Dear Parents,
It’s SPIRIT WEEK at St. Peter’s School--a special week where we can celebrate our unity and school pride! As parents, some ways we can show school spirit are by supporting our children as they learn new things at school, guiding them to have open hearts and open minds, attending school events and sports games, and volunteering to help at school. As we take part in this fun week recognizing the different ways we can show our school spirit, let us take time to pray as a community to the HOLY SPIRIT for guidance and strength, especially in these final six weeks of school.
And fill our hearts with your gifts.
Let our love be true and our charity be generous.
Help us in all our needs
and grant us the knowledge to do what is right.
Advise us in our doubts,
strengthen us in our weaknesses,
protect us when we are tempted,
and console us when we are afraid.
Graciously hear us, O Holy Spirit, and pour your light into our hearts, minds, and souls.
Guide us to live holy lives and to grow in goodness and grace.
--Mrs. Sandra Jimenez
Join us in playing Loteria THIS FRIDAY, May 4, from 5:00-7:00 PM in the Parish Hall! Only $3 for a Loteria card for unlimited play for a chance to win a prize from the prize table. Or, pay more to play for one of the Grand Prizes, which include tickets to watch the San Francisco Giants! There are limited Loteria cards available to play for the grand prizes, so pre-purchase your card at the office before May 4. Any remaining cards will also be sold at the event. Also, see the flyer for more details and ways that you can help out with this fun event.
If you have not done so already, please return the bright orange re-registration form to school. The form and new tuition rates are also available on the school website, In order to reserve your child’s space for the next school year, the registration fee of $450 per student is now due.
If you are aware that your child has lice, please keep him/her at home and immediately begin treatment to help remove the lice. Your child may not return to school until your child is fully clear of all lice and nits. We want to prevent the lice from spreading to other children in school. Thank you for your cooperation on this matter.
Beginning next week, from May 7 – May 18, students will be completing their final STAR standardized tests of the school year. These tests help identify areas of strength and growth so that teachers can meet students’ needs, and results are also shared with the Department of Catholic Schools at the Archdiocese of San Francisco. To help students do their best, please make sure that your child is getting a good night’s rest and eating breakfast. Also, providing your child with a recess snack would be helpful. Please help the teachers in encouraging the children to do their best on the last STAR tests of this school year.
If your child received a statement for any unpaid balance for the mandatory AZTEC TREK Fundraiser, this balance is past due. Please pay the amount as soon as possible.
On Sunday, June 10 at 2:30 PM at St. Peter’s Church, a special mass and reception will be held in honor of Sr. Ana Maria Pineda. She is a St. Peter’s parishioner since the 1950s, a St. Peter’s graduate from the 1960s, and a Sister of Mercy since the 1970s. She is a former St. Peter’s teacher and Parish Minister at the Church for the Hispanic Community, and currently a professor at Santa Clara University. She has recently been elected as Assistant to the President of the West Midwest Sisters of Mercy. Please join is un honoring Sr. Ana Maria!
KINDER - This week in Kindergarten, we will explore words with short and long u sounds. We will also review pronouns: I, we, he, she, it, and they. Then, students will work together in groups to write complete sentences using a pronoun. In math, we will review flat shapes and explore solid shapes. We will continue talking about how shapes are alike and different.
1A - This week in first grade we are reading and discussing how we can work together to make our lives better. In religion we are reviewing what we've learned about the Eucharist. In math we are gearing up to begin double-digit addition with regrouping. In science we are working on recording observations over a month-long period. In social studies we are continuing our study of commerce.
2A - Second graders will be determining the problem and solution in a story. We will be making arrays and starting to learn about multiplication. We will continue working with our composting investigation in science. We will attend mass, receive the Eucharist, and practice mass responses.
3A – In Religion, we are beginning a unit on the Rosary. We'll study the Joyful, Luminous, Sorrowful, and (for the season of Easter) Glorious Mysteries. We'll also learn the various types of prayer. In Reading class we'll begin making shoebox dioramas. These will show our favorite part of one of the stories in our reader. This will be the 3rd graders’ culminating assessment on the reading text. Our school will show UNITY and school spirit as we "dress up" during this spirit week.
4A - Students will continue to identify and explain an author's purpose for writing, identify and use adjectives, including proper adjectives and articles. Students will also add fractions with like denominators.
5A - This week in 5th grade, students will start creating a plot for their own comic. In math, we will learn how to add fractions with different denominators. We're also going to test solutions with different concentrations in science.
6A Religion – 6th graders will reflect on the story of Satan testing Job and journal about how Job inspires them to live their life with trust in God. Language Arts – We are completing our unit on the novel Tuck Everlasting and sharing our dreams about our futures through our Ferris Wheel projects. We will also take a closer look at the characteristics of different genres this week. Math- 6th graders are into the world of Geometry, focusing on angles and triangles. We will explore the world around us and find how angles make up the structures and shadows among us. Social Studies – Students will begin to read about Alexander the Great, his empire, and the effect it had on world history. Science – 6th graders are learning how the flow of air particles affects weather patterns. They'll complete an investigation on wind this week.
7A/7B ** 7th GRADE REMINDER—Caritas Creek Camp Retreat payment and paperwork now past due! Please submit all payments and forms to Ms. Land. **
Religion - We continue our study of prayer and leadership, this week focusing on the Lord’s Prayer, The Our Father, and the elements that make it such an impactful prayer . Connected to this is the journey of St. Peter and how he was a true leader. We will focus on elements of doubt when we are faced with challenges and how prayer can be a way to put our doubts and fears to rest. Language Arts - Students are continuing to read The Outsiders. They will analyze Robert Frost's poem "Nothing Gold Can Stay" and how it applies to the novel. Math - We continue our exploration of all things small and large and look at the immeasurable with exponents and Scientific Notation. Social Studies – Students will be finalizing their outline and research on the Incan Empire. 7th Graders are also preparing to spend next week at Caritas Creek! Science - Students will be presenting their genetic disorder projects all week long.
8A ** 8th GRADE REMINDER--Graduation Fee ($140), Confirmation ($8), and any Outstanding Bills (tuition, AZTEC Trek)—NOW PAST DUE! Please make payments in the school office..**
Religion – 8th graders will be continuing the book Refugee, reflecting on how the book inspires them to treat their neighbors. Language Arts - Students are well into Act 3 of Romeo and Juliet. They have participated in lively, thought-provoking discussions based on the play's themes, especially regarding young love. Math - We put it all together with using systems of equations in various real world situations and then start our culminating 4th quarter project of building our ramps using linear equations. Social Studies – Students will determine which Cause to the Civil War had the greatest impact on the start of the war. Science - Students will begin building their mousetrap car for their final project.
Apr. 30 – May 4 SPIRIT WEEK
Movie Monday / Teacher Tuesday / Work-It
Wednesday / Tourist Thursday / Fairy Tale Friday
May 4 1:30 PM Spirit Week Finale
May 4 5:00-7:00 PM Family Lotería Night
May 7-11 7th Grade Retreat at Caritas Creek
May 7-18 STAR Testing
May 8 8:15 AM School Mass
May 9 Free Dress for No Tardies in April