Dear Parents,

       We are now in the 3rd week of Lent.  Hopefully, we are consciously taking this time to pray and reflect both individually and as a family, so that we can grow closer to God and live out our KEY, “You are LOVE.”  This week, I would like to share this Lenten reflection and prayer with you:

God is an ordinary part of our lives. All powerful, but also ever present. We often find it hard to remember how truly extraordinary God’s works are. We are offered miracles, but can we recognize them when they come clad in the ordinary? Perhaps it is God’s way of being tender with us. Miracles are bubbling up everywhere he touches.  When has God come to your rescue in ordinary ways? What miracles have you rushed through? When have you been a prophet for others, offering everyday help in need?

All-powerful and ever-living God, give us the eyes to see the miraculous in the ordinary.  Help us to trust in your help, even when we cannot see the way forward.

(Adapted from Daily Reflections for Lent: Not By Bread Alone 2018)


--Mrs. Sandra Jimenez



Last Saturday, we had another sold-out, successful Family Dinner and Dance!  Events such as these would not be possible without the help of parent volunteers and family donations.  I would like to especially thank parents who took the time to plan the Dinner and Dance, including Myra Santos, Judy Perez Diaz, Raquel Rangel, and Vanessa Espinoza.  Special thanks to the Leonor Family and Rochelle Celedon for providing us with music for the evening, and Hardwood Bar and Smokery for donating the dinner items.

If you’d like to join the Community Builders parent group in planning other events, or join another parent group—including our Madrinas/Padrinos, Campus Care, or Sports Committee—please contact Mrs. Jimenez or Mr. Suarez.



The Aztec Trek Walk-A-Thon and Games will take place this Friday, March 2, beginning at 12:30.  All students must have the minimum $100 paid prior to the date of the Aztec Trek.

Your child received a Permission Slip for the Aztec Trek to Precita Park, which should already be submitted to his/her teacher.  If you would like to chaperone and walk with your child’s class during the Aztec Trek, please contact your child’s teacher.  *In the event of rain, all activities will still take place on school grounds.



LifeTouch Spring Picture Day is Thursday, March 1.  It is optional to take these photos.  If you would like your child to take Spring pictures, he/she may do so in free dress.



If you have not done so already, please return the bright orange re-registration form to school.  The form and new tuition rates are also available on the school website, www.stpeterssf.org.  In order to reserve your child’s space for the next school year, the registration fee of $450 per student is due by March 28.



The application process for the Archdiocese Family Grant for the 2018-2019 school year has begun.  Please go on to mytads.com to begin the application process. Be sure you have your 2017 income tax information or 2017 income information (Calworks, social security, food stamps, etc.).



New students entering for the 2018-2019 school year must complete the BASIC Fund Application no later than March 16, 2018.

Renewal families will be filling out their BASIC Fund Renewal Application in March and April.  All student accounts must be current with no past due balances. Please be sure you have your 2017 income tax information or 2017 income information (Calworks, social security, food stamps, etc.).  Please contact the school office if you have any questions.

An update from the BASIC Fund: The BASIC Fund will increase the maximum scholarship amount from $1600 to $2000.  This means that the deadlines for applications will be especially important, so please submit applications for new siblings by the BASIC Fund deadline.



Registration is open for BVCC Spring Camp, which will be held from Monday, April 2 – Friday, April 6.  Registration forms are available in the school office and after school at BVCC in the Parish Hall.



In order to be a volunteer at school events (such as a field trip chaperone or a sports team coach), adults must complete the online training on www.virtusonline.org.

*If you have already completed the online training by Shield the Vulnerable, your volunteer clearance is still good for 3 years from date of completion of that online course.


Follow these directions to complete the VIRTUS online training:

·         Go to www.virtusonline.org

·         Click on “First-time Registrant”

·         Click on “Begin the registration process”

·         Select San Francisco (Archdiocese)

·         Create a User ID and Password for yourself

·         Fill out the requested personal information

·         Select St. Peter Elementary (San Francisco)  **DO NOT SELECT St. Peter Parish**

·         Provide your digital signatures for downloading and reading the documents: “Standards of Conduct for Those Working with Children and Young People” and “Policies and Procedures Regarding Child Abuse”

·         Select the online course “Protecting God’s Children for Adults” (Online Training)

·         Once you’ve completed the course, go to your Toolbox and click on “Training Report” to verify the completion of your course.

Upon completion of the online course, please email sjimenez@sanpedro.org or print out the “Training Report” page and submit it to the school office.  You will receive 3 parent hours.




CUSTODIAN -- Full-time or Part-time position available.  Must have flexibility with weekends and late afternoon shifts.  HOUSEKEEPER -- On-call, weekdays or weekends.  Both jobs are located at Mercy Convent (2300 Adeline Drive, Burlingame).  If interested, please leave your name and phone number at the school office for Sister Marian Rose, or call the school office at 415-647-8662.



Homeroom teachers identify Students of the Month at the end of each month.  We celebrate these students because they have exemplified living the St. Peter’s KEYS:

Knowledge feeds GROWTH.

Every ACCOMPLISHMENT needs courage.

You are LOVE.



KINDER - Angel Robledo is responsible, respectful, kind, and gentle to all. He is generous and is focus on being a role model to others. His willingness to grow and learn is what makes him stand out as such a wonderful example for all students in the classroom. Angel is also a great listener and follows all classroom rules.


1A - Daniel Saavedra is a very kind and empathetic student. He is generous, quick to help those around him, and a friend to everyone. Daniel works hard at staying focused and always completes his work to the best of his ability.


2A - Isabella Coreas is our Student of the Month. Isabella is always trying her best, in school and on homework. Isabella is always there to listen to and support her friends. She is helpful to her classmates if they need help.


3A - Ariana Narciso is a very conscientious student. In class, she remains focused on whatever assignment or project that she is working on. She consistently follows through with projects and home assignments as well. Keep up the good work habits. Thank you for being so responsible.


4A - Dulce Arana has been a shining example of a student who demonstrates the KEY that "You are Love." She is a great friend to everyone in class. She is kind and gentle. She is that friend that is always willing to give you a hug when you need it. And of course, she is really smart, too.


5A - Giovanni Serrano is our 5th grade Student of the Month. He accomplishes great things in all subjects and is a particularly great writer. Gio also works incredibly hard to grow and learn new skills in each day. Giovanni, thank you for sharing your joyful spirit with our 5th grade class every day!


6A - Justin Abregana Reyes has been a very helpful leader in the 6A classroom this school year. Leading the line to their classes and leading his peers by setting a great example as a student with the KEYS! Justin sees Jesus in the hearts of others and truly knows what it means to follow the Golden Rule. We appreciate his kindness, positive energy, and focus this school year!


7A - Cesar Jimenez has been consistent in showing his care for learning, growth in leadership, keeping positive, supporting his classmates, and showing integrity! These are not the easiest skills for a 7th grader, but Cesar has shown a huge percent of increase in all of those categories!


7B - Katherine Sanchez-Arias is a wonderful example of how St. Peter's students are committed to service. She helps her family, friends, classmates, and teachers, often without even being asked. She is called to serve and share her many gifts and St. Peter's is grateful to have her set such a great example for all.


8A - Brianna Febo has demonstrated what it means to live out the keys. She continuously challenges herself in the classroom, raising questions, contributing to class discussions, and has a genuine willingness to learn. Brianna also shows love for her community by helping others, her teachers, her peers and those younger than herself.




KINDER - This week, we will continue to work on our animal report. Students have chosen an animal, found books and articles on their animal, and now they are ready to highlight information. Students will write what their animal looks like, eats, its habitat, and any additional information they want to share about their animal. Also, parents, please continue to work with your child on their fluency with basic math facts. Looking forward to an exciting week of researching and learning about different animals!


1A - This week in first grade we are reading about and discussing the insects that we are familiar with. We are also focusing on the more complicated spelling patterns of the long i sound. In religion we are continuing to learn about Lent. In math we are starting our geometry unit. In science we are continuing to observe air and wind. In social studies we are learning about our neighboring countries.


2A - Second grade will be reading biographies this week. Please let your children count coins and dollar bills with you! We will be adding up dollar bills, pennies, nickels, dimes, and quarters. We will screen river rocks in science. What does Lent mean to your family? We are getting prepared for our First Reconciliation on 3/7/2018 at 6:00 p.m. in St. Peter's Church.


3A – Our crayfish investigation is going "swimmingly" as the British would say. We are enjoying learning, writing, drawing and making journal entries on our individual observations. In math, we’re working on basic multiplication facts. This is one of the many important skills that students need as they get into the middle grades. PARENTS, please study with your son/daughter and support them as they learn this important skill. In Religion class the students are learning about the symbols of Lent i.e. the color purple, ashes, Reconciliation, fasting, abstaining, palm branches and many others.


4A - This week 4A students will explore ways of following the example of Jesus Christ, identify cause and effect relationships, and divide 4-digit dividends by 1-digit divisors to find 3-digit and 4-digit quotients with and without remainders.


5A - 5th graders will review all of the long division skills we've practiced so far in preparation for a big math test. We will continue learning new vocabulary and analyzing character motivations with our A Wrinkle in Time novel study and learn about taxation in the colonies in Social Studies.


6A   Religion – 6th Grade Religion is continuing their Lenten Journey and comparing Gospel stories related to the Lenten season.   Language Arts – We are finishing our second novel Hatchet with an art analysis of how Brian's character has changed over the course of the novel. We will also be comparing and contrasting the film version with the book version.   Math - 6th grade math we are working on variables, algebraic, and numerical expressions. This week we are delving into the distributive property.   Social Studies – 6th Graders will be studying the traditions and beliefs of the Jewish Religion and will compare Judaism to Christianity.   Science – This week, 6th grade scientists will investigate the way radiant energy warms up different earth materials and have a special visit from a UC Berkeley scientist.


7A/7B   Religion - We are working on parables and how Jesus used Parables to tell the story of the Kingdom of God.  We will be making and presenting our own modern-day parables to show our own interpretation of what it means to get into the kingdom of God.  Language Arts - Students are finalizing Freak the Mighty with a Literary Analysis Essay. They will continue the introduction to their Non-fiction Unit.   Math - We are plugging our way through percents. This week we are having fun with discounts, markups and interest rates.  All the good stuff to think about finances!  Social Studies – 7th Graders are working on a group research project around the Renaissance in Europe.  Science - Students have completed their organ systems unit and we now begin to look at genes and heredity.


8A   Religion - 8th Graders are finishing their ACRE test and continuing their Lenten Journey and comparing Gospel stories related to the Lenten season.   Language Arts - Students have showcased a couple pieces from their Poetry Portfolio. They will begin the introduction to their third text, Zoot Suit by Luis Valdez this week.   Math - We are just diving into the slope intercept formula and learning about the y and x intercepts. Soon we will be discussing the codes and regulations of city streets.  Social Studies – 8th Graders are learning about the effects that the Indian Removal Act had on different Native tribes in the 1830s.    Science - Students are learning about different types of energy as we begin our physics semester and look toward our egg drop project. 



Mar. 1      LifeTouch Spring Picture Day

Mar. 2      12:30 PM AZTEC TREK Walk-A-Thon and Game Day

Mar. 6      8:15 AM School Mass

Mar. 7      6:00 PM First Reconciliation

Mar. 8      Free Dress for No Tardies in February

Mar. 9      NO SCHOOL (Faculty and Staff Retreat Day)