QUE PASA 4/17/2019 (English)

Dear Parents,

       Throughout Lent, the students have been learning and acting upon different ways that they can grow closer to God.  Now that we find ourselves in the middle of Holy Week, I hope you find that your journey through Lent has brought you and your family closer to God, and that together, you can share the love that God the Father has shown us.  Remember Jesus’ gift of the Eucharist on Holy Thursday, and the ultimate sacrifice he made for us on Good Friday so that our sins could be forgiven. Together, take time to say a prayer of thanksgiving for God’s love as we await Jesus’ resurrection on Easter. 

We pray:

Heavenly Father, thank you for the gift of everlasting life brought about by the resurrection of your son from the dead! This dark night is enlightened by a glimpse of the greatest mystery.  Our minds could never have conceived how you would save us, Lord, nor can we ever fully understand the depths of your love in choosing to do so.  We thank you for all that you have done for us throughout Lent. Now, throughout Easter, grant us the fullness of life.  AMEN.

(Adapted from “The Joy of Lent: Encouragement and Daily Prayers”)

Have a joyous Easter!

--Mrs. Sandra Jimenez  


The completed orange re-registration form for the upcoming school year and Registration fee of $475 per student are now past due. Both are required to hold your child’s spot in a class for the upcoming school year.  Please call the office if you have any questions.



Congratulations to all the students who showed courage and leadership as they ran for Student Council Office.  Here are our newly-elected Student Council officers, who will serve as our student leaders in the 2019-2020 school year:

President – Gabriel Sembrana

Vice President – Achella Ramirez

Secretary – Justin Abregana-Reyes

Treasurer – Jose Contreras 

Commissioner of Religious Affairs –  Guadalupe Gonzalez-Cabrera

Commissioner of Safety – Briana Alvarado

Commissioner of Sports – Mariah Castellanos

Commissioner of Communications – Jazmin Gamez

8th Grade representatives – Elijah Langlois and  Angela Miranda



Last Friday, our Middle School students all shared their STEAM (Science, Technology, Engineering, Art, and Math) Projects with the whole school!  We had Guest Judges at the Fair, and below are all the STEAM Fair winners!

Strongest Take Away Lesson:

Water Filtration” by Angely (6A)

“Corn Snake & Bearded Dragon” by Yasmin & Sophia (7A)

“Changing Flower Colors” by Victoria, Priscilla, & Kathy (8th)

Most Visually Creative:

“Jet Powered Boat” by Jordan, Mariah, & Tatiana (6A)

“LED Light Throwies” by Achella, Miranda, & Gisele

“Claw Machine” by Daniel, Angel, & Eduardo (8th) 

Exemplary Teamwork:

“Marble Maze” by Brenda & Catherine (6A)

“DIY Rain Cloud” by Jackie & Anadela (7A)

“Dancing Markers” by Amaya & Alondra (8th)

Most Original Project:

“Water Based Piano” by Gio, Gaby, & Alaysha (6A)

“Music & Sound Performance” by Adrian, Braulio, and Elijah (7A)

“Starlite” by Matthew, Emilio, & Kalven (8th)

Best Presentation to Judges:

“Water Powered Wheel” by Aavey, Guadalupe, and Veronica (6A)

“Water Rocket” by Jose, Carlos, and Josiah (7A)

“Moo-moo Milk Machine” by Bianca, Delisa, & Nathalee (8th)

**Special thanks to Mr. Suarez, Ms. Land, Mr. Guzman, and Ms. VanConas for preparing the students and coordinating this event!



The BVCC Program is hosting a Spring Camp at St. Peter’s School from Tuesday, April 23 through Friday, April 26.  On those days, services will be available from 7:30 AM – 5:30 PM.  Activities include cooking, sports, and STEM, and lunch and snacks will be provided.  Registration forms are available in the school office and in BVCC.  Please call Rochelle at 415-713-0625 or Sheri at 415-850-4812 if you have any questions.



Save the date for Friday, May 10 and join us for Family Loteria Night!  $3 to purchase a Loteria card for unlimited play and for a chance to win a prize from the prize table.  $5 for a Loteria card to play to win a $50 Target gift card or $50 Safeway Gift card.  Plus, we’ll have a snack bar with food and beverages. See the attached flyer for ways that you can help at this event.  All proceeds will benefit the 7th grade Caritas Camp trip for October 2019! 



KINDER - This week, we are learning about things in nature that can be used to create new things. We will make a list of natural resources that can be used to create food. After, students will work in pairs to name two foods that are made from things in nature. In Math, we are identifying and comparing flat shapes.


1A - This week, we are reviewing our work on words with the /ar/, /er/, and /or/ sounds. In religion, we are celebrating Holy Week and preparing for Easter. In math, we are reviewing money, time, and measurement. In science we are starting our study of sound. In social studies, we are continuing our unit on mapping skills. Thank you for all your help. Have a wonderful Easter break. :)


2A – We are reading “Money Madness” to learn why money came to be.  We are learning about multiplication by creating arrays of 5’s in math.  We harvested our lettuce and will check on our seeds in the garden; and we’ll learn about rocks and study worms in science. We will read “The Easter Story,” attend Holy Thursday prayer service, and continue to prepare for Easter. Have a restful Spring Break!


3A – 3A is studying about the holiest week of the year for all of us as Catholics. We look forward to watching the 4th graders act out the passion of Jesus through the Stations of the Cross on Wednesday. We will attend our Holy Thursday Prayer Service as we prepare for the events leading up to and including Jesus' resurrection. We continue to do random acts of kindness for our classmates, schoolmates and families. We have collected money for the Missionary Childhood Association and we continue to read the Gospels of St. Matthew. We want to wish all of our families and friends a joyful, blessed and restful week of vacation. 


4A - This week, we will be focusing on the events leading up to Jesus' death and resurrection. We are very excited for our Stations of the Cross today. In Reading, we are all Easter theme. We will be reading stories about Spring, discussing how we have grown during the year, and writing an expository essay! In Math, we will continue to work with fractions and learn how to make fractions in a garden. In Social Studies, we will continue to focus on our Missions projects. In Science, we will switch our focus to flowers. Wishing everyone a very Happy Easter and a nice break!


5A – In religion this week, 5th graders are learning about the Triduum and preparing to lead the Holy Thursday prayer service. We’ll also be combining religion and art for a special egg decorating activity. In math, we will be subtracting mixed numbers. In ELA, we’ll be reading chapter 17 of Harry Potter and discussing characters’ internal conflict. Check Class Dojo for more updates and photos! 


6A  Religion – Students will be interpreting Stations of the Cross and reading about the events during Holy Week in preparation for the Triduum.  Language Arts – 6A continues to analyze text structure and will have a final review before taking our assessment this week. We are also near the end of our novel, Tuck Everlasting, and are diving into deep discussions on the purpose of life, change, and death, using both the lens of our Catholic faith and science.  Math – 6A will continue to find the area and missing dimensions of parallelograms.  Social Studies – Students will be sharing their written myths, viewing the film Hercules, and reading the myths about Hercules' tasks to compare myth to the film.


7A   Religion -  Students will take a chapter and unit test in Religion.  Language Arts - Students are continuing their unit on nonfiction. Currently, they are reading articles and determining the author's point of view based on word choice and tone.  Math – 7A will continue to find the circumference of circles.   Social Studies – Students will begin learning about the First American Civilizations and the physical geography of the Americas.  Science – Students continue to present their genetic disorder presentations and models. 


8A/8B   Religion - Students will be learning about each of the days of Holy Week!  Language Arts - Students are well into their study of Shakespeare's Romeo and Juliet. They are currently reading the play in class, and analyzing important quotes and themes from the text.  Math – 8A and 8B will continue to use the Pythagorean Theorem.   Social Studies – Students will be researching significant events from 1800-1850 and presenting their research to the class--Texas Revolution, Mexican American War, Gold Rush, and Slavery—at that time.  Science - Students continue to work on their laws of motion while preparing for their final project of the year: the mousetrap car project!



Apr. 18      8:30 AM, Holy Thursday Prayer Service

Apr. 18      12:30 Dismissal

Apr. 19      Good Friday, Easter Vacation Begins

Apr. 20      Easter Sunday

Apr. 29      School Resumes, 12:30 dismissal

May 2        Free Dress for No Tardies in April

May 4        10:00 AM, 8th Grade Confirmation at St. Mary’s Cathedral 

May 10      5:00-7:00 PM, Family Loteria Night