Dear Parents,

      This Sunday, we celebrate Mother’s Day. We recognize the important role that mothers, aunts, grandmothers, and all mother-figures play in our lives!  We are thankful for the love they show us and the sacrifices they make for us. During this month of May, we also dedicate time to pray to our Blessed Mother Mary.  We look to Mary as an example of faith, love, and courage as she said YES to God!  Let us pray in thanksgiving for our Blessed Mother Mary and for all mother-figures in our lives.

Heavenly Father, 

We Praise You and we thank You for the gift of our mothers, through whom You give us life and through whom we experience love. We thank You for Mary, the mother of our Lord Jesus Christ, a mother so gracious and a woman of example in motherhood for all of us.  May our prayer warm the hearts of all mothers. May they know that they are loved and precious. May mothers all over the world feel in their heart the joys of being called a mother and in all their goodness and all their failings, be blessed in Your love and forgiveness.  We pray in Grace they belong close to You Lord Jesus Christ, AMEN.

(Prayer by Geevetha Mary Samuel)


We also pray for our 8th graders who are receiving the Sacrament of Confirmation this weekend!  Their renewal of faith is a joyful reminder of our own continued process to renew our faith this Easter season as we find new life in Christ.  

--Mrs. Sandra Jimenez




Today, all students were sent home with their Trimester 3 Progress Reports.  This report will provide a snapshot of your child’s academic and behavioral progress so far during this trimester; final report cards will come out in June.  Please sign and return the Progress Report by this Friday.  If you have any questions, please contact your child’s teacher.



This week, let your teachers know what you appreciate most about them!  Thank you to all of our dedicated, hardworking teachers!



You are welcome to witness our Confirmation candidates renew their faith and strengthen the gifts of the Holy Spirit within themselves: wisdom, understanding, counsel, fortitude, knowledge, piety, and fear of the Lord.

The Confirmation Mass will be held at 10:00 AM on Saturday, May 7, at St. Mary’s Cathedral (1111 Gough Street in San Francisco).

GOD BLESS all of our Confirmation candidates during this special time in their faith journey!




The completed re-registration forms are now overdue.  Please submit this form if you haven’t done so already.  

The $500 registration fee is also now past due, and will help to secure your child’s spot in their class for 2022-2023.

To reference the letter with the tuition rates and re-registration form, see the Class Dojo post from February 24, or call the school office to have another letter and form sent home.




BVCC Summer Camp Registration is now available!

BVCC welcomes all students from St. Peter's and other schools to join our camp, June 13 - July 29.  Extended Care is available.  Register online using this link – https://docs.google.com/forms/d/1kbXPMXFnUyRpyKA9R8W98HZcIIjNM3VtJj5nxe0mJA8/edit

If you need help with the application, please call BVCC at 415-283-5545 or 415-713-0625 to set up an appointment.  Financial Assistance available for everyone.  

REMINDER – BVCC will be closed June 6-10 to prepare for the Summer Program.  Please plan accordingly!




Thanks to the help of our friends at Caritas Creek (where our middle schoolers attend camp during the school year), our 2nd through 8th grade students have the opportunity to attend CYO Summer Camp at a discounted rate!

At this week-long CYO Summer Camp in Occidental, California, students can participate in a number of different activities, such as nature hikes, campfires, archery, arts & crafts, and swimming, just to name a few camp experiences.  Campers are encouraged to try new activities, build positive relationships, and have fun!  

To learn more about CYO Summer Camp, visit their website at https://www.catholiccharitiessf.org/cyocamp/cyo-pages/catholic-charities-cyo-summer-camp.html

The regular price of this week-long camp experience is $865, but St. Peter’s students may attend at the discounted rate of $145 as long as all requested documents are submitted on time.

**There is an optional $60 transportation fee if your child will be using the CYO bus service to travel to and from camp. Otherwise, parents may drive their child to and from camp.

The Camp sessions are listed below:

  • Session 1 → June 26 - July 2

  • Session 2 → July 3 - 9

  • Session 3 → July 11 - 17 

  • Session 4 → July 19 - 25

  • Session 5 → July 27 - August 2


All completed forms and payments must be submitted to the St. Peter’s School office in order to reserve your child’s spot at camp with the discounted price, and will be filled on a first-come, first-served basis.

If your child is interested in attending CYO Summer Camp, please call the school office at 415-647-8662 or send a message via Class Dojo, and we can send home the camp registration forms with your child.  Or, you may drop by the school office to pick up the forms.

Please contact the school office if you have any questions!




We continue with our weekly school Masses on Tuesday mornings at 8:30 AM.  At this time, we will now be attending Mass as a whole school instead of half-school groups, as COVID mandates in church have been lifted.  Parents are now welcome to join us at these school Masses, finding places to sit in the pews behind the students’ seating area.  The livestream of the Mass will no longer be offered.


Homeroom teachers identify Students of the Month at the end of each month.  We celebrate these students because they have exemplified living the St. Peter’s KEYS:

Knowledge feeds GROWTH. 

Every ACCOMPLISHMENT needs courage.

You are LOVE.


Congratulations to our April Students of the Month!

Kindergarten - Like the MAGIC of BLOOMS in the SPRING, Delilah Delgado's MAGIC has SPRUNG! She shares with us her big heart and eyes of wonder each and every day! No cast or boot can keep her on the ground! Delilah is FLYING high like the BUZZ around the SPRING BLOOMS. Her BUZZ keeps us all smiling! She puts the SUN in our SUNFLOWERS!! Delilah, KEEP REACHING for the SKY! YOU DAZZLE ALL of US! 

1st Grade - Rosemarie Garcia has grown so much this year--especially in her reading and writing! She is a reading SUPERSTAR! Rosemarie is always someone who stays on tasks, follows directions, and helps her friends when they need it. I am so proud of you Rosemarie!

2nd Grade - Melissa Navarro is a very hard worker and very kind friend. She never gives up at her work and takes it very seriously. She keeps growing as a learner, especially in math. Way to go, Melissa!

3rd Grade - Amariz Araujo-Ortega is a very hard worker.  She always completes her class and home assignments.  She enjoys helping her classmates whenever they need it.  Amariz is also very respectful to others.  Keep up your winning ways!! We are very proud of you!

4th Grade - Angel Robledo is the kind of gentleman that every class deserves to have.  He is a kind friend and works really hard to grow and accomplish as a student each day; he earned Second Honors for the Second Trimester.  Although he played a villain in our last prayer service, he has been heroic and so generous this year in class.  Keep up the great work, Angel!  You are a star!

5th Grade - Christopher Chirino-Sandoval conducts himself with maturity. He is a great student who participates in class, and is always eager to learn more.  Christopher knows the meaning of responsibility and integrity, which will take him far in life. Congratulations, Christopher, for a job well done!

6th Grade - Isabella Del Rosario is so sweet and caring! Bella, you always show LOVE to others! I am so proud of the young lady you are! I know the world is a more caring place because you are in it! Thank you so much for sharing your bright light with all people in our class and school community! Congratulations Bella, you are a ROCKSTAR! :)

7th Grade - Nelly Ortiz Alfaro is an exemplary St. Peter's student. She showed great LOVE and patience with our younger students during our STEAM Fair. With her kindness, she helps those around her to GROW! Her classmates look up to her as someone who is always on top of things, and she always has a unique way of looking at things. Keep it up, Nelly!

8th Grade - Adriana Alvarado is a thoughtful and caring individual whose generosity and loving heart will go on doing great things in this world of needed healing. Adriana always comes to the classroom every morning with an open mind and spirit. Her future teachers will be so lucky to have her as a student. Thank you for all you bring to our 8th grade community, Adriana! I'm so proud of the person you're becoming! Congratulations!




May 2-13    STAR Assessment Window #4

May 2-13    Student Council Election Process

May 4          Trimester 3 Progress Reports sent home

May 7          10:00 AM  Confirmation Mass at St. Mary’s Cathedral

May 10        8:30 AM School Mass

May 11        Minimum Day Dismissal

May 12        5:30 PM First Communion Rehearsal at St. Peter’s Church

May 13       Student Council Final Elections

May 14       1:00 PM  First Holy Communion Mass at St. Peter’s Church