Dear Parents,

       Please join me in congratulating our 8th graders who received the Sacrament of Confirmation this past Saturday!  They have been “sealed with the gift of the Holy Spirit!” This is an important step in their faith journey, and they were able to reach this point thanks to the loving support of their families and teachers.

       It is our hope that they are now united more firmly to Christ; have a strengthened bond to the Church; and possess a special strength of the Holy Spirit to spread and defend the faith by word and action as true witnesses of Christ.  How appropriate that they took this step in their faith journey just one week ahead of Pentecost (which is this Sunday, on May 20), and is considered the “birthday” of the Church.  Pentecost is the day the apostles were granted the gifts of the Holy Spirit.

     And suddenly there came from the sky a noise like a strong   

     driving wind, and it filled the entire house in which they  

     were. Then there appeared to them tongues as of fire,

     which parted and came to rest on each one of them. And

     they were all filled with the holy Spirit and began to speak

     in different tongues, as the Spirit enabled them to proclaim.

     [Acts 2:2-4]

I hope that we as parents, along with our newly-confirmed 8th graders, will continue to be strengthened by the Holy Spirit.  We strive to be positive examples of love, kindness, peace, patience, courage, and faithfulness, and live out our St. Peter’s KEYS!

--Mrs. Sandra Jimenez




We are so grateful for all the hard work and dedication that St. Peter’s teachers have shown this school year.  They are a KEY part of our school community, and they definitely model how SERVICE UNITES.

We especially thank Mr. David Guzman, our 4th grade teacher for the past 10 years, and Mr. Lawrence Hargarten, our 7th grade homeroom and Middle School Math teacher for the past 4 years, for their service at St. Peter’s School.  Mr. Guzman and Mr. Hargarten have chosen different paths for the upcoming school year.  We thank them for their dedication and care for the students at St. Peter’s School, and wish them the best in their future endeavors.  We will miss you, Mr. Guzman and Mr. Hargarten!




This Sunday, May 20, is Pentecost Sunday and our Family Mass celebration.  Join us for mass at 9:30 AM!



Aztecs!  Did you play a sport this year? If so, you are invited to join us for our Annual Sports Celebration THIS SUNDAY on May 20, 2018 at 10:30 a.m. (after our 9:30 a.m. Sunday Family Mass) in the school gym.  Not only will we have delicious pastries and exciting information to share with you, we will also take the time to recognize some scholar athletes for exemplifying our core values: grow, accomplish, love, serve, and unite!

Registrations for 2018-2019 sports seasons will also be available at the celebration.  See you there!


2017-2018 YEARBOOK

The Yearbook is on sale NOW!  $25 for a 52-page, full-color, hardcover memory book for this school year!  Supplies are limited.  Pre-order now to guarantee your copy!



If your child received a statement for any unpaid balance for the mandatory AZTEC TREK Fundraiser, this balance is past due.  Please pay the amount as soon as possible.



If your child took LifeTouch Spring pictures, please return payment of the pictures that you wish to keep, and return any photos that you do not purchase.



On Sunday, June 10 at 2:30 PM at St. Peter’s Church, a special mass and reception will be held in honor of Sr. Ana Maria Pineda.  She is a St. Peter’s parishioner since the 1950s, a St. Peter’s graduate from the 1960s, and a Sister of Mercy since the 1970s.  She is a former St. Peter’s teacher and Parish Minister at the Church for the Hispanic Community, and currently a professor at Santa Clara University.  She has recently been elected as Assistant to the President of the West Midwest Sisters of Mercy.  Please join is un honoring Sr. Ana Maria!




KINDER - This week in Kindergarten, we will review Unit 10 and our sight words. Also, students will work together to write sentences that state opinions about a topic. Then they will make a poster to display their opinions. For example: “I think we should keep parks clean!”


1A -  This week in first grade we are reading and learning about how weather affects us and working on reading words with silent letters. In religion we are continuing to talk about the importance of forgiveness and saying sorry. In math we are continuing with double-digit addition and regrouping. In science we are continuing our study of sound and vibrations. In social studies we are continuing our practice with directions and using a compass.  


2A - Second graders will be reading more poetry and determining the author's point of view. We will review adding and subtracting with 2-digit numbers. We will continue working with our composting jars and garden in science. We have been visiting the grotto to say prayers lately for loved ones.


3A – Our reading dioramas were finished and proved to be done with lots of thought and creativity. Great job 3rd grade! You gave it your all and never gave in or gave up. Now we'll begin our next chapter book called Chocolate Fever by Robert Kimmel Smith. In Math class we are multiplying 2- digit by 1-digit numbers. We are also exploring long division with remainders. This skill is made so much easier when we know our basic math facts!!! We are sounding much better at Tuesday Mass since we've been practicing our Mass responses each week.


4A - This week 4A will continue to explain and identify an author's purpose, identify and use adverbs in writing, and add fractions with unlike denominators.      


5A - This week, 5th grade will finish their STAR testing and book talk presentations, go on a field trip to the California Academy of Sciences museum, and celebrate the end of our book study on A Wrinkle in Time with a class party.


6A   Religion - Students will be reading about Pentecost as the Easter season comes to an end.    Language Arts – 6th graders will continue reading novels in literature circles, while practicing using context clues to find the meaning of unknown words. We are also trying out rotating in learning centers, so students have the opportunity to learn in small groups.   Social Studies – Students are finalizing their Greek Unit by viewing Hercules, completing their review game boards, and having an art teacher visit the classroom for a Greek art project.   Science – 6th graders will review principles of condensation as they prepare for an investigation into water vapor's impact on weather systems.


7A/7B    Language Arts - Students are continuing to read The Outsiders. They have engaged in thought-provoking discussions and lessons based on what it means to be hero. Can Greasers bestow acts of heroism or does their negative reputation hinder them from being heroes?   Social Studies – 7th graders will begin to compare and contrast the four early American civilizations.   Science - Students are back from camp and now we look to complete our genetics presentations and begin our ecology unit here at school.



·         Graduation Fee ($140) and any Outstanding Bills (tuition, AZTEC Trek)—NOW PAST DUE! Please make payments in the school office.

·         Picnic Permission Slips due Wednesday, May 23 to Mrs. Fuaau.

Religion – Students are continuing their book, Refugee, and will reflect on the end of the Easter season with readings about Pentecost.  Language Arts - Students have begun reading Of Mice and Men, by John Steinbeck. They are introduced to the unlikely pair of Lennie and George, their friendship, and the journey west.   Social Studies – 8th Graders will continue learning the details of the Civil War and presenting on specific battles that occurred.   Science - Students have been hard at work on their mousetrap cars. This week, we look to get all of the kinks out as we prepare to race next week.



May 16       8:30 AM  May Crowning Prayer Service and Student Council Installation

May 20       9:30 AM  Sunday Family Mass

                   10:30 AM  Sports Celebration in the Parish Hall

May 25      8:30 AM  8th Grade Pinning Mass

May 28      Memorial Day Holiday; NO SCHOOL