QUE PASA 11/26/2019 (English)

Dear Parents,

       As we celebrate Thanksgiving this week, I want to say Thank You for being part of the St. Peter’s School family!  I am proud to be part of our community as we continue to work together to teach our children to live our core values to grow, accomplish, love, serve, and unite.  I am grateful for your support towards this goal.

       While we are thankful for all our blessings—our families, friends, homes, and health, to name a few—let us also remember to pray for those who are in need.  Together, let us offer this prayer (written by “Anonymous”):

O Heavenly Father:
We thank You for food and remember the hungry.
We thank You for health and remember the sick.
We thank You for friends and remember the friendless.
We thank You for freedom and remember the enslaved.
May these remembrances stir us to service,
That Your gifts to us may be used for others.  AMEN.


Also—this Sunday marks the beginning of the ADVENT season. As this liturgical season approaches, begin thinking of ways that you and your child can prepare your hearts for the coming of Jesus at Christmas time!


Have a blessed and happy Thanksgiving! 

--Mrs. Sandra Jimenez



There will be no school from Wednesday, November 27 – Friday, November 29 for the Thanksgiving break. School will resume on Monday, December 2.



St. Peter’s School will be hosting a Christmas Shop for students on December 9-10! This will be a safe Christmas shopping experience for children, right here at school. Flyers and budget envelopes were sent home last week, and extras are available in the office.



All are welcome to celebrate La Posada, hosted by our BVCC Program.  La Posada will be on Friday, December 13 from 6:00-8:00 PM, upstairs in the Parish Hall.  There will be Christmas song presentations and food & drinks for sale!

BVCC is open for Winter Camp on the following dates: December 23, 26, 27 for Week 1; and December 30, January 2, 3 for week 2.  To register, please go to the BVCC office after school.



We depend on parent volunteer support throughout the school year!  We recently experienced wonderful school events—the Halloween festival, and Family Movie Nights—and those would not have been possible without our loving parent volunteers! Some upcoming events include our Christmas prayer service and reception, Family Lotería Night, and the Family Dance.  If you would like to help plan future events and fundraisers, or would like to join one of our parent groups, please contact Mrs. Jimenez at sjimenez@sanpedro.org or leave your name and number at the office.



The teachers have been hard at work in as we make continued progress in the school accreditation process.  We are making the final edits on our self-study document, which is required for accreditation, and continue to collect evidence of student work.  If you would like to see a copy of the draft of the self-study document, please contact the office. 




KINDER - Happy Thanksgiving, everyone! May you all find happiness and blessings around your table together! I'm sending home a bountiful homework packet to help our little ones harvest the rewards of knowing their ABCs and numbers. It is also a good time to work on our beautiful coloring!  


1A - This week, we are thinking about the many things that we are grateful for and making keepsake books of personal gratitude. We are also reviewing addition and subtraction by working on solving Thanksgiving word problems. I hope you and your families have a wonderful Thanksgiving break!


2A - We're finishing up the story “Mr. Putter and Tabby See the Stars.” We are measuring and comparing things we measure with centimeters and meters. We are also talking small things we can do to help others (especially around the house!). Have a restful Thanksgiving!


3A – Thanksgiving blessings to all of you. Enjoy your time with loved ones.  During these 2 days before our break we continue our Thanksgiving projects.  We are making Pilgrim magnets, turkey pins to wear on Thursday, and a scalloped nouveau turkey to decorate our homes. Our Alebrijes are now finished and ready to decorate the St. Peter's Tree at Davies Symphony Hall. The alebrijes are so colorful and painted so beautifully thanks to Mrs. Fresnoza's creative suggestions and samples. 


4A - Happy Thanksgiving! The students will be preparing Thanksgiving poetry and a Thanksgiving prayer this week in Religion. Please ask your child to read their prayers on Thanksgiving. In Math, the students will be "shopping" for a Thanksgiving meal, using adding and subtracting with decimals to solve their problems. In Reading, we will be working on the history of Thanksgiving. I am so grateful for all of your help and support. I will be praying and thinking of you and your families over this Thanksgiving holiday! Enjoy your break!


5A - Happy Thanksgiving! 5th graders will be reviewing all of the adding, subtracting, multiplying, and dividing we've practiced with decimals with a special book order project this week. We will also publish our fun turkey-themed persuasive writing project. Hope you all have a wonderful holiday!  


6A  Religion – Students will be writing positive affirmations for their classmates: "We are thankful for you because..."   Language Arts – 6A is continuing with rough drafts of their fictional narratives. The students are very excited about where their stories are going. This week, we'll focus on how to include dialogue to add an element of realism to our writing, including all the grammatical rules that go with using quotation marks.   Math - Greetings families! 6th grade students will be learning how to create equivalent fractions, percents, and decimals.  Social Studies - Students will be reading some primary sources about the history of Thanksgiving. Science - This week, scientists will use some online models to continue learning about pressure, mass, volume, and density. They will also learn about and create pressure maps. 


7A   Religion - Students will be writing positive affirmations for their classmates: "We are thankful for you because..." Language Arts - Students are wrapping up the introductory activities based on the play A Christmas Carol. They will begin reading when we return from break. Happy Thanksgiving to all!   Math - Greetings families! The 7th grade students are learning how to find discounts from an original price. Students will also be learning how to create equivalent fractions, percents, and decimals.    Social Studies - Students will read chapter three of A Long Walk to Water for their novel study.    Science - Students are being tasked with explaining what makes things "living" or "non-living" and justifying their stances based on seven characteristics. 


8A   Religion – Students will conclude their Apostle's project this week. They will also be able to explain what the growth of Christendom looked like and how we will be discussing it in the upcoming unit.   Language Arts - Students have begun the preparation and research of the historical content on the novel, Night, World War II and The Holocaust. Through this, students will have a better understanding as they read. They will begin the novel when we return from break. I hope all have a Happy Thanksgiving!   Math - Students will be learning how to create equivalent fractions, percents, and decimals.    Social Studies -  Students will be playing their Kahoot.com quizzes that they created about the Causes of the American Revolution.   Science - Students review ionic and covalent bonding as they prepare to talk about the law of conservation of mass.


Nov. 27-29    No School, Thanksgiving Break

Dec. 1           First day of ADVENT

Dec. 3           9:00 AM, Advent Reconciliation for grades 7-8          

Dec. 4           Report Cards sent home with students

Dec. 5           9:00 AM, Advent Reconciliation for grades 5-6

Dec. 9           8:15 AM School Mass, Feast of the Immaculate Conception 

Dec. 9-13     7th grade retreat, Caritas Creek at CYO Camp

Dec. 9-10     Christmas Shop at St. Peter’s School

Dec. 10        9:00Advent Reconciliation for grades 3-4

Dec. 11        Free Dress for No Tardies in November

Dec. 12        9:30 AM School Mass, Feast of Our Lady of Guadalupe

Dec. 12        12:45 PM, 4A Field trip to mission Branch Library