Dear Parents,

        The 8th graders are taking their final steps towards GRADUATION!  We proudly share in their accomplishments as we—their families and teachers—have helped them to lay the foundation for their future.  We are especially proud of them as this school year presented a variety of challenges and obstacles, yet they moved forward with open hearts and open minds.  Now, they are ready to take on their next steps in high school!

Let us offer this prayer for our soon-to-be graduates:

 Loving God, we thank you for our graduates. You have blessed them during their years at St. Peter’s School with wisdom, friendships, and skills. Continue to challenge them to make this world a better place. Help them to look forward to their next steps in high school. Give them faith and a sense of purpose in 

their next steps. Show them how to serve others in effective ways.  May they be aware in everything they do that they find fulfillment in doing your will, that you will be with them always, and that you will bring to completion the good work you have begun in them.  AMEN.

GO CLASS OF 2022!!! We are so proud of you!

 --Mrs. Sandra Jimenez




As a school we will attend the Class of 2022 Baccalaureate Mass in honor of our 8th graders on Friday, June 3 at 9:30 AM.

On Tuesday, June 7, we will have a Kindergarten - 7th grade Awards Ceremony and Prayer Service at 1:15 PM.

During the final week of school, there will be no Tuesday school Mass.  Instead, we will have school Mass on Friday, June 10 at 8:30 AM in celebration of our last day of school.

Since we will be attending school Mass on June 3 and June 10, please be sure that your child is in complete school uniform.  No Gray sweats or free dress passes may be used on these days.




During the last week of school (June 6-10), there will be no BVCC after-school services while they prepare for their summer program.

Please plan accordingly so that your child(ren) are picked up at the appropriate school dismissal time, listed below:

  • Monday, June 6 - 3:00 PM

  • Tuesday, June 7 - 3:00 PM

  • Wednesday, June 8 - 12:30 PM  (Minimum Day)

  • Thursday, June 9 - 12:30 PM  (Minimum Day)

  • Friday, June 10 - 10:30 AM  (Last day of School)



The 2021-2022 yearbooks have arrived! Make sure to get your keepsake of this school year for only $25.

There are two ways to get your yearbook:

1.  Purchase through Venmo. Send $25 to @SPeters-School. Be sure to put your child’s full name, grade, and YEARBOOK in the comments. Yearbooks will be delivered to students in their homerooms.

2.  Purchase directly at the front office with $25 cash only.

Get your copy soon! Supplies are limited!



BVCC Summer Camp Registration is now available!

BVCC welcomes all students from St. Peter's and other schools to join our camp, June 13 - July 29.  Extended Care is available.  Register online using this link – https://docs.google.com/forms/d/1kbXPMXFnUyRpyKA9R8W98HZcIIjNM3VtJj5nxe0mJA8/edit

If you need help with the application, please call BVCC at 415-283-5545 or 415-713-0625 to set up an appointment.  Financial Assistance available for everyone.  

**REMINDER**BVCC will be closed June 6-10 to prepare for the Summer Program.  Please plan accordingly!




Homeroom teachers identify Students of the Month at the end of each month.  We celebrate these students because they have exemplified living the St. Peter’s KEYS:

Knowledge feeds GROWTH. 

Every ACCOMPLISHMENT needs courage.

You are LOVE.


Congratulations to our May Students of the Month!

Kindergarten - Like a TRUE VALEDICTORIAN, Gavin Contreras has shown that he has the KEYS to OPEN ANY DOOR! He is OUR STAR shining BRIGHT for all to see. With his GENEROUS SPIRIT, COLLABORATIVE NATURE, and WINNING SMILE, Gavin is a LEADER in Kindergarten. He's the BEE that has BUZZED the most! Gavin has CLIMBED MOUNTAINS with Jiji and TRAVELED the WORLD in Lexia. We are excited to see what Gavin will accomplish next! GO GAVIN GO!! WE  LOVE YOU!!! 

1st Grade - Alexander Villasenor has grown so much since the beginning of the school year. He is someone who tries to be a better person each and every day. He is a math superstar, and is someone who loves to help his friends. Piggie and Elephant are so proud of you!! Keep up the amazing work Alexander! 

2nd Grade - Solina Ramirez Herrera is kind, always has a great attitude, and is an excellent student. She brings joy and positivity wherever she goes. She has always been an excellent reader and is now a great mathematician as well. We are all so glad that Solina has joined us at St. Peter's this year. 

3rd Grade - Geovanna Carreto always tries her best.  She works hard at home and in class on all ELA and Math assignments and projects.  We are very proud of you,Geo! Keep up your work ethic as you move toward the fourth grade. 

4th Grade - Aaron Mendoza has really stepped up recently as a classroom leader urging his friends to unite and follow classroom rules so that they may have a quiet space to learn and grow as students.  He is also very thoughtful in his answers and responses to questions asked in class.  Like his friends before him, he has been a star and a shining example of a student striving to live out our school's KEYS.  Keep up the good work, Aaron!

5th Grade - Veronica Juarez is an exemplary student. She is committed to doing her best and seeking new challenges. Veronica is always ready to help others and has an excellent responsible attitude to all her learning. Veronica also writes beautifully.  We have a budding author in our midst. Way to go, Vee!

6th Grade - Isaiah Arguello is a shining star! Isaiah, you share your light and gifts not only with everyone in our 6th grade community, but also with the greater St. Peter's Community! Isaiah, I am so proud of the young leader you are becoming and know you will be so successful in the future! Congratulations Isaiah, you make our classroom a better place! :)

7th Grade - Zinara Fuentes shows a St. Peter's attitude through the thoughtfulness she puts into her school work and into caring for those around her. She is a responsible young lady, and everyone knows that she is always willing to listen to her peers and their struggles. She always has your back! Way to go, Zinara! You will do great in eighth grade!

8th Grade - Jayden Grajeda is a generous, caring, and ambitious young man who has the power to bring out the best in his peers and anyone he surrounds himself with. Jayden always comes to the classroom prepared to learn and help others in need. I look forward to hopefully hearing all Jayden accomplishes outside of his small community here at St. Peter’s, which he will soon leave to embark on a new journey into high school! Good luck, Jayden! Congratulations on all your accomplishments! 



June 2           4th and 7th Grades Field Trip - California Academy of Sciences

June 2          5th Grade Field Trip - SFPL Bookmobile

June 2          8th Grade Picnic - San Bruno Park

June 3          9:30 AM - Baccalaureate Mass

June 3          4:30 PM - 8th Grade Graduation Ceremony

June 7          1:15 PM - K-7 Awards Ceremony and Prayer Service in church

June 8          12:30 Dismissal

June 9          Kindergarten celebration

June 9          12:30 Dismissal

June 10        8:30 AM School Mass

June 10        10:30 AM Dismissal - Last Day of School!