress passes may be used.



The Family Dinner & Dance is a fun community-building event that will take place on Saturday, February 24 form 5:00-8:00 PM.  Tickets are limited, so purchase tickets by next Wednesday, February 21.

If you’d like to help with set-up on Friday, February 23, please submit the volunteer form sent home with Que Pasa, or see Mrs. Jimenez in the office.



Thank you to all students and families who have turned in Aztec Trek envelopes! This fundraiser helps to keep our tuition the lowest in the Archdiocese.  The last day to turn in the envelope for prizes was February 9. If you have not yet turned in your minimum mandatory amount of $100, please do so by February 23.  The Aztec Trek Walk-A-Thon and Games will take place on Friday, March 2.  All students must have the minimum $100 paid prior to the date of the Aztec Trek.

Currently, the leading class with the most class points is Kindergarten! Congratulations! Individual winners and raffle winners will be announced on March 2, on the day of the Aztec Trek.



The re-registration form (on bright orange paper) has been sent home.  Please return this form no later than February 21.  The form and new tuition rates are also available on the school website, www.stpeterssf.org.  In order to reserve your child’s space for the next school year, the registration fee of $450 per student is due by March 28.



The application process for the Archdiocese Family Grant for the 2018-2019 school year has now begun.  Please go on to mytads.com to begin the application process. Be sure you have your 2017 income tax information or 2017 income information (Calworks, social security, food stamps, etc.).



New students entering for the 2018-2019 school year must complete the BASIC Fund Application no later than March 16, 2018.  Renewal families will be filling out their BASIC Fund Renewal Application in March.  All student accounts must be current with no past due balances. Please be sure you have your 2017 income tax information or 2017 income information (Calworks, social security, food stamps, etc.).  Please contact the school office if you have any questions.

An update from the BASIC Fund: The BASIC Fund will increase the maximum scholarship amount from $1600 to $2000.  This means that the deadlines for applications will be especially important, so please submit applications for new siblings by the BASIC Fund deadline.



Registration is open for BVCC Spring Camp, which will be held from Monday, April 2 – Friday, April 6.  Registration forms are available in the school office and after school at BVCC in the Parish Hall.



In order to be a volunteer at school events (such as a field trip chaperone or a sports team coach), adults must complete the online training on www.virtusonline.org.

*If you have already completed the online training by Shield the Vulnerable, your volunteer clearance is still good for 3 years from date of completion of that online course.

Follow these directions to complete the VIRTUS online training:

·         Go to www.virtusonline.org

·         Click on “First-time Registrant”

·         Click on “Begin the registration process”

·         Select San Francisco (Archdiocese)

·         Create a User ID and Password for yourself

·         Fill out the requested personal information

·         Select St. Peter Elementary (San Francisco)  **DO NOT SELECT St. Peter Parish**

·         Provide your digital signatures for downloading and reading the documents: “Standards of Conduct for Those Working with Children and Young People” and “Policies and Procedures Regarding Child Abuse”

·         Select the online course “Protecting God’s Children for Adults” (Online Training)

·         Once you’ve completed the course, go to your Toolbox and click on “Training Report” to verify the completion of your course.

Upon completion of the online course, please email sjimenez@sanpedro.org or print out the “Training Report” page and submit it to the school office.  You will receive 3 parent hours.



CUSTODIAN -- Full-time or Part-time position available.  Must have flexibility with weekends and late afternoon shifts.  HOUSEKEEPER -- On-call, weekdays or weekends.  Both jobs are located at Mercy Convent (2300 Adeline Drive, Burlingame).  If interested, please leave your name and phone number at the school office for Sister Marian Rose, or call the school office at 415-647-8662.



KINDER - This week in Kindergarten, we will celebrate Chinese New Year on Friday and have a small parade out on the yard. Also, we will discuss weather that occurs in different seasons such as hurricanes, tornadoes, and blizzards. Then we will think of weather-related safety rules, such as what to do during a storm and make a class book. The book will contain safety rules during bad weather. I am looking forward to an exciting week!


1A - This week in first grade we are reading and discussing how different animals help each other. In spelling we are working on the long /e/ sound. In religion we are learning about the importance of Ash Wednesday and Lent. In math we are continuing to work on subtraction and we are reviewing fact families. In science we are continuing our study of the moon. In social studies we are learning about the different states that make up our country. 


2A - Second grade will be reading “Grace for President.” We will be counting pennies, nickels, dimes, and quarters; we will talk about Lent and prepare for reconciliation; we will be observing our tea we made in science. We will be making books about producers and consumers.


3A – Welcome to a VERY busy week in third grade. On Monday, we celebrate Lincoln's birthday by making log cabins with a shiny new penny in the window. On Tuesday, we celebrate St. Valentine's Day with treats and notes that show care and love for our classmates. Wednesday begins the Lenten season of our church. Please join us as we celebrate the holy Mass and receive ashes that remind us to try harder to follow Jesus. Thursday should be rather calm, however we celebrate the beginning of the Year of the Dog on Friday set forth in the Lunar calendar. We will make our own Lunar calendar, as well as a Chinese dragon. Look for your son/daughter to bring home a lucky red envelope with a candy treat.


4A - This week 4A students will learn that sacrifice is part of the Christian way of life, identify cause and effect relationships, and divide 2-digit dividends by 1-digit divisors to find 2-digit quotients with remainders. 


5A - During our field trip to the Civic Kitchen cooking school this week, 5th graders learned how many recipes use the scientific principles of mixtures and solutions we've been discussing in science this year.  5th graders will also learn about the Catholic history of both St. Valentine's Day and Mardi Gras and present their social studies group's research on the 13 colonies.


6A   Religion – 6th Grade will be learning about the Lenten season and making Lenten promises.   Language Arts – 6th Grade is now finished with all of our research presentations and showed great composure and professionalism in their public speaking. We are continuing to read the novel Hatchet while supplementing our reading with non-fiction text about the Canadian wilderness. Math - Students will be learning about expressions, and how variables are used.   Social Studies – 6th graders are finding the morals of Ancient Indian folktales and acting them out in class.  Science – 6th graders will finish their investigation on the effect of solar angles on our seasons.


7A/7B   Religion - We will be studying how Jesus used parables to connect with different types of people to teach about the Kingdom of Heaven.     Language Arts - Students are finalizing their reading of Freak the Mighty. They will continue to respond to a series of comprehension questions to ensure understanding of the overall content. They will also participate in post-reading activities to end the novel.   Math - Students will be investigating the connections between inequalities and percents, and applying the concept of increasing and decreasing percents.   Social Studies – 7th graders are analyzing paintings of the Black Death and learning about the effects that the disease had in Europe.    Science - Students will review main organ systems as preparation for Friday's test.


8A   Religion - 8th graders are learning about the Lenten season and making Lenten promises.   Language Arts - Students will continue their Poetry Unit; they have successfully completed their ode and elegy poems and will begin reading poems found in the Romanticism era. Thank you to all those who contributed to the "Where I'm From" Potluck! The food, desserts and beverages were absolutely delicious!   Math - We are moving linearly and studying the rate of change and linear equations. Specifically the slope equation y=mx÷b.   Social Studies – 8th Graders are exploring the causes and effects of the Louisiana Purchase and Lewis and Clark's journey.  Science - Students are done flying their rockets and now it's time to evaluate and analyze their performances.




Feb. 5-16  STAR Testing Window

Feb. 15     Missionary Childhood Association presentation

                    to students

Feb. 19     No School, Presidents’ Day holiday

Feb. 20     School Mass, 8:15 AM

Feb. 23     School Panoramic Photo Day

Feb. 24     Family Dinner & Dance, 5:00-8:00 PM.

Feb. 25     Sunday Family Mass, 9:30 AM


Dear Parents,

       We continue to promote and practice a Growth Mindset--to model to our children to challenge ourselves and show how we can grow by learning from our mistakes and to reflect on how “Knowledge feeds GROWTH.”  Yet let’s not neglect our spiritual growth.  I offer these petitions to help keep our spirits strong and faithful:


We lay our prayers before the Lord, who gives us strength.

We pray that those who lead us in faith and serve our Church, Pope Francis, our bishops, and pastors continue to be guided by the Holy Spirit.

We pray for national, state, and local leaders, that their work is focused on their desire to serve.

We pray for the students, families, faculty, and staff of our school, that we never forget our call to discipleship.

Guide us so that we may grow closer to you, O Lord.

In the power of your Spirit and in the name of your Son, Jesus Christ, we pray.  AMEN.


--Mrs. Sandra Jimenez




On January 5, your child received the collection envelope for our annual mandatory fundraiser, the AZTEC TREK.  Students and families can help support our school by collecting pledges for our walk-a-thon and game day.  This fundraiser helps to keep St. Peter’s School’s tuition the lowest in the Archdiocese.  The minimum mandatory amount to be collected by each student is $100, but the more a student collects, the more prizes and class points can be earned! The due date for all money to be turned in is Friday, February 9.  Thank you in advance for your support!



The re-registration form (on bright orange paper) has been sent home.  Please return this form no later than February 21.  The form and new tuition rates are also available on the school website, www.stpeterssf.org.  In order to reserve your child’s space for the next school year, the registration fee of $450 per student is due by March 28.



The application process for the Archdiocese Family Grant for the 2018-2019 school year has now begun.  Please go on to mytads.com to begin the application process. Be sure you have your 2017 income tax information or 2017 income information (Calworks, social security, food stamps, etc.).



New students entering for the 2018-2019 school year must complete the BASIC Fund Application no later than March 16, 2018.  Renewal families will be filling out their BASIC Fund Renewal Application in March.  All student accounts must be current with no past due balances. Please be sure you have your 2017 income tax information or 2017 income information (Calworks, social security, food stamps, etc.).  Please contact the school office if you have any questions.


An update from the BASIC Fund: The BASIC Fund will increase the maximum scholarship amount from $1600 to $2000.  This means that the deadlines for applications will be especially important, so please submit applications for new siblings by the BASIC Fund deadline.



Next week is Ash Wednesday, which happens to fall on the same date at Valentine’s Day.  Since Ash Wednesday is a solemn, quiet, and reflective day in the liturgical year, classes will instead celebrate Valentine’s Day on February 13.  If your child would like to share treats or cards to celebrate Valentine’s Day, please bring those to class on Tuesday, February 13.




St. Peter's School will be initiating a sports committee this year. The committee will be working directly with the Athletic Directors and Mr. Suárez. We will be working on policies related to the sports program and brainstorming on fundraisers to help bring in money for equipment, uniforms, and awards. If you would like to be involved please contact Mr. Suárez. We will be having a meeting on Wednesday, February 21 at 5:00 p.m.

--Jim Sanchez and Lissette Lopez, Athletic Directors



The Family Dinner & Dance will take place on Saturday, February 24 form 5:00-8:00 PM.  If you’d like to help with set-up, please submit the volunteer form sent home with Que Pasa, or see Mrs. Jimenez in the office.



Registration is open for BVCC Spring Camp, which will be held from Monday, April 2 – Friday, April 6.  Registration forms are available in the school office and after school at BVCC in the Parish Hall.



CUSTODIAN -- Full-time or Part-time position available.  Must have flexibility with weekends and late afternoon shifts.  HOUSEKEEPER -- On-call, weekdays or weekends.  Both jobs are located at Mercy Convent (2300 Adeline Drive, Burlingame).  If interested, please leave your name and phone number at the school office for Sister Marian Rose, or call the school office at 415-647-8662.



In order to be a volunteer at school events (such as a field trip chaperone or a sports team coach), adults must complete the online training on www.virtusonline.org.

*If you have already completed the online training by Shield the Vulnerable, your volunteer clearance is still good for 3 years from date of completion of that online course.

Follow these directions to complete the VIRTUS online training:

  • Go to www.virtusonline.org

  • Click on “First-time Registrant”

  • Click on “Begin the registration process”

  • Select San Francisco (Archdiocese)

  • Create a User ID and Password for yourself

  • Fill out the requested personal information

  • Select St. Peter Elementary (San Francisco)  **DO NOT SELECT St. Peter Parish**

  • Provide your digital signatures for downloading and reading the documents: “Standards of Conduct for Those Working with Children and Young People” and “Policies and Procedures Regarding Child Abuse”

  • Select the online course “Protecting God’s Children for Adults” (Online Training)

  • Once you’ve completed the course, go to your Toolbox and click on “Training Report” to verify the completion of your course.

Upon completion of the online course, please email sjimenez@sanpedro.org or print out the “Training Report” page and submit it to the school office.  You will receive 3 parent hours.





KINDER - This week we will write about what we like to do on a rainy day. We will start off by sharing what we can do on a rainy day and write our ideas on a big word web. Then we will make sentences using responses from the web. Afterward, we will have an opportunity to read our sentences during circle time and talk whether our ideas are different or the same. Lastly, we will enjoy listening to a story of "The Frog and the Locust" and "Rain." We will discuss the ways both stories tell what happens in different kinds of weather.


1A - This week in first grade we are reading and discussing how animals’ bodies help them. We are also working on new spelling patterns for words with the long /a/ sound. In religion we are practicing giving thanks to God with our hearts and voices. In math we are returning to addition and subtraction. In science we are continuing to observe and record the phases of the moon. In social studies we are practicing reading maps and keys.


2A - Second grade will be reading poetry, subtracting and adding with 4-digit numbers, talking about forgiveness and choices, making tea with found materials in science, and learning about producers and consumers.   Reminder: First Communion meeting this evening-- Wednesday, 2/7/18 at 6 p.m. in St. Peter's Church.


3A – In Writing class, we will finish viewing the movie, Stone Fox, and compare and contrast the movie to the book. In Language class, we are studying prefixes and suffixes. In Social Studies, we continue learning the names of the 7 continents and the oceans of our Earth. 


4A - This week 4A students will identify cause and effect relationships, combine simple sentences into compound sentences correctly, and divide 2-digit dividends by 1-digit divisors to find 1-digit quotients with remainders. 


5A - In English and Social Studies this week, 5th graders are exploring a variety of texts that introduce our upcoming Revolutionary War unit. In religion, we will be discussing the Catholic history of St. Valentine and preparing for Ash Wednesday. Don't forget to return the signed permission slip for next week's cooking field trip!


6A   Religion – 6th Grade will have their final visit from Paula Pardini to close out their Building Bridges Faith Community Building.  Language Arts – 6th Grade will continue their research-based presentations using Google Slides. We will also begin the introduction of our next novel unit, the survival classic Hatchet.   Math - Fraction Fair is coming!!  The 6th graders are working very hard to prepare for the Fraction fair this week!  Social Studies – 6th Grade Social Studies will be learning about the different religions of Ancient India. Science – 6th grade scientists will investigate how the angle of the sun affects Earth's seasons.


7A/7B   Religion - This week, we begin our in- depth study about the Kingdom of God, what it is, different perceptions of it, and some fun parables to take us on the journey.  The 7th graders will be parable writers bringing forth the story of what the Kingdom of Heaven is to them.     Language Arts - Students are continuing to read Freak the Mighty. In addition to their reading, students will also respond to a series of comprehension questions to ensure understanding of the overall content.   Math - 7th graders are finishing up their career projects that they have been working so very hard on and will be exploring inequalities this week before we get back to percents and percent of Change.   Social Studies – 7th Grade Social Studies will have a Family Crest Museum and will analyze the causes and effects of the Black Death in Medieval Europe.   Science - Students are continuing their review of organ systems as they prepare for their exam later this week.


8A   Religion - 8th Grade is having their final visit from Paula Pardini to close out their Building Bridges Faith Community Building. Language Arts - Students are continuing their Poetry Unit. They have successfully completed their "Where I'm From" poems and will present their work with a potluck on Thursday, February 8.   Math - 8th graders are finishing up Functions this week, specifically graphing, before we move on to linear equations and Rate of Change.  Social Studies – 8th Grade will begin to look at Thomas Jefferson's presidency and the Louisiana Purchase.  Science - Preliminary tests are over and students will official fly their rockets using chemical reactions this week and begin their post-lab analysis.




Feb. 7     First Communion Parent Meeting, 6:00 PM in


Feb. 8     Fraction Fair hosted by 6A

Feb. 9     Aztec Trek money due

Feb. 12   5th grade field trip to the Civic Kitchen

Feb. 13   Classroom Valentine’s celebrations

Feb. 14   Ash Wednesday School Mass, 8:30 AM

Feb. 5-16     STAR Testing Window


Dear Parents,

       Happy Catholic Schools Week!  This week, we’ve been taking the time to reflect on Catholic education and all the ways that we learn to grow, accomplish, love, serve, and unite here at St. Peter’s School. We are thankful that here, both our faith and our minds can grow.  In gratitude, I offer this prayer (adapted from www.thereligionteacher.com):


Almighty Father,

You sent forth your Son as a beacon of hope for all people.  As Teacher, he has given us the prime example of the importance of education.  As disciples, we look to him for inspiration and strength.  Thank you for the many sisters, brothers, priests, and laypeople who have dedicated their lives in service to our Catholic schools.  Thank you for the teachers and administrators who sustain our schools today.  Thank you for the parents who have given support and witness to the importance of Catholic education in their daily lives.  Thank you for the students who work hard to further their education.

Bless St. Peter’s School and the many people who advance our mission.  May our building be a home for those who seek to grow in faith, knowledge, and service of others.  May our community always support one another and exhibit hospitality to newcomers.  Fill our minds with knowledge and wisdom.  May our understanding of the world help us to grow in appreciation for it.  Fill our hearts with gladness.  May we always turn to you in times of need.  Fill our hands with the tools we need to serve others.  May we show them your unceasing love through our actions.  AMEN.


--Mrs. Sandra Jimenez




On January 5, your child received the collection envelope for our annual mandatory fundraiser, the AZTEC TREK.  Students and families can help support our school by collecting pledges for our walk-a-thon and game day.  This fundraiser helps to keep St. Peter’s School’s tuition the lowest in the Archdiocese.  The minimum mandatory amount to be collected by each student is $100, but the more a student collects, the more prizes and class points can be earned!  Friday, January 19 was the first early deadline to receive prizes.  The due date for all money to be turned in is Friday, February 9.  Thank you in advance for your support!



The re-registration form (on bright orange paper) was sent home for the second time last week.  Please return this form no later than February 21.  The form and new tuition rates are also available on the school website, www.stpeterssf.org.  In order to reserve your child’s space for the next school year, the registration fee of $450 per student is due by March 28.



The application process for the Archdiocese Family Grant for the 2018-2019 school year has now begun.  Please go on to mytads.com to begin the application process. Be sure you have your 2017 income tax information or 2017 income information (Calworks, social security, food stamps, etc.).



New students entering for the 2018-2019 school year must complete the BASIC Fund Application no later than March 16, 2018.

Renewal families will be filling out their BASIC Fund Renewal Application in March and April.  All student accounts must be current with no past due balances. Please be sure you have your 2017 income tax information or 2017 income information (Calworks, social security, food stamps, etc.).  Please contact the school office if you have any questions.


An update from the BASIC Fund: The BASIC Fund will increase the maximum scholarship amount from $1600 to $2000.  This means that the deadlines for applications will be especially important, so please submit applications for new siblings by the BASIC Fund deadline.



St. Peter's School will be initiating a sports committee this year. The committee will be working directly with the Athletic Directors and Mr. Suárez. We will be working on policies related to the sports program and brainstorming on fundraisers to help bring in money for equipment, uniforms, and awards. If you would like to be involved please contact Mr. Suárez. We will be having a meeting on Wednesday, February 21 at 5:00 p.m.

--Jim Sanchez and Lissette Lopez, Athletic Directors



Please continue to ensure that your child follows uniform policy as posted by the school office and stated in the school handbook.  All undershirts, including long-sleeve undershirts, should be white.  If your daughter wears tights, they should be solid black or white and extend to the ankle.  Socks must be black or white.  Boots may not be worn.



Sister Marian Rose and The Sisters of Mercy Solidarity Committee invite you to attend a special gathering: “Conversations for Relationship Building” on Sunday, February 4 from 1:00 – 2:30 PM at Mercy Center Burlingame, 2300 Adeline Drive, Burlingame, CA.




KINDER - This week we will be reading Mama Is It Summer Yet? and Malala's Magic Pencil by Malala Yousafazai. I am looking forward to sharing/reading a true story and how Malala might be similar or different to other inspirational historical figures. We will discuss what Malala is passionate about and how she tries to help the world. Then students will share what they would do if they had a magic pencil.


1A - This week in first grade we are reading and discussing the ways that we get our food. We are practicing words that end in -ook and -ood. In religion we are naming special gifts that we should thank God for. In math we are working on counting by 2s, 5s, and 10s. In science we are observing the moon and its different phases. In social studies we are continuing to talk about different places that people live.


2A - Second grade will be reading folktales to learn about the themes of stories, we will continue subtracting and adding 3-digit numbers, talking about the importance of Catholic schools, we will go and check on our toothpaste experiments (is it a liquid or a solid?), and learning about our cities we live in.   Reminder: First Communion meeting on Wednesday, 2/7/18 at 6 p.m. in St. Peter's Church.


3A – We are just beginning the 3rd quarter of the school year.  We are busy with many new projects. Unfortunately, our third science unit project cannot begin as our live crayfish have not arrived.  However, we are moving along on our geography unit in social studies.  Also, we will finish reading Stone Fox and have several projects on it before our final comprehension and vocabulary tests.  Let's keep working on our subtraction with regrouping in 2 places.  We are working on these types of problems but we are not successful YET!


4A - This week 4A students will identify cause and effect relationships, estimate quotients, and understand that Jesus, our role model, is both human and divine.


5A - 5th grade is learning about homophones in Language Arts this week and long-division with 2-digit quotients in math.


6A   Religion – 6th grade raised over $420 in our January Bake Sale!  Thank you, students, parents, and teachers, for your support as we fundraise for Caritas Creek!  6th grade religion will be looking into the life of Peter the Apostle as we celebrate Catholic Schools Week!  Language Arts – 6th Grade is preparing to present their research slideshows on a historical figure. We'll look at best practices for public speaking, both how to be clear and professional and how to engage one's audience.   Social Studies – 6th Graders will be exploring the other side of the Himalayan Mountains as we switch our focus over to Ancient India.   Science – 6th grade scientists will graph climate data and investigate more about the connection between latitude and certain weather patterns.


7A/7B   Language Arts - Students have ended their unit on Poetry and are now transitioning to the introduction of their third novel, Freak the Mighty by Rodman Philbrick. They will participate in a series of pre-reading activities: the author and various themes/topics to ensure comprehension as students begin to read.  Social Studies – 7th Graders will begin a family shield, inspired by the Middle Ages!   Science - Students are wrapping up presentations of their slides and organ system models. Now we begin our review process as we prepare for our test.


8A   Religion - Students will be looking into the life of Peter the Apostle as we celebrate Catholic Schools Week!  Language Arts - Students are continuing their Poetry Unit. They have successfully completed their "Where I'm From" Poem and will present their work next week, Thursday, February 8, with a potluck of food and beverages that are indicative to their heritage. Parents, please make sure to sign and return your child's Potluck Form, no later than Tuesday, February 6 to Mrs. Fuaau. Social Studies – 8th Graders are focusing on the question: "What problems did George Washington face while he was president?" as they look at documents from the 1790s.   Science - Students are putting the finishing touches on their rockets as we prepare to for flight trials this week. Actual measured flights will occur next week!




Feb. 2     No School (Archdiocese Educators’ Conference)

Feb. 6     School Mass, 8:15 AM

Feb. 6     Kindergarten Field Trip with Precita Eyes

Feb. 7     Free Dress for No Tardies in January

Feb. 7     First Communion Parent Meeting, 6:00 PM in


Feb. 8     Fraction Fair hosted by 6A

Feb. 9     Aztec Trek money due

Feb. 5-16     STAR Testing Window

QUE PASA 1/24/2018 (English)

Dear Parents,

       This week marks the beginning of the 3rd quarter.  It’s another fresh start as we begin a new section of the school year.

       During this time, let’s not forget our growth mindset, and remember that we can be positive examples of growth for our children. There’s still much more we can learn, and there’s still plenty of time in this school year to be challenged, to ask questions, and to grow! I’m trying to keep an open mind and keep a growth mindset, too. I’ve been learning plenty this year, and I know there’s still a lot more for me to learn. United, let’s not be afraid to try new things and learn from our mistakes; because, like our St. Peter’s KEYS state: every accomplishment needs courage. And every day, with our children, we’ll keep on growing!


--Mrs. Sandra Jimenez




On January 5, your child received the collection envelope for our annual mandatory fundraiser, the AZTEC TREK.  Students and families can help support our school by collecting pledges for our walk-a-thon and game day.  This fundraiser helps to keep St. Peter’s School’s tuition the lowest in the Archdiocese.  The minimum mandatory amount to be collected by each student is $100, but the more a student collects, the more prizes and class points can be earned! The due date for all money to be turned in is Friday, February 9. 



Last week and again today, the re-registration form (on bright orange paper) was sent home.  Please return this form no later than February 21.  The form and new tuition rates are also available on the school website, www.stpeterssf.org.  In order to reserve your child’s space for the next school year, the registration fee of $450 per student is due by March 28.



The application process for the Archdiocese Family Grant for the 2018-2019 school year has now begun.  Please go on to mytads.com to begin the application process. Be sure you have your 2017 income tax information or 2017 income information (Calworks, social security, food stamps, etc.).



New students entering for the 2018-2019 school year must complete the BASIC Fund Application no later than March 16, 2018.

Renewal families will be filling out their BASIC Fund Renewal Application in March and April.  All student accounts must be current with no past due balances. Please be sure you have your 2017 income tax information or 2017 income information (Calworks, social security, food stamps, etc.).  Please contact the school office if you have any questions.

An update from the BASIC Fund: The BASIC Fund will increase the maximum scholarship amount from $1600 to $2000.  This means that the deadlines for applications will be especially important, so please submit applications for new siblings by the BASIC Fund deadline.



We will be celebrating Catholic Schools Week from Sunday, January 28 to Thursday, February 1.  Please see the attached flyer for details on the special events of the week!  Below is a brief list of events:

Sunday, 1/28 – 9:30 AM Family Mass and Reception

Monday, 1/29 – Inspiration Day

Tuesday, 1/30 – Grandparents Day Mass at 8:30 AM

Wednesday, 1/31 – Teacher and Student Appreciation Day

Thursday, 2/1 – St. Peter’s School Spirit Day

Friday, 2/2 – No School



Sister Marian Rose and The Sisters of Mercy Solidarity Committee invite you to attend an “Interfaith Prayer for Peace” on Sunday, January 28 from 1:00 – 2:30 PM at Mercy Center Burlingame, 2300 Adeline Drive, Burlingame, CA.



Homeroom teachers identify Students of the Month at the end of each month.  We celebrate these students because they have exemplified living the St. Peter’s KEYS:

Knowledge feeds GROWTH.

Every ACCOMPLISHMENT needs courage.

You are LOVE.



KINDER - Hilary Benitez is an excellent listener and a hard worker. She works well independently and is always willing to help others. Hilary is kind, responsible and has shown tremendous growth over the past several months both academically and socially.


1A - Alejandra Nava-Gomez is a kind, caring, and thoughtful student. She always puts others first and is quick to help those in need. She takes pride in her school work and always does her best, no matter how challenging the task. She loves to make her brain grow!


2A - Celeste Rivera is the student of the month. She is diligent about doing her homework and always tries her best. Celeste is a leader that is always up for a challenge. She helps out her classmates when they need it.


3A - Cecilia Farias Tietze is a one-of-a-kind third grader.  She is an excellent student who is always eager to learn new things.  She loves a challenge and won't quit until she has figured out an answer.  She's a wonderful example of the growth mindset.  Cecilia is supported by caring parents who do everything possible to help her succeed and SUCCEED she does!


4A - Brisia Castillo has been doing a great job living out our school's KEYS.  She demonstrated courage by asking for help when she did not understand a math concept in class. She stayed after school for tutoring and practiced multiplication problems until she understood.  She currently has an A in math.  


5A - Diego Diaz is 5th grade's student of the month for January. Diego has a strong work ethic and keeps trying even when he doesn't get something right away. He has a big heart, a clear sense of justice, and consistently shows compassion to those around him.


6A - Angela Miranda is an excellent example of a 6th grader with the KEYS.  She is quick to notice when her peers need support and she is a wonderful help to her teachers.  Angela is a very kind member of our Faith Community and she makes others feel welcomed and valued everyday with her words and her actions.  It has been a joy to have Angela in the 6A this year and we look forward to seeing her continue to LIVE THE KEYS as she moves through middle school!


7A - Selena Muñoz has a warm and confident smile, and a positive, never-give-up attitude.  She tries her best in the classroom and is kind and polite to every single classmate and teacher around her. This month we see the quiet, determined leadership and great example set by our student of the month Selena!


7B - Matthew Jimenez leads by example in all aspects of student life, from his stellar work in classes, his dedication to student council, and his relationships with his classmates and younger students, Matthew shows service and knowledge in all he does.


8A - Marisa Mabutas has demonstrated growth and love by continuously striving to better herself, both in and outside the classroom. She consistently asks questions and seeks advice in order to be successful as she continues her academic career. Marisa's contagious energy also adds a positive and unique presence among her classmates. She is willing to show love by acting her true self, regardless of what anybody thinks, to bring a smile to a peer or friend's face.




KINDER - This week we will be reading An Orange in January by Dianna Hutts Aston. Students will know and understand that all living things are different. We will discuss how things on a farm grow and identify the producers and consumers in the story. In Science, we will discuss the change that occurred while the orange was in the freezer. In math, we will identify objects around the room that are spheres, or round. In Social studies, we will give examples of times we shared with friends.


1A - This week in first grade we are reading and learning about how life is different now than it was in the past. In math we are working on comparing and ordering 2-digit numbers. In religion we are reading about how God is a good father. In science we are monitoring rainfall by using a rain gauge.


2A - Second grade will be comparing and contrasting the lives of two boys in My Cousin Primo, subtracting and adding two 3-digit numbers with regrouping, talking about forgiveness and saying “I'm sorry,” observing mixtures of solids and liquids, and using our mapping skills.


3A – Last week our friend and author, Gloria St. Joy, visited and shared many writing tips. She invited and encouraged us to begin this week by writing a sequel to her book, Addie's One Wish to the Brightest Star. The class will use their newly-discovered writing tips during Language instruction to create scenarios that interest them in writing their own sequel. In Science, we have completed our unit of study on plants. We will next undertake the study of crayfish and their environment. In Social Studies, we'll begin a Geography Unit.


5A - Inspired by Dr. Martin Luther King Jr., 5th graders wrote essays about their dreams for our world. We're practicing our editing skills as we revise those essays to display at the Catholic Schools reception this Sunday.  In math, we'll take a long division quiz and continue working on short division.


6A   Religion – 6th Grade will be reading about the Ark of the Covenant and the story of the Temple in Jerusalem.   Language Arts – 6A ELA is continuing to research famous historical figures for their Google Slide presentations. We'll learn how to paraphrase and cite text from websites, as well as rules for MLA style bibliographies. Students will also learn the key elements of clear, professional, informational slides.   Math - Our journey through fractions takes us to multiplying and dividing those rational numbers this week, as well as continuing our prep for the upcoming fraction fair.   Social Studies – 6th Graders will begin to look at the Achievements and Inventions from Ancient China and convince Ms. Land which achievement changed history the most.   Science – Students will use their knowledge of Earth's tilt and radiation to explain Earth's seasons.


7A/7B   Religion - As we begin our study on the Kingdom of Heaven, we look at one of Sean Covey's seven habits “begin with the end in mind” and take a deeper look at how Jesus led us to always have an eye for reaching that kingdom, as the path is there for us.  Language Arts - Students are finalizing their Poetry Unit with a Poetry Portfolio. They will also begin the introduction to their next novel, Freak the Mighty by Rodman Philbrick.   Math - 7th grade will be learning how to use proportions and percents to create, analyze, and apply pie charts to various forms of data.  Social Studies – 7th Graders have closed their lessons on Feudalism and will begin to learn about daily life in the Middle Ages in Europe.   Science - Students will continue their organ systems presentations this week!


8A   Religion - 8th Grade will be learning about the growth of the monastery as a way to live out faith.   Language Arts - Students are continuing their Poetry Unit, composing their "Where I'm From" Poems. They will also continue their Demonstration-How To Speech Outlines. Presentations will begin next week.   Math - 8th grade will begin learning about functions, and linear equations. They will be able to apply thus skill to the conclusion of their business proposals to determine if they will profitable not.  Social Studies – 8th Graders will begin 3rd quarter with the "New Country" and learn about leadership qualities of the first president and first Cabinet members of the United States of America.  Science - Students will complete construction and measurements of their chemical reaction propelled rocket as they prepare to launch on Thursday of this week! 




Jan. 24    Report Cards go home with students

Jan. 28    Catholic Schools Week Sunday Family Mass at

                  9:30 AM, followed by reception in the Parish


Jan. 30    8:30 AM School Mass honoring Grandparents


*Jan. 28 - Feb. 2    Catholic Schools Week (See flyer for

                               description of special events)

QUE PASA 1/17/2018 (English)

Dear Parents,

       As we approach the halfway mark of the school year, I reflect on one of our core values: Unite.  In our service towards each other, our school, and our greater community, we are united with Christ and with one another.  There are many ways we can unite through service, such as volunteering our time at school or school events, serving at Mass, donating to the school food drive, or reaching out to others for school fundraisers.  Living out our KEY—Service Unites—helps us to grow in our faith and open our hearts and minds.  Here is a prayer of thanksgiving (by Holy Land Prayer) that we can offer for St. Peter’s School unity:


We thank You for our school family. We thank You for the talents and good things that You have given each of us. Please keep us united, and our bond strong as the days pass.  Guide us, protect us, and equip us to do Your will each  day. Thank You for all that You are, and all that You have given us. Our hearts are forever grateful! AMEN.


--Mrs. Sandra Jimenez




On January 5, your child received the collection envelope for our annual mandatory fundraiser, the AZTEC TREK.  Students and families can help support our school by collecting pledges for our walk-a-thon and game day.  This fundraiser helps to keep St. Peter’s School’s tuition the lowest in the Archdiocese.  The minimum mandatory amount to be collected by each student is $100, but the more a student collects, the more prizes and class points can be earned!  This Friday, January 19, is the first early deadline to receive prizes.  The due date for all money to be turned in is Friday, February 9.  Thank you in advance for your support!



Being sent home with your child today is the re-registration form and tuition letter for the 2018-2019 school year.  Please return this form no later than February 21.  In order to reserve your child’s space for the next school year, the registration fee of $450 per student is due by March 28.



The application process for the Archdiocese Family Grant for the 2018-2019 school year has now begun.  Please go on to mytads.com to begin the application process. Be sure you have your 2017 income tax information or 2017 income information (Calworks, social security, food stamps, etc.).



New students entering for the 2018-2019 school year must complete the BASIC Fund Application no later than March 16, 2018.


Renewal families will be filling out their BASIC Fund Renewal Application in March and April.  All student accounts must be current with no past due balances. Please be sure you have your 2017 income tax information or 2017 income information (Calworks, social security, food stamps, etc.).  Please contact the school office if you have any questions.


An update from the BASIC Fund: The BASIC Fund will increase the maximum scholarship amount from $1600 to $2000.  This means that the deadlines for applications will be especially important, so please submit applications for new siblings by the BASIC Fund deadline.




Next Spring, our 7th graders will be attending Caritas Creek Environmental Education Program and retreat at CYO camp.  To help these students raise funds for their trip, visit their GoFundMe page (https://www.gofundme.com/send-mission-kids-to-env-camp) and make a donation, or submit a cash or check donation at the school office.  Any amount would help, and please share the GoFundMe page with your family and friends!



As the weather gets colder and you bundle up your child, please ensure that he/she follows uniform policy as posted by the school office and stated in the school handbook.  All undershirts, including long-sleeve undershirts, should be white.  If your daughter wears tights, they should be solid black or white and extend to the ankle.  Socks must be black or white.  Boots may not be worn.



The food drive still continues, as we work towards our goal of collecting 1200 pounds of food to help the St. Peter’s Church Food Pantry and victims of the North Bay fires.  Although this was originally a Christmas food drive, we want to continue to unite in love and service and help those in need, and also reach our school’s goal!



Sister Marian Rose and The Sisters of Mercy Solidarity Committee invite you to attend a “Conversation for Relationship Building” on Sunday, January 21 from 1:00 – 2:30 PM at Mercy Center Burlingame, 2300 Adeline Drive, Burlingame, CA.




KINDER - This week we will be reading A Grand Old Tree by Mary Newell Depalma. We will do a research project to make an apple tree life cycle display. Students will work in pairs and discuss about the different stages of an apple tree's life. Then students will note their ideas by drawing pictures and write about a tree life cycle. Also, we will continue to read in pairs during reading workshop and review our sight words.


1A - This week in first grade we are reading, writing, and learning about folktales. In math we are continuing to work on place value with double-digit numbers. In religion we are discussing the importance of thanking God for our special gifts. In science we are continuing to observe the clouds and learn about how they affect weather. In social studies we are learning about the differences between cities, towns, and suburbs.


2A - Second grade will be reading about Volcanoes! We will continue subtracting with regrouping, adding two-digit numbers, and solving word problems. We will talk about making good choices and forgiveness, investigating our mixtures we made in science, and using our mapping skills.


3A – This is a very exciting week for the third graders. This is the week that our author/friend will visit our classroom. She will tell us about the book writing process as well as read her favorite chapter from her book. In Social Studies, we are finishing up our unit on the early California Native American tribes. By working together, these tribes lived in peace and harmony. They united, grew, and accomplished as a community. We as a school strive to do the same.


4A - This week 4A students will pray the Lord's Prayer using sign language, combine simple sentences into compound sentences correctly, and multiply 3-digit whole numbers and money amounts by 2-digit multipliers with regrouping.


5A - In social studies this week, 5th grade will be learning about the original 13 U.S. colonies. We'll practice identifying the main idea in reading passages and work on writing clear main ideas in our own work.


6A   Religion – Students will be visited this week by Paula Pardini to continue their Building Bridges Program to strengthen their Faith Communities.   Language Arts – 6th Grade ELA is finishing our unit on non-fiction text with a writing workshop. Students will create informational Google Slide presentations on a famous historical figure, focusing on using credible resources and proper citations.  Math - 6th graders continue their investigation and learning of everything fraction as we prepare for this year’s Fraction Fair.  This week is mixed numbers (adding and subtracting) and regrouping.   Social Studies – 6th Graders have completed their ancient dynasty research and will be taking a dynasty group test this week.  Science – This week, students will learn about the reason our planet has different seasons and begin discussing how radiation affects our weather.


7A/7B   Religion - This week finds us taking a deeper look at prayer using temptation journals and seeing what provokes and defends us as we face temptations in our daily lives.  This will lead us into a deeper look at the tolerance in our school and explore how we can help others around us resist temptations that middle-schoolers face every day.   Language Arts - Students are continuing to work on Poetry, writing a Metaphorical Poem, explaining a hidden truth using a metaphor to capture the comparison of a personal experience, obstacle or hope. They are also continuing to work on grammar, sentence structure.   Math - The 7th graders are looking at how finding the percent of a number can help us through everyday life, by applying this to different variables and investigating how this changes things with their careers as they work through their career project.  Social Studies – 7th Graders are finalizing their comparisons of Japan and Europe in their five paragraph essays.


8A   Religion - Students will be visited this week by Paula Pardini to continue their Building Bridges Program to strengthen their Faith Communities.  8th Grade is also preparing for the Religion ACRE exam that they will take in the beginning of 3rd quarter.   Language Arts - Students are still raving about the Holocaust Guest Speaker from last Thursday! His experience resonated with so many of them. The opportunity to witness someone first hand, made all their research and reading come to life. They have officially ended Night and will now transition to their Speech and Poetry Units.  Math - 8th graders will determine if they make a profit or not in their small business plan using equations and inequalities, then we get to move on to the world of functions and linear equations.   Social Studies – 8th Graders will give their amendment speeches to Congress and will finish 2nd quarter with an Amendment Art project with a guest art teacher.  




Jan. 19    End of the 2nd Quarter

Jan. 19    First early turn-in deadline for the AZTEC


Jan. 22    8th Grade Graduation Portrait Day

Jan. 22    12:30 Dismissal

Jan. 23    School Mass, 8:15 AM

Jan. 24    Report Cards go home with students

Jan. 28    Catholic Schools Week Sunday Family Mass at

                  9:30 AM, followed by reception in the Parish



Dear Parents,

       This week, we look forward to celebrating the life of Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. He is a role model for us and our students as we discuss how others should be treated with dignity and love.  We can reflect on how Dr. King is an example of thinking critically, living out the KEYS, and taking action for social justice.  It’s a perfect opportunity to apply our growth mindset along with the children, and to take action through service!

       At the same time, we pray for peace in our world.  I am reminded of Jesus’ words: “Peace I leave with you, My peace I give to you.”  Like Jesus and Dr. King, let us remember to be examples of respect and peace for our children.


--Mrs. Sandra Jimenez




Last Friday, your child received the collection envelope for our annual mandatory fundraiser, the AZTEC TREK.  Students and families can help support our school by collecting pledges for our walk-a-thon and game day.  This fundraiser helps to keep St. Peter’s School’s tuition the lowest in the Archdiocese.  The minimum mandatory amount to be collected by each student is $100, but the more a student collects, the more prizes and class points can be earned!  The due date for all money to be turned in us Friday, February 9.  Thank you in advance for your support!



Next Spring, our 7th graders will be attending Caritas Creek Environmental Education Program and retreat at CYO camp.  To help these students raise funds for their trip, visit their GoFundMe page (https://www.gofundme.com/send-mission-kids-to-env-camp) and make a donation, or submit a cash or check donation at the school office.  Any amount would help, and please share the GoFundMe page with your family and friends!



We depend on parent volunteer support throughout the school year! Some upcoming events include our FAMILY DANCE and CATHOLIC SCHOOLS WEEK FAMILY MASS RECEPTION.  If you would like to help plan future events and fundraisers, or would like to join one of our parent groups, please contact Mrs. Jimenez at sjimenez@sanpedro.org or leave your name and number at the office.



Since we will be attending a school prayer service this Friday in honor of Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr., all children must be in complete uniform, and not in the gray school sweats.  Also, no free dress passes may be used on this day.



As the weather gets colder and you bundle up your child, please ensure that he/she follows uniform policy as posted by the school office and stated in the school handbook.  All undershirts, including long-sleeve undershirts, should be white.  If your daughter wears tights, they should be solid black or white and extend to the ankle.  Socks must be black or white.  Boots may not be worn.



The Christmas food drive still continues, as we work towards our goal of collecting 1200 pounds of food to help the St. Peter’s Church Food Pantry and victims of the North Bay fires.  Although this was originally a Christmas food drive, we want to continue to unite in love and service and help those in need, and also reach out school’s goal!




KINDER - This week we will be reading My Garden by Kevin Henkes.  We will discuss what it means to "observe" and what we observed in the story. We will share our observations and visit our school's garden. We will predict and brainstorm ideas of what we will find in the garden. Lastly, we will write/illustrate what we saw in the garden and have a "gallery walk" in the classroom.


1A - This week in first grade we are reading and discussing how plants change as they grow and working on reading and writing words with the long i sound. In religion we are praying through song and thanking those who donated books to our classroom over Christmas. In math we are continuing to work on place value and numbers up to 100. In science we are observing and comparing different types of clouds and in social studies we are discussing the differences in weather across the nation.


2A - Second grade will be reading about Alaska and Rain Forests, subtracting with regrouping, talking about making good choices and asking forgiveness, investigating puddles in science, and using our mapping skills. First Communion meeting, Wednesday, January 10 at 6 PM in St. Peter's Church.


3A – This week we continue reading Addie's One Wish to the Brightest Star by Gloria St. Joy. In Math, we are continuing to practice regrouping with one and two places. This is proving difficult for many students. PARENTS, PLEASE HELP YOUR CHILD WITH THE HOMEWORK IN MATH EACH NIGHT. The test will be given at the end of January so, the more practice in class AND at home, the better. We're not there, YET! Also, please send in any pictures that you have of our 3rd graders. We want to display them at our January 28th Family Mass and reception.  


5A - 5th graders are using their non-fiction reading skills to learn more about Martin Luther King Jr. and his legacy this week. In math, we will be applying our division skills to problems with larger quotients.  


6A   Language Arts – 6th Grade ELA will continue our unit on non-fiction text and argumentative writing.  Students will learn about the rhetorical techniques used to persuade an audience as they continue to debate with their peers.    Math - 6th graders are working on adding and subtracting fractions with like and unlike denominators.  Social Studies – 6A students are completing research on an Ancient Chinese Dynasty. Science – Students will be reviewing convection vocabulary and investigating how convection currents move through the air.


7A/7B   Religion - We are talking about the different types of prayer and how prayer and meditation can lead us away from temptation.   Language Arts - Students are continuing their Poetry Unit, writing a When I... Poem. They also began their introduction to their Grammar Unit, beginning with sentence structure.   Math - 7th graders are investigating percents, the different ways they are looked at, and how they change a situation.  Students are using percents for their career financial comparison analysis.   Social Studies – 7th Graders will be comparing the Feudal System in Japan to Feudalism in Europe in the Early Middle Ages.   Science - Students continue their work on human body systems as we prepare for an assessment this week.


8A   Language Arts - Students are finalizing their Night Literary Analysis Essay this week. They will also prepare for their Holocaust Guest Speaker Presentation on Thursday, January 11. As they wrap up Night, students will transition to their Speech and Poetry Units.   Math - 8th graders are working on inequalities and their business ownership project.  This week they will determine if their business will be profitable or not.  Social Studies – 8th Grade Social Studies is finishing up their Constitution Unit with research on a specific Amendment to the Constitution.  They are writing a speech to Congress (their classmates) that convinces them that their Amendment is important to add to the US Constitution.  Science - Students sharpen their measurement skills this week, working on length, mass, and volume as they prepare for their rocket project.




Jan. 10    First Communion Parent Meeting, 6:00 PM

Jan. 12    School Prayer Service for Dr. Martin Luther

                 King, Jr., 8:30 AM

Jan. 15    Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. Holiday—No


Jan. 16    School Mass, 8:15 AM

Jan. 19    End of the 2nd Quarter


Dear Parents,

       Happy New Year!!!  I pray that everyone enjoyed a blessed Christmas with loved ones.  I am thankful for another year filled with hope, challenges, and growth.  Together, let us start 2018 with a prayer:

Lord, You make all things new.

You bring hope alive in our hearts

And cause our Spirits to be born again.

Thank you for this new year,

For all the potential it holds.

Come and kindle in us a mighty flame

So that in our time, many will see the wonders of God

And live forever to praise Your glorious name.  


--Mrs. Sandra Jimenez



Next Spring, our 7th graders will be attending Caritas Creek Environmental Education Program and retreat at CYO camp.  To help these students raise funds for their trip, visit their GoFundMe page (https://www.gofundme.com/send-mission-kids-to-env-camp) and make a donation, or submit a cash or check donation at the school office.  Any amount would help, and please share the GoFundMe page with your family and friends!



We depend on parent volunteer support throughout the school year! Some upcoming events include our FAMILY DANCE and CATHOLIC SCHOOLS WEEK FAMILY MASS RECEPTION.  If you would like to help plan future events and fundraisers, or would like to join one of our parent groups, please contact Mrs. Jimenez at sjimenez@sanpedro.org or leave your name and number at the office.



Please see the enclosed flyer for the upcoming school event, the AZTEC TREK!  This is our school walk-a-thon fundraiser, and it’s our only mandatory fundraiser for the school year.  Please support our children and our school!



Students who had no tardies in December have free dress this Thursday, January 4.  Teachers notified students if they qualified for this prize.



KINDER - Parents, I hope you all had a wonderful Christmas and New Year celebration. It was great hearing all about your child's winter break-What they did, where they went, what exciting things they saw and learned. I am looking forward to hearing more stories as the week goes by. I want to take a moment to thank you for helping your child complete the winter packet. I hope it was helpful. This week, we will continue learning more sight words and doing group activities to reinforce these words. We will be working on counting to 100, addition, subtraction, identifying shapes, writing complete sentences, patterning and starting our super Math centers-"CHAMP!"

1A - Welcome back! I hope you all had a great Christmas break. This week in first grade we will be reading and discussing how we measure time. In religion we are learning about different holy people and the different ways that we show love for God and others. In math we are beginning our unit on place value by practicing grouping and counting by 10s. In science and social studies we are learning about weather and seasons.

2A - Second grade will be reading about ways deaf people enjoy music; subtracting without regrouping; talking about making good choices and asking forgiveness; investigating spills in science; and using our mapping skills.  Mark your calendars for our First Communion meeting on Wednesday, January 10 at 6:00 PM.

3A – Happy New Year to all!  We are back at school working hard on our studies and our KEYS.  We are continuing to donate canned foods for our friends who experienced the terrible fires last year. Please help us to show LOVE and SERVICE as we UNITE as a school.  In Reading class, we've begun Addie's One Wish to the Brightest Star by Gloria St. Joy. In Math class, we'll continue to practice our subtraction problems with 2 and 3 regroupings.  In Language class, we are learning about simple and complete subjects and predicates.  

4A - Happy New Year!  I hope all 4A families enjoyed their time together during the Christmas and New Year's holiday break.  This week 4A students will begin the new year by learning how Jesus taught us to pray, multiplying 4-digit numbers by 1-digit multipliers with and without regrouping, and understanding story characters' behavior and relationships. I want to thank those who brought books for the children at the UCSF Benioff Children's Hospital; the gifts were donated over the Christmas break.  I also want to thank those who continue to support our food drive.  Keep up the good work, service, and love.

5A - 5th grade will start out 2018 with some time for reflecting and goal setting on how we want to grow during this year. We will also check in on how our salt solutions changed during Christmas break and begin discussing the first permanent settlements in America.

6A  Religion – Happy New Year! 6A will be visited by Paula Pardini this week.  Language Arts – A new year means more opportunities to grow and learn! in 6th grade ELA, we will be growing our ability to make sound arguments and support them with logical reasoning, as we begin our introduction to our next unit: non-fiction and argumentative writing. We will connect some of the themes in our novel Roll of Thunder, Hear My Cry as we debate the meaning of "equality" and "freedom."   Math - We are starting to work on everything fractal... preparations now begin for the 3rd St. Peter's Annual Fraction Fair!   Social Studies – 6A will begin to explore Ancient China.   Science – 6th grade scientists will review the connection we discovered between density & heat of liquids during our last investigation. Students will learn to connect their observations regarding density and heat with weather patterns.

7A/7B   Language Arts - Welcome back! Students have ended their Unit on A Christmas Carol. They are now moving on to the Introduction of Poetry, what it is, key characteristics and the different forms.   Math - 7th graders are now working on their financial comparison project using ratios, proportions, and percents to determine where they would want to live based on hypothetical careers.   Social Studies – 7th grade will spin the globe over to European Physical Geography.   Science - Students are hard at work on their human body systems presentations and projects!

8A   Religion – Happy New Year! 8A will be visited by Paula Pardini this week.   Language Arts - Welcome back, Class of 2018! Students are closing their Night Unit with a Literary Analysis Essay, interpreting the significant events, topics, and themes in the novel. On Thursday, January 11, students will also have a Holocaust Guest Speaker Presentation.   Math - 8th graders are using inequalities and equations in their Business project to determine if their business is profitable or not.  Social Studies – 8A will be assigned their amendments for their amendment research projects.   Science - Students continue their work with chemical reactions as we prepare for our first project of the year!



Jan. 4      Free Dress for No Tardies in December

Jan. 10    First Communion Parent Meeting, 6:00 PM