Dear Parents,
Welcome back to school! I hope that you and your loved ones were able to rest and spend quality time with each other over the summer, returning to school rejuvenated to learn and grow together!
For this new school year, let us pray:
God of our past, our present and our future,
God of our dreams, our designs and our decisions,
Be love in us as we journey through this new school year.
Be our inner vision, that we may see life through your eyes,
Be our inner hearing, that we may listen well for your call,
Be our inner judgment, so we may discern clearly that which gives life, promotes growth, and nurtures love.
As we move into this school year, fill us with hope and abiding trust that you dwell in us,
So that, in both joy and sorrow, we radiate hope. AMEN.
The Que Pasa will be shared each Wednesday through Class Dojo and SchoolSpeak email. All Que Pasa updates can be found on our school website at Please take the time to read through the newsletter each week since it does contain important information.
I look forward to another great school year with everyone in our St. Peter’s Family! Grow, Accomplish, Love, Serve, Unite! St. Peter’s has the KEYS to Open Hearts, Open Minds!
--Mrs. Sandra Jimenez
We warmly welcome all new students and families to our school community! In addition, we have new teachers joining our school family:
In Kindergarten - Ms. Isabella Imperial
In 1st Grade - Ms. Tylia Bruno
In 3rd Grade - Ms. Wendy Wong
In 6th grade homeroom and Middle School Social Studies - Mr. Manuel Reyes
In 7th grade homeroom and Middle School Math - Ms. Alexis Bishop
We also welcome back from maternity leave Mrs. Nina Fuaau in 8th grade homeroom and Middle School Language Arts.
Best wishes to all of our new and returning faculty, staff, students, and families!
We continue to help our students live out St. Peter’s KEYS, which are based on our core values of Grow, Accomplish, Love, Serve, and Unite:
Knowledge feeds GROWTH.
Every ACCOMPLISHMENT needs courage.
You are LOVE.
This year, faculty and staff continue to award virtual KEYS on Class Dojo whenever they witness a child living out the core values. Whenever your child receives a virtual KEY, you’ll receive a Class Dojo notification, and your child can trade in those KEYS for a prize!
If you have not already done so, please complete and return all forms that were distributed on the first day of school by this Friday, August 26. This includes:
- Emergency Card
- Medical Information Packet
- Media Release Form
- Technology Acceptable Use Policy
- Handbook Acknowledgement Form
- Permission to Walk Home from School
- Home Language Survey for Title III Funding
- For Middle Schoolers – Student Discipline Policy
SCHOOL DAY SCHEDULEWe are no longer following a staggered intake schedule. The Alabama gate and Florida doors will open for students and parents at 7:45 AM, and you may wait on the schoolyard for the first bell at 7:55 AM. Students may begin walking to class at 7:55 AM, and will be marked tardy if not in class by 8:00 AM.
Mondays, Tuesdays, Thursdays, and Fridays are 3:00 PM dismissal days, unless otherwise noted on the school calendar. School gates and doors will close at 3:15 PM.
Wednesdays are Minimum Days with 12:30 PM dismissal. School gates and doors will close at 12:45 PM on Minimum Days.
Important Reminder: When dropping off or picking up your child/children, please do not park or leave your car unattended in the white zone or in the schoolyard driveway. This area must remain open in case of emergencies. Thank you for your cooperation!
Cafeteria service will begin on Thursday, August 25.
School lunches are $3.00 for the entree, $0.75 for water, and $0.75 for SunChips.
Students may order school lunches daily with CASH payments, or parents may place orders on the Cafeteria Venmo account @StPeters-Lunch. Venmo lunch orders must be completed by 8:30 AM. You may also order lunches ahead of time (for the month or the week) on Venmo. Be sure to include your child’s name, grade, and items to be ordered.
*Note that the Cafeteria Venmo account is different from the Venmo school tuition/fees account.
Remember that school lunches may NOT be dropped off at the school office during the school day. On regular dismissal days, students bring a lunch from home, or order a lunch from the cafeteria. We also encourage students to bring a snack to eat during morning recess.
To see the lunch menu for August and September, click on this link to the school website:
We continue to endure the effects of the COVID-19 pandemic. To prevent the spread of COVID-19 at school, we have developed a School Infection Mitigation Plan, available on our school website at
Please remember -- If your child is feeling ill, phone the school office and keep your child at home!
🡪 Symptoms to watch out for include:
Fever -- 100.4°F / 38°C or higher
Severe headache
Sore throat
Shortness of breath or trouble breathing
New loss of taste or smell
BVCC after-school services will begin on Monday, August 29.
BVCC Registration forms are located in the school office.
No students will be accepted until a registration form is filled, and the registration fee and any outstanding balance are paid.
Children's Council and Sliding Scale available.
Forms may be dropped off in the school office with a check. (Venmo is also accepted – @BVCCatStPeters. Please do NOT leave cash in the office.
No family will be turned away due to financial need.
For questions about BVCC, please contact Rochelle Celedon at 415-713-0625 ( or Judy Diaz at 415-283-5545 (
This year, we will once again have Virtual Back to School Nights, where teachers will share information on what to expect (such as academic resources, projects, and classroom rules) for the coming school year. Please see the schedule below to know when to meet with your child’s teacher on ZOOM. Each teacher will share his/her Zoom link on Class Dojo, so look out for that information on Class Dojo!
Wednesday, August 31
5:00 PM – Kindergarten with Ms. Imperial and Mrs. Gonzalez
5:30 PM – 1st Grade with Ms. Bruno
6:00 PM – 2nd Grade with Mrs. Gurleyen
6:30 PM – 3rd Grade with Ms. Wong
Thursday, September 2
5:00 PM – 4th Grade with Mr. Guzman
5:30 PM – 5th Grade with Ms. Amy
6:00 PM – 6th, 7th and 8th grades with all Middle School teachers—Mrs. Fuaau, Ms, Bishop, Mr. Reyes, Mr. Suarez, Mrs. Fresnoza
August 25 Cafeteria services begin
August 26 All school forms due
August 29 BVCC Services Begin
August 31 Virtual Back to School Night for grades K-3
September 1 Virtual Back to School Night for grades 4-8
September 2 No School – Teacher In-Service
September 5 No School – Labor Day Holiday