QUE PASA 4/10/2019 (English)

Dear Parents,

       We are fast approaching the beginning of Holy Week this coming Sunday, which is Palm Sunday.  At school, children have been preparing their hearts for Jesus’ death and resurrection by receiving the sacrament of Reconciliation, making special donations to the Missions, learning about the Stations of the Cross, and writing special prayers. During your Lenten journey, I pray that you and your family have grown closer to God, and continue to strengthen your faith and service towards God during Holy Week and throughout the year.

Let us pray:

Heavenly Father, we enter into Holy Week so that we might accompany you through your passion to your death. We have to remember that your story does not end in sadness. Rather, your story is the greatest love story that we could ever know. Holy Week gives us an opportunity to participate in that love story in a profound and personal way. We pray that you give us a special attentiveness during Holy Week, Lord. Shower us with your grace!  AMEN.

(Adapted from “The Joy of Lent: Encouragement and Daily Prayers”)

--Mrs. Sandra Jimenez  



This Sunday, April 14, join us for Palm Sunday Family Mass at 9:30 AM at St. Peter’s Church. A reception in the Parish Hall hosted by Kindergarten, 5A, and 8A will follow mass.  Plus, students who come to Mass in school uniform will receive a free dress pass for the following Monday. 



As part of our upcoming WCEA (Western Catholic Educational Association) school accreditation process, faculty and staff examined our school mission statement, philosophy, and Schoolwide Learning Expectations (SLEs)—all available on our school website at  http://www.stpeterssf.org/about. These are guides on how we can help our students and ourselves live out our Core Values to Grow, Accomplish, Love, Serve, and Unite. 


The completed orange re-registration form for the upcoming school year and Registration fee of $475 per student are now past due. Both are required to hold your child’s spot in a class for the upcoming school year.  Please call the office if you have any questions.



The application process for the Archdiocese Family Grant for the 2019-2020 school year has now begun.  Please go on to mytads.comto begin the application process. Be sure you have your 2018 income tax information or 2018 income information (Calworks, social security, food stamps, etc.).  Please be sure you have completed the total process by the Archdiocese deadline—April 15, 2019.



STEAM stands for Science, Technology, Engineering, Art, and Mathematics.  This Friday, April 12, our Middle School students will be presenting their STEAM Fair exhibits from 9:00 AM – 12:00 PM.  Parents are welcome to see the exhibits as well! Special thanks to Mr. Suárez and Ms. Land for coordinating this event, and to Mr. Suarez, Ms. Land, Mr. Guzman, and Ms. VanConas for helping students prepare their exhibits.



This week, Student Council officer candidates have been campaigning and preparing for elections, which will take place tomorrow!  Prayers to all our candidates who are willing to serve on Student Council and who are showing us all that Every accomplishment needs courage!



The BVCC Program is hosting a Spring Camp at St. Peter’s School from Tuesday, April 23 through Friday, April 26.  On those days, services will be available from 7:30 AM – 5:30 PM.  Activities include cooking, sports, and STEM, and lunch and snacks will be provided.  Registration forms are available in the school office and in BVCC.  Please call Rochelle at 415-713-0625 or Sheri at 415-850-4812 if you have any questions.



KINDER - This week, we will discuss ways to be good citizens! First, we will begin by reading Hen Hears Gossip and find out how the characters in the story could have been better citizens. We are also going to be blending words with long irice, dice, mice, bike, nine, etc. In math, we will go over names of shapes and count their corners.


1A - This week, we are reading, writing, and learning about different sounds and how they are made. In religion, we are discussing the different ways that we can give thanks to God. In math, we are measuring and comparing the lengths of different objects. In science, we are continuing our study of kites and wind. In social studies, we are learning about cardinal directions and working with a compass rose.


2A – We are reading “An Astronaut Handbook’ to learn what it's like to live in space.  In math, we are moving onto arrays to prepare for multiplication. We will check on our seeds in the garden and learn about rocks in science. We continue to pray for loved ones during Lent and prepare for Easter.


3A – This week, we will begin a class read of Addie's Wish to the Brightest Star by Gloria St. Joy.  Upon completion of reading her book, she will visit our classroom to tell us about her writing experiences.  She will also answer our questions about her book and what it is like to be a writer.  In Religion, we continue to focus on the Stations of the Cross after going to church and walking and praying the Stations. In Art, we have completed our clothespin crucifixes and look forward to showing them off to our parents and schoolmates. 


4A - We have another exciting week in 4A! As we prepare for Jesus' death and resurrection, the students are preparing the Stations of the Cross. We are also learning about various parables that Jesus taught his disciples as well the miracles that Jesus performed. In Reading, we are reading our new story, “The Screech Owl Who Liked Television.” We will focus on fact and opinion. In Math, we will continue learning about fractions. In Social Studies, we will complete our unit on Father Serra and the Missions. Our Mission Project research is due this Wednesday! Our Mission Projects are due the week after Easter break. In Science, we will learn about the sun, moon, and earth. 


5A – 5th grade is now on chapter 16 of the first Harry Potter, and we're still loving the book! We’re using this chapter to review homophones and discuss cause & effect pairs. We’ll be learning how to subtract mixed numbers in math. In social studies, we’re working with groups to summarize the most important battles of the Revolutionary War. In science, we’re going to do a very special investigation inspired by Harry Potter’s “Potions” class. Make sure you check Class Dojo for more updates!


6A   Language Arts – 6A is diving into the reading strategy of identifying text structure. Looking for cues in text will really help our comprehension skills and make challenging text more accessible. We're using this strategy as we continue to read the novel Tuck Everlasting.   Math –6A will find the area and missing dimensions of parallelograms.  Social Studies – 6th Grade students are preparing for their first STEAM fair! They have been putting together their projects that connect to Science, Technology, Engineering, Art, and/or Math to present to guests and volunteer judges this Friday!  Science – Students will describe how organisms adapt to particular climates. 


7A   Religion -  Students will pray the Lord's Prayer with a greater understanding of its seven petitions.   Language Arts - Students are continuing their unit on nonfiction, transitioning from author's purpose to author's point of view.   Math – 7A will find the circumference of circles and participate in this week's STEAM Fair.  Social Studies – Students will be researching significant pieces of artwork that were created by Renaissance artists and analyzing them as primary sources.  Science – Students will present their genetic disorders presentations and models.


8A/8B    Religion - This week in eighth grade religion students will prepare for Holy Week by learning about what each day signifies! Language Arts - Students are starting their unit reading and analyzing Romeo and Juliet.   Math – Students will use the Pythagorean Theorem.  Social Studies – Students continue to use evidence to respond to the question: Indian Removal--Is it justified?  Science - Students will begin working on their next project: The Mousetrap Car Project!



Apr. 11      Student Council Primary Elections

Apr. 12      STEAM Fair

Apr. 14      9:30 AM, Palm Sunday Family Mass and Reception

Apr. 17      8:10 AM, Stations of the Cross Prayer Service

Apr. 18      8:30 AM, Holy Thursday Prayer Service

Apr. 18      12:30 Dismissal

Apr. 19      Good Friday, Easter Vacation Begins

Apr. 20      Easter Sunday

Apr. 29      School Resumes, 12:30 dismissal