QUE PASA 5/23/2018 (English)

Dear Parents,

       This Monday, we celebrate Memorial Day, a day where we take the time to honor and remember those who died in all of America’s wars.  These men and women sacrificed their lives as they were protecting others and protecting our rights and freedoms.  Let us offer this prayer for the soldiers who have given their lives for our country, and reflect on how we ourselves can peacefully work for justice in our world:
Dear God,
This Memorial Day, we pray for those who courageously laid down their lives for the cause of freedom.  May the examples of their sacrifice inspire in us the selfless love of Your Son, our Lord Jesus Christ.
Bless the families of our fallen troops, and fill their homes and their lives with Your strength and peace.
In union with the people of other nations, give us the courage to work for peace and justice, and seek an end to violence and conflict in our communities and around the world.
We ask this through your holy name.  AMEN.

--Mrs. Sandra Jimenez



This Friday, we will honor our 8th graders as they receive their St. Peter’s School Pins—a symbol of their time spent here at St. Peter’s.  You are welcome to join in this special mass and celebration at 8:30 AM.  Students should be in complete uniform—no gray sweats or free dress passes may be used on this day.



Join the Sports Committee as they plan on how to help our Athletic program grow.  The next meeting is next week on Tuesday, May 29 at 5:00 PM in the Faculty Meeting Room.

We are also looking for coaches for the 3rd and 6th grades girls’ volleyball teams and the 7th/8th grade boys’ soccer team for the upcoming school year.  If you are interested, please contact Mr. Suárez in the office or email rsuarez@sanpedro.org. 



Tomorrow, students in grades Kindergarten through 7 will be receiving information about the Summer Learning Challenge.  Completing this Summer Learning Challenge will help prevent the “summer slide,” where students can lose 2-3 months of reading and math skills every summer.  This adds up—by 5th grade summer learning loss can make a student 2.5 - 3 years behind their peers who read during the summer.

Please look over the summer learning challenge with your child, and encourage them to complete the mandatory components of the challenge by the due date.  



Registration is now open for the BVCC Summer Program.  Weekly programs are available from June 11 - July 27.  Tutors from the University of San Francisco will be available once a week throughout the program and can provide assistance to your child as they complete their Summer Learning Challenge.



Friday, June 8th is the last day of school, and dismissal is at 10:00 AM.  However, BVCC will not be open on that day, so no child care at school will be available.  Please make arrangements for the pick-up of your child at 10:00.


2017-2018 YEARBOOK

The Yearbook is on sale NOW!  $25 for a 52-page, full-color, hardcover memory book for this school year!  Supplies are limited.  Pre-order now to guarantee your copy!



If your child received a statement for any unpaid balance for the mandatory AZTEC TREK Fundraiser, this balance is past due.  Please pay the amount as soon as possible. 



If your child took LifeTouch Spring pictures, please return payment of the pictures that you wish to keep, and return any photos that you do not purchase.



On Sunday, June 10 at 2:30 PM at St. Peter’s Church, a special mass and reception will be held in honor of Sr. Ana Maria Pineda.  She is a St. Peter’s parishioner since the 1950s, a St. Peter’s graduate from the 1960s, and a Sister of Mercy since the 1970s.  She is a former St. Peter’s teacher and Parish Minister at the Church for the Hispanic Community, and currently a professor at Santa Clara University.  She has recently been elected as Assistant to the President of the West Midwest Sisters of Mercy.  Please join is un honoring Sr. Ana Maria!




KINDER - We will continue to identify vowels and distinguish between short and long vowel sounds. We will participate in various vowels games and work in pairs. We will review the letter names a, e, i, o, and u. In math, we will describe the position of these shapes: cone, cylinder, sphere, and cube. We will use words such as above, below, in front of and behind.  


1A -  This week in first grade we are reading about and discussing different traditions and working on words with beginning three-letter blends. In religion, we are practicing the different ways we can pray to God. In math we are beginning our fractions unit. In science we are working on distinguishing between different sounds. In social studies we are continuing our study of direction. 


2A - Second graders will be reading “Amazing Grace” and determining the problem and solution in the story. We will review adding 3-digit numbers. Have you seen our lettuce in the garden? We will continue working with our composting jars and garden in science. We will be talking about peace and justice in religion this week. We are keeping many loved ones in our prayers.


3A – This week in 3A we are beginning a Science unit on OWLS. Everyone is very excited, especially Mrs. G. We will not only dissect pellets but we will learn the names of many different owls and their body parts. In Math class, we continue multiplying 2-digit numbers by 1-digit and dividing numbers with remainders. In Social Studies class, we will focus on Memorial Day activities. This is an important patriotic holiday that honors all the men and women who died in the service of the United States. GOD BLESS AMERICA! 


4A - This week 4A will begin working on their 4th Quarter Projects.  These projects will focus on their understanding of the Gold Rush, the three types of rock, and a board game covering much of what they learned this school year in Religion, Math, Reading, English, History, Science, and Handwriting.     


5A - Over the past month, 5th graders have had "genius hour" time to research anything that they're interested in. We've been practicing our technology, research, and writing skills during this unit. Students will finally start to present these passion projects this week. We're excited to learn about everything from the history of hot Cheetos to the science behind eye color in our classmates' presentations this week.


6A   Religion – 6th graders will be learning about the different types of prayer and writing their own prayers.   Language Arts –Students continue to work in the rotational model and are really getting it down! Students are well into their novels for their literature circles and this week will be working on writing sentences in parallel structure.   Social Studies – Students will begin their Ancient Rome Unit by completing a lesson on the physical geography of Italy and coming up with questions they have about the Roman Empire.   Science – 6th graders will review the principles of condensation in relation to our larger weather systems and begin discussing evaporation.  


7A/7B    Language Arts - Students have ended their reading of The Outsiders. They will complete a Final Project to capture the overall content of the novel.  Social Studies – 7th Graders will be completing a five-paragraph essay on the First American Civilizations and will be presenting their passion projects.   Science - Students pick up where they left off after their week at Caritas. Genetic disorder presentations are done and now we look at ecology.


8A   **8th GRADE REMINDER**  

·       Pinning Mass will take place on Friday, May 25 at 8:30 AM. 8th graders must bring their gowns and wear formal attire. Families are welcome to attend. Should you have any questions or concerns, please do not hesitate to contact Mrs. Fuaau.

Religion – 8th graders will take their final exam and finish their read aloud book: RefugeeLanguage Arts - Students have finished Of Mice and Men. They will now participate in a Final Exam based on the novel's last chapter. Did George make the right decision when he killed Lennie? Was he helping a friend or getting rid of a burden?  Social Studies – 8th Graders will take their final exam and present their passion projects.   Science - Mousetrap car races and runs begin! This will be a three-day event capped off with a post-lab assignment to analyze their performance.




May 25      8:30 AM  8th Grade Pinning Mass

May 28      Memorial Day Holiday; NO SCHOOL

May 29      5:00 PM  Sports Committee Meeting

May 30      9:00 AM  8th Grade Awards Ceremony

June 1        9:30 AM  Graduation Mass

                  5:00 PM   Graduation Ceremony