Dear Parents,
We are nearly halfway through the school year, and only two weeks away from our pre-visit from the Western Catholic Educational Association (WCEA) and the Western Association of Schools and Colleges (WASC) visiting committee! As mentioned before, 2020 is a re-accreditation year for our school. The teachers continue to gather evidence of student learning, have analyzed student work and input from parent and student surveys, and have completed writing the document, “Improving Student Learning,” which is required for accreditation.
As we prepare for this visit, let’s not forget our growth mindset, and remember that we can be positive examples of growth for our children. There’s still much more we can learn, and there’s still plenty of time in this school year to be challenged, to ask questions, and to live out our core value: GROW! United, let’s not be afraid to try new things and learn from our mistakes; because, like our St. Peter’s KEYS state: Every accomplishment needs courage and Knowledge feeds growth. Every day, with our children, we’ll keep on growing!
--Mrs. Sandra Jimenez
Last week, your child received a collection envelope and flyer for the AZTEC TREK. Students and families can help support our school by collecting pledges for our walk-a-thon and game day. This is our only mandatory school fundraiser, and it helps to keep St. Peter’s School’s tuition the lowest among the SF Archdiocesan schools. The minimum mandatory amount to be collected by each student is $100, but the more money that a student collects, the more prizes and class points can be earned! The due date for all money to be turned in is Friday, February 21. Thank you in advance for your support!
To show our appreciation for our Catholic Schools, we will be celebrating Catholic Schools Week next week, from January 26-31. Please see the attached flyer for details on the special events of the week! Below is a brief list of events:
Sunday, 1/26 – 11:00 AM Family Mass
Monday, 1/27 – Matching Monday
Tuesday, 1/28 – Grandparents Day Mass at 8:30 AM
Wednesday, 1/29 – Works of Mercy Wednesday
Thursday, 1/30– Thankful Thursday
Friday, 1/31 – Fundraiser Friday (Hot Cocoa Sale)
Until this Friday, January 24, we are accepting registration for GIRLS CYO BASKETBALL for grades 3-8. You can now register for St. Peter’s sports using your Venmo account. Please make sure to include the following in your memo: Student name, grade, full academic year, season, sport, registration, and/or uniform
Example: Ryan Suárez 8A 2019-2020 Fall Soccer Registration and Uniform
*Note: If a student already paid registration and will only be paying uniform, the memo should read: Ryan Suárez 8A 2019-2020 Fall Soccer Uniform
The application process for the Archdiocese Family Grant for the 2020-2021 school year has now begun. Please go on to to begin the application process. Be sure you have your 2019 income tax information or 2019 income information (Calworks, social security, food stamps, etc.). Please be sure you have completed the total process by the Archdiocese deadline—April 15, 2020
New students entering for the 2020-2021 school year must go online to the by visiting and completing a NEW Basic Fund Application no later than March 18, 2020.
Renewal families will be renewing their BASIC Fund scholarship online in March /April. All student tuition accounts must be current with no past due balances. Please be sure you have your 2019 income tax information or 2019 income information (Calworks, social security, food stamps, etc.). Contact the school office if you have any questions.
KINDER - The days are moving faster than ever I could expect! And the weather is taking a toll on all of us! It's very important for all Kindergarteners to get a good night sleep and wash their hands regularly! Also, we need to remember to brush our teeth morning and night! Staying healthy will keep us on the right learning path!
1A - This week, we are reading, writing, and discussing how life is different today than in the past. We are working on the long o and e sounds with the silent e spelling pattern (hope, cute). In religion, we are reading about how Catholics are followers of Jesus. In math, we are continuing to use our 10+ strategy to add larger numbers. In social studies, we are continuing to work on our mapping skills.
2A - Students will practice identifying consonant blends (as in hand, string, and mask). They will also continue a writing project, using Martin Luther King, Jr. as inspiration. In math, they will practice place value using base-10 discs.
3A – This week, we will complete our Social Studies unit on Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. We will then begin a unit on the Lunar New Year which begins on January 25 with celebrations running through January 30. In Language Arts, we continue working on possessive pronouns, compound words, and reviewing short vowel sounds. In Religion, we are learning about ways to stay healthy and safe.
4A - Way to go, Niners! We will bring this joy and enthusiasm into our work this week! In Religion, we will continue to focus on the Sacraments of Initiation and how God invites us into the Church. We will begin our first novel study of Frindle by completing some pre-assessments about our story. In Math, we will begin our new module on Multiplication and Division. We will use area and perimeter to help us recall multiplication steps and skills. In Social Studies, we will work with a partner to create posters for California Native people’s tribes. In Science, we will focus on chemical and physical weathering.
5A - Last week, 5th graders finished reading the first Harry Potter together! Now that we know the ending, we’re going to do some larger analysis of the plot and major themes. In math this week, we're tackling measurement word problems with decimal multiplication. These can be tricky, but I know the 5th graders will rise to this challenge!
6A Religion – Students will be presenting their Chapter lessons with their groups this week. Language Arts – The tension is rising in our novel Roll of Thunder Hear My Cry and we're learning more about the injustices that the Logan family face and their persistent courage in facing them. 6th graders will also have their third Unit Spelling test this Friday. Math - Students will be interpreting and computing division of a fraction by a fraction using models. They will demonstrate understanding of division of fractions by creating their own word problems. They will also be working on graphing ordered pairs. Social Studies – Students will continue to explore the differences and similarities between Hinduism and Buddhism in Ancient India. Science – 6th Grade Scientists will deepen their understanding of the Engineering Design Process. They will apply it to solving problems or improving solutions.
7A Religion – Students will be teaching a lesson from the Blest Are We book to their classmates. Language Arts - Students have finished their “When I...” Poem, describing something that makes them happy or alive. They will have an opportunity to share their creations with the class. Students will also apply the unique characteristics of poetry by reading and annotating poems. Math - Students will be adding and subtracting integers as well as reviewing graphing ordered pairs. Social Studies – Students are constructing essay responses about their novel study of A Long Walk to Water. Science – Students get to know the intricacies of the cell cycle as they prepare their mitosis dance.
8A ** REMINDER: 8th Grade Graduation Photo Day TOMORROW, Thursday, January 23. Students must come in their formal attire and change back to their school uniform once photo has been taken. **
Religion - Students will examine the role that the early Church played in the affairs of the empire and will discuss the pros and cons of the connection of church and state. Language Arts - Students have begun their Poetry Unit. They have reviewed the different techniques, characteristics and forms. They are now beginning the creative process by composing a "Where I'm From" Poem. Students also thoroughly enjoyed the Holocaust Guest Speaker last Thursday. The presentation allowed them to put a face to the experiences they read in the novel, Night. Math - Students will be rotating figures on a plane and reviewing graphing ordered pairs on a plane. Social Studies – Students will be learning about the Legislative Branch of government this week, including researching their representatives, reading about the 2020 census, and learning the process of how an idea becomes a law. Science - Students are adjusting and improving their rocket designs as we prepare to launch rockets this Thursday.
Jan. 23 8th Grade Graduation Photo Day
Jan. 23 3A Field Trip to Exploratorium
Jan. 26 11:00 AM Catholic Schools Week Sunday Family Mass
Jan. 27 12:30 Dismissal, Teachers In-Service
Jan. 28 8:30 AM Mass for Grandparents Day
Jan. 31 Hot Cocoa Sale (during recess times)
Feb. 3-13 STAR Testing, Window #3
Feb. 5 Free Dress for No Tardies in January