Dear Parents,

     September will be upon us tomorrow, and I feel that our school year is off to a strong start, thanks to all the members of our school family—teachers, staff, students, parents, and caregivers.  As a community, we are living our core values to Grow, Accomplish, Love, Serve, and Unite, and our KEYS (Knowledge feeds GROWTH; Every ACCOMPLISHMENT needs courage;  You are LOVE; and Service Unites) are daily reminders at school to help us live out our core values.   

     We also have our Student Learning Expectations-- “SLEs”—which further guide our students to live the Core Values.  The teachers and I will be regularly referencing our SLEs, which are listed below, posted throughout the school, and available on our school website, www.stpeterssf.org.  

A St. Peter’s student has the KEYS to…

GROW by...

- setting and evaluating individual goals to grow spiritually, socially, emotionally, academically, and physically.

- embracing new experiences with an open heart and open mind.

- facing challenges with optimism and faith in God. 


- listening and communicating effectively in social and academic environments.

- demonstrating critical thinking skills and knowledge in all subject areas.

- using technology effectively and responsibly. 

LOVE by…

- making choices based on the teachings of Jesus Christ.

- nurturing a spiritual life through prayer, retreats, masses, and the sacraments.

- demonstrating an appreciation for what others have done for us.


- living out the corporal and spiritual Works of Mercy.

- sharing time, gifts, and joy with the school community.

- participating in outreach to strengthen ties with those outside of our school community.


- engaging in weekly school Mass and morning prayer assemblies.

- supporting and encouraging others in order to strengthen school community.

- welcoming people of all backgrounds as St. Peter’s community members.

Plus--remember that faculty and staff continue to award virtual KEYS on Class Dojo whenever they witness a child living out the core values.  Whenever your child receives a virtual KEY, you’ll receive a Class Dojo notification, and your child can trade in those KEYS for a prize!  

--Mrs. Sandra Jimenez




TONIGHT is the first of our two Virtual Back to School Nights, where teachers will share information about themselves and on what to expect (such as academic resources, projects, and classroom rules) for the coming school year.  Please see the schedule below to know when to meet with your child’s teacher on ZOOM.  Each teacher will share his/her Zoom link on Class Dojo, so look out for that information, and join the Zoom!

Wednesday, August 31  

5:00 PM – Kindergarten with Ms. Imperial and Mrs. Gonzalez

5:30 PM – 1st Grade with Ms. Bruno

6:00 PM – 2nd Grade with Mrs. Gurleyen

6:30 PM – 3rd Grade with Ms. Wong  


Thursday, September 2

5:00 PM – 4th Grade with Mr. Guzman

5:30 PM – 5th Grade with Ms. Amy

6:00 PM – 6th, 7th and 8th grades with all Middle School teachers—Mrs. Fuaau, Ms, Bishop, Mr. Reyes, Mr. Suarez, Mrs. Fresnoza




As noted on our school calendar, there is no school for students this Friday, September 2 while all teachers of the Archdiocese attend a Faith Formation In-Service.

There is also no school on Monday, September 5 for the Labor Day holiday.

Stay safe and enjoy the 4-day weekend, and we’ll resume the usual school schedule on Tuesday, September 6.




We live our core value to UNITE as students wear their school uniform with pride.  Please remember that the complete daily uniform includes the plain white polo shirt, navy khaki pants or uniform skirt/jumper, green uniform sweatshirt, black or white socks, and solid black or solid white sneakers (tennis shoes).  

On Fridays (unless there is a church service), students may wear the optional gray Aztecs hoodie, Aztecs sweatpants, and Aztecs T-shirt.

For more details on the school uniform, refer to the Uniform section of the Parent-Student Handbook that was distributed on the first day of school, which is also available on the school website: http://www.stpeterssf.org/parents-students

Students who are out of uniform will receive a “Uniform Notice” to be signed by a parent or guardian, as a reminder about the uniform policy, and to help us unite as a school community!



SCHOOL DAY SCHEDULEWe are no longer following a staggered intake schedule.  The Alabama gate and Florida doors will open for students and parents at 7:45 AM, and you may wait on the schoolyard for the first bell at 7:55 AM.  Students may begin walking to class at 7:55 AM, and will be marked tardy if not in class by 8:00 AM.

*Unless you have a pre-arranged appointment, please do not disturb teachers in their classrooms during the morning, as they require this time to prepare for the school day.

Mondays, Tuesdays, Thursdays, and Fridays are 3:00 PM dismissal days, unless otherwise noted on the school calendar.  School gates and doors will close at 3:15 PM.

Wednesdays are Minimum Days with 12:30 PM dismissal.  School gates and doors will close at 12:45 PM on Minimum Days.

Important Reminder:  When dropping off or picking up your child/children, please do not park or leave your car unattended in the white zone or in the schoolyard driveway.  This area must remain open in case of emergencies.  Thank you for your cooperation!




If you have not already done so, please complete and return all forms that were distributed on the first day of school. This includes:

- Emergency Card

- Medical Information Packet

- Media Release Form

- Technology Acceptable Use Policy

- Handbook Acknowledgement Form

- Permission to Walk Home from School 

- Home Language Survey for Title III Funding

- For Middle Schoolers – Student Discipline Policy




Any students participating in BVCC must first be registered in the program.  Registration forms are available in the school office.  Children's Council and Sliding Scale available. Forms may be dropped off in the school office with a check.  (Venmo is also accepted – @BVCCatStPeters.  Please do NOT leave cash in the office.  No family will be turned away due to financial need.

For questions about BVCC, please contact Rochelle Celedon at 415-713-0625 (rochelle.bvcc@gmail.com) or Judy Diaz at 415-283-5545 (judy.bvcc@gmail.com).




We continue to endure the effects of the COVID-19 pandemic.  To prevent the spread of COVID-19 at school, we have developed a School Infection Mitigation Plan, available on our school website at http://www.stpeterssf.org/pandemic-reopening-plan

Please remember -- If your child is feeling ill or has been exposed to COVID-19, phone the school office and keep your child at home!  

🡪 Symptoms to watch out for include:

  • Fever -- 100.4°F / 38°C or higher

  • Cough

  • Severe headache

  • Sore throat

  • Shortness of breath or trouble breathing

  • New loss of taste or smell

  • Vomiting

  • Diarrhea




August 31         Virtual Back to School Night for grades K-3

September 1     Virtual Back to School Night for grades 4-8

September 2      No School – Teacher In-Service

September 5      No School – Labor Day Holiday

September 7     Minimum Day Dismissal


Dear Parents,

Welcome back to school! I hope that you and your loved ones were able to rest and spend quality time with each other over the summer, returning to school rejuvenated to learn and grow together!


For this new school year, let us pray:  

God of our past, our present and our future,

God of our dreams, our designs and our decisions,

Be love in us as we journey through this new school year.                 

Be our inner vision, that we may see life through your eyes,

Be our inner hearing, that we may listen well for your call,

Be our inner judgment, so we may discern clearly that which gives life, promotes growth, and nurtures love.                                        

As we move into this school year, fill us with hope and abiding trust that you dwell in us,

So that, in both joy and sorrow, we radiate hope.  AMEN.                                                                                      

(from https://rscj.org/prayer-new-school-year)

The Que Pasa will be shared each Wednesday through Class Dojo and SchoolSpeak email.  All Que Pasa updates can be found on our school website at http://www.stpeterssf.org/parents-students.  Please take the time to read through the newsletter each week since it does contain important information.

I look forward to another great school year with everyone in our St. Peter’s Family!                                                  Grow, Accomplish, Love, Serve, Unite! St. Peter’s has the KEYS to Open Hearts, Open Minds!

--Mrs. Sandra Jimenez




We warmly welcome all new students and families to our school community!  In addition, we have new teachers joining our school family: 

In Kindergarten - Ms. Isabella Imperial

In 1st Grade - Ms. Tylia Bruno

In 3rd Grade - Ms. Wendy Wong

In 6th grade homeroom and Middle School Social Studies - Mr. Manuel Reyes

In 7th grade homeroom and Middle School Math - Ms. Alexis Bishop

We also welcome back from maternity leave Mrs. Nina Fuaau in 8th grade homeroom and Middle School Language Arts.

Best wishes to all of our new and returning faculty, staff, students, and families!




We continue to help our students live out St. Peter’s KEYS, which are based on our core values of Grow, Accomplish, Love, Serve, and Unite:

Knowledge feeds GROWTH. 

Every ACCOMPLISHMENT needs courage.

You are LOVE.


This year, faculty and staff continue to award virtual KEYS on Class Dojo whenever they witness a child living out the core values.  Whenever your child receives a virtual KEY, you’ll receive a Class Dojo notification, and your child can trade in those KEYS for a prize!




If you have not already done so, please complete and return all forms that were distributed on the first day of school by this Friday, August 26.  This includes:

- Emergency Card

- Medical Information Packet

- Media Release Form

- Technology Acceptable Use Policy

- Handbook Acknowledgement Form

- Permission to Walk Home from School 

- Home Language Survey for Title III Funding

- For Middle Schoolers – Student Discipline Policy



SCHOOL DAY SCHEDULEWe are no longer following a staggered intake schedule.  The Alabama gate and Florida doors will open for students and parents at 7:45 AM, and you may wait on the schoolyard for the first bell at 7:55 AM.  Students may begin walking to class at 7:55 AM, and will be marked tardy if not in class by 8:00 AM.

Mondays, Tuesdays, Thursdays, and Fridays are 3:00 PM dismissal days, unless otherwise noted on the school calendar.  School gates and doors will close at 3:15 PM.

Wednesdays are Minimum Days with 12:30 PM dismissal.  School gates and doors will close at 12:45 PM on Minimum Days.

Important Reminder:  When dropping off or picking up your child/children, please do not park or leave your car unattended in the white zone or in the schoolyard driveway.  This area must remain open in case of emergencies.  Thank you for your cooperation!




Cafeteria service will begin on Thursday, August 25. 

School lunches are $3.00 for the entree, $0.75 for water, and $0.75 for SunChips.

Students may order school lunches daily with CASH payments, or parents may place orders on the Cafeteria Venmo account @StPeters-Lunch.  Venmo lunch orders must be completed by 8:30 AM.  You may also order lunches ahead of time (for the month or the week) on Venmo.  Be sure to include your child’s name, grade, and items to be ordered.

*Note that the Cafeteria Venmo account is different from the Venmo school tuition/fees account.

Remember that school lunches may NOT be dropped off at the school office during the school day.  On regular dismissal days, students bring a lunch from home, or order a lunch from the cafeteria.  We also encourage students to bring a snack to eat during morning recess.

To see the lunch menu for August and September, click on this link to the school website: 





We continue to endure the effects of the COVID-19 pandemic.  To prevent the spread of COVID-19 at school, we have developed a School Infection Mitigation Plan, available on our school website at http://www.stpeterssf.org/pandemic-reopening-plan

Please remember -- If your child is feeling ill, phone the school office and keep your child at home!  

🡪 Symptoms to watch out for include:

  • Fever -- 100.4°F / 38°C or higher

  • Cough

  • Severe headache

  • Sore throat

  • Shortness of breath or trouble breathing

  • New loss of taste or smell

  • Vomiting

  • Diarrhea




BVCC after-school services will begin on Monday, August 29.

BVCC Registration forms are located in the school office.  

No students will be accepted until a registration form is filled, and the registration fee and any outstanding balance are paid.

Children's Council and Sliding Scale available. 

Forms may be dropped off in the school office with a check.  (Venmo is also accepted – @BVCCatStPeters.  Please do NOT leave cash in the office.  

No family will be turned away due to financial need.

For questions about BVCC, please contact Rochelle Celedon at 415-713-0625 (rochelle.bvcc@gmail.com) or Judy Diaz at 415-283-5545 (judy.bvcc@gmail.com).



This year, we will once again have Virtual Back to School Nights, where teachers will share information on what to expect (such as academic resources, projects, and classroom rules) for the coming school year.  Please see the schedule below to know when to meet with your child’s teacher on ZOOM.  Each teacher will share his/her Zoom link on Class Dojo, so look out for that information on Class Dojo!


Wednesday, August 31  

5:00 PM – Kindergarten with Ms. Imperial and Mrs. Gonzalez

5:30 PM – 1st Grade with Ms. Bruno

6:00 PM – 2nd Grade with Mrs. Gurleyen

6:30 PM – 3rd Grade with Ms. Wong  


Thursday, September 2

5:00 PM – 4th Grade with Mr. Guzman

5:30 PM – 5th Grade with Ms. Amy

6:00 PM – 6th, 7th and 8th grades with all Middle School teachers—Mrs. Fuaau, Ms, Bishop, Mr. Reyes, Mr. Suarez, Mrs. Fresnoza




August 25         Cafeteria services begin

August 26         All school forms due

August 29         BVCC Services Begin

August 31         Virtual Back to School Night for grades K-3

September 1     Virtual Back to School Night for grades 4-8

September 2      No School – Teacher In-Service

September 5      No School – Labor Day Holiday


Dear Parents,

        Together, we made it to the last few days of school!  Your child progressed and developed socially, academically, and spiritually this year at St. Peter’s. Continue to support their growth over the summer. Seek out fun, new, and enriching experiences as a family.  Read books and magazines for fun.  Enjoy the outdoors safely. Pray together.  I promise to do the same with my own family!  

        I share with you this prayer to end this school year:

God of wisdom,We thank you for all the gifts you have given us throughout this school year. We praise you for blessing us with knowledge, so that we may use this knowledge to make our world a better place—to be positive examples of love and service. 

As we come to the end of this school year, we thank you for the good things you have done for us, and we praise you for all who have shared in the work of this school. We ask you to bless them in your love and give them refreshment and peace. 

We pray that everyone has a safe summer, and for us to return to school even more ready to learn and grow.We ask this through Jesus Christ, our Lord, who lives and reigns forever and ever. AMEN. 

And don’t forget…

Grow, Accomplish, Love, Serve, Unite!  

St. Peter’s has the KEYS to OPEN HEARTS, OPEN MINDS!

Have a great summer! ☺

See you for the new school year on August 22!

 --Mrs. Sandra Jimenez




This Friday, June 10, we will have school Mass at 8:30 AM in celebration of our last day of school.  You are invited to join us for Mass!

Since we will be attending school Mass on June 10, please be sure that your child is in complete school uniform.  No Gray sweats or free dress passes may be used on this day.




During the last week of school (June 6-10), there will be no BVCC after-school services while they prepare for their summer program.

Please plan accordingly so that your child(ren) are picked up at the appropriate school dismissal time, listed below:

  • Thursday, June 9 - 12:30 PM  (Minimum Day)

  • Friday, June 10 - 10:30 AM  (Last day of School)




Report cards will be sent home with students on the last day of school–Friday, June 10.  Please be sure to check your child’s report card and store it in a safe place! 




We are grateful for our St. Peter’s School teachers and staff, for all the love and commitment that they’ve shown to our students!

We would like to wish the following teachers our best wishes as they move on from St. Peter’s School:

- Kindergarten teacher, Mrs. Jennifer Gonsalves

- 1st Grade teacher, Ms. Christina Mincin

- Middle School Social Studies teacher, Ms. Felicitas Tonna

- PE teacher, Mr. Andre Licudine

- Mercy Corp Volunteer, Ms. Alivia Schmidt-Sanders

- Marketing Coordinator, Mr. Ricardo Romero

- 3rd Grade teacher, Mrs. Cyndi Gonzalez, who is retiring after 48 years of service at St. Peter’s School!

You are all in our prayers while you embark on your next adventures in life!




Through the local school district, our school has received a supply of free COVID home test kits for students.  We have distributed another home test kit to each student, which may be used as needed.  If your child did not give their test kit to you, please check their backpack for the test and keep it in a safe place for future use.




BVCC Summer Camp Registration is now available!

BVCC welcomes all students from St. Peter's and other schools to join our camp, June 13 - July 29.  Extended Care is available.  Register online using this link – https://docs.google.com/forms/d/1kbXPMXFnUyRpyKA9R8W98HZcIIjNM3VtJj5nxe0mJA8/edit

If you need help with the application, please call BVCC at 415-283-5545 or 415-713-0625 to set up an appointment.  Financial Assistance available for everyone.  

**REMINDER**BVCC will be closed June 6-10 to prepare for the Summer Program.  Please plan accordingly!



June 8          12:30 Dismissal

June 9          8:45 AM - Kindergarten celebration

June 9          12:30 Dismissal

June 10        8:30 AM School Mass

June 10        10:30 AM Dismissal - Last Day of School! 


Dear Parents,

        The 8th graders are taking their final steps towards GRADUATION!  We proudly share in their accomplishments as we—their families and teachers—have helped them to lay the foundation for their future.  We are especially proud of them as this school year presented a variety of challenges and obstacles, yet they moved forward with open hearts and open minds.  Now, they are ready to take on their next steps in high school!

Let us offer this prayer for our soon-to-be graduates:

 Loving God, we thank you for our graduates. You have blessed them during their years at St. Peter’s School with wisdom, friendships, and skills. Continue to challenge them to make this world a better place. Help them to look forward to their next steps in high school. Give them faith and a sense of purpose in 

their next steps. Show them how to serve others in effective ways.  May they be aware in everything they do that they find fulfillment in doing your will, that you will be with them always, and that you will bring to completion the good work you have begun in them.  AMEN.

GO CLASS OF 2022!!! We are so proud of you!

 --Mrs. Sandra Jimenez




As a school we will attend the Class of 2022 Baccalaureate Mass in honor of our 8th graders on Friday, June 3 at 9:30 AM.

On Tuesday, June 7, we will have a Kindergarten - 7th grade Awards Ceremony and Prayer Service at 1:15 PM.

During the final week of school, there will be no Tuesday school Mass.  Instead, we will have school Mass on Friday, June 10 at 8:30 AM in celebration of our last day of school.

Since we will be attending school Mass on June 3 and June 10, please be sure that your child is in complete school uniform.  No Gray sweats or free dress passes may be used on these days.




During the last week of school (June 6-10), there will be no BVCC after-school services while they prepare for their summer program.

Please plan accordingly so that your child(ren) are picked up at the appropriate school dismissal time, listed below:

  • Monday, June 6 - 3:00 PM

  • Tuesday, June 7 - 3:00 PM

  • Wednesday, June 8 - 12:30 PM  (Minimum Day)

  • Thursday, June 9 - 12:30 PM  (Minimum Day)

  • Friday, June 10 - 10:30 AM  (Last day of School)



The 2021-2022 yearbooks have arrived! Make sure to get your keepsake of this school year for only $25.

There are two ways to get your yearbook:

1.  Purchase through Venmo. Send $25 to @SPeters-School. Be sure to put your child’s full name, grade, and YEARBOOK in the comments. Yearbooks will be delivered to students in their homerooms.

2.  Purchase directly at the front office with $25 cash only.

Get your copy soon! Supplies are limited!



BVCC Summer Camp Registration is now available!

BVCC welcomes all students from St. Peter's and other schools to join our camp, June 13 - July 29.  Extended Care is available.  Register online using this link – https://docs.google.com/forms/d/1kbXPMXFnUyRpyKA9R8W98HZcIIjNM3VtJj5nxe0mJA8/edit

If you need help with the application, please call BVCC at 415-283-5545 or 415-713-0625 to set up an appointment.  Financial Assistance available for everyone.  

**REMINDER**BVCC will be closed June 6-10 to prepare for the Summer Program.  Please plan accordingly!




Homeroom teachers identify Students of the Month at the end of each month.  We celebrate these students because they have exemplified living the St. Peter’s KEYS:

Knowledge feeds GROWTH. 

Every ACCOMPLISHMENT needs courage.

You are LOVE.


Congratulations to our May Students of the Month!

Kindergarten - Like a TRUE VALEDICTORIAN, Gavin Contreras has shown that he has the KEYS to OPEN ANY DOOR! He is OUR STAR shining BRIGHT for all to see. With his GENEROUS SPIRIT, COLLABORATIVE NATURE, and WINNING SMILE, Gavin is a LEADER in Kindergarten. He's the BEE that has BUZZED the most! Gavin has CLIMBED MOUNTAINS with Jiji and TRAVELED the WORLD in Lexia. We are excited to see what Gavin will accomplish next! GO GAVIN GO!! WE  LOVE YOU!!! 

1st Grade - Alexander Villasenor has grown so much since the beginning of the school year. He is someone who tries to be a better person each and every day. He is a math superstar, and is someone who loves to help his friends. Piggie and Elephant are so proud of you!! Keep up the amazing work Alexander! 

2nd Grade - Solina Ramirez Herrera is kind, always has a great attitude, and is an excellent student. She brings joy and positivity wherever she goes. She has always been an excellent reader and is now a great mathematician as well. We are all so glad that Solina has joined us at St. Peter's this year. 

3rd Grade - Geovanna Carreto always tries her best.  She works hard at home and in class on all ELA and Math assignments and projects.  We are very proud of you,Geo! Keep up your work ethic as you move toward the fourth grade. 

4th Grade - Aaron Mendoza has really stepped up recently as a classroom leader urging his friends to unite and follow classroom rules so that they may have a quiet space to learn and grow as students.  He is also very thoughtful in his answers and responses to questions asked in class.  Like his friends before him, he has been a star and a shining example of a student striving to live out our school's KEYS.  Keep up the good work, Aaron!

5th Grade - Veronica Juarez is an exemplary student. She is committed to doing her best and seeking new challenges. Veronica is always ready to help others and has an excellent responsible attitude to all her learning. Veronica also writes beautifully.  We have a budding author in our midst. Way to go, Vee!

6th Grade - Isaiah Arguello is a shining star! Isaiah, you share your light and gifts not only with everyone in our 6th grade community, but also with the greater St. Peter's Community! Isaiah, I am so proud of the young leader you are becoming and know you will be so successful in the future! Congratulations Isaiah, you make our classroom a better place! :)

7th Grade - Zinara Fuentes shows a St. Peter's attitude through the thoughtfulness she puts into her school work and into caring for those around her. She is a responsible young lady, and everyone knows that she is always willing to listen to her peers and their struggles. She always has your back! Way to go, Zinara! You will do great in eighth grade!

8th Grade - Jayden Grajeda is a generous, caring, and ambitious young man who has the power to bring out the best in his peers and anyone he surrounds himself with. Jayden always comes to the classroom prepared to learn and help others in need. I look forward to hopefully hearing all Jayden accomplishes outside of his small community here at St. Peter’s, which he will soon leave to embark on a new journey into high school! Good luck, Jayden! Congratulations on all your accomplishments! 



June 2           4th and 7th Grades Field Trip - California Academy of Sciences

June 2          5th Grade Field Trip - SFPL Bookmobile

June 2          8th Grade Picnic - San Bruno Park

June 3          9:30 AM - Baccalaureate Mass

June 3          4:30 PM - 8th Grade Graduation Ceremony

June 7          1:15 PM - K-7 Awards Ceremony and Prayer Service in church

June 8          12:30 Dismissal

June 9          Kindergarten celebration

June 9          12:30 Dismissal

June 10        8:30 AM School Mass

June 10        10:30 AM Dismissal - Last Day of School!


Dear Parents,

        It’s SPIRIT WEEK at St. Peter’s School--a special week where we can celebrate our unity and school pride.  As parents, some ways we can show school spirit are by supporting our children as they learn new things at school and guiding them to have open hearts and open minds.  While we take part in this week recognizing the different ways we can show our school spirit, let us take time to pray as a community to the HOLY SPIRIT for guidance and strength, especially in these final weeks of school.  Also, as we celebrate Memorial Day this Monday, we honor and remember those who died while protecting others and protecting our rights and freedoms.  We pray for the soldiers who have given their lives for our country, and reflect on how we ourselves can peacefully work for justice in our world.


And fill our hearts with your gifts.

Let our love be true and our charity be generous.

Help us in all our needs 

and grant us the knowledge to do what is right.

Advise us in our doubts, 

strengthen us in our weaknesses, 

protect us when we are tempted, 

and console us when we are afraid.

Graciously hear us, O Holy Spirit, and pour your light into our hearts, minds, and souls.

Guide us to live holy lives and to grow in goodness and grace.


--Mrs. Sandra Jimenez




There is no school on Monday, May 30 for the Memorial Day Holiday.

During the last week of school (June 6-10), there will be no BVCC after-school services while they prepare for their summer program.

Please plan accordingly so that your child(ren) are picked up at the appropriate school dismissal time, listed below:

  • Monday, June 6 - 3:00 PM

  • Tuesday, June 7 - 3:00 PM

  • Wednesday, June 8 - 12:30 PM  (Minimum Day)

  • Thursday, June 9 - 12:30 PM  (Minimum Day)

  • Friday, June 10 - 10:30 AM  (Last day of School)



Here are the remaining days of Spirit Week this week:

May 26 - Throwback Thursday

May 27 - Fancy Friday

Participate in the themes for each day, and earn Spirit points for your class.  The class with the most Spirit points at the end of the week will win a class prize!

Thank you to our Student Council for planning the themes and activities for Spirit Week!



Next week, there will be no school Mass on Tuesday.  Instead, as a school we will attend the Class of 2022 Baccalaureate Mass in honor of our 8th graders on Friday, June 3 at 9:30 AM.

On Tuesday, June 7, we will have a Kindergarten - 7th grade Awards Ceremony and Prayer Service at 1:15 PM.

During the final week of school, there will be no Tuesday school Mass.  Instead, we will have school Mass on Friday, June 10 at 8:30 AM in celebration of our last day of school.

Since we will be attending school Mass on June 3 and June 10, please be sure that your child is in complete school uniform.



The completed re-registration forms are now overdue.  Please submit this form if you haven’t done so already.  

The $500 registration fee is also now past due, and will help to secure your child’s spot in their class for 2022-2023.

To reference the letter with the tuition rates and re-registration form, see the Class Dojo post from February 24, or call the school office to have another letter and form sent home.



BVCC Summer Camp Registration is now available!

BVCC welcomes all students from St. Peter's and other schools to join our camp, June 13 - July 29.  Extended Care is available.  Register online using this link – https://docs.google.com/forms/d/1kbXPMXFnUyRpyKA9R8W98HZcIIjNM3VtJj5nxe0mJA8/edit

If you need help with the application, please call BVCC at 415-283-5545 or 415-713-0625 to set up an appointment.  Financial Assistance available for everyone.  

**REMINDER**BVCC will be closed June 6-10 to prepare for the Summer Program.  Please plan accordingly!



May 23-27    SPIRIT WEEK

May 26         6th Grade Field Trip - Walt Disney Museum

May 30         No School - Memorial Day Holiday

June 1           Minimum Day Dismissal

June 2           4th and 7th Grades Field Trip - California Academy of Sciences

June 2         5th Grade Field Trip - SFPL Bookmobile

June 2          8th Grade Picnic - San Bruno Park

June 3          9:30 AM - Baccalaureate Mass

June 3          4:30 PM - 8th Grade Graduation Ceremony

June 7          1:15 PM - K-7 Awards Ceremony and Prayer Service in church

June 8          12:30 Dismissal

June 9          Kindergarten celebration

June 9          12:30 Dismissal

June 10        8:30 AM School Mass. 

June 10        10:30 AM Dismissal - Last Day of School!


Dear Parents,

       While we continue to pray to our Blessed Mother Mary during this month of May, we are reminded that without Mary and her courage, love, and faith in God, we would not have had our savior Jesus in our lives.  We are still in the Easter season, so we continue to remember Jesus’ sacrifice and the miracle of Jesus’ resurrection. 

       Next week, we celebrate the 40th day after Easter, and that means we celebrate the Feast of the Ascension—when Jesus rose to Heaven, body and soul.  In gratitude for and awe in Jesus’ glorious ascension, let us pray the prayer of the Ascension, while also asking God for guidance to keep up our strength and hope during these last few weeks of school:

God our Father,

make us joyful

in the ascension of your Son Jesus Christ.

May we follow him into the new creation,

for his ascension is our glory and our hope.

We ask this through our Lord Jesus Christ, your Son

who lives and reigns with you and the Holy Spirit,

one God, for ever and ever. Amen.

--Mrs. Sandra Jimenez




As indicated on our school calendar, next week on Monday, May 23 we have a Minimum Day dismissal.

Also, there is no school on Monday, May 30 for the Memorial Day Holiday.




Next week (May 23-27) is Spirit Week!  A flier will be shared on Class Dojo with details about the theme for each day.  Class participation points will be rewarded, and the classes with the most points at the end of Spirit Week will receive a school spirit prize!

May 23 - Magical Monday

May 24 - Twin Tuesday

May 25 - Wacky Wednesday

May 26 - Throwback Thursday

May 27 - Fancy Friday




As shared via SchoolSpeak email, there have been school COVID cases reported from last week and earlier this week.  If you received notification that your child’s class was affected, please follow the directions given to you for testing and monitor your child for symptoms.  Students in affected classes are required to wear masks while at school.

Through the local school district, our school has received a supply of free COVID home test kits for students.  This week, we distributed another home test kit to each student, which may be used as needed.  If your child did not give their test kit to you, please check their backpack for the test and keep it in a safe place for future use.

If you have any questions about the COVID home test kits, please contact the school office.




Last week, our Student Council election procese came to a conclusion.  We are proud of all the students who ran for office–they are role models for showing growth and courage as they opened their hearts and minds to being our student leaders. 

Below are the final election results.  Congratulations to our new Student Council officers for the 2022-2023 school year!

President - Joshua Cortes

Vice-President - Julissa Cabrera

Secretary - Isaiah Arguello

Treasurer - Nelly Ortiz

Commissioner of Safety - Genesis Ixcal

Commissioner of Sports - Andrea Perez

Commissioner of Religious Affairs - Matthew Chirino-Sandoval

Our new Student Council officers will be installed into their new responsibilities during our May Crowning and Student Council Installation Prayer Service tomorrow–Thursday, May 19 at 8:30 AM at St. Peter’s Church. 




During the last week of school (June 6-10), there will be no BVCC after-school services while they prepare for their summer program.

Please plan accordingly so that your child(ren) are picked up at the appropriate school dismissal time, listed below:

  • Monday, June 6 - 3:00 PM

  • Tuesday, June 7 - 3:00 PM

  • Wednesday, June 8 - 12:30 PM  (Minimum Day)

  • Thursday, June 9 - 12:30 PM  (Minimum Day)

  • Friday, June 10 - 10:30 AM  (Last day of School)




The completed re-registration forms are now overdue.  Please submit this form if you haven’t done so already.  

The $500 registration fee is also now past due, and will help to secure your child’s spot in their class for 2022-2023.

To reference the letter with the tuition rates and re-registration form, see the Class Dojo post from February 24, or call the school office to have another letter and form sent home.




BVCC Summer Camp Registration is now available!

BVCC welcomes all students from St. Peter's and other schools to join our camp, June 13 - July 29.  Extended Care is available.  Register online using this link – https://docs.google.com/forms/d/1kbXPMXFnUyRpyKA9R8W98HZcIIjNM3VtJj5nxe0mJA8/edit

If you need help with the application, please call BVCC at 415-283-5545 or 415-713-0625 to set up an appointment.  Financial Assistance available for everyone.  

**REMINDER**BVCC will be closed June 6-10 to prepare for the Summer Program.  Please plan accordingly!




We continue with our weekly school Masses on Tuesday mornings at 8:30 AM.  Parents are now welcome to join us at these school Masses, finding places to sit in the pews behind the students’ seating area.  The livestream of the Mass will no longer be offered.




May 19         8:30 AM  May Crowning and Student Council Installation Prayer Service

May 23         Minimum Day Dismissal

May 23-27    SPIRIT WEEK

May 24         8:30 AM School Mass

May 25         Minimum Day Dismissal

May 26         6th Grade Field Trip - Walt Disney Museum

May 30         No School - Memorial Day Holiday

June 1           Minimum Day Dismissal

June 2           4th and 7th Grades Field Trip - California Academy of Sciences

June 2          8th Grade Picnic - San Bruno Park

June 3          9:30 AM - Baccalaureate Mass

June 3          4:30 PM - 8th Grade Graduation Ceremony

QUE PASA 5/11/2022 (ENGLISH)

Dear Parents,

      As we continue through the Easter Season and this month of Mary, let us pray to our Blessed Mother for continued strength.  We strive to keep our faith and be reminded of the joy of new life after a time of great difficulty, as we learned from the glory of Jesus’s resurrection.  Together we can reflect on this prayer from Pope Francis:

O Mary,

You always shine on our path as a sign of salvation and of hope.

We entrust ourselves to you, who at the cross took part in Jesus' pain, keeping your faith firm.

You know what we need,

and we are sure you will provide so that, as in Cana of Galilee, we may return to joy and to feasting after a time of trial.

Help us, Mother of Divine Love, to conform to the will of the Father and to do as we are told by Jesus,

who has taken upon himself our sufferings and carried our sorrows to lead us, through the cross, to the joy of the resurrection.                                                     

Under your protection, we seek refuge, Holy Mother of God … deliver us from every danger, O glorious and blessed Virgin.  Amen.

--Mrs. Sandra Jimenez




Last weekend, we celebrated the Confirmation of 28 of our 8th graders, who are now sealed with the gifts of the Holy Spirit.  This weekend, you are now welcome to join in the celebration of our First Communion Mass!  This  Mass will be held at 1:00 PM on Saturday, May 14, at St. Peter’s Catholic Church.

GOD BLESS all of our First Communicants as they prepare to receive the Body and Blood of Jesus this weekend!  Thank you to all our families and teachers who have helped them to receive this Most Blessed Sacrament!




Through the local school district, our school has received a supply of free COVID home test kits for students.  Yesterday, we distributed one home test kit to each student, which may be used as needed.  If your child did not give their test kit to you, please check their backpack for the test and keep it in a safe place for future use.

If you have any questions about the COVID home test kits, please contact the school office.




This week, our Student Council Officer elections process will be coming to a conclusion.  The final elections will be held this Friday at school.  We are proud of all the students who are showing growth and courage as they open their hearts and minds to being our student leaders.  Please keep them in your prayers during these final days of their preparations for the elections! 




The completed re-registration forms are now overdue.  Please submit this form if you haven’t done so already.  

The $500 registration fee is also now past due, and will help to secure your child’s spot in their class for 2022-2023.

To reference the letter with the tuition rates and re-registration form, see the Class Dojo post from February 24, or call the school office to have another letter and form sent home.




BVCC Summer Camp Registration is now available!

BVCC welcomes all students from St. Peter's and other schools to join our camp, June 13 - July 29.  Extended Care is available.  Register online using this link – https://docs.google.com/forms/d/1kbXPMXFnUyRpyKA9R8W98HZcIIjNM3VtJj5nxe0mJA8/edit

If you need help with the application, please call BVCC at 415-283-5545 or 415-713-0625 to set up an appointment.  Financial Assistance available for everyone.  

REMINDER – BVCC will be closed June 6-10 to prepare for the Summer Program.  Please plan accordingly!



We continue with our weekly school Masses on Tuesday mornings at 8:30 AM.  At this time, we will now be attending Mass as a whole school instead of half-school groups, as COVID mandates in church have been lifted.  Parents are now welcome to join us at these school Masses, finding places to sit in the pews behind the students’ seating area.  The livestream of the Mass will no longer be offered.



May 2-13    STAR Assessment Window #4

May 2-13    Student Council Election Process

May 13       Student Council Final Elections

May 14       1:00 PM  First Holy Communion Mass at St. Peter’s Church

May 17        8:30 AM School Mass

May 18        Minimum Day Dismissal

May 19        8:30 AM  May Crowning and Student Council Installation Prayer Service

May 23        Minimum Day Dismissal


Dear Parents,

      This Sunday, we celebrate Mother’s Day. We recognize the important role that mothers, aunts, grandmothers, and all mother-figures play in our lives!  We are thankful for the love they show us and the sacrifices they make for us. During this month of May, we also dedicate time to pray to our Blessed Mother Mary.  We look to Mary as an example of faith, love, and courage as she said YES to God!  Let us pray in thanksgiving for our Blessed Mother Mary and for all mother-figures in our lives.

Heavenly Father, 

We Praise You and we thank You for the gift of our mothers, through whom You give us life and through whom we experience love. We thank You for Mary, the mother of our Lord Jesus Christ, a mother so gracious and a woman of example in motherhood for all of us.  May our prayer warm the hearts of all mothers. May they know that they are loved and precious. May mothers all over the world feel in their heart the joys of being called a mother and in all their goodness and all their failings, be blessed in Your love and forgiveness.  We pray in Grace they belong close to You Lord Jesus Christ, AMEN.

(Prayer by Geevetha Mary Samuel)


We also pray for our 8th graders who are receiving the Sacrament of Confirmation this weekend!  Their renewal of faith is a joyful reminder of our own continued process to renew our faith this Easter season as we find new life in Christ.  

--Mrs. Sandra Jimenez




Today, all students were sent home with their Trimester 3 Progress Reports.  This report will provide a snapshot of your child’s academic and behavioral progress so far during this trimester; final report cards will come out in June.  Please sign and return the Progress Report by this Friday.  If you have any questions, please contact your child’s teacher.



This week, let your teachers know what you appreciate most about them!  Thank you to all of our dedicated, hardworking teachers!



You are welcome to witness our Confirmation candidates renew their faith and strengthen the gifts of the Holy Spirit within themselves: wisdom, understanding, counsel, fortitude, knowledge, piety, and fear of the Lord.

The Confirmation Mass will be held at 10:00 AM on Saturday, May 7, at St. Mary’s Cathedral (1111 Gough Street in San Francisco).

GOD BLESS all of our Confirmation candidates during this special time in their faith journey!




The completed re-registration forms are now overdue.  Please submit this form if you haven’t done so already.  

The $500 registration fee is also now past due, and will help to secure your child’s spot in their class for 2022-2023.

To reference the letter with the tuition rates and re-registration form, see the Class Dojo post from February 24, or call the school office to have another letter and form sent home.




BVCC Summer Camp Registration is now available!

BVCC welcomes all students from St. Peter's and other schools to join our camp, June 13 - July 29.  Extended Care is available.  Register online using this link – https://docs.google.com/forms/d/1kbXPMXFnUyRpyKA9R8W98HZcIIjNM3VtJj5nxe0mJA8/edit

If you need help with the application, please call BVCC at 415-283-5545 or 415-713-0625 to set up an appointment.  Financial Assistance available for everyone.  

REMINDER – BVCC will be closed June 6-10 to prepare for the Summer Program.  Please plan accordingly!




Thanks to the help of our friends at Caritas Creek (where our middle schoolers attend camp during the school year), our 2nd through 8th grade students have the opportunity to attend CYO Summer Camp at a discounted rate!

At this week-long CYO Summer Camp in Occidental, California, students can participate in a number of different activities, such as nature hikes, campfires, archery, arts & crafts, and swimming, just to name a few camp experiences.  Campers are encouraged to try new activities, build positive relationships, and have fun!  

To learn more about CYO Summer Camp, visit their website at https://www.catholiccharitiessf.org/cyocamp/cyo-pages/catholic-charities-cyo-summer-camp.html

The regular price of this week-long camp experience is $865, but St. Peter’s students may attend at the discounted rate of $145 as long as all requested documents are submitted on time.

**There is an optional $60 transportation fee if your child will be using the CYO bus service to travel to and from camp. Otherwise, parents may drive their child to and from camp.

The Camp sessions are listed below:

  • Session 1 → June 26 - July 2

  • Session 2 → July 3 - 9

  • Session 3 → July 11 - 17 

  • Session 4 → July 19 - 25

  • Session 5 → July 27 - August 2


All completed forms and payments must be submitted to the St. Peter’s School office in order to reserve your child’s spot at camp with the discounted price, and will be filled on a first-come, first-served basis.

If your child is interested in attending CYO Summer Camp, please call the school office at 415-647-8662 or send a message via Class Dojo, and we can send home the camp registration forms with your child.  Or, you may drop by the school office to pick up the forms.

Please contact the school office if you have any questions!




We continue with our weekly school Masses on Tuesday mornings at 8:30 AM.  At this time, we will now be attending Mass as a whole school instead of half-school groups, as COVID mandates in church have been lifted.  Parents are now welcome to join us at these school Masses, finding places to sit in the pews behind the students’ seating area.  The livestream of the Mass will no longer be offered.


Homeroom teachers identify Students of the Month at the end of each month.  We celebrate these students because they have exemplified living the St. Peter’s KEYS:

Knowledge feeds GROWTH. 

Every ACCOMPLISHMENT needs courage.

You are LOVE.


Congratulations to our April Students of the Month!

Kindergarten - Like the MAGIC of BLOOMS in the SPRING, Delilah Delgado's MAGIC has SPRUNG! She shares with us her big heart and eyes of wonder each and every day! No cast or boot can keep her on the ground! Delilah is FLYING high like the BUZZ around the SPRING BLOOMS. Her BUZZ keeps us all smiling! She puts the SUN in our SUNFLOWERS!! Delilah, KEEP REACHING for the SKY! YOU DAZZLE ALL of US! 

1st Grade - Rosemarie Garcia has grown so much this year--especially in her reading and writing! She is a reading SUPERSTAR! Rosemarie is always someone who stays on tasks, follows directions, and helps her friends when they need it. I am so proud of you Rosemarie!

2nd Grade - Melissa Navarro is a very hard worker and very kind friend. She never gives up at her work and takes it very seriously. She keeps growing as a learner, especially in math. Way to go, Melissa!

3rd Grade - Amariz Araujo-Ortega is a very hard worker.  She always completes her class and home assignments.  She enjoys helping her classmates whenever they need it.  Amariz is also very respectful to others.  Keep up your winning ways!! We are very proud of you!

4th Grade - Angel Robledo is the kind of gentleman that every class deserves to have.  He is a kind friend and works really hard to grow and accomplish as a student each day; he earned Second Honors for the Second Trimester.  Although he played a villain in our last prayer service, he has been heroic and so generous this year in class.  Keep up the great work, Angel!  You are a star!

5th Grade - Christopher Chirino-Sandoval conducts himself with maturity. He is a great student who participates in class, and is always eager to learn more.  Christopher knows the meaning of responsibility and integrity, which will take him far in life. Congratulations, Christopher, for a job well done!

6th Grade - Isabella Del Rosario is so sweet and caring! Bella, you always show LOVE to others! I am so proud of the young lady you are! I know the world is a more caring place because you are in it! Thank you so much for sharing your bright light with all people in our class and school community! Congratulations Bella, you are a ROCKSTAR! :)

7th Grade - Nelly Ortiz Alfaro is an exemplary St. Peter's student. She showed great LOVE and patience with our younger students during our STEAM Fair. With her kindness, she helps those around her to GROW! Her classmates look up to her as someone who is always on top of things, and she always has a unique way of looking at things. Keep it up, Nelly!

8th Grade - Adriana Alvarado is a thoughtful and caring individual whose generosity and loving heart will go on doing great things in this world of needed healing. Adriana always comes to the classroom every morning with an open mind and spirit. Her future teachers will be so lucky to have her as a student. Thank you for all you bring to our 8th grade community, Adriana! I'm so proud of the person you're becoming! Congratulations!




May 2-13    STAR Assessment Window #4

May 2-13    Student Council Election Process

May 4          Trimester 3 Progress Reports sent home

May 7          10:00 AM  Confirmation Mass at St. Mary’s Cathedral

May 10        8:30 AM School Mass

May 11        Minimum Day Dismissal

May 12        5:30 PM First Communion Rehearsal at St. Peter’s Church

May 13       Student Council Final Elections

May 14       1:00 PM  First Holy Communion Mass at St. Peter’s Church

QUE PASA 4/27/2022 (ENGLISH)

Dear Parents,

      I hope you had a blessed Easter with your family! We are now in the Easter season, but what does living the spirit of the Easter season mean? Here is an Easter season reflection from “Be Fearless, Be Joyful, Be Renewed: Living the Spirit of Easter” (www.loyolapress.com) that could help us to sustain our renewed Easter hope.

Live With Joy.  The Passion and Resurrection of Jesus teach us that suffering is transformed through faith in the Risen Christ. With this faith, we are able to hold on to an enduring sense of joy even in the midst of the sadness we experience from the loss of a loved one, a failure to achieve an important goal, or a setback during recovery from an illness.

Live Without Fear.  The Resurrection teaches us that God can overcome anything, even death. When the Risen Christ appears to the women at the tomb and later to his disciples, his first words are “Do not be afraid!” (Mt 28:5). These words speak to our hearts, helping us cope with fear. Our faith allows us to trust that God can overcome our most serious problems.

Live With New Eyes. Just as the return of spring makes us feel like the whole world is new, the Resurrection of Jesus makes “all things new” (Rev. 21:5).  The Easter spirit is a spirit of renewal that enables us to show up at work with a positive attitude, to renew relationships that have been taken for granted, and to express appreciation and affection to those closest to us. It means to see the world through new eyes—God´s eyes!

The Resurrection reminds us to stay hopeful.  Let’s keep our hearts and minds open to live our core values this Easter season!

--Mrs. Sandra Jimenez





The completed re-registration forms are now overdue.  Please submit this form if you haven’t done so already.  

The $500 registration fee is also now past due, and will help to secure your child’s spot in their class for 2022-2023.

To reference the letter with the tuition rates and re-registration form, see the Class Dojo post from February 24, or call the school office to have another letter and form sent home.



BVCC Summer Camp Registration is now available!

BVCC welcomes all students from St. Peter's and other schools to join our camp, June 13 - July 29.  Extended Care is available.  Register online using this link – https://docs.google.com/forms/d/1kbXPMXFnUyRpyKA9R8W98HZcIIjNM3VtJj5nxe0mJA8/edit

If you need help with the application, please call BVCC at 415-283-5545 or 415-713-0625 to set up an appointment.  Financial Assistance available for everyone.  

REMINDER – BVCC will be closed June 6-10 to prepare for the Summer Program.  Please plan accordingly!




Thanks to the help of our friends at Caritas Creek (where our middle schoolers attend camp during the school year), our 2nd through 8th grade students have the opportunity to attend CYO Summer Camp at a discounted rate!

At this week-long CYO Summer Camp in Occidental, California, students can participate in a number of different activities, such as nature hikes, campfires, archery, arts & crafts, and swimming, just to name a few camp experiences.  Campers are encouraged to try new activities, build positive relationships, and have fun!  

To learn more about CYO Summer Camp, visit their website at https://www.catholiccharitiessf.org/cyocamp/cyo-pages/catholic-charities-cyo-summer-camp.html

The regular price of this week-long camp experience is $865, but St. Peter’s students may attend at the discounted rate of $145 as long as all requested documents are submitted on time.

**There is an optional $60 transportation fee if your child will be using the CYO bus service to travel to and from camp. Otherwise, parents may drive their child to and from camp.

The Camp sessions are listed below:

  • Session 1 → June 26 - July 2

  • Session 2 → July 3 - 9

  • Session 3 → July 11 - 17 

  • Session 4 → July 19 - 25

  • Session 5 → July 27 - August 2


All completed forms and payments must be submitted to the St. Peter’s School office in order to reserve your child’s spot at camp with the discounted price, and will be filled on a first-come, first-served basis.

If your child is interested in attending CYO Summer Camp, please call the school office at 415-647-8662 or send a message via Class Dojo, and we can send home the camp registration forms with your child.  Or, you may drop by the school office to pick up the forms.

Please contact the school office if you have any questions!




We continue with our weekly school Masses on Tuesday mornings at 8:30 AM.  At this time, we will now be attending Mass as a whole school instead of half-school groups, as COVID mandates in church have been lifted.  Parents are now welcome to join us at these school Masses, finding places to sit in the pews behind the students’ seating area.  The livestream of the Mass will no longer be offered.



May 2-14    STAR Assessment Window #4

May 2         Student Council Election Process begins

May 3          8:30 AM School Mass

May 4          Minimum Day Dismissal

May 4          Trimester 3 Progress Reports sent home

May 7          10:00 AM  Confirmation Mass at St. Mary’s Cathedral

May 10        8:30 AM School Mass

May 11        Minimum Day Dismissal

May 12        5:30 PM First Communion Rehearsal at St. Peter’s Church

May 13       Student Council Final Elections

May 14       10:00 AM  First Holy Communion Mass at St. Peter’s Church

QUE PASA 4/13/2022 (ENGLISH)

Dear Parents,

       Throughout Lent, the students have been learning and acting upon different ways that they can grow closer to God.  Now that we find ourselves in the middle of Holy Week, I hope you find that your journey through Lent has brought you and your family closer to God, and that together, even through these challenging times, we can keep our faith strong and share the love that God the Father has shown us.  Remember Jesus’ gift of the Eucharist on Holy Thursday, and the ultimate sacrifice he made for us on Good Friday so that our sins could be forgiven. Together, take time to say a prayer of thanksgiving for God’s love as we await Jesus’ resurrection on Easter. 

We pray:

Heavenly Father, thank you for the gift of everlasting life brought about by the resurrection of your son from the dead! This dark night is enlightened by a glimpse of the greatest mystery.  Our minds could never have conceived how you would save us, Lord, nor can we ever fully understand the depths of your love in choosing to do so.  We thank you for all that you have done for us throughout Lent. Now, throughout Easter, grant us the fullness of life.  AMEN.

(Adapted from “The Joy of Lent: Encouragement and Daily Prayers”)


Have a joyous Easter!  Please stay safe!

--Mrs. Sandra Jimenez




Tomorrow, Thursday April 14, is a Minimum Dismissal day.  The School office will close at 1:30 PM.

The school office will be closed through the Easter Vacation, from April 15-24.

School will resume on Monday, April 25 with a Minimum Day schedule. 




Yesterday, all students were sent home with one COVID home testing kit.  Please use this COVID test on Sunday, April 24, BEFORE your child returns to school after Easter vacation.  

All students will submit their COVID result before returning to school after the break. Photo results may be sent to Mrs. Jimenez on Class Dojo messages or via email at sjimenez@sanpedro.org.

Please call the office if you have any questions.

**Note that we have no extra COVID home tests kits; only one test kit per student will be given.




The completed re-registration forms are now overdue.  Please submit this form if you haven’t done so already.  

The $500 registration fee is due on April 13, 2022, and will help to secure your child’s spot in their class for 2022-2023.

To reference the letter with the tuition rates and re-registration form, see the Class Dojo post from February 24, or call the school office to have another letter and form sent home.



MESSAGE FROM THE ARCHDIOCESE FAMILY GRANT                                        

This Friday, April 15, is the annual deadline for submitting all information to TADS, the third party needs-evaluation company that the Archdiocese uses to collect the financial data from families. This is consistent with the process we used to award tuition assistance for this year.   After the Student Aid Form has been processed by TADS, the Department of Catholic Schools gathers the completed application materials. The Archdiocese of San Francisco is unable to provide financial aid to all students who apply. Applicants are ranked on the basis of financial need. Within the limit of available funds, the Archdiocese of San Francisco will then award financial aid.                                                                                               

Late applications will NOT be considered. Students must live in Marin, San Francisco, or San Mateo Counties to be considered for the Archdiocesan Scholarship. Please visit the other scholarship programs section for more opportunities. Grant notifications will be sent out to the elementary student’s families in late May/early June.                                                                                              

To use the TADS Financial Aid online application go to mytads.com. You will be guided through the application. If you have any questions, you can phone TADS at 800-477-8237.




Free assistance  is available in preparing your Tax returns!  Visit uwba.org/taxhelp for trusted and secure tax help.  Help and information is also available in Spanish.




April 13            8:30 AM Stations of the Cross Prayer Service

April 13            Minimum Day Dismissal

April 14            Minimum Day Dismissal; School Office closes at 1:30 PM

April 15            Good Friday, Easter vacation begins

April 15-24      EASTER VACATION

April 25           Classes resume, Minimum Day Dismissal

April 26           8:30 AM School Mass

April 27           Minimum Day Dismissal


Dear Parents,

       We are fast approaching the beginning of Holy Week this coming Sunday, which is Palm Sunday.  At school, children have been preparing their hearts for Jesus’ death and resurrection by reflecting with their teachers, writing special prayers, learning about the Stations of the Cross, receiving Reconciliation, and attending Mass. During your Lenten journey, I pray that you and your family have grown closer to God, and continue to strengthen your faith and service towards God during Holy Week and throughout the year.

Let us pray:

Heavenly Father, we enter into Holy Week so that we might accompany you through your passion to your death. We have to remember that your story does not end in sadness. Rather, your story is the greatest love story that we could ever know. Holy Week gives us an opportunity to participate in that love story in a profound and personal way. We pray that you give us a special attentiveness during Holy Week, Lord. Shower us with your grace!  AMEN.

(Adapted from “The Joy of Lent: Encouragement and Daily Prayers”)

--Mrs. Sandra Jimenez




Next week, we have our usual Minimum Day dismissal on Wednesday; and Thursday, April 14 is another Minimum Day.  Also, on Thursday, April 14, the school office will close at 1:30 PM.

Easter vacation is from April 15 through April 24.  The school office will be closed during Easter vacation.

Classes will resume on Monday, April 25 with a Minimum Day dismissal.




Next week, all students will be sent home with one COVID home testing kit.  Please use this COVID test on Sunday, April 24, BEFORE your child returns to school after Easter vacation.  

All students will submit their COVID result before returning to school after the break. Photo results may be sent to Mrs. Jimenez on Class Dojo messages or via email at sjimenez@sanpedro.org.

Please call the office if you have any questions.

**Note that we have no extra COVID home tests kits; only one test kit per student will be given.




The completed re-registration forms are now overdue.  Please submit this form if you haven’t done so already.  

The $500 registration fee is due on April 13, 2022, and will help to secure your child’s spot in their class for 2022-2023.

To reference the letter with the tuition rates and re-registration form, see the Class Dojo post from February 24, or call the school office to have another letter and form sent home.



MESSAGE FROM THE ARCHDIOCESE FAMILY GRANT                                        

April 15 is the annual deadline for submitting all information to TADS, the third party needs-evaluation company that the Archdiocese uses to collect the financial data from families. This is consistent with the process we used to award tuition assistance for this year.   After the Student Aid Form has been processed by TADS, the Department of Catholic Schools gathers the completed application materials. The Archdiocese of San Francisco is unable to provide financial aid to all students who apply. Applicants are ranked on the basis of financial need. Within the limit of available funds, the Archdiocese of San Francisco will then award financial aid.                                                                                               

Late applications will NOT be considered. Students must live in Marin, San Francisco, or San Mateo Counties to be considered for the Archdiocesan Scholarship. Please visit the other scholarship programs section for more opportunities. Grant notifications will be sent out to the elementary student’s families in late May/early June. To use the TADS Financial Aid online application go to mytads.com. You will be guided through the application. If you have any questions, you can phone TADS at 800-477-8237.




Thanks to the help of our friends at Caritas Creek (where our middle schoolers attend camp during the school year), our 2nd through 8th grade students have the opportunity to attend CYO Summer Camp at a discounted rate!

At this week-long CYO Summer Camp in Occidental, California, students can participate in a number of different activities, such as nature hikes, campfires, archery, arts & crafts, and swimming, just to name a few camp experiences.  Campers are encouraged to try new activities, build positive relationships, and have fun!  

To learn more about CYO Summer Camp, visit their website at https://www.catholiccharitiessf.org/cyocamp/cyo-pages/catholic-charities-cyo-summer-camp.html

The regular price of this week-long camp experience is $865, but St. Peter’s students may attend at the discounted rate of $145 as long as all requested documents are submitted on time.

**There is an optional $60 transportation fee if your child will be using the CYO bus service to travel to and from camp. Otherwise, parents may drive their child to and from camp.

The Camp sessions are listed below:

  • Session 1 → June 26 - July 2

  • Session 2 → July 3 - 9

  • Session 3 → July 11 - 17 

  • Session 4 → July 19 - 25

  • Session 5 → July 27 - August 2


All completed forms and payments must be submitted to the St. Peter’s School office in order to reserve your child’s spot at camp with the discounted price, and will be filled on a first-come, first-served basis.

If your child is interested in attending CYO Summer Camp, please call the school office at 415-647-8662 or send a message via Class Dojo, and we can send home the camp registration forms with your child.  Or, you may drop by the school office to pick up the forms.

Please contact the school office if you have any questions!




BVCC Summer Camp Registration is now available!

BVCC welcomes all students from St. Peter's and other schools to join our camp, June 13 - July 29.  Extended Care is available.  Register online using this link – https://docs.google.com/forms/d/1kbXPMXFnUyRpyKA9R8W98HZcIIjNM3VtJj5nxe0mJA8/edit

If you need help with the application, please call BVCC at 415-283-5545 or 415-713-0625 to set up an appointment.  Financial Assistance available for everyone.  




We continue with our weekly school Masses on Tuesday mornings at 8:30 AM.  At this time, we will now be attending Mass as a whole school instead of half-school groups, as COVID mandates in church have been lifted.  Parents are now welcome to join us at these school Masses, finding places to sit in the pews behind the students’ seating area.  The livestream of the Mass will no longer be offered.

If there are any further changes in our school Mass procedures, those will be communicated on Class Dojo.




Free assistance  is available in preparing your Tax returns!  Visit uwba.org/taxhelp for trusted and secure tax help.  Help and information is also available in Spanish.




April 6              Minimum Day Dismissal

April 10            Palm Sunday, HOLY WEEK begins

April 12            8:30 AM School Mass

April 13            8:30 AM Stations of the Cross Prayer Service

April 13            Minimum Day Dismissal

April 14            Minimum Day Dismissal; School Office closes at 1:30 PM

April 15            Good Friday, Easter vacation begins

April 15-24      EASTER VACATION

April 25           Classes resume, Minimum Day Dismissal

QUE PASA 3/30/2022 (ENGLISH)

Dear Parents,

       We are more than halfway through the season of Lent, and the time of Jesus’ death and resurrection are drawing near.  How are you and your family growing closer to God? Reflect on what makes you unwell, not necessarily physically, but mentally, emotionally, spiritually. What unhealthy thing takes up the space in your heart, mind, and soul that belongs to God?  As the Psalm below says, let us remember that God is merciful and always present, especially in our times of need.


The LORD is gracious and merciful,

slow to anger and of great kindness.

The LORD is good to all

and compassionate toward all his works.

The LORD is faithful in all his words

and holy in all his works.

The LORD lifts up all who are falling

and raises up all who are bowed down.

The LORD is just in all his ways

and holy in all his works.

The LORD is near to all who call upon him,

to all who call upon him in truth.

The Lord is gracious and merciful.

-Psalm 145:8-9


Merciful Lord, thank you for sending us your Son to free us from sin and make us new.  Help us to look forward in hope to the life that you have planned for us.   AMEN.

(Daily Reflections for Lent, M. Poust)


--Mrs. Sandra Jimenez




As announced on Class Dojo and email, all grades will be dismissed at 3:00 p.m.  beginning on Monday, April 4.  The schoolyard will be open beginning at 2:50 p.m. for adults to wait for their children. 

Students in grades K-3 will wait outside of their classes for an adult or older sibling to pick them up.  Students in grades 4-8 will be dismissed to walk to the schoolyard to meet their adult, pick up a sibling, and/or walk home.                                               

Students who attend BVCC will be escorted by their BVCC teacher to their designated after-school area.

 No parents will be allowed in classrooms or go upstairs unless there is a pre-scheduled appointment with the teacher.

At 3:15 p.m. the Alabama Street gate will be closed and the schoolyard will be cleared, except for those students enrolled in BVCC or a sports practice.

If you have any questions, please call the school office.




The re-registration forms and 2022-2023 tuition rates (printed on green paper) for the next school year were sent home at the end of February.  The completed re-registration forms are due tomorrow–March 31, 2022.  These forms help us to plan and prepare for the upcoming school year.

The $500 registration fee is due on April 13, 2022, and will help to secure your child’s spot in their class for 2022-2023.

To reference the letter with the tuition rates and re-registration form, see the Class Dojo post from February 24, or call the school office to have another letter and form sent home.




New Applications 

The BASIC Fund new application for the 2022-2023 School Year are available online at www.basicfund.org. Families can submit 2020 tax returns, if 2021 returns are not yet prepared. New siblings for current BASIC Fund students must call The BASIC Fund at (415) 985-5650 to request a link to apply for a new student. The deadline is TOMORROW–March 31, 2022.

Renewal Applications

The BASIC Fund has emailed families a renewal application link. Families can submit 2020 tax returns, if 2021 returns are not yet prepared. The deadline is TOMORROW–March 31, 2022.

If you have any questions, or if you did NOT receive your renewal link via email, please contact Myrna Soberanis at msoberanis@sanpedro.org.  Thank you!



MESSAGE FROM THE ARCHDIOCESE FAMILY GRANT                                        

April 15 is the annual deadline for submitting all information to TADS, the third party needs-evaluation company that the Archdiocese uses to collect the financial data from families. This is consistent with the process we used to award tuition assistance for this year.   After the Student Aid Form has been processed by TADS, the Department of Catholic Schools gathers the completed application materials. The Archdiocese of San Francisco is unable to provide financial aid to all students who apply. Applicants are ranked on the basis of financial need. Within the limit of available funds, the Archdiocese of San Francisco will then award financial aid.                                                                                              

 Late applications will NOT be considered. Students must live in Marin, San Francisco, or San Mateo Counties to be considered for the Archdiocesan Scholarship. Please visit the other scholarship programs section for more opportunities. Grant notifications will be sent out to the elementary student’s families in late May/early June.  To use the TADS Financial Aid online application go to mytads.com. You will be guided through the application. If you have any questions, you can phone TADS at 800-477-8237.




During Lent, students in grades 2 through 8 have the opportunity to receive the Sacrament of Reconciliation in church with their class.  We will also continue with our weekly school Masses on Tuesday mornings at 8:30 AM.  At this time, we will now be attending Mass as a whole school instead of half-school groups, as COVID mandates in church have been lifted.  Parents are now welcome to join us at these school Masses, finding places to sit in the pews behind the students’ seating area.  The livestream of the Mass will no longer be offered.

If there are any further changes in our school Mass procedures, those will be communicated on Class Dojo.




Free assistance  is available in preparing your Tax returns!  Visit uwba.org/taxhelp for trusted and secure tax help.  Help and information is also available in Spanish.




Homeroom teachers identify Students of the Month at the end of each month.  We celebrate these students because they have exemplified living the St. Peter’s KEYS:

Knowledge feeds GROWTH. 

Every ACCOMPLISHMENT needs courage.

You are LOVE.


Congratulations to our March Students of the Month!

Kindergarten - We are very "LUCKY" to have Joaquin Velasco in Kindergarten as he is sharing all the ways he GROWS! Joaquin is KIND and always the first one to HELP clean up any mess! He uses FOCUS EYES & LISTENING EARS each day to his SUCCESS! Joaquin is an ST MATH and LEXIA SUPERSTAR! And we LOVE that he never shies aways from any challenge! Joaquin is going to DANCE his way into your HEART just as he has ZOOMBA-ED into our OURS!! KEEP DANCING JOAQUIN! The WORLD is YOURS! 

1st Grade - You will always see David Jimenez walking around with a huge smile on his face. Every day, David is excited to be in school and be with his friends. He is a kind and helpful friend to everyone in 1st grade. David loves to read, especially about Piggie and Elephant, King Kong, and dinosaurs! We are so lucky to have you in 1st grade David! Keep up the AMAZING work!

2nd Grade - Erick Maradiaga Hernandez always demonstrates the St. Peter's KEYS. He gets along with everyone, always follows directions, and works hard. He is always willing to help anyone in any way he can and his positive attitude is infectious. Thank you for all that you do, Erick!

3rd Grade - Alexander Quiroz Galdamez is a hard worker and loves to help his classmates.  He always tries his best even when the assignment is challenging.  He is kind and respectful to everyone.  Alex likes to share and encourage the students of 3A. We are very proud of all of your achievements during this third grade school year.

4th Grade - Andrea Morales-Boteo has been a shining example of a student who strives to live out St. Peter's School's keys.  She has grown and accomplished so much in the classroom.  She earned 2nd Honors for the second trimester and works hard at practice to be the best basketball player, teammate, and friend she can be.  Keep up the amazing work, Andrea! You are an Aztec star!

5th Grade - Ella Jimenez treats her classmates, teachers and staff with respect by valuing each as an individual, respecting differences, and valuing the work that others do.  She also promotes a positive school climate through her actions and words. Congratulations, Ella!

6th Grade - Matias Sandoval-Perez is such a bright student-athlete! He takes initiative inside and outside of the classroom. Matias is a courageous student who participates on a daily basis in class. I am so proud of how much you have GROWN this year, Matias! Thank you so much for being a part of our 6th grade family! Congratulations Matias, you deserve this! :)

7th Grade - Joshua Cortes showed great St. Peter's pride with his involvement with Aztec Trek. He participated in nearly every single game. His enthusiasm helped our seventh grade class win 325 points! He is an excellent example of a servant leader, and he is always helping out his classmates with understanding their assignments. Way to help people GROW, Joshua!

8th Grade - Izabella Carvajal is a hardworking individual who takes pride in her willingness to demonstrate what it means to be a student-leader in and out of the classroom. She's always willing to speak up and go out of her comfort zone to help her peers and teachers. Izzy's bright, welcoming smile in the morning and her daily preparedness demonstrate her ability to persevere through any difficult obstacle! I appreciate having Izzy in the classroom and can't wait to see all she accomplishes during the time we have left together at St. Peter's. I know Izzy will thrive anywhere she steps foot in! Great job, Izzy!




March 28-Apr. 1     8th Graders at Caritas Creek Camp Retreat

March 31          5:30 PM  First Reconciliation Service in Church for First Communicants  

April 5              8:30 AM School Mass

April 6              Minimum Day Dismissal

April 10            Palm Sunday, HOLY WEEK begins

April 12            8:30 AM School Mass

April 13            8:30 AM Stations of the Cross Prayer Service

April 13            Minimum Day Dismissal

April 14            Minimum Day Dismissal; School Office closes at 1:30 PM

April 15            Good Friday, Easter vacation begins

April 15-24      EASTER VACATION

April 25           Classes resume, Minimum Day Dismissal


Dear Parents,

       With all the different responsibilities we have as parents, we may easily feel overwhelmed and tired.  Yet Lent can be a time for our renewal.  Let’s not forget how Jesus can be a source of strength and a loving comfort to us, and how we can follow his example to spread that love and be a positive example for our children. 


How true are Jesus’ words, which invite those who are tired and weary to come to Him to find rest! His arms outstretched on the cross show that no one is excluded from his love and his mercy, not even the greatest sinner: no one!

-Pope Francis


Heavenly Father, your son’s death on the cross stands as a testament to your endless love and care for all of us. No one who seeks you out is excluded from your love, no matter what we have done. No one is cut off from your mercy, no matter how great our suffering. Give me the courage, Lord, to always look to Christ crucified as the promise of mercy for me. In this Lenten season, give me the confidence to trust that your love for me will never die. AMEN.

(from “The Joy of Lent: Encouragement and Daily Prayers”)


--Mrs. Sandra Jimenez




Thank you for your support as we raised money for our annual school fundraiser, the Aztec Trek!  Last Friday, we completed our Aztec Trek walk-a-thon and games, and here are the final standings:

With the most Aztec Trek points, the CLASS WINNERS:

1st place - 1st grade

2nd place - 3rd grade

3rd place - Kindergarten

Our top individual collectors:

1st place - Wyatt, 8th grade

2nd place - Ethan, 1st grade

3rd place - Ella, 5th grade

Raffle Prize Winners:

Candy basket - Gabriel, 1st grade

Candy basket - Ella, 5th grade

5 Free Dress passes - Bridgette, Kindergarten

5 Free Dress Passes - Mariah, 8th grade

$20 Starbucks card - Camila, 2nd grade

$25 Chipotle card - Amariz, 3rd grade

$30 Amazon card - Camila, 2nd grade

$30 Amazon card - Alani, 3rd grade

Large plush bunny - Amariz, 3rd grade

**If you haven’t turned in your mandatory $100 collection for the Aztek Trek, please do so right away!




As noted on our school calendar, this Monday (March 28) is a Minimum Dismissal day for students while teachers attend a faculty meeting.




The re-registration forms and 2022-2023 tuition rates (printed on green paper) for the next school year were sent home at the end of February.  The completed re-registration forms are due by next week–March 31, 2022.  These forms help us to plan and prepare for the upcoming school year.

The $500 registration fee is due on April 13, 2022, and will help to secure your child’s spot in their class for 2022-2023.

To reference the letter with the tuition rates and re-registration form, see the Class Dojo post from February 24, or call the school office to have another letter and form sent home.




New Applications 

The BASIC Fund new application for the 2022-2023 School Year are available online at www.basicfund.org. Families can submit 2020 tax returns, if 2021 returns are not yet prepared. New siblings for current BASIC Fund students must call The BASIC Fund at (415) 985-5650 to request a link to apply for a new student. The deadline is NEXT WEEK–March 31, 2022.

Renewal Applications

The BASIC Fund has emailed families a renewal application link. Families can submit 2020 tax returns, if 2021 returns are not yet prepared. The deadline is NEXT WEEK–March 31, 2022.

If you have any questions, or if you did NOT receive your renewal link via email, please contact Myrna Soberanis at msoberanis@sanpedro.org.  Thank you!



MESSAGE FROM THE ARCHDIOCESE FAMILY GRANT                                          

April 15 is the annual deadline for submitting all information to TADS, the third party needs-evaluation company that the Archdiocese uses to collect the financial data from families. This is consistent with the process we used to award tuition assistance for this year.   After the Student Aid Form has been processed by TADS, the Department of Catholic Schools gathers the completed application materials. The Archdiocese of San Francisco is unable to provide financial aid to all students who apply. Applicants are ranked on the basis of financial need. Within the limit of available funds, the Archdiocese of San Francisco will then award financial aid.                                                                                               

Late applications will NOT be considered. Students must live in Marin, San Francisco, or San Mateo Counties to be considered for the Archdiocesan Scholarship. Please visit the other scholarship programs section for more opportunities. Grant notifications will be sent out to the elementary student’s families in late May/early June.                                                                                              

To use the TADS Financial Aid online application go to mytads.com. You will be guided through the application. If you have any questions, you can phone TADS at 800-477-8237.




During Lent, students in grades 2 through 8 have the opportunity to receive the Sacrament of Reconciliation in church with their class.  We will also continue with our weekly school Masses on Tuesday mornings at 8:30 AM.  At this time, we will now be attending Mass as a whole school instead of half-school groups, as COVID mandates in church have been lifted.  Parents are now welcome to join us at these school Masses, finding places to sit in the pews behind the students’ seating area.  The livestream of the Mass will no longer be offered.

If there are any further changes in our school Mass procedures, those will be communicated on Class Dojo.




As stated in a letter from Superintendent Pamela Lyons, masking is now optional in Archdiocesan schools.

An excerpt from Ms. Lyons’ letter: “Whether or not a student wears a mask is a family decision, and in the classroom, we want all students to feel comfortable at school regardless of their choice. I also ask you to understand that our schools cannot be responsible for policing mask-wearing during school time. If a student is not wearing a mask, we will assume that it is with parental permission.”

For the entire letter from the Superintendent, refer to the March 3 or March 11  Class Dojo post and/or SchoolSpeak email.  If you have any questions, please contact the school office.

We continue to ask that students remain at home if they are not feeling well, and that parents contact the school office regarding any absences.  Thank you for your cooperation!



Free assistance  is available in preparing your Tax returns!  Visit uwba.org/taxhelp for trusted and secure tax help.  Help and information is also available in Spanish.


March 24          8:30 AM  3

rd & 4th Grades Lenten Reconciliation Service in Church  

March 28          Minimum Day Dismissal

March 28-Apr. 5     8th Graders at Caritas Creek Camp Retreat

March 29          8:30 AM School Mass

March 30          Minimum Day Dismissal

March 31          5:30 PM  First Reconciliation Service in Church for First Communicants


Dear Parents,

       Two years have now passed since we’ve had to close our school due to COVID-19.  We made major adjustments in a very short period, and our school community banded together to overcome obstacles.  Little did we know that our cities would be entering into lockdown and that our school would be closed for the remainder of the 2019-2020 school year.  Fortunately, we were able to open our school for in-person learning the following year, and now we are all back in the school building thanks to positive partnerships, safety protocols, and teamwork!

        As we continue our reflections during Lent, I think back on these events, and am grateful for our community—our teachers, staff, parents, students, and many others who have supported us through challenging times.  True to our Growth Mindset, we still are learning and living through difficulties, but we have learned and grown over these two years.  Moving forward during Lent, let us reflect on how we’ve maintained our open hearts and minds, and live out our KEYS to help others and help ourselves grow closer to God!

Knowledge feeds growth

Every accomplishment needs courage.

You are love.

Service Unites.    

Grow, Accomplish, Love, Serve, Unite!

St. Peter’s has the KEYS to open hearts, open minds!

--Mrs. Sandra Jimenez



Thank you to all our parents, teachers, and translators for taking the time to meet for Parent-Teacher Conferences last week!  As we are now in the last trimester of the school year, these meetings will help us to continue to support our students’ learning and growth.

If you haven’t done so already, please be sure to sign and return the paper  copy of your child’s report card.  Contact your child’s teacher if you have any questions. 




For St. Patrick’s Day tomorrow, students may wear an appropriate non-uniform green shirt or sweatshirt in place of their usual uniform shirt/sweatshirt.  Students should still be in their uniform bottoms (skirt or navy pants) unless they would like to use a free dress pass that they already have.




Thank you for your support in our school’s annual fundraiser, the Aztec Trek!  This is a MANDATORY fundraiser for each student, so if your envelope with the minimum $100 collection has not yet been submitted, please do so as soon as possible.

This Friday, March 18, we will have our Aztec Trek walk-a-thon and games.  A field trip permission form was sent home with each child since we will be walking to Precita Park for the walk-a-thon portion of the day.  Please sign and return the permission slip in order for your child to participate in the walk-a-thon.

FINAL WINNERS–the top collectors, raffle winners, and Aztec Trek class winner–will be announced this Friday afternoon after the games are completed!  Stay tuned to see who all the winners are!




As stated in a letter from Superintendent Pamela Lyons, masking is now optional in Archdiocesan schools.

An excerpt from Ms. Lyons’ letter: “Whether or not a student wears a mask is a family decision, and in the classroom, we want all students to feel comfortable at school regardless of their choice. I also ask you to understand that our schools cannot be responsible for policing mask-wearing during school time. If a student is not wearing a mask, we will assume that it is with parental permission.”

For the entire letter from the Superintendent, refer to the March 3 or March 11  Class Dojo post and/or SchoolSpeak email.  If you have any questions, please contact the school office.

We continue to ask that students remain at home if they are not feeling well, and that parents contact the school office regarding any absences.  Thank you for your cooperation!




During Lent, students in grades 2 through 8 have the opportunity to receive the Sacrament of Reconciliation in church with their class.  We will also continue with our weekly school Masses on Tuesday mornings at 8:30 AM.  At this time, we will now be attending Mass as a whole school instead of half-school groups, as COVID mandates in church have been lifted.  Parents are now welcome to join us at these school Masses, finding places to sit in the pews behind the students’ seating area.  The livestream of the Mass will no longer be offered.

If there are any further changes in our school Mass procedures, those will be communicated on Class Dojo.




Free assistance  is available in preparing your Tax returns!  Visit uwba.org/taxhelp for trusted and secure tax help.  Help and information is also available in Spanish.




The re-registration forms and 2022-2023 tuition rates (printed on green paper) for the next school year were sent home at the end of February.  The completed re-registration forms are due by March 31, 2022.  These forms help us to plan and prepare for the upcoming school year.

The $500 registration fee is due on April 13, 2022, and will help to secure your child’s spot in their class for 2022-2023.

To reference the letter with the tuition rates and re-registration form, see the Class Dojo post from February 24, or call the school office to have another letter and form sent home.




New Applications 

The BASIC Fund new application for the 2022-2023 School Year are available online at www.basicfund.org. Families can submit 2020 tax returns, if 2021 returns are not yet prepared. New siblings for current BASIC Fund students must call The BASIC Fund at (415) 985-5650 to request a link to apply for a new student. The deadline is March 31, 2022.

Renewal Applications

The BASIC Fund has emailed families a renewal application link. Families can submit 2020 tax returns, if 2021 returns are not yet prepared. The deadline is March 31, 2022.

If you have any questions, or if you did NOT receive your renewal link via email, please contact Myrna Soberanis at msoberanis@sanpedro.org.  Thank you!


MESSAGE FROM THE ARCHDIOCESE FAMILY GRANT                                         

April 15 is the annual deadline for submitting all information to TADS, the third party needs-evaluation company that the Archdiocese uses to collect the financial data from families. This is consistent with the process we used to award tuition assistance for this year.   After the Student Aid Form has been processed by TADS, the Department of Catholic Schools gathers the completed application materials. The Archdiocese of San Francisco is unable to provide financial aid to all students who apply. Applicants are ranked on the basis of financial need. Within the limit of available funds, the Archdiocese of San Francisco will then award financial aid.  Late applications will NOT be considered. Students must live in Marin, San Francisco, or San Mateo Counties to be considered for the Archdiocesan Scholarship. Please visit the other scholarship programs section for more opportunities. Grant notifications will be sent out to the elementary student’s families in late May/early June.  To use the TADS Financial Aid online application go to mytads.com. You will be guided through the application. If you have any questions, you can phone TADS at 800-477-8237.




March 17           8:30 AM  5th & 6th Grades Lenten Reconciliation Service in Church

March 18          AZTEC TREK walk-a-thon and game day

March 21-25     7th Graders at Caritas Creek Camp Retreat

March 22          8:30 AM School Mass

March 23          Minimum Day Dismissal

March 24          8:30 AM  3rd & 4th Grades Lenten Reconciliation Service in Church  

March 28          Minimum Day Dismissal

March 28-Apr. 5     8th Graders at Caritas Creek Camp Retreat


Dear Parents,

      This week, our Parent-Teacher Conferences continue as we aim to strengthen the home-school partnership.  As parents, we strive to be role models of open hearts and open minds for our children; and during Lent we can reflect and recommit to this task.  At school, we encourage each other to develop a growth mindset and live our St. Peter’s School KEYS so that we can open our hearts and minds.  Lent pushes us to dig out of our souls all the things that have clogged our hearts, the little sins that we clench in our fists, keeping us from opening our hands, hearts, and minds freely. God is offering to not only lift the burden from our shoulders, but also to help in rebalancing our load in the future. Tossing those small bad habits, pushing aside bitterness and resentment so that we might love God with our whole heart, and with all our strength.  Now and beyond Lent, we should make time to turn to God in prayer and for strength.

What is weighing you down? How might you prayerfully sort through what takes up room in your heart and mind? What habits and grudges can be cleared out, left behind?

God, take away what clutters our hearts, feed us with your Word, so that we might have the strength and freedom to love you with all our hearts, all our souls, all our being.

(Adapted from Daily Reflections for Lent: Not By Bread Alone)

--Mrs. Sandra Jimenez


Tomorrow is another Minimum Day Dismissal for Parent-Teacher Zoom Conferences.  Thank you to all parents who have already met with teachers.  These conferences are important as we support student growth and learning.  If you still have not signed up for a conference time, please contact your child's teacher.

Also–remember to sign and return your child’s report card, which was sent home yesterday.



As noted on our school calendar, there is NO SCHOOL for students on Friday, March 11.  Teachers will be attending an Archdiocesan Professional Development Session.  



Thank you to all who have already turned in their minimum $100 collection for our mandatory school fundraiser, the Aztec Trek!  TOMORROW-March 10–is the final due date for the collection envelope.  The Aztec Trek Walk-a-thon and games will be held on March 18.

Remember–the more money that you collect by March 10, the more prizes you receive and the more points your class will receive towards a class prize!  **Scroll to the end of this Que Pasa to see the list of prizes.

Here are the current Aztec Trek standings for TOTAL MONEY COLLECTED:

1st place - 3rd Grade

2nd place - Kindergarten

3rd place - 2nd grade




As stated in a letter from Superintendent Pamela Lyons, masking will become optional in Archdiocesan schools beginning on Monday, March 14.

An excerpt from Ms. Lyons’ letter: “As we prepare for mask-optional environments, we remain focused on mission, learning, and serving. I encourage our families to begin conversations at home concerning mask-wearing. Whether or not a student wears a mask is a family decision, and in the classroom, we want all students to feel comfortable at school regardless of their choice. I also ask you to understand that our schools cannot be responsible for policing mask-wearing during school time. If a student is not wearing a mask, we will assume that it is with parental permission.”

For the entire letter from the Superintendent, refer to the March 3 Class Dojo post and/or SchoolSpeak email.  If you have any questions, please contact the school office.

We continue to ask that students remain at home if they are not feeling well, and that parents contact the school office regarding any absences.  Thank you for your cooperation!



During Lent, students in grades 2 through 8 will have the opportunity to receive the Sacrament of Reconciliation in church with their class.  We will also continue with our weekly school Masses on Tuesday mornings at 8:30 AM.  At this time, we will now be attending Mass as a whole school instead of half-school groups, as COVID mandates in church have been lifted.  Parents are now welcome to join us at these school Masses, finding places to sit in the pews behind the students’ seating area.  The livestream of the Mass will no longer be offered.

If there are any further changes in our school Mass procedures, those will be communicated on Class Dojo.



Free assistance  is available in preparing your Tax returns!  Visit uwba.org/taxhelp for trusted and secure tax help.  Help and information is also available in Spanish.



The re-registration forms and 2022-2023 tuition rates (printed on green paper) for the next school year were sent home at the end of February.  The completed re-registration forms are due by March 31, 2022.  These forms help us to plan and prepare for the upcoming school year.

The $500 registration fee is due on April 13, 2022, and will help to secure your child’s spot in their class for 2022-2023.

To reference the letter with the tuition rates and re-registration form, see the Class Dojo post from February 24, or call the school office to have another letter and form sent home.



New Applications 

The BASIC Fund new application for the 2022-2023 School Year are available online at www.basicfund.org. Families can submit 2020 tax returns, if 2021 returns are not yet prepared. New siblings for current BASIC Fund students must call The BASIC Fund at (415) 985-5650 to request a link to apply for a new student. The deadline is March 31, 2022.

Renewal Applications

The BASIC Fund has emailed families a renewal application link. Families can submit 2020 tax returns, if 2021 returns are not yet prepared. The deadline is March 31, 2022.

If you have any questions, or if you did NOT receive your renewal link via email, please contact Myrna Soberanis at msoberanis@sanpedro.org.  Thank you!


MESSAGE FROM THE ARCHDIOCESE FAMILY GRANT                                         

April 15 is the annual deadline for submitting all information to TADS, the third party needs-evaluation company that the Archdiocese uses to collect the financial data from families. This is consistent with the process we used to award tuition assistance for this year.   After the Student Aid Form has been processed by TADS, the Department of Catholic Schools gathers the completed application materials. The Archdiocese of San Francisco is unable to provide financial aid to all students who apply. Applicants are ranked on the basis of financial need. Within the limit of available funds, the Archdiocese of San Francisco will then award financial aid.   Late applications will NOT be considered. Students must live in Marin, San Francisco, or San Mateo Counties to be considered for the Archdiocesan Scholarship. Please visit the other scholarship programs section for more opportunities. Grant notifications will be sent out to the elementary student’s families in late May/early June.   To use the TADS Financial Aid online application go to mytads.com. You will be guided through the application. If you have any questions, you can phone TADS at 800-477-8237.



March 8-10       Minimum Days for Parent-Teacher Zoom Conferences

March 10          8:30 AM  7th & 8th Grades Reconciliation  Service in Church

March 11          No School for Students; Archdiocesan Professional Development Day for Teachers

March 15           8:30 AM School Mass

March 16           Minimum Day Dismissal

March 17           8:30 AM  5th & 6th Grades Lenten Reconciliation Service in Church

March 21-25     7th Graders at Caritas Creek Camp Retreat

March 24          8:30 AM  3rd & 4th Grades Lenten Reconciliation Service in Church 


Dear Parents,

             Today, Ash Wednesday, marks the beginning of Lent. This is a special liturgical season when we take time to pray, reflect, repent, and renew so that we can grow closer to God as we prepare for the death and resurrection of Jesus.  Each week I’d like to offer a reflection (from Daily Reflections for Lent: Not By Bread Alone) as we journey through Lent with each other and with our children:  

“Ash Wednesday is marked with a somber sign of our faith.  The cross on our forehead is meant to leave a lasting imprint deep within, like a spiritual tattoo that will linger long after we complete the 40-day course.  The sacrifices and prayers of the season help us clear a path, but we can’t stop there, not if we want to experience real transformation. God wants nothing less than our hearts broken open so that he might find a resting place within and make us whole. Yes, the exterior practices are important, but what matters most is what happens unseen within our hearts and souls.” 

Heavenly Father, guide us in the right ways as we begin our Lenten journey. Give us the courage to allow ourselves to be transformed by your love. Help us to use our Lenten sacrifices to dig deeper into our spiritual center and carve out a space for you alone. AMEN.

--Mrs. Sandra Jimenez


Parent-Teacher Conferences are occurring March 8, 9, and 10.  These days are all Minimum Day dismissals in order to accommodate more time for conferences.  This is a time for all parents and teachers to discuss student progress.

On Class Dojo Class Story, teachers have shared links to sign up for a time slot for Parent-Teacher Conferences on Zoom.  Please sign up for a conference if you have not done so already.  If you have any questions, contact your child’s teacher.



As noted on our school calendar, there is NO SCHOOL for students on Friday, March 11.  Teachers will be attending an Archdiocesan Professional Development Session.  



Thank you to all who have already turned in their minimum $100 collection for our mandatory school fundraiser, the Aztec Trek!  The final due date for the collection envelope is March 10, and the Aztec Trek Walk-a-thon and games will be held on March 18.

Remember–the more money that you collect, the more prizes you receive and the more points your class will receive towards a class prize!  **Scroll to the end of this Que Pasa to see the list of prizes.

Currently, there is a 3-way tie for 1st place in the Aztec Trek!

1st place - 6th grade

2nd place - 3rd grade

3rd place - 5th grade




Free assistance  is available in preparing your Tax returns!  Visit uwba.org/taxhelp for trusted and secure tax help.  Help and information is also available in Spanish.



To prevent the spread of COVID-19 at school, we have developed a School Infection Mitigation Plan, which was given to each parent on the first day of school as part of the Parent-Student Handbook.  The Infection Mitigation Plan is also available on our school website at http://www.stpeterssf.org/pandemic-reopening-plan

Please remember -- If your child is feeling ill or has been exposed to COVID-19, phone the school office and keep your child at home!  

🡪 Symptoms to watch out for include:

  • Fever -- 100.4°F / 38°C or higher

  • Cough

  • Severe headache

  • Sore throat

  • Shortness of breath or trouble breathing

  • New loss of taste or smell

  • Vomiting

  • Diarrhea



New Applications 

Starting January 15, The BASIC Fund new application for the 2022-2023 School Year will be available online at www.basicfund.org. Families can submit 2020 tax returns, if 2021 returns are not yet prepared. New siblings for current BASIC Fund students must call The BASIC Fund at (415) 985-5650 to request a link to apply for a new student. The deadline is March 31, 2022.

Renewal Applications

Last week, the BASIC Fund emailed families a renewal application link. Families can submit 2020 tax returns, if 2021 returns are not yet prepared. The deadline is March 31, 2022.

If you have any questions, or if you did NOT receive your renewal link via email, please contact Myrna Soberanis at msoberanis@sanpedro.org.  Thank you!


MESSAGE FROM THE ARCHDIOCESE FAMILY GRANT                                         

April 15 is the annual deadline for submitting all information to TADS, the third party needs-evaluation company that the Archdiocese uses to collect the financial data from families. This is consistent with the process we used to award tuition assistance for this year.   After the Student Aid Form has been processed by TADS, the Department of Catholic Schools gathers the completed application materials. The Archdiocese of San Francisco is unable to provide financial aid to all students who apply. Applicants are ranked on the basis of financial need. Within the limit of available funds, the Archdiocese of San Francisco will then award financial aid.  Late applications will NOT be considered. Students must live in Marin, San Francisco, or San Mateo Counties to be considered for the Archdiocesan Scholarship. Please visit the other scholarship programs section for more opportunities. Grant notifications will be sent out to the elementary student’s families in late May/early June.  To use the TADS Financial Aid online application go to mytads.com. You will be guided through the application. If you have any questions, you can phone TADS at 800-477-8237.


Homeroom teachers identify Students of the Month at the end of each month.  We celebrate these students because they have exemplified living the St. Peter’s KEYS:

Knowledge feeds GROWTH. 

Every ACCOMPLISHMENT needs courage.

You are LOVE.


Congratulations to our February Students of the Month! 

Kindergarten - In the words of St. Teresa of Avila, "It is LOVE ALONE that gives WORTH to ALL things!" And as St. Valentine captures our hearts, so does our BELOVED Bridgette Rivas! She has a LOVE SO BIG and ENDLESS that she shares with everyone! She has an intuitive sense when hugs are needed. Kindergarten is BLESSED by her WARMTH, LOVE, KINDNESS and FUNNY JOKES! And you know when Ms. Myrna "hires" you, she sees your gifts, too!  Bridgette, you are a SAINT to all of us! 

1st Grade - Gabriel Quiroz Galdamez works hard each day, and loves to help his classmates when they struggle with classwork. He lives out the St.Peter's Key of LOVE by making kind choices. He always shows respect and care for his 1st grade family. I am so proud of you Gabriel, keep up the amazing work!

2nd Grade - Emiliano Jimenez-Borrego cares about others and cares about being a good person and friend. He enjoys making people laugh as well. I am proud of Emi's growth, especially as a reader. He loves reading and is a stronger reader every day. Great job, Emi! 

3rd Grade - Alani Alas is a very focused and hardworking student.  She is always willing to help out other students when her work is completed. She is well prepared for the day's assignments.  She doesn't forget to do her homework and always turns it in on time.  Lastly, she studies for any tests that we are having and usually gets an "A" on them.  Congratulations, Alani, you're doing a fine job in third grade.

4th Grade - Hilary Benitez has been an amazing student since day one.  She is a great example of someone who strives to GROW, ACCOMPLISH, LOVE, SERVE, and UNITE each day.  She is an amazing friend to everyone in class, and she works so hard to learn and grow as a student.  Keep up the great work, Hillary!  You are a star!

5th Grade - Christian Pineda is February's Student of the Month. Even though it is Christian's first year at St.Peter's, he has made new friends, and has quickly learned the rules and responsibilities that are part of being a St.Peter's student.  Keep up the growth and good work, Christian!

6th Grade - Danna Sanchez-Arias is such a delight in our classroom. Danna comes to our classroom ready to do her best work every day! She leads by example and shows how we should have an OPEN HEART and OPEN MIND! Danna, you are LOVE and I am so grateful you are a leader in our classroom! Congratulations Danna, I am so proud of you! :)

7th Grade - Julio Bautista is an empathetic and thoughtful young man. He brings his positive attitude and clever wit to school each day where he maintains an open heart and open mind. He demonstrates Jesus' love through forgiveness and care for those around him. He truly is a St. Peter's student who knows how to Love, Grow, and Unite! Way to go, Julio!

8th Grade - While I am one of the new teachers on the block, Brooklyn Willis has played a huge part in helping me adjust to my role as her new teacher by being there to answer any questions and provide valuable and honest feedback. Brooklyn's writing expresses integrity and honesty with perseverance to overcome any obstacles that lie in front of her. I enjoy having Brooklyn in my class and look forward to seeing all she accomplishes in the remaining time we have together at St. Peter’s! Thank you, Brooklyn! Great job! 



March 2            9:30 AM Ash Wednesday School Mass, LENT begins

March 2            Minimum Day Dismissal

March 8-10       Minimum Days for Parent-Teacher Zoom  Conferences

March 8          8:30 AM School Mass

March 10          8:30 AM  7th & 8th Grades Lenten Reconciliation Service in Church

March 11           No School for Students; Archdiocesan Professional Development Day for Teachers


Dear Parents,

     This school year, we have continued to face challenges due to the pandemic, as we also hope and prepare to transition towards a sense of “normalcy” in our lives, both at school and at home.  Looking back, these challenges and difficulties presented opportunities for us to learn and grow.  While we realize there is always room for growth, we should also take time to appreciate the accomplishments that we have made, and realize that our accomplishments (especially during the difficult times) are possible because we work together as a school community!

     As we appreciate our accomplishments, we can find connections with  our St. Peter’s School philosophy:

At St. Peter’s School, we believe that …

- All students and educators will learn and grow academically, physically, spiritually, emotionally, and socially. 

- Every child is capable of success.

- God is in all things and calls each of us to grow in His love.

- We are called to serve others and our world.

- We are a family–somos una familia–with parents, students, and educators working together.

     Let us remember our school philosophy as we move forward in our school year and live out our school values to grow, accomplish, love, serve, and unite!

--Mrs. Sandra Jimenez



As noted on our school calendar, this Monday, February 28 is a scheduled Minimum Dismissal Day.



Thank you to all who have already turned in their minimum $100 collection for our mandatory school fundraiser, the Aztec Trek!  The next deadline to receive extra prizes for an early turn-in  is February 24.  The final due date for the collection envelope is March 10, and the Aztec Trek Walk-a-thon and games will be held on March 18.

Remember–the more money that you collect, the more prizes you receive and the more points your class will receive towards a class prize!  **Scroll to the end of this Que Pasa to see the list of prizes.

Currently, there is a 3-way tie for 1st place in the Aztec Trek!

1st place - 3rd grade, 5th grade, 6th grade

2nd place - 1st grade




Free assistance  is available in preparing your Tax returns!  Visit uwba.org/taxhelp for trusted and secure tax help.  Help and information is also available in Spanish.



Next week, our 8th graders will be attending their 5-day Caritas Creek Camp Retreat, since they were not able to go last year as 7th graders.  We will keep them in our prayers during this fun and exciting time as they strengthen class bonds and learn more about themselves!   



To prevent the spread of COVID-19 at school, we have developed a School Infection Mitigation Plan, which was given to each parent on the first day of school as part of the Parent-Student Handbook.  The Infection Mitigation Plan is also available on our school website at http://www.stpeterssf.org/pandemic-reopening-plan

Please remember -- If your child is feeling ill or has been exposed to COVID-19, phone the school office and keep your child at home!  

🡪 Symptoms to watch out for include:

  • Fever -- 100.4°F / 38°C or higher

  • Cough

  • Severe headache

  • Sore throat

  • Shortness of breath or trouble breathing

  • New loss of taste or smell

  • Vomiting

  • Diarrhea


The government sponsored free COVID testing website went live earlier today. Every home in the U.S. is eligible to order 4 free at-⁠home COVID-⁠19 tests. The tests are completely free, and orders will usually ship in 7-12 days.

Click on the link to submit information to receive your free at-home COVID-19 tests—https://www.covidtests.gov/



New Applications 

Starting January 15, The BASIC Fund new application for the 2022-2023 School Year will be available online at www.basicfund.org. Families can submit 2020 tax returns, if 2021 returns are not yet prepared. New siblings for current BASIC Fund students must call The BASIC Fund at (415) 985-5650 to request a link to apply for a new student. The deadline is March 31, 2022.

Renewal Applications

Last week, the BASIC Fund emailed families a renewal application link. Families can submit 2020 tax returns, if 2021 returns are not yet prepared. The deadline is March 31, 2022.

If you have any questions, or if you did NOT receive your renewal link via email, please contact Myrna Soberanis at msoberanis@sanpedro.org.  Thank you!


MESSAGE FROM THE ARCHDIOCESE FAMILY GRANT                                         

April 15 is the annual deadline for submitting all information to TADS, the third party needs-evaluation company that the Archdiocese uses to collect the financial data from families. This is consistent with the process we used to award tuition assistance for this year.   After the Student Aid Form has been processed by TADS, the Department of Catholic Schools gathers the completed application materials. The Archdiocese of San Francisco is unable to provide financial aid to all students who apply. Applicants are ranked on the basis of financial need. Within the limit of available funds, the Archdiocese of San Francisco will then award financial aid.  Late applications will NOT be considered. Students must live in Marin, San Francisco, or San Mateo Counties to be considered for the Archdiocesan Scholarship. Please visit the other scholarship programs section for more opportunities. Grant notifications will be sent out to the elementary student’s families in late May/early June.  To use the TADS Financial Aid online application go to mytads.com. You will be guided through the application. If you have any questions, you can phone TADS at 800-477-8237.


There are open spots available in BVCC.  Apply now--financial assistance is available!  If your child is part of a St. Peter’s Sports team and has a later sports practice start time after school, please register your child in the BVCC after-school program if he/she will be waiting on campus before the sports practice begins.  This is to help ensure proper safety and supervision as students wait for their coach to arrive and practice to begin.

If you have any questions, please contact our BVCC Program Directors:  Judy (415-283-5545) or Rochelle (415-713-0625).



Our Weekly School Masses take place on Tuesday mornings at 8:30, unless otherwise noted.  **Next week, Mass will be on Wednesday at 9:30 AM for ASH WEDNESDAY.  At this time, parents may join weekly school Masses by clicking on this link to our school Mass livestream: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCF6mjdkFRHn0Ip0yuxdIOWw



February 24       5:30 PM Parent First Communion Zoom Meeting

February 28       Minimum Day Dismissal

Feb.28-Mar.4     8th grade at Caritas Creek Camp Retreat

March 2             9:30 AM Ash Wednesday School Mass, LENT  begins

March 2             Minimum Day Dismissal

March 8-10        Minimum Days for Parent-Teacher Zoom  Conferences

March 11           No School for Students; Archdiocesan Professional Development Day for Teachers


Dear Parents,

     This coming weekend, we will celebrate Presidents’ Day with a 4-day school break.  During this holiday, let us remember our nation’s leaders, service men and women, and even ourselves as Christian citizens, especially as we work to strengthen our country during these difficult times and continue to move forward during this pandemic.  Together, let us offer this prayer (from unlockingthebible.org):

Dear God,

Thank you for your common grace and every good gift.  We know freedom, industry, jobs, healthcare, and a stable economy come at no small cost. Thank you for the men and women who’ve sacrificed to serve our Presidents and country by protecting and leading us. Thank you for making your “sun rise on the evil and on the good, and for sending rain on the just and on the unjust” (Matthew 5:45). You show your goodness and kindness through these common, good gifts.

Show us how we can contribute, serve, speak, and act in a way that exalts Christ (Colossians 3:17).  We want to do everything in the name of the Lord Jesus, giving thanks to you, Father, through him. We want to use our gifts and opportunities to better our country and ultimately honor Jesus’ name. 

May your Church be the hands and feet of Christ to our nation.

We ask this in your holy name.  AMEN.

--Mrs. Sandra Jimenez




This week, we have a long holiday weekend for Presidents’ Day.  There is NO SCHOOL on Friday, February 18 and Monday, February 21.



Thank you to all who have already turned in their minimum $100 collection for our mandatory school fundraiser, the Aztec Trek!

Tomorrow (February 17)  is the first deadline to receive extra prizes.  The next deadline to receive extra prizes is February 24. The final due date for the collection envelope is March 10, and the Aztec Trek Walk-a-thon and games will be held on March 18.

Remember–the more money that you collect, the more prizes you receive and the more points your class will receive towards a class prize!  **Scroll to the end of this Que Pasa to see the list of prizes.

Currently, here are the top class standings:

1st place - 6th grade

Tied for 2nd place - 3rd grade and 5th grade




St. Peter’s Lifetouch Panoramic Picture Day will take place on Tuesday, February 22.  This is a school group photo that is taken on the schoolyard.

All students must be in complete school uniform on this day–no free dress passes may be used.  To order this photo, go to https://my.lifetouch.com/mylifetouch/#/



As mentioned in an email sent out to families, positive COVID-19 cases have been reported at school.  The positive cases are in isolation until cleared to return to school.

The affected classes are following the SFDPH guidelines for a modified quarantine, so that students may continue to participate in in-person school as long as we adhere to the COVID-19 testing schedule. Additionally, students in modified quarantine have no extra-curricular activities, including sports practices and games and BVCC, until the modified quarantine period is over.

To prevent the spread of COVID-19 at school, we have developed a School Infection Mitigation Plan, which was given to each parent on the first day of school as part of the Parent-Student Handbook.  The Infection Mitigation Plan is also available on our school website at http://www.stpeterssf.org/pandemic-reopening-plan

Please remember -- If your child is feeling ill or has been exposed to COVID-19, phone the school office and keep your child at home!  

🡪 Symptoms to watch out for include:

  • Fever -- 100.4°F / 38°C or higher

  • Cough

  • Severe headache

  • Sore throat

  • Shortness of breath or trouble breathing

  • New loss of taste or smell

  • Vomiting

  • Diarrhea



The government sponsored free COVID testing website went live earlier today. Every home in the U.S. is eligible to order 4 free at-⁠home COVID-⁠19 tests. The tests are completely free, and orders will usually ship in 7-12 days.

Click on the link to submit information to receive your free at-home COVID-19 tests —https://www.covidtests.gov/



New Applications 

Starting January 15, The BASIC Fund new application for the 2022-2023 School Year will be available online at www.basicfund.org. Families can submit 2020 tax returns, if 2021 returns are not yet prepared. New siblings for current BASIC Fund students must call The BASIC Fund at (415) 985-5650 to request a link to apply for a new student. The deadline is March 31, 2022.

Renewal Applications

In this month we will email families a renewal application link. Families can submit 2020 tax returns, if 2021 returns are not yet prepared. The deadline is March 31, 2022.

If you have any questions, please contact Myrna Soberanis at msoberanis@sanpedro.org.  Thank you!


MESSAGE FROM THE ARCHDIOCESE FAMILY GRANT                                         

April 15 is the annual deadline for submitting all information to TADS, the third party needs-evaluation company that the Archdiocese uses to collect the financial data from families. This is consistent with the process we used to award tuition assistance for this year.   After the Student Aid Form has been processed by TADS, the Department of Catholic Schools gathers the completed application materials. The Archdiocese of San Francisco is unable to provide financial aid to all students who apply. Applicants are ranked on the basis of financial need. Within the limit of available funds, the Archdiocese of San Francisco will then award financial aid.  Late applications will NOT be considered. Students must live in Marin, San Francisco, or San Mateo Counties to be considered for the Archdiocesan Scholarship. Please visit the other scholarship programs section for more opportunities. Grant notifications will be sent out to the elementary student’s families in late May/early June.  To use the TADS Financial Aid online application go to mytads.com. You will be guided through the application. If you have any questions, you can phone TADS at 800-477-8237.


There are open spots available in BVCC.  Apply now--financial assistance is available!  If your child is part of a St. Peter’s Sports team and has a later sports practice start time after school, please register your child in the BVCC after-school program if he/she will be waiting on campus before the sports practice begins.  This is to help ensure proper safety and supervision as students wait for their coach to arrive and practice to begin.

If you have any questions, please contact our BVCC Program Directors:  Judy (415-283-5545) or Rochelle (415-713-0625).



Our Weekly School Masses take place on Tuesday mornings at 8:30, unless otherwise noted.  Students will attend Mass in Church according to specified groups.  Groups will rotate each week between in-person Church participation and Gospel reading/analysis in the classroom.

At this time, parents may join weekly school Masses by clicking on this link to our school Mass livestream: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCF6mjdkFRHn0Ip0yuxdIOWw



February 18, 21   NO SCHOOL, President’s Day Holidays

February 22         Lifetouch School Panoramic Picture Day 

February 22         8:30 AM School Mass

February 23         Minimum Day Dismissal

February 28         Minimum Day Dismissal

Feb.28-Mar.4       8th grade at Caritas Creek Camp Retreat

March 2               Ash Wednesday School Mass, LENT begins

March 2               Minimum Day Dismissal


Dear Parents,

      February is upon us! Since Valentine’s Day is in February, I associate the month of February with one of our school’s core values–LOVE.  February is also the month of the Holy Family, a family that we may look towards as an example of unconditional love.  Below is a prayer that we can offer together to remind us of our love for our families, and to remind us that we are a school family working together to help our children open their hearts and minds. As stated in our school philosophy–We are a family–somos una familia–with parents, students, and educators working together.

JESUS, Son of God and Son of Mary, bless our family. Graciously inspire in us the unity, peace, and mutual love that you found in your own family in the little town of Nazareth.

MARY, Mother of Jesus and Our Mother, nourish our family with your faith and your love. Keep us close to your Son, Jesus, in all our sorrows and joys.

JOSEPH, Foster-father to Jesus, guardian and spouse of Mary, keep our family safe from harm. Help us in all times of discouragement or anxiety.

HOLY FAMILY OF NAZARETH, make our family one with you. Help us to be instruments of peace. Grant that love, strengthened by grace, may prove mightier than all the weaknesses and trials through which our families sometimes pass. May we always have God at the center of our hearts and homes until we are all one family, happy and at peace in our true home with you.   AMEN.

--Mrs. Sandra Jimenez



Please note that this Monday, February 14, is a Minimum Dismissal Day for students so that teachers may attend a professional development meeting.

Next week, we also have a long holiday weekend for Presidents’ Day.  There is no school on Friday, February 18 and Monday, February 21.



This week, we continue with the 3rd round of STAR assessments for all students.  STAR assessments are required by the Archdiocese Department of Catholic Schools, and these assessments provide one data point in students’ academic progress.  If you have any questions, please contact your child’s teacher.



Last week, Progress Reports for Trimester 2 were sent home.  Progress Reports provide a snapshot of your child’s progress, giving time to maintain grades or submit work for improvement before the end of the trimester Report Card arrives.  

Signed and returned Progress Reports are now past due. Please sign and return your child’s progress report if you have not already done so.  If your child has been absent, a digital copy will be sent to you via email or Class Dojo messages.  Please reply to the teacher to confirm that you have seen the progress report. 

If you have any questions regarding the progress report, please contact your child’s teacher.



For Valentine’s Day (February 14), students may distribute pre-packaged snacks or treats and/or non-edible items (such as pencils or stickers) to their classmates.  Please be sure that your child has enough items to distribute to each person in his/her class.

Teachers will let you know how many students are in each class.



St. Peter’s Lifetouch Spring Picture Day will take place on Tuesday, February 15.  These photos are OPTIONAL for students to take.

If taking a spring photo, student may wear appropriate free dress, as outlined in our School Handbook.  Order forms were sent home, or you may order online at https://my.lifetouch.com/mylifetouch/#/ and enter our school Picture Day ID: EVTHVTDTT



To prevent the spread of COVID-19 at school, we have developed a School Infection Mitigation Plan, which was given to each parent on the first day of school as part of the Parent-Student Handbook.  The Infection Mitigation Plan is also available on our school website at http://www.stpeterssf.org/pandemic-reopening-plan

Please remember -- If your child is feeling ill or has been exposed to COVID-19, phone the school office and keep your child at home!  

🡪 Symptoms to watch out for include:

  • Fever -- 100.4°F / 38°C or higher

  • Cough

  • Severe headache

  • Sore throat

  • Shortness of breath or trouble breathing

  • New loss of taste or smell

  • Vomiting

  • Diarrhea



The government sponsored free COVID testing website went live earlier today. Every home in the U.S. is eligible to order 4 free at-⁠home COVID-⁠19 tests. The tests are completely free, and orders will usually ship in 7-12 days.

Click on the link to submit information to receive your free at-home COVID-19 tests—https://www.covidtests.gov/



New Applications 

Starting January 15, The BASIC Fund new application for the 2022-2023 School Year will be available online at www.basicfund.org. Families can submit 2020 tax returns, if 2021 returns are not yet prepared. New siblings for current BASIC Fund students must call The BASIC Fund at (415) 985-5650 to request a link to apply for a new student. The deadline is March 31, 2022.

Renewal Applications

In this month we will email families a renewal application link. Families can submit 2020 tax returns, if 2021 returns are not yet prepared. The deadline is March 31, 2022.

If you have any questions, please contact Myrna Soberanis at msoberanis@sanpedro.org.  Thank you!


MESSAGE FROM THE ARCHDIOCESE FAMILY GRANT                                         

April 15 is the annual deadline for submitting all information to TADS, the third party needs-evaluation company that the Archdiocese uses to collect the financial data from families. This is consistent with the process we used to award tuition assistance for this year.   After the Student Aid Form has been processed by TADS, the Department of Catholic Schools gathers the completed application materials. The Archdiocese of San Francisco is unable to provide financial aid to all students who apply. Applicants are ranked on the basis of financial need. Within the limit of available funds, the Archdiocese of San Francisco will then award financial aid.                                                                                               

Late applications will NOT be considered. Students must live in Marin, San Francisco, or San Mateo Counties to be considered for the Archdiocesan Scholarship. Please visit the other scholarship programs section for more opportunities. Grant notifications will be sent out to the elementary student’s families in late May/early June.   To use the TADS Financial Aid online application go to mytads.com. You will be guided through the application. If you have any questions, you can phone TADS at 800-477-8237.


There are open spots available in BVCC.  Apply now--financial assistance is available!  Please see the flyer on the last page of this Que Pasa.

If your child is part of a St. Peter’s Sports team and has a later sports practice start time after school, please register your child in the BVCC after-school program if he/she will be waiting on campus before the sports practice begins.  This is to help ensure proper safety and supervision as students wait for their coach to arrive and practice to begin.

If you have any questions, please contact our BVCC Program Directors:  Judy (415-283-5545) or Rochelle (415-713-0625).



Our Weekly School Masses take place on Tuesday mornings at 8:30, unless otherwise noted.  Students will attend Mass in Church according to specified groups.  Groups will rotate each week between in-person Church participation and Gospel reading/analysis in the classroom.

At this time, parents may join weekly school Masses by clicking on this link to our school Mass livestream: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCF6mjdkFRHn0Ip0yuxdIOWw


We now have more gray Aztecs sweats available for purchase!  The Aztecs sweatpants, t-shirt, and hoodie may be worn to school on Fridays, and you can wear them outside of school to show AZTEC spirit!

Due to a shortage of materials with the sweats company, we have low amounts of items in the Youth sizes.  We are waiting to receive more as the materials become available.

To make a purchase, you may fill out an order form and submit payment in the office, or call the office to place an order.


Hoodie - $30   *Adult XL Hoodie - $35

Sweatpants - $25

T-shirt - $10

In addition, our Athletics Department is still selling their black original design t-shirts!  Call the office to place an order!



Feb.2 -11           STAR Assessments Window #3

February 14       Minimum Day Dismissal

February 15       Lifetouch Spring Picture Day

February 15       8:30 AM School Mass

February 16       Minimum Day Dismissal

February 18, 21   NO SCHOOL, President’s Day Holidays


Dear Parents,

      Happy Catholic Schools Week!  This week, we’ve been taking the time to reflect on Catholic education and all the ways that we learn to grow, accomplish, love, serve, and unite here at St. Peter’s School. We are thankful for those that support us in our Catholic school mission, and that here and at home, both our faith and our minds can grow.  In gratitude, I offer this prayer (adapted from www.thereligionteacher.com)

Almighty Father,

You sent forth your Son as a beacon of hope for all people.  As Teacher, he has given us the prime example of the importance of education.  As disciples, we look to him for inspiration and strength.  Thank you for the many sisters, brothers, priests, and laypeople who have dedicated their lives in service to our Catholic schools.  Thank you for the teachers and administrators who sustain our schools today.  Thank you for the parents who have given support to the importance of Catholic education in their daily lives.  Thank you for the students who work hard to further their education.

Bless St. Peter’s School and the many people who advance our mission.  May our building be a home for those who seek to grow in faith, knowledge, and service of others.Fill our minds with knowledge and wisdom.  May our understanding of the world help us to grow in appreciation for it.  Fill our hearts with gladness.Fill our hands with the tools we need to serve others.  May we show them your unceasing love through our actions. AMEN.

--Mrs. Sandra Jimenez




Here are the rest of the themed days for Catholic Schools Week this week!

- February 2 - Works of Mercy Wednesday

- February 3 - Thankful Thursday 

- February 4 - Festive 100th Day Friday



Today, Progress Reports for Trimester 2 are being sent home.  Progress Reports provide a snapshot of your child’s progress, giving time to maintain grades or submit work for improvement before the end of the trimester arrives.  

 Students have been given paper copies of their progress report  to take home, which should be signed by a parent and returned to the teacher before the end of this week.  If your child has been absent, a digital copy will be sent to you via email or Class Dojo messages.  Please reply to the teacher to confirm that you have seen the progress report.

If you have any questions regarding the progress report, please contact your child’s teacher.



As mentioned in an email sent out to families last week, positive COVID-19 cases have been reported at school.  The positive cases are all in isolation until cleared to return to school.

The affected classes are following the SFDPH guidelines for a modified quarantine, so that students may continue to participate in in-person school as long as we adhere to the COVID-19 testing schedule.  If your child’s class is in modified quarantine, the specific testing requirements (with dates) have been shared via Class Dojo and email.

Additionally, students in modified quarantine have no extra-curricular activities, including sports practices and games and BVCC, until the modified quarantine period is over.

To prevent the spread of COVID-19 at school, we have developed a School Infection Mitigation Plan, which was given to each parent on the first day of school as part of the Parent-Student Handbook.  The Infection Mitigation Plan is also available on our school website at http://www.stpeterssf.org/pandemic-reopening-plan

Please remember -- If your child is feeling ill or has been exposed to COVID-19, phone the school office and keep your child at home!  

🡪 Symptoms to watch out for include:

  • Fever -- 100.4°F / 38°C or higher

  • Cough

  • Severe headache

  • Sore throat

  • Shortness of breath or trouble breathing

  • New loss of taste or smell

  • Vomiting

  • Diarrhea


The government sponsored free COVID testing website went live earlier today. Every home in the U.S. is eligible to order 4 free at-⁠home COVID-⁠19 tests. The tests are completely free, and orders will usually ship in 7-12 days.

Click on the link to submit information to receive your free at-home COVID-19 tests https://www.covidtests.gov/




New Applications 

Starting January 15, The BASIC Fund new application for the 2022-2023 School Year will be available online at www.basicfund.org. Families can submit 2020 tax returns, if 2021 returns are not yet prepared. New siblings for current BASIC Fund students must call The BASIC Fund at (415) 985-5650 to request a link to apply for a new student. The deadline is March 31, 2022.

Renewal Applications

In this month we will email families a renewal application link. Families can submit 2020 tax returns, if 2021 returns are not yet prepared. The deadline is March 31, 2022.

If you have any questions, please contact Myrna Soberanis at msoberanis@sanpedro.org.  Thank you!


MESSAGE FROM THE ARCHDIOCESE FAMILY GRANT                                         

April 15 is the annual deadline for submitting all information to TADS, the third party needs-evaluation company that the Archdiocese uses to collect the financial data from families. This is consistent with the process we used to award tuition assistance for this year.   After the Student Aid Form has been processed by TADS, the Department of Catholic Schools gathers the completed application materials. The Archdiocese of San Francisco is unable to provide financial aid to all students who apply. Applicants are ranked on the basis of financial need. Within the limit of available funds, the Archdiocese of San Francisco will then award financial aid.                                                                                               

Late applications will NOT be considered. Students must live in Marin, San Francisco, or San Mateo Counties to be considered for the Archdiocesan Scholarship. Please visit the other scholarship programs section for more opportunities. Grant notifications will be sent out to the elementary student’s families in late May/early June.                                                                                              

To use the TADS Financial Aid online application go to mytads.com. You will be guided through the application. If you have any questions, you can phone TADS at 800-477-8237.


There are open spots available in BVCC.  Apply now--financial assistance is available!  Please see the flyer on the last page of this Que Pasa.

If your child is part of a St. Peter’s Sports team and has a later sports practice start time after school, please register your child in the BVCC after-school program if he/she will be waiting on campus before the sports practice begins.  This is to help ensure proper safety and supervision as students wait for their coach to arrive and practice to begin.

** Currently–BVCC is CLOSED for any classes in Modified Quarantine.  BVCC will reopen when the Modified Quarantine period is over for your child’s particular class cohort. 

If you have any questions, please contact our BVCC Program Directors:  Judy (415-283-5545) or Rochelle (415-713-0625).



Our Weekly School Masses take place on Tuesday mornings at 8:30, unless otherwise noted.  Students will attend Mass in Church according to specified groups.  Groups will rotate each week between in-person Church participation and Gospel reading/analysis in the classroom.

At this time, parents may join weekly school Masses by clicking on this link to our school Mass livestream: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCF6mjdkFRHn0Ip0yuxdIOWw



We now have more gray Aztecs sweats available for purchase!  The Aztecs sweatpants, t-shirt, and hoodie may be worn to school on Fridays, and you can wear them outside of school to show AZTEC spirit!

Due to a shortage of materials with the sweats company, we have low amounts of items in the Youth sizes.  We are waiting to receive more as the materials become available.

To make a purchase, you may fill out an order form and submit payment in the office, or call the office to place an order.


Hoodie - $30   *Adult XL Hoodie - $35

Sweatpants - $25

T-shirt - $10

In addition, our Athletics Department is still selling their black original design t-shirts!  Call the office to place an order!



Homeroom teachers identify and describe Students of the Month at the end of each month. We all celebrate these students because they have exemplified living the St. Peter’s KEYS:

Knowledge feeds GROWTH. 

Every ACCOMPLISHMENT needs courage.

You are LOVE.


Congratulations to our January Students of the Month!

Kindergarten - Gavin Contreras is BUZZING with CONFIDENCE and that is why he is Kindergarten's SOTM. He is working hard and GROWING each day. Taking PRIDE in all he does, whether coloring or learning his math facts, Gavin is discovering for himself the POWER of LEARNING! Gavin is KIND, CARING and RESPONSIBLE! With CHARM, GRACE and HUMOR, Gavin is SOARING to NEW HEIGHTS! KEEP FLYING HIGH Gavin!! We LOVE you!!

1st Grade - Julieta Lopez is very hard working and tries her best each and every day. She has grown so much in 1st grade and continues to grow, especially in reading and writing! I am so proud of you Julieta!

2nd Grade - Frida Garcia is a hard worker who is always such a great example for others. She shows a great deal of responsibility and maturity for someone her age. I can always count on Frida being a good friend, student, and community member. Thank you, Frida!

3rd Grade - Roberto Garcia is always on time to class and works diligently throughout the day.  He is very quiet and stays focused on his tasks. He works hard at completing his school and home assignments. Roberto was very helpful when our new student entered our class for the first time.  Roberto, you are doing an excellent job as a 3rd grader.  Keep up the positive spirit! 

4th Grade - Josiah Toledo is a shining example of a student who continues to grow academically, serve, and love his 4th grade community.  He has a love for reading and learning which is an awesome thing to see in class.  Along with his love for learning, he has a huge heart of gold.  He bought a beanie - just like the one he wears - for his cousin and fellow classmate, Hilary, to wear during these cold winter months in class.  Keep up the good work, Josiah!  You are a star!

5th Grade - Maria Espinoza enjoys school, and her upbeat demeanor brightens the 5th grade classroom. She is always respectful and considerate of  others. Congratulations, Maria!

6th Grade - Anthony Maradiaga Hernandez is such a blessing to our 6th grade community. He brings so much laughter to our classroom. Ant, I am so proud of how much you have GROWN this year! Keep up the good work, good vibes, and sharing your knowledge of memes with all! Congratulations Ant! I am so happy that you are a part of our 6th grade family! :)

7th Grade - Sara Becerra demonstrates a St Peter's attitude with an open heart and open mind. She doesn't let things get her down and shows that she truly cares about her fellow classmates. She comes to class each day with a positive attitude and shows interest in topics of social justice. Keep pushing yourself further, Sara! Congratulations!

8th Grade - Briana Alvarado has demonstrated what it means to serve, by sharing her time, gifts and joy within our school community as a leader, student council officer, classmate and friend. Her enthusiasm and willingness to accomplish tasks solidifies her ability to work hard with a positive attitude. Briana has proved she knows how to live out the keys! Keep up the good work! 




February 2         Trimester 2 Progress Reports sent home

Feb.2 - 11          STAR Assessments Window #3

February 8         8:30 AM School Mass

February 9          Minimum Day Dismissal