QUE PASA 1/29/2020 (English)

Dear Parents,

       Happy Catholic Schools Week!  This week, we’ve been taking the time to reflect on Catholic education and all the ways that we learn to grow, accomplish, love, serve, and unite here at St. Peter’s School. We are thankful that here, both our faith and our minds can grow.  In gratitude, I offer this prayer (adapted from www.thereligionteacher.com)

Almighty Father,

You sent forth your Son as a beacon of hope for all people.  As Teacher, he has given us the prime example of the importance of education.  As disciples, we look to him for inspiration and strength.  Thank you for the many sisters, brothers, priests, and laypeople who have dedicated their lives in service to our Catholic schools.  Thank you for the teachers and administrators who sustain our schools today.  Thank you for the parents who have given support and witness to the importance of Catholic education in their daily lives.  Thank you for the students who work hard to further their education.

Bless St. Peter’s School and the many people who advance our mission.  May our building be a home for those who seek to grow in faith, knowledge, and service of others.  May our community always support one another and exhibit hospitality to newcomers.  Fill our minds with knowledge and wisdom.  May our understanding of the world help us to grow in appreciation for it.  Fill our hearts with gladness.  May we always turn to you in times of need.  Fill our hands with the tools we need to serve others.  May we show them your unceasing love through our actions.  AMEN.


--Mrs. Sandra Jimenez




For the rest of this week, we celebrate Catholic Schools Week with:

Thursday, 1/30– Thankful Thursday

Friday, 1/31 – Fundraiser Friday (Hot Cocoa Sale)



Tomorrow (January 30), is the first deadline for prizes for the Aztec Trek.  Turn in your mandatory $100 collection by tomorrow, and receive a KEY, a free dress pass, and a raffle ticket for a prize!

The more money a student collects, the more prizes and class points can be earned!  The due date for all money to be turned in is Friday, February 21. Thank you in advance for your support!



It’s time for CYO SUMMER CAMP SIGN-UPS for grades 3-8.  This is an optional summer camp experience in Occidental, CA, and this is the 4th summer that St. Peter’s students are attending camp at a discounted price.  To support you in getting your child enrolled for one of the six camp sessions, we will be hosting a SUMMER CAMP SIGN-UP NIGHT on Thursday, February 6 from 4:00-6:00 in the Faculty Meeting Room. We only have space to sign up 12 St. Peter’s students PER camp session.  

The total discounted cost to attend summer camp is $180.  Families must pay $50 cash or check to CYO Camp at the sign-up night in order to hold their child’s spot. If you cannot attend the camp sign-up night, it is possible that there will not be space in your first choice session this summer.

The camp sessions are listed here:

Session One                   June 21 – June 27

Session Two                   June 28 – July 4

Session Three                 July 6 – July 12

Session Four                  July 14 – July 20

Session Five                   July 22 – July 28

Session Six                    July 30 – August 5

For more camp information, please visit Ms. Land or send her a ClassDojo message. 



The application process for the Archdiocese Family Grant for the 2020-2021 school year has now begun.  Please go on to mytads.comto begin the application process. Be sure you have your 2019 income tax information or 2019 income information (Calworks, social security, food stamps, etc.).  Please be sure you have completed the total process by the Archdiocese deadline—April 15, 2020



New students entering for the 2020-2021 school year must go online to the by visiting www.basicfund.org and completing a NEW Basic Fund Application no later than March 18, 2020. 

Renewal families will be renewing their BASIC Fund scholarship online in March /April.  All student tuition accounts must be current with no past due balances. Please be sure you have your 2019 income tax information or 2019 income information (Calworks, social security, food stamps, etc.).  Contact the school office if you have any questions.



Homeroom teachers identify Students of the Month at the end of each month.  We celebrate these students because they have exemplified living the St. Peter’s KEYS:

Knowledge feeds GROWTH. 

Every ACCOMPLISHMENT needs courage.

You are LOVE.



KINDER - Alberto Elizalde is testimony that knowledge feeds growth, and we are so proud of the growth he has shown in the new year! From writing his name, to coloring in the lines with more than one color, and learning to be a better listener, Alberto is on the path to success! Keep growing Betito and aim for the stars!  


1A - Itzel Villasenor is a student who has worked extremely hard and has shown immense growth due to her effort and perseverance. She isn't afraid to make a mistake and she never shies away from a challenge. Itzel is a very caring student, who is always going out of her way to help others in need.


2A – Aaliyah Gonzalez always tries her best and works on a problem until she not only solves it, but understands it. She is a super reader and reading detective, always rereading and locating important facts in stories. She loves to challenge and grow her brain. Keep up the good work! 


3A - Alejandra Nava-Gomez is always willing to SERVE her fellow students by helping them when they are having trouble solving problems.  She is very focused on her classwork and strives to complete all of her digital and written assignments. Let's keep up those great habits as we are moving along into 2020. Great job, Alejandra! 


4A - Isela Diaz comes to school each day with a positive attitude and ready to work. She uses her critical thinking skills to solve complex math equations. She faces any challenge in the classroom as an opportunity to grow her brain.  She is a friend to all of her classmates and a true bucket filler. Way to go, Isela!


5A – Isaac Leonor communicates effectively in both social and academic environments, faces challenges with optimism, and is kind to everyone! Isaac's hard work has allowed him to grow tremendously already this year. Plus, his goofy sense of humor and great jokes bring cheer to our 5th grade family. Keep up the good work, Isaac! 


6A - Andrea Velasco has been Serving and Uniting 6th grade classmates and teachers throughout the whole school year.  Her willingness to stay behind and help teachers with everyday tasks and the support that she gives to her classmates is such a gift! Andrea's enthusiasm in the classroom and her love of learning is contagious.  She is a wonderful example of a student with the KEYS to Open Hearts and Open Minds. Thank you for all that you do, Andrea!  


7A - Not only has Alysia Pelayo shown diligence and persistence in her learning, but she also uses technology responsibly and exercises self-control in every situation. She shows appreciation for others and goes throughout her day spreading kindness and positivity. She's been such a welcome addition to our school and we're grateful for what she brings to our community.


8A - Elijah Langlois has demonstrated what it means to serve, by sharing his time, gifts and joy within our school community as a leader, student council officer, classmate and friend. He is also constantly embracing new experiences with an open heart and open mind, by tackling his 8th grade year with enthusiasm and diligence. Elijah has proved he knows how to live out the KEYS! Keep up the good work! 




KINDER - So exciting to be sharing in Kindergarten's very first Catholic Schools Week! And I know we can put the SPIRIT in the week and carry it forward! And let's use this energy to rally for the Aztec Trek so we can come close to being winners! Remember to turn in your envelopes! 


1A This week, we are reading, writing, and learning about how we get our food. We are working on words with -ood, and -ookendings (as in good, look). Please help your child practice reading the Unit 3 sight words. They will be tested on them on Friday. In religion, we are celebrating Catholic Schools Week by writing letters of thanks. In math, we are assessing our use of the 10+ trick in addition. In social studies, we are finishing up our unit on mapping skills. 


2A - We will be reading one of 2nd grade's favorite stories, “My Cousin Primo!” We are going to work on building numbers within 1,000. We'll use modeling, drawing, and using waffles, french fries, and tater tots to do this. We'll continue talking about forgiveness and what “I’m sorry” means. 


3A – This is a very exciting week!  It is Catholic Schools Week and there are many fun-filled and exciting activities planned for the students. You received the flyer in Que Pasa last week so please check the list and talk to your children so that we will all be ready to participate and have a grand time.  


4A - Happy Catholic Schools Week! This week, we will celebrate St. Peter's and all other Catholic schools across the nation. We will begin our first novel study in class. We will be reading Frindle, and working on our comprehension strategy of summarizing. We will begin our next module on multiplication and division. We will start this week with area and perimeter problems involving multiplication. In Social Studies, we will be learning about the Missions in California. We will be going on our field trip to the Old Mission Dolores tomorrow! 


5A - In math this week, 5th graders will be doing measurement conversions and then taking our mid-module assessment. We're continuing our figurative language unit in English/Language Arts by learning about idioms! We will also celebrate Catholic Schools Week with a special Works of Mercy related service project on Wednesday. 


6A  Religion – Students are participating in Catholic Schools Week and will be visited by Paula Pardini for Building Bridges.   Language Arts – The Logan family is trying to find ways to stand up against the injustice of their community. 6th graders will identify ways they can feel empowered to make changes in their own lives. In connection with Catholic School's Week, we'll also study the history of Catholic involvement in the fight against racisms during the Civil Rights movement and throughout history.   Math – Students will continue working with division of fractions, including dividing mixed fractions.  Social Studies – Students will continue to compare and contrast Christianity to Buddhism and Hinduism through a compare and contrast essay.   Science – Scientists will continue working on their STEAM packets in their STEAM fair groups, complete an air worksheet, and kick-off Black History Month by watching Hidden Figures.


7A   Religion -  Students are participating in Catholic Schools Week activities with a focus on a reflection on a Work of Mercy.   Language Arts - Students are continuing their poetry unit. They enjoyed writing their “When I...” poem, describing something that makes them happy or alive. They will now continue writing a ballad and metaphorical poem, as they construct a poetry portfolio.   Math - Students will be adding and subtracting integers and rational numbers.   Social Studies – Students will begin learning about Medieval Japan and China.   Science – Students continue to learn about the cell cycle and its important parts as they prepare their mitosis dance! 


8A   Religion - Students will celebrate Catholic Schools Week, its meaning and significance.   Language Arts - Students are continuing their poetry unit. They enjoyed writing and sharing about themselves and their heritage in their "Where I'm From" poems. Now they are writing ode and elegy poems as they continue to create their poetry portfolio.   Math - Students will be rotating images 180 degrees on a coordinate plane and translating shapes along a vector.   Social Studies – Students are beginning to study the roles and responsibilities of the Executive Branch.   Science - Students have completed their rocket flight and have set new records. Good job! Now they begin their post-lab analysis of data and evaluate their performance.



Jan. 30         4A Field Trip to Mission Dolores

Jan. 31         Hot Cocoa Sale (during recess times)

Feb. 3-13     STAR Testing, Window #3

Feb. 5          Free Dress for No Tardies in January

Feb. 5          WCEA/WASC Accreditation Visiting Committee Pre-visit

Feb. 6          4:00-6:00 PM, CYO Summer Camp Sign-ups in the Faculty Meeting Room 

Feb. 12        100th Day of School Celebration

Feb. 13        LifeTouch Spring Picture Day

Feb. 14        NO SCHOOL, Presidents’ Day Holiday

Feb. 17        NO SCHOOL, Presidents’ Day Holiday