Dear Parents,
We are now in the fourth week of Lent. How are you and your family growing closer to God? Reflect on what makes you unwell, not necessarily physically, but mentally, emotionally, spiritually. What unhealthy thing takes up the space in your heart, mind, and soul that belongs to God? As today’s Psalm says, let us remember that God is merciful and always present, especially in our times of need.
The LORD is gracious and merciful,
slow to anger and of great kindness.
The LORD is good to all
and compassionate toward all his works.
The LORD is faithful in all his words
and holy in all his works.
The LORD lifts up all who are falling
and raises up all who are bowed down.
The LORD is just in all his ways
and holy in all his works.
The LORD is near to all who call upon him,
to all who call upon him in truth.
The Lord is gracious and merciful.
-Psalm 145:8-9
Merciful Lord, thank you for sending us your Son to free us from sin and make us new. Help us to look forward in hope to the life that you have planned for us. AMEN.
(Daily Reflections for Lent 2019, M. Poust)
--Mrs. Sandra Jimenez
As part of our upcoming WCEA (Western Catholic Educational Association) school accreditation process, faculty and staff examined our school mission statement, philosophy, and Schoolwide Learning Expectations (SLEs)—all available on our school website at These are guides on how we can help our students and ourselves live out our Core Values to Grow, Accomplish, Love, Serve, and Unite.
The completed orange re-registration form for the upcoming school year is now past due. Extras are available in the office. The Registration fee of $475 per student is also now due. Both are required to hold your child’s spot in a class for the upcoming school year.
The application process for the Archdiocese Family Grant for the 2019-2020 school year has now begun. Please go on to mytads.comto begin the application process. Be sure you have your 2018 income tax information or 2018 income information (Calworks, social security, food stamps, etc.). Please be sure you have completed the total process by the Archdiocese deadline—April 15, 2019. Applications and documents must be approved by TADS by April 15, 2019.
This Friday, it’s opening day for our hometown baseball team, the San Francisco Giants! Students may come to school wearing a Giants t-shirt or sweatshirt, or an orange and black t-shirt or sweatshirt. However, students must still wear their uniform pants, skirt, or gray sweats.
The BVCC Program is hosting a Spring Camp at St. Peter’s School from Tuesday, April 23 through Friday, April 26. On those days, services will be available from 7:30 AM – 5:30 PM. Activities include cooking, sports, and STEM, and lunch and snacks will be provided. Registration forms are available in the school office and in BVCC. Please call Rochelle at 415-713-0625 or Sheri at 415-850-4812 if you have any questions.
KINDER - This week, students are going to blend words with long a such as cake, made, bake, and rake. Next, students will write an opinion about a book they have read. They will work in pairs to generate sentences with adjectives and edit their writing. In Math, we will sort and count objects. Words to go over in Math are: heavier, lighter, taller, shorter, and longer. Parents, please help your child learn their sight words! Thank you!
1A - This week, we are reading, writing, and learning about inventions. In religion, we are continuing to work on kindness. In math, we are beginning to work on telling time. In science, we are continuing our study of wind. In social studies, we are starting our work on mapping skills.
2A – We are reading “My Light” (an expository text) about solar power. We are continuing with fractions (halves, thirds, fourths) of circles and rectangles. We will observe what happened to our seeds in the garden and make tea in science. We will pray for loved ones during Lent and prepare for Easter. We are working on being more kind and loving to others.
3A – Welcome to April! This week, we will move back into our reader after completing several chapter books. We have successfully learned how to summarize chapter by chapter. We have also been successful at ACCOMPLISHing our comprehension and vocabulary quizzes. For Math class, our percentage has GROWn with our tablet work in STMath as well as moving forward with our multiplication and division basic facts memorization. A large part of this process is teaching about fact families and arrays. In Religion, we will again plan a visit to church and walk the Stations of the Cross. I hope to soon do a meditation with 3A as part of our Lenten offering.
4A - Happy April! This week in Religion, we will be focusing on the parables that Jesus taught us. We will also begin working on the Stations of the Cross. In Reading, we will finish our story “Me and Uncle Romie,” and begin focusing on our next story “The Screech Owl Who Liked Television.” We will focus on the strategies of Fact/Opinion as well as making inferences. In Math, we will continue to focus on fractions and common factors. In Social Studies, we will focus on our Missions Project and St. Junipero Serra. In Science, we will learn more about the sun, moon, and planets. We will have our progress monitoring in STAR Reading and STAR Math this week. Our Missions Project research is due on Wednesday, April 10th. Thank you for all your help!
5A - This week, 5th graders will use Harry Potter to practice sequencing plot events. We will continue investigating the concentration of solutions in science and map out Paul Revere’s ride in social studies. In religion, 5th graders will learn about the five main categories of prayers. In math, we’ll work on adding fractions with unlike denominators and begin a special pizza fraction project!
6A Religion – Students will use their Bibles to compare different Lenten stories in the four Gospels. Language Arts – 6A ended our poetry unit by writing beautiful and powerful lyric poems. We are now moving on to our next novel unit, Tuck Everlasting, a richly written work of fantasy. We'll continue to analyze the text for figurative language, carrying over many of the concepts we learned about in poetry. Math – 6A students will begin finding the area of parallelograms. Social Studies – Students are learning about the beliefs and traditions of Ancient Greece and will be writing their own myth.
7A Language Arts - Students are finishing their final poetry portfolios and sharing their work with their class. They are also continuing their study of nonfiction. Math – 7A will find the area of a circle. Social Studies – Students are identifying major scientists from the Scientific Revolution and explaining how their inventions and beliefs were revolutionary. Science – Students continue putting their STEAM projects together while working on their genetic disorder research projects.
8A/8B Religion - This week, students will be participating in Lenten Reconciliations and will discuss their role in salvation. Language Arts - Students are finishing their final poetry portfolios and sharing their work with their class. They are also starting to read Romeo and Juliet. Math – Students will examine angle relationships formed by parallel lines and a transversal. Social Studies– Students will be reading documents from the removal of Native Americans in the 1830s and deciding if the removal was unjust. Science - Students continue putting their STEAM projects together while studying the three laws of motion.
Apr. 3 Free Dress for No Tardies in March
Apr. 4 8:30 AM, 8th grade Lenten Reconciliation
Apr. 8 Student Council Campaigning begins
Apr. 9 8:10 AM, School Mass
Apr. 9 Kinder and 2A Field Trip to Mission Branch Library
Apr. 10 8:30 AM, Student Council candidate speeches in church
Apr. 10 2A Field trip to Cinderella at Mercy High SF
Apr. 11 Student Council Primary Elections
Apr. 12 STEAM Fair
Apr. 14 9:30 AM, Palm Sunday Family Mass and Reception