QUE PASA 3/27/2019 (English)

Dear Parents,

       We are more than halfway through our Lenten journey.  At school, we guide students to open their hearts and minds; how have you opened your hearts and minds with your families during Lent? Here is a Lenten reflection from the Third Sunday of Lent (adapted from Daily Reflections for Lent 2019, Mary Poust):

Remove the sandals from your feet, for the place where you stand is holy ground. (Exod 3:5)

So often, we listen to Scripture stories, and brush them off as an event meant for different people in a different time, but the Word of God is alive and meant for us today, right now. Look around your life. Where is your holy ground? During this Lenten season, can you rekindle a sense of awe for the divine and begin to take note of the ordinary moments that provide extraordinary insights? Where is God in those moments? Or perhaps more accurately, where are you? There is a saying circulating in spiritual columns that seems to fit here: If God feels far away, guess who moved?

Praise to you, God of all creation! May we always be mindful of the holy ground on which we tread, and may we be attentive to your call and open to your invitation.  AMEN.


--Mrs. Sandra Jimenez  



As part of our upcoming WCEA (Western Catholic Educational Association) school accreditation process, faculty and staff examined our Schoolwide Learning Expectations, also known as SLEs.  The attached flyer contains our revised SLEs, based on our Core Values to Grow, Accomplish, Love, Serve, and Unite.



Today, report cards are being sent home with each student.  Report cards should be signed by a parent/guardian and returned to your child’s teacher by this Friday.  If you have any questions regarding your child’s report card, please send the teacher a message (email or Class Dojo) or leave a message in the office, or schedule an appointment with your child’s teacher so that he/she may plan accordingly.



The completed orange re-registration form for the upcoming school year is now past due.  Extras are available in the office. Please return the re-registration as soon as possible in order to help plan for the new school year.  The $475 registration fee per student is due on Friday, March 29.



The application process for the Archdiocese Family Grant for the 2019-2020 school year has now begun.  Please go on to mytads.comto begin the application process. Be sure you have your 2018 income tax information or 2018 income information (Calworks, social security, food stamps, etc.).  Please be sure you have completed the total process by the Archdiocese deadline—April 14, 2019.



The BVCC Program is hosting a Spring Camp at St. Peter’s School from Tuesday, April 23 through Friday, April 26.  On those days, services will be available from 7:30 AM – 5:30 PM.  Activities include cooking, sports, and STEM, and lunch and snacks will be provided.  Registration forms are available in the school office and in BVCC.  Please call Rochelle at 415-713-0625 or Sheri at 415-850-4812 if you have any questions.




Homeroom teachers identify Students of the Month at the end of each month.  We celebrate these students because they have exemplified living the St. Peter’s KEYS:

Knowledge feeds GROWTH. 

Every ACCOMPLISHMENT needs courage.

You are LOVE.



KINDER - Gabriella Oliva is a very responsible, motivated, and hard-working student. She has the KEYS to accomplish by listening and communicating effectively in social and academic environments. She is a remarkable learner and challenges herself to be at her very best. For all these reasons and more, Gabriella is March's student of the month!    


1A – Aaron Mendoza is an excellent example of a student who is living out St. Peter's KEYS. Aaron comes to school everyday ready to learn and make his brain grow. His curiosity and enthusiasm for learning are contagious and he is a great motivator to those around him. Aaron is extremely kind and is always eager to help a friend in need. For these reasons, I am happy to announce that Aaron is first grade's student of the month.  


2A - Maria Espinoza is 2nd grade's student of the month. Maria has made so much progress this year. She tries her best and is not afraid of a challenge. She works well with others. Maria knows the importance of friendship and supports her friends and classmates in any way she can.   


3A - Angelo Moctezuma Bocanegra has been steadily improving during this third quarter. He works hard on staying focused on his classwork and consistently turning in his homework. He has made great strides at being neater and is aware that our room needs to be orderly and organized. Thank you, Angelo, for showing LOVE for your classmates.  Thank you for UNITING us by giving us reminders to be organized and tidy. 3A is ACCOMPLISHING and GROWING because of your example.


4A - Matthew Chirino-Sandoval is a dedicated and hard-working student. He works diligently through each problem, and applies himself in all areas. He believes in growth mindset and never stops trying! He is kind to all of his classmates, and shows his caring spirit in the way he interacts with others. He is a true bucket filler and an aspiring mathematician. He uses his critical thinking skills to solve our most difficult problems. Congratulations, Matthew!   


5A – Jayden Grajeda has accomplished incredible academic growth this year because he is open to new challenges. He always completes high-quality homework and classwork and is a great leader within his groups. We enjoy the clever jokes and intelligent questions Jayden brings to 5th grade. Keep it up Jayden!


6A - David Rojas has displayed several character strengths this year.  He has shared his artistic and creative talents in art elective, he has set an example of a student who follows technology use expectations, and has been honest with his teachers.  We enjoy his sense of humor and the joy that he brings to our classroom! Thank you for sharing your gifts with us, David!


7A - Abigail Becerra has been a shining example of a student who's living out St. Peter's School's KEYS.  She has shown courage in participating and sharing what she knows in class. She is an amazing friend who has shown qualities of kindness and forgiveness to others.  Keep up the good work Abigail!


8A - A responsible and diligent young lady, Nathalee Estrada is consistent both in her schoolwork and her dependability as a member of the class and school community. She is a team player who doesn't always seek attention, but works hard and is a positive influence on those around her.


8B - With optimism and an open heart and open mind, Odalis Alvarez continues to set goals for herself and face new challenges, like playing on the basketball team for the first time. She demonstrates an appreciation for others around her and continually serves the school, our classroom, and her community. She continues to grow into a faith-filled person who brings light and positivity to others.




KINDER - This week, we are learning about objects we can see in the sky during the day or at night. We will read about what a little mole sees in the sky. Students will make predictions to guess what will happen next in the story and confirm or revise their predictions. In Math, we will sort, count, and compare measurements of objects.


1A - This week, we are reading, writing, and learning about what you can see in the sky. In religion, we are talking about the importance of kindness. In math, we are learning the values of different coins and practicing counting up different amounts. In science, we are using wind vanes to determine the direction the wind is blowing. In social studies, we continue to compare and contrast things from long ago and today. 


2A – We are reading “The Golden Flower,” a Taino Myth from Peru. We are eating fractions this week, and we will be observing what happened to our seeds in the garden. We will pray for loved ones during Lent, and talk about how we can be more kind and loving as well as donate to others.


3A – This week 3A will focus on The Annunciation to Mary by the angel Gabriel and The Stations of the Cross.  We will visit our church to walk the Stations and pray The Passion of our Lord. In Language, we will complete our review of compound words and take a 12 sentence dictation test which will assess short and long vowels as well as compound words and high frequency words for the third grade.  BIG testing week for the class.  Parents, please spend time practicing these very important language areas with your child.  We can only GROW and ACCOMPLISH with study and parent help.  Thank you, I know that they will do well because we're working together!


4A - Welcome to the 4th Quarter! We are now 5th Graders in Training. In Religion this week, we will focus on the parables. Parables are stories that Jesus taught us to help us learn a lesson about our faith and the way we treat others. In Math, we will transition to studying different types of graphs and fractions. We will continue to use our critical thinking skills through word problems! In Reading, we will begin our story of Me and Uncle Romie. During our station work, we will complete our book report on Wonder. In Social Studies, we will continue to learn about the Missions in California. We will be researching our Mission in class. In Science, we will focus on the planets, sun, and moon. We will begin to use our Reading logs again this week.


5A - Last week, 5th graders used pizza to start practicing the addition of fractions. This week, we'll build on that by learning how to add fractions with different denominators. In Language Arts, we'll be using the next stage of our Harry Potter novel study to discuss setting and how it affects stories. In social studies, our class is comparing and contrasting the life of regular people in the U.S. Colonies and England during the Revolutionary War. Make sure you're checking Class Dojo for photos and more updates from our classroom!


6A  Religion & Social Studies – 6th Grade will be starting off the 4th Quarter by setting personal and academic goals that will lead to a successful ending of the school year.    Language Arts – 6A is wrapping up our Poetry Unit this week, as we continue to analyze poems by great authors like Langston Hughes and Emily Dickinson. We will continue to review by playing poetry bingo, Kahoot, and Jeopardy in preparation for our final exam.   Math - For the start of the 4th Quarter, 6A will continue to express positive and negative fractions as decimals.  Science – Students will describe what determines the climate of an area.


7A   Religion -  Students will explore the Beatitudes as a guide to the values of the Kingdom of God.  Language Arts - Students are compiling all of their original poems they have composed over the past few weeks to create their final portfolio.  Math - 7A will continue to subtract linear equations.   Social Studies – Students are continuing to learn about the Renaissance, this week they will focus on the Protestant Reformation.  Science – Students continue to work through their genetics research projects and models!


8A/8B   Religion - This week, students will be analyzing about the "Trolley Car Dilemma" as part of their morality lesson.   Language Arts - Students are creating their final poem for their Poetry Portfolio, an unstructured poem.   Math - 8A and 8B will continue to solve system of equations algebraically.  Social Studies – Students will set 4th quarter goals and begin 4th quarter with a History Passion Project.   Science - Students are done with their egg drop projects and were VERY successful! Now it's time to start on the evaluation phase of our project!



Mar. 27    Report Cards sent home

Mar. 28    8:30 AM, Lenten Reconciliation for 7th grade

Apr. 2      8:10 AM School Mass 

Apr. 3      Free Dress for No Tardies in March

Apr. 4      8:30 AM, Lenten Reconciliation for 8th grade