QUE PASA 11/20/2019 (English)

Dear Parents,

      This Friday marks the end of our first Trimester, and the students have grown in many ways!  The teachers and I value our partnership with you, so that we can work together to help all students grow and meet their goals.  To help refresh your memory as we enter into the second trimester, and because these are an important part of our school culture, I am re-sharing the St. Peter’s Schoolwide Learning Expectations, also known as “SLEs.”  These expectations can extend into the home to help students live out our CORE VALUES to Grow, Accomplish, Love, Serve, and Unite! 

A St. Peter’s student has the KEYS to…

GROW by...

- setting and evaluating individual goals to grow spiritually, socially, emotionally, academically, and physically.

- embracing new experiences with an open heart and open mind.

- facing challenges with optimism and faith in God. 


- listening and communicating effectively in social and academic environments.

- demonstrating critical thinking skills and knowledge in all subject areas.

- using technology effectively and responsibly. 

LOVE by…

- making choices based on the teachings of Jesus Christ.

- nurturing a spiritual life through prayer, retreats, masses, and the sacraments.

- demonstrating an appreciation for what others have done for us.


- living out the corporal and spiritual Works of Mercy.

- sharing time, gifts, and joy with the school community.

- participating in outreach to strengthen ties with those outside of our school community.


- engaging in weekly school Mass and morning prayer assemblies.

- supporting and encouraging others in order to strengthen school community.

- welcoming people of all backgrounds as St. Peter’s community members.


--Mrs. Sandra Jimenez



The teachers have been hard at work in as we make continued progress in the school accreditation process.  We are making the final edits on our self-study document, which is required for accreditation, and continue to collect evidence of student work.  If you would like to see a copy of the draft of the self-study document, please contact the office. 


Thank you to the Sports Committee and parent volunteers who helped to plan and prepare for last week’s fun Family Movie Night!  Big thanks to Mr. Suarez for coordinating the event!  If you’d like to join a parent group and plan future school events, please leave your name and number in the office.

This Sunday, November 24, we will have Family Mass at 11:00 AM, which celebrated in Spanish.  Students who attend this mass in school uniform will receive a free dress pass on the following Monday.



Monday, November 25 is a 12:30 dismissal day, and Tuesday, November 26 is a regular school day.  There will be no school from Wednesday, November 27 – Friday, November 29 for the Thanksgiving break.


St. Peter’s School will be hosting a Christmas Shop for students on December 9-10! This will be a safe Christmas shopping experience for children, right here at school. Please see the attached flyers and “Christmas Budget Envelope” for more details!


As the weather gets colder and you bundle up your child, please ensure that he/she follows uniform policy as posted by the school office and stated in the school handbook.  All undershirts, including long-sleeve undershirts, should be white.  If your daughter wears tights, they should be solid black or white and extend to the ankle.  Socks must be black or white and extend above the ankle.  Boots may not be worn.



Homeroom teachers identify Students of the Month at the end of each month.  We celebrate these students because they have exemplified living the St. Peter’s KEYS:

Knowledge feeds GROWTH. 

Every ACCOMPLISHMENT needs courage.

You are LOVE.



Kinder - Melissa Navarro shows us what love is every day and what it means to be courageous in the classroom. Melissa opens up her heart to others and shares her kindness and smiles. Melissa is truly growing with knowledge and hard work! 


1A - Alexander Quiroz Galdamez is a shining example of a student who lives out St. Peter's KEYS. Alexander is loving and kind to all those around him. He is an extremely hard worker and he never gives up if he gets stuck or makes a mistake. He comes to school every day excited to learn and make his brain grow. 


 2A - Damian Perez Ortega is so conscientious of his class work and homework. He writes in complete sentences using neat penmanship always. He's constantly striving to challenge himself and grow his brain. 


3A – During this month of Thanksgiving, 3A is grateful for Azalea VandenBerghe for her progress as a table leader.  Azalea has stepped up her leadership ability as a force that UNITES her fellow students. She has shown GROWTH in her effort to complete the tasks given to her as well as SERVE other students by helping out with classroom duties. You go girl!!!


4A - Ruby Valencia comes in each day ready to grow! She is a fluent and accurate reader who takes her time to accomplish her reading goals. She is kind to all of her classmates and listens with attention in class. She is a model of service in our classroom as she is always willing to lend a helping hand to anyone in need. Congratulations, Ruby!


5A – Jaykob Offril demonstrates critical thinking skills when tackling tough word problems in math, and his willingness to embrace challenges has helped him to already show tremendous growth in both STAR reading and math so far this year. His bright smile and silly spirit make our class more joyful every day. Congratulations Jaykob!  


6A - Isaac Perez has been a KEY example of each of our core values this school year! Each day at school Isaac GROWS by welcoming new experiences with an open heart and open mind, SERVES by sharing his talents and joy with his classmates and teachers, and UNITES by supporting and encouraging others in what they do.  Thank you for your positive energy, Isaac! 


7A - Guadalupe Gonzalez-Cabrera continues to grow as a student, a leader, and a person of faith. She faces challenges with positivity and an open heart and open mind. She shows appreciation for others and makes choices based on the teachings of Christ. She shares her time and her gifts to serve others and our school. Guadalupe is a wonderful and important part of our class community.   


8A - Gabriel Sembrana has grown and accomplished so much this year! He has willingly stepped out of his comfort zone to serve his St. Peter's community, as the Student Council President, student, and friend. Gabe has continuously demonstrated what it means to love and appreciates what others have done for him by paying it forward, whether small or big, whether young or old. He always has a smile on his face and is ready to tackle the next challenge. Way to go Gabe! 




KINDER - As Thanksgiving draws near, let's remember to find the blessings we receive in our daily lives. Teaching your children each day is my blessing. We just marked the 50th day of school, and we have come a long way together! 


1A - This week, we are focusing on consonant digraphs, such as the /sh/ /th/ and /ng/ sounds. In religion, we are talking about how the things that God made show his love. In math, we are working on addition and subtraction word problems. In social studies, we are finishing our study on community helpers. 


2A - We're finishing up the story “I Fall Down” and we'll be starting “Mr. Putter and Tabby See the Stars.” We are measuring and comparing things we measure using centimeters and meters.  We are talking about things we're grateful for as we head into holiday season.


3A – 3A is hard at work on their many turkey themed assignments. We are doing turkey feather math, broken dinner plate compound word cut-and-paste pages and new vocabulary words in a turkey crossword puzzle. Happy Thanksgiving to All of our parents as we GROW, ACCOMPLISH, LOVE, SERVE AND UNITE. Gobble,Gobble!!!


4A - We will have a Thanksgiving week in 4A! In Religion, we will continue to focus on thanking God for all he has blessed us with and we will also begin to learn about the season of Advent. In Reading, we will complete our story “How Tia Lola Came to Stay” and be assessed on our skill of cause and effect. In Math, we will complete our Rounding Unit and focus on Addition and Subtraction. Please continue to work on these facts at home. In Social Studies, we will compare and contrast the lives of the Pilgrims and Native Peoples. In Science, we will continue to focus on rocks and soil. Thank you for your continued support.  


5A - Our class field trip to the Academy of Sciences is this week!  We're so excited to learn about African Ecosystems there. This week in math, we'll be focusing on dividing decimals. In reading, we will be working on creating more concise summaries. 


6A  Religion – Students will be making a Bible Quicksketch Book so that they can read and illustrate important Bible Stories from the Old Testament throughout Trimester 2.   Language Arts – After learning all the elements that go into a short story, 6th grade will begin their first writers’ workshop, creating their own fictional narratives! We'll spend this week brainstorming, planning, and prewriting and learn stylistic techniques like using dialogue and show not tell.   Math - Hello families, 6th grade students are solving problems by analyzing different unit rates given in tables, graphs, and equations.  All students have exams on Wednesday. They are allowed to use one index card for notes that they may use on the test.   Social Studies – Students are preparing for an Egypt Vocabulary Quest.   Science - Scientists will continue the experiments started last week and they will be taking a test about graphs.


7A  Religion – Students are creating a Gratitude Journal inspired by the spirit of the upcoming Thanksgiving holiday.   Language Arts- Students are finalizing their introduction to their Drama Unit. They will also participate in opening activities of A Christmas Carol to prepare for the reading of the play after Thanksgiving break.  Math - 7th grade students are working with complex fractions.  All students have exams on Wednesday. They are allowed to use one index card for notes that they may use on the test.   Social Studies –Students are making a quicksketch book as we will begin the novel study of A Long Walk to Water by Linda Sue Park during our Western Africa Unit.   Science - Students continue to define what it means for things to be considered alive. They will be introduced to the acronym MRSGREN! 


8A  Religion – Students will continue their understanding of the Apostles' role in the early Church through research of a given Apostle.   Language Arts - Students are beginning the introduction to their next novel, Night, by Elie Wiesel. The opening activities will aid in comprehension of the historical content referenced in the text. Their Woodworking Project is due this Friday, November 22. Students will have an opportunity to share their creations to the class.   Math – 8th grade students are working with scientific notation. All students have exams on Wednesday. They are allowed to use one index card for notes that they may use on the test.   Social Studies – Students are exploring the causes of the American Revolution and looking closely at the Declaration of Independence.   Science - Students show what they know about Lewis dot diagrams and begin showing how they would combine with other elements to form molecules. Students will be introduced to their first science project.



Nov. 21         5A Field Trip to Academy of Sciences

Nov. 22         End of Trimester 1

Nov. 24         11:00 AM, Sunday Family Mass (Spanish)

Nov. 25         12:30 Dismissal

Nov. 26         8:10 AM School Mass 

Nov. 27-29    No School, Thanksgiving Break

Dec. 1           First day of ADVENT

Dec. 3           9:00 AM, Advent Reconciliation for grades 7-8          

Dec. 4           Report Cards sent home with students 

Dec. 5           9:00 AM, Advent Reconciliation for grades 5-6