Dear Parents,

      Earlier this week, we celebrated the Labor Day Holiday, a day when we honor and recognize the American labor movement and the hard work and contributions of laborers to the development and achievements of the United States.  And tomorrow is another special day–the Feast day of Saint Mother Theresa of Calcutta.  Saint Mother Theresa visited our school once many years ago, and she was someone who worked very hard to help those who were in great need and who were often overlooked and forgotten in different parts of the world..

       We can all look towards Saint Mother Theresa as a hard-working, compassionate  role model who lived out our KEYS–especially “You are LOVE” and “SERVICE UNITES.”  Saint Mother Theresa showed us how we can serve others in unity with faith, and what a great impact we can have even with small acts of love.  We can be positive, active examples to listen to other perspectives, act with kindness, and work towards justice. We want St. Peter’s School to be a safe place for students to grow and learn, where they can accomplish their goals with open hearts and open minds.  Let us continue our partnership as we reach for this goal, and continue our prayers for peace throughout our communities. 

--Mrs. Sandra Jimenez


As noted on our school calendar, this Monday, September 9 is a 12:00 PM Dismissal day for students.  Teachers will be attending a faculty in-service.


Back-to-School Night is coming up next week on Wednesday, September 11.

All new students and families in MIDDLE SCHOOL – please arrive at 5:00 PM in church for a special Middle School orientation.  For all other families, the BTS Night will begin at 5:30 PM in the church.

Following the meeting in the church, parents may visit classrooms for a general grade-level information meeting with teachers. 

* Parking will be very limited, so we encourage carpooling, public transportation, or walking to school for Back-to-School Night!

** Scroll down to see the Back-to-School Night flier!


Our first school Mass is next week on Tuesday, September 10 at 8:15 AM.  Moving forward, we will be attending Mass weekly on Tuesdays at 8:15 AM.  An announcement will be made on Class Dojo if Mass will be on a different day during a particular week.

Parents and other family members are welcome to join us during our school Masses.  You may find a seat in an empty pew behind the students.  We look forward to celebrating the Eucharist as a school community!


If your child is in 3rd through 8th grade and has been baptized, but has not yet received First Holy Communion, please contact the office by September 18. St. Peter’s School could help with the process so that he/she will receive First Holy Communion this Spring along with our First Communicants in 2nd grade.


This week we continue with Window #1 for STAR Testing.  Students in Kindergarten and 1st grade take a test in Early Literacy, while students in grades 2-8 take tests in Reading and Math.

A STAR assessment is one data point that helps teachers know how they can best help students. It will not be part of the students’ grade, yet it will help teachers determine areas where students may need extra help or where students need to be further challenged.  Results of STAR assessments will be discussed at the first round of Parent-Teacher conferences in October.

When dropping off or picking up your child/children, please do not park or leave your car unattended in the white zone or in the schoolyard driveway.  These areas must remain open to help ease the flow of traffic and must be available in case of emergencies.  Thank you for your cooperation!


Each full day of school (7:55 AM-3:00 PM), be sure to send your child with a lunch.  There are no lunch services at school. 

Each day, students should bring their own water bottle and a recess snack.

Snacks and lunches may NOT be dropped off in the office during the school day.  Thank you for your cooperation on this matter!


We live our core value to UNITE as students wear their school uniform with pride.  Please remember that the complete daily uniform includes the plain white polo shirt, navy slacks or uniform skirt/jumper, green uniform sweatshirt, black or white socks, and solid black or solid white sneakers (tennis shoes).  

On Fridays (unless there is a church service), students may wear the optional gray Aztecs hoodie, Aztecs sweatpants, and Aztecs T-shirt.

** To purchase the gray Aztecs sweats, obtain an order form in the school office.

For more details on the school uniform, refer to the Uniform section of the Parent-Student Handbook that was distributed on the first day of school, which is also available on the school website: http://www.stpeterssf.org/parents-students

Students who are out of uniform will receive a “Uniform Notice” to be signed by a parent or guardian, as a reminder about the uniform policy, and to help us unite as a school community!


September 3-13    STAR Assessments

September 4      12:30 Dismissal

September 5      Mercy Burlingame Presentation to 8th graders

September 9      12:00 PM Dismissal – Teacher In-Service

September 10    8:15 AM – Opening of the School Year Mass

September 11    12:30 Dismissal

September 11    5:00 PM – Middle School Orientation for 6th grade parents and new families to Middle School 

September 11    5:30 PM – Back-to-School Night

QUE PASA 8/28/2024 (ENGLISH)

Dear Parents,

Welcome back to school! I hope that you and your loved ones were able to rest and spend quality time with each other over the summer, returning to school rejuvenated to learn and grow together!

For this new school year, let us pray:  

God of our past, our present and our future,
God of our dreams, our designs and our decisions,
Be love in us as we journey through this new school year.                 

Be our inner vision, that we may see life through your eyes,
Be our inner hearing, that we may listen well for your call,
Be our inner judgment, so we may discern clearly that which gives life, promotes growth, and nurtures love.                                        

As we move into this school year, fill us with hope and abiding trust that you dwell in us,
So that, in both joy and sorrow, we radiate hope.                  AMEN.                                                                                    
(from https://rscj.org/prayer-new-school-year)

The Que Pasa will be shared each Wednesday through Class Dojo and SchoolSpeak email.  All Que Pasa updates can be found on our school website at http://www.stpeterssf.org/parents-students.  Please take the time to read through the newsletter each week since it does contain important information.

I look forward to another great school year with everyone in our St. Peter’s Family!                                                  Grow, Accomplish, Love, Serve, Unite!
St. Peter’s has the KEYS to Open Hearts, Open Minds!

--Mrs. Sandra Jimenez


We warmly welcome all new students and families to our school community!  We also have a new teacher joining our school family: 

In Kindergarten - Ms. Naomi “Amy” Meyerson

Ms. Amy will be teaching our inaugural DUAL LANGUAGE IMMERSION (Spanish-English) Kindergarten class!  Each school year, we will take in a new Dual Language Immersion (DLI) Kindergarten class until our DLI program is school-wide, from Kindergarten through 8th grade.  This is a new development for which we have been preparing.  To learn more about the program, check in with school administration, or visit our website at https://www.stpeterssf.org/dli-spanish

Additionally, we have made some shifts with some of our returning teachers:

- In our 1st/2nd grade combo class - Mrs. Anna Gurleyen

- In our 3rd/4th combo class - Mr. David Guzman

- In 7th grade homeroom, 6th grade Science, and Middle School Social Studies - Ms. LeeAnn Crisman

Best wishes to all of our new and returning faculty, staff, students, and families!


We continue to help our students live out St. Peter’s KEYS, which are based on our core values of Grow, Accomplish, Love, Serve, and Unite:

Knowledge feeds GROWTH. 

Every ACCOMPLISHMENT needs courage.

You are LOVE.


This year, faculty and staff continue to award virtual KEYS on Class Dojo whenever they witness a child living out the core values.  Whenever your child receives a virtual KEY, you’ll receive a Class Dojo notification, and your child can trade in those KEYS for a prize!


If you have not already done so, please complete and return all forms that were distributed on the first day of school by this Friday, August 30.  This includes:

- Emergency Card

- Medical Information Packet

- Media Release Form

- Technology Acceptable Use Policy

- Handbook Acknowledgement Form

- Permission to Walk Home from School (if necessary)

- Home Language Survey for Title III Funding

The Alabama gate and Florida doors will open for students and parents at 7:45 AM, and you may wait on the schoolyard for the first bell at 7:55 AM.  Students may begin walking to class at 7:55 AM, and will be marked tardy if not in class by 8:00 AM.

Mondays, Tuesdays, Thursdays, and Fridays are 3:00 PM dismissal days, unless otherwise noted on the school calendar.  School gates and doors will close at 3:15 PM.

Wednesdays are Minimum Days with 12:30 PM dismissal.  School gates and doors will close at 12:45 PM on Minimum Days.

Please remember that if you’d like to meet with a teacher, call ahead or send a message on Class Dojo to your child’s teacher to make an appointment.  Without an appointment, please do not disturb teachers before school begins, as they need this time to prepare for the school day.

Important Reminder:  When dropping off or picking up your child/children, please do not park or leave your car unattended in the white zone or in the schoolyard driveway.  This area must remain open in case of emergencies.  Thank you for your cooperation!


Each full day of school (7:55 AM-3:00 PM), be sure to send your child with a lunch.  There are no lunch services at school. 

Each day, students should bring their own water bottle and a recess snack.

Snacks and lunches may NOT be dropped off in the office during the school day.   Thank you for your cooperation on this matter!


BVCC after-school services will begin on Tuesday, September 3, after the Labor Day holiday.

In order for a student to participate in the BVCC program, the following items must be submitted by Friday, August 30:

For questions about BVCC, please contact Rochelle Celedon at 415-713-0625 (rochelle.bvcc@gmail.com) or Judy Diaz at 415-283-5545 (judy.bvcc@gmail.com).


Save the date for Back-to-School Night on Wednesday, September 11 at 5:30 PM.  We will begin with an all-parent meeting, followed by visits to the individual classrooms. More details to follow!

**All 6th grade parents and parents new to our middle school will be required to attend a Middle School Orientation meeting at 5:00 PM before the general Back-to-School Night meeting.


August 29          First day of regular Schedule (3:00 Dismissal)

September 2      No School – Labor Day Holiday

September 3      BVCC Services begin

September 3-13    STAR Assessments

September 4      12:30 Dismissal

September 5      Mercy Burlingame Presentation to 8th graders

September 9      12:00 PM Dismissal – Teacher In-Service

September 10    8:15 AM – Opening of the School Year Mass

September 11    12:30 Dismissal

September 11    5:00 PM – Middle School Orientation for 6th grade parents and new families to Middle School 

September 11    5:30 PM – Back-to-School Night


Dear Parents,

       Together, we made it to the last few days of school!  Your child progressed and developed socially, academically, and spiritually this year at St. Peter’s. Continue to support their growth over the summer. Seek out fun, new, and enriching experiences as a family.  Read books and magazines for fun.  Enjoy the outdoors safely. Pray together.  I promise to do the same with my own family!  

        I share with you this prayer to end this school year:

God of wisdom,
We thank you for all the gifts you have given us throughout this school year. We praise you for blessing us with knowledge, so that we may use this knowledge to make our world a better place—to be positive examples of love and service. 

As we come to the end of this school year, we thank you for the good things you have done for us, and we praise you for all who have shared in the work of this school. We ask you to bless them in your love and give them refreshment and peace. 

We pray that everyone has a safe summer, and for us to return to school even more ready to learn and grow.
We ask this through Jesus Christ, our Lord, who lives and reigns forever and ever. AMEN. 

And don’t forget…

Grow, Accomplish, Love, Serve, Unite!  

St. Peter’s has the KEYS to OPEN HEARTS, OPEN MINDS!

Have a great summer! ☺

See you for the new school year on August 26!

 --Mrs. Sandra Jimenez


This Friday, June 7, we will have a school prayer service at 8:30 AM in celebration of our last day of school.  You are invited to join us for this prayer service!

Since we will be attending a school church service this Friday, please be sure that your child is in COMPLETE SCHOOL UNIFORM.  No Gray sweats or free dress passes may be used on this day.


During this last week of school, there will be no BVCC after-school services while they prepare for their summer program.

Please plan accordingly so that your child(ren) are picked up at the appropriate school dismissal time, listed below:

  • Thursday, June 6 - 12:30 PM  (Minimum Day)

  • Friday, June 7 - 10:30 AM  (Last day of School)


Report cards will be sent home with students on the last day of school–Friday, June 7.  Please be sure to check your child’s report card and store it in a safe place! 


Students have been sent home with the school supply list for the upcoming school year, as well as the school calendar (which has been previously shared).  This information is also available on our school website: https://www.stpeterssf.org/parents-students


We are grateful for our St. Peter’s School teachers and staff, for all the love and commitment that they’ve shown to our students!

We would like to wish the following teachers our best wishes as they move on from St. Peter’s School:

- Kindergarten teacher, Ms. Isabella Imperial

- 1st Grade teacher, Ms. Roxanne Cano

- Middle School Social Studies teacher, Ms. Janet Rodriguez

You are all in our prayers while you embark on your next adventures in life!


There are just a few yearbooks left for sale.  You may purchase your copy in one of the following ways:

1. Purchase through Venmo: Send $30 to @SPeters-School. Make sure to write your child’s full name, grade, and YEARBOOK in the comments.

2. Purchase at the office: Bring $30 to the front office, cash only.


Calling all parents! We need your help to showcase our amazing school at San Francisco's Sunday Street festivals! Join Ms. Godoy at the following dates and locations:

- Bayview: August 4th (anytime between 11 AM - 5:30 PM) 

- Mission: August 25th (anytime between 10 AM - 4:30 PM) 

- Western Addition: September 22nd (anytime between 11 AM - 5:30 PM 

- SOMA: October 13th (anytime between 11 AM - 5:30 PM) 

We're looking for enthusiastic volunteers to assist with setting up and tending our promotional booth, engaging with festival attendees, and sharing positive experiences about our school. Your support is invaluable in representing the vibrant community and education at St. Peters School. If you're available to lend a hand at any of these events, contact the school office or send a direct message on Class Dojo to Ms. Godoy.

Let's work together to showcase the best of St. Peter’s School at these exciting community events! Thank you for your consideration and support. 


The re-registration forms are now past due. If you have not done so already, please submit the completed form as soon as possible. 

The registration fee per student is also now past due.  As noted on the letter sent home, the registration fees are as follows:

- Students entering grades K-7: $505

- Students entering 8th grade: $560 (includes 8th grade sweatshirt)

To reference the letter with the tuition rates and re-registration form–scroll down or call the school office to have another letter and form sent home.


June 5          Minimum Day–12:30 Dismissal

June 6          8:45 AM  Kindergarten Promotion Ceremony

June 6          Minimum Day–12:30 Dismissal

June 7          8:30 AM  End of School Prayer Service

June 7          10:30 AM Dismissal – LAST DAY OF SCHOOL


Dear Parents,

       The 8th graders are taking their final steps towards GRADUATION!  We proudly share in their accomplishments as we—their families and teachers—have helped them to lay the foundation for their future.  Now, they are ready to take on their next steps in high school!

Let us offer this prayer for our soon-to-be graduates:

 Loving God, we thank you for our graduates. You have blessed them during their years at St. Peter’s School with wisdom, friendships, and skills. Continue to challenge them to make this world a better place. Help them to look forward to their next steps in high school. Give them faith and a sense of purpose in 

their next steps. Show them how to serve others in effective ways.  May they be aware in everything they do that they find fulfillment in doing your will, that you will be with them always, and that you will bring to completion the good work you have begun in them.  AMEN.

WAY TO GO CLASS OF 2024!!! We are so proud of you!

 --Mrs. Sandra Jimenez


As a school we will attend the Class of 2024 Baccalaureate Mass in honor of our 8th graders on Friday, May 31 at 9:30 AM.

The 8th Grade Graduation Ceremony will take place on Friday, May 31 at 4:30 PM in the church.

On Tuesday, June 4, we will have a Kindergarten - 7th grade Awards Ceremony and Prayer Service at 1:15 PM.

During the final week of school, there will be no Tuesday school Mass.  Instead, we will have school Mass on Friday, June 7 at 8:30 AM in celebration of our last day of school.

Since we will be attending school Mass on May 31 and June 7, please be sure that your child is in complete school uniform.  No Gray sweats or free dress passes may be used on these days.


The LAST DAY for BVCC after-school services for this school year is this Friday, May 31.  There will be no after-school BVCC services from June 3-7, so please plan accordingly and ensure that your child is picked up or on their way home at the school dismissal time.


During the last week of school (June 3-7), there will be no BVCC after-school services while they prepare for their summer program.

Please plan accordingly so that your child(ren) are picked up at the appropriate school dismissal time, listed below:

  • Monday, June 3 - 3:00 PM

  • Tuesday, June 4 - 3:00 PM

  • Wednesday, June 5 - 12:30 PM  (Minimum Day)

  • Thursday, June 6 - 12:30 PM  (Minimum Day)

  • Friday, June 7 - 10:30 AM  (Last day of School)


The 2023-2024 yearbooks are now on sale! Supplies are very limited, so make sure to purchase your copy in one of the following ways:

1. Purchase through Venmo: Send $30 to @SPeters-School. Make sure to write your child’s full name, grade, and YEARBOOK in the comments.

2. Purchase at the office: Bring $30 CASH to the front office.

→ Yearbooks will be delivered to students' classrooms. Don't miss out on this keepsake of wonderful memories from the school year!


Calling all parents! We need your help to showcase our amazing school at San Francisco's Sunday Street festivals! Join Ms. Godoy at the following dates and locations:

- Bayview: August 4th (anytime between 11 AM - 5:30 PM) 

- Mission: August 25th (anytime between 10 AM - 4:30 PM) 

- Western Addition: September 22nd (anytime between 11 AM - 5:30 PM 

- SOMA: October 13th (anytime between 11 AM - 5:30 PM) 

We're looking for enthusiastic volunteers to assist with setting up and tending our promotional booth, engaging with festival attendees, and sharing positive experiences about our school. Your support is invaluable in representing the vibrant community and education at St. Peters School. If you're available to lend a hand at any of these events, contact the school office or send a direct message on Class Dojo to Ms. Godoy.

Let's work together to showcase the best of St. Peter’s School at these exciting community events! Thank you for your consideration and support. 


The re-registration forms are now past due. If you have not done so already, please submit the completed form as soon as possible. 

The registration fee per student is also now past due.  As noted on the letter sent home, the registration fees are as follows:

- Students entering grades K-7: $505

- Students entering 8th grade: $560 (includes 8th grade sweatshirt)

To reference the letter with the tuition rates and re-registration form–scroll down or call the school office to have another letter and form sent home.


We live our core value to UNITE as students wear their school uniform with pride.  Please remember that the complete daily uniform includes the plain white polo shirt, navy slacks or uniform skirt/jumper, green uniform sweatshirt, black or white socks, and solid black or solid white sneakers (tennis shoes).  

On Fridays (unless there is a church service), students may wear the optional gray Aztecs hoodie, Aztecs sweatpants, and Aztecs T-shirt.

** To purchase the gray Aztecs sweats, obtain an order form in the school office.

For more details on the school uniform, refer to the Uniform section of the Parent-Student Handbook that was distributed on the first day of school, which is also available on the school website: http://www.stpeterssf.org/parents-students

Students who are out of uniform will receive a “Uniform Notice” to be signed by a parent or guardian, as a reminder about the uniform policy, and to help us unite as a school community.


Homeroom teachers identify Students of the Month at the end of each month.  We celebrate these students because they have exemplified living the St. Peter’s KEYS:

Knowledge feeds GROWTH. 

Every ACCOMPLISHMENT needs courage.

You are LOVE.


Congratulations to our May Students of the Month!

Kindergarten - Arrietty Mitchell comes to school every day with a smile on her face. She loves to learn and share interesting facts. She plays well with others and includes all her classmates. She grows when she participates and when she asks if there is anything she can do to help. Congratulations on being our Student of the Month, Arrietty!

1st Grade - Tatiana Juarez has consistently shown great effort in the work that she does. She is always willing to help other classmates and help the teacher. She is also at the top of  her Lexia and ST Math minutes. She works very hard both inside and outside of the classroom, doing her minutes even on the weekends! Way to go Tatiana! Thank you for being an example of the St. Peter's core values of ACCOMPLISH, GROW, and SERVE!

2nd Grade - Gavin Contreras shows a lot of enthusiasm in everything he does. He works hard at his assignments. He has a great sense of humor and loves to help out when he can. It's been fun having him in the class this year. Great job, Gavin!

3rd Grade - Jovanni Leon has a lot of energy and has been making improvements throughout the year. He is kind and always willing to help others including his classmates and teacher. He has been sharing a lot of great ideas and answers in class. His great effort in class is not missed. We are proud to see him SERVE and GROW. We are glad to have you in class, Jovanni!

4th Grade - Aimee Lopez has been a star student living out St. Peter's School KEYS. She works hard each day and is not afraid to ask questions and for help when things become a challenge. She has united our class community by mending old friendships back together and embracing new friends to St. Peter's making their adjustment to a new school easier. She is a fiercely loyal friend with a huge heart.  Keep on shining brightly Aimee!  The fourth grade is a happier place with you in it.

5th Grade - Michael Leon has demonstrated a commitment to his education all school year. Michael is a leader, excels in his schoolwork and athletics, and is a kind and supportive friend. He has asked questions and persisted through challenges. He demonstrates accountability each day through his actions. Michael demonstrates the KEYS each day through his kindness and dedication to his classroom community. Way to grow, accomplish, love, serve, and unite in fifth grade, Michael!

6th Grade - Saray Avendano Espinoza is a great example of a student who values the KEYS of St. Peter’s School, especially respecting the space and other people's opinions. She also strives hard academically. She is responsible for all her actions and she demonstrates excellent behavior inside and outside the classroom.  Congratulations, Saray!

7th Grade - Ana Martins Moreira exemplifies our core values to serve and love. She is always willing to give a classmate a hand and help around the classroom. Ana radiates positivity and confidence.   Thank you, Ana!

8th Grade - Anthony Maradiaga-Hernandez is constantly embracing new experiences with an open heart and open mind by tackling his 8th grade year with enthusiasm and diligence. He has also shown so much love to others, showing small gestures that make a huge impact. He definitely has proven how to live out the KEYS! Awesome job, Ant!


May 31        9:30 AM Baccalaureate Mass

May 31        4:30 PM 8th Grade Graduation Ceremony

May 31        Last day for BVCC after-school services

June 4          1:15 PM  K-7 Awards Ceremony

June 5          Minimum Day–12:30 Dismissal

June 6          8:45 AM  Kindergarten Promotion Ceremony

June 6          Minimum Day–12:30 Dismissal

June 7          8:30 AM  End of School Year Mass

June 7          10:30 AM Dismissal – LAST DAY OF SCHOOL


Dear Parents,

         It’s SPIRIT WEEK at St. Peter’s School--a special week where we can celebrate our unity and school pride!  As parents, some ways we can show school spirit are by supporting our children as they learn new things at school, guiding them to have open hearts and open minds, attending school events and sports games, and volunteering to help at school.  As we take part in this fun week recognizing the different ways we can show our school spirit, let us take time to pray as a community to the HOLY SPIRIT for guidance and strength, especially in these final two and a half weeks of school.


And fill our hearts with your gifts.

Let our love be true and our charity be generous.

Help us in all our needs 

and grant us the knowledge to do what is right.

Advise us in our doubts, 

strengthen us in our weaknesses, 

protect us when we are tempted, 

and console us when we are afraid.

Graciously hear us, O Holy Spirit, and pour your light into our hearts, minds, and souls.

Guide us to live holy lives and to grow in goodness and grace.


–Mrs. Sandra Jimenez


We continue Spirit Week with the remaining themed days, listed below:  

May 23 - Together Colors Thursday - Wear your assigned class color:

Kindergarten & 8th grade - RED

1st & 7th grades - BLUE

2nd & 6th grades - GREEN

3rd & 5th grades - ORANGE

4th grade - BLACK & WHITE

May 24 - Film Friday - Dress as your favorite movie character, and come to Family Movie Night! (must pre-order your tickets!)



The St. Peter’s Athletic Department is hosting a Family Movie Night on Friday, May 24 at 7:00 PM at St. Peter’s School.  Pre-order your tickets now, as tickets are LIMITED.

- St. Peter’s students - $4

- Adults and other children over 4 - $6

We’ll be watching Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles!

You may also pre-order your meals and snacks, and make donations towards the Movie Night.  Scroll down to see the order and donation forms.


As indicated on our school calendar, there is NO SCHOOL on Monday, May 27 for the Memorial Day Holiday.

There will be NO school Mass on Tuesday, May 28.  Instead, we will celebrate together as a school for our 8th graders’ BACCALAUREATE MASS on Friday, May 31 at 9:30 AM.  Families are welcome to join us for this special Mass in honor of St. Peter’s Class of 2024!

* Since we are attending school Mass on Friday, May 31, all students in grades K-7 must be in complete uniform.  No gray sweats or Free Dress Passes on Friday, May 31.


The LAST DAY for BVCC after-school services for this school year is Friday, May 31.  There will be no after-school BVCC services from June 3-7, so please plan accordingly and ensure that your child is picked up or on their way home at the school dismissal time.


During the last week of school (June 3-7), there will be no BVCC after-school services while they prepare for their summer program.

Please plan accordingly so that your child(ren) are picked up at the appropriate school dismissal time, listed below:

  • Monday, June 3 - 3:00 PM

  • Tuesday, June 4 - 3:00 PM

  • Wednesday, June 5 - 12:30 PM  (Minimum Day)

  • Thursday, June 6 - 12:30 PM  (Minimum Day)

  • Friday, June 7 - 10:30 AM  (Last day of School)


The 2023-2024 yearbooks are now on sale! Supplies are very limited, so make sure to purchase your copy in one of the following ways:

1. Purchase through Venmo: Send $30 to @SPeters-School. Make sure to write your child’s full name, grade, and YEARBOOK in the comments.

2. Purchase at the office: Bring $30 CASH to the front office.

→ Yearbooks will be delivered to students' classrooms. Don't miss out on this keepsake of wonderful memories from the school year!


The re-registration forms are now past due. If you have not done so already, please submit the completed form as soon as possible. 

The registration fee per student is also now past due.  As noted on the letter sent home, the registration fees are as follows:

- Students entering grades K-7: $505

- Students entering 8th grade: $560 (includes 8th grade sweatshirt)

To reference the letter with the tuition rates and re-registration form–scroll down or call the school office to have another letter and form sent home.


We live our core value to UNITE as students wear their school uniform with pride.  Please remember that the complete daily uniform includes the plain white polo shirt, navy slacks or uniform skirt/jumper, green uniform sweatshirt, black or white socks, and solid black or solid white sneakers (tennis shoes).  

On Fridays (unless there is a church service), students may wear the optional gray Aztecs hoodie, Aztecs sweatpants, and Aztecs T-shirt.

** To purchase the gray Aztecs sweats, obtain an order form in the school office.

For more details on the school uniform, refer to the Uniform section of the Parent-Student Handbook that was distributed on the first day of school, which is also available on the school website: http://www.stpeterssf.org/parents-students

Students who are out of uniform will receive a “Uniform Notice” to be signed by a parent or guardian, as a reminder about the uniform policy, and to help us unite as a school community.


May 20-24  SPIRIT WEEK

May 24        7:00 PM Family Movie Night

May 27        No School–Memorial Day Holiday

May 29        Minimum Day–12:30 Dismissal

May 31        9:30 AM Baccalaureate Mass

May 31        4:30 PM 8th Grade Graduation Ceremony

May 31        Last day for BVCC after-school services

June 4          1:15 PM  K-7 Awards Ceremony

June 5          Minimum Day–12:30 Dismissal

June 6          8:45 AM  Kindergarten Promotion Ceremony

June 6          Minimum Day–12:30 Dismissal

June 7          8:30 AM  End of School Year Mass

June 7          10:30 AM Dismissal – LAST DAY OF SCHOOL

QUE PASA 5/15/2024 (ENGLISH)

Dear Parents,

       While we continue to pray to our Blessed Mother Mary during this month of May, we are reminded that without Mary and her courage, love, and faith in God, we would not have had our savior Jesus in our lives.  We are still in the Easter season, so we continue to remember Jesus’ sacrifice and the miracle of Jesus’ resurrection. 

       Last Thursday was the 40th day after Easter, which is the Feast of the Ascension—when Jesus rose to Heaven, body and soul.  In gratitude for and awe in Jesus’ glorious ascension, let us pray the prayer of the Ascension, while also asking God for guidance to keep up our strength and hope during these last few weeks of school:

God our Father,

make us joyful

in the ascension of your Son Jesus Christ.

May we follow him into the new creation,

for his ascension is our glory and our hope.

We ask this through our Lord Jesus Christ, your Son

who lives and reigns with you and the Holy Spirit,

one God, for ever and ever. 


--Mrs. Sandra Jimenez


Congratulations to our newly Confirmed members of the Church!  The gifts of the Holy Spirit are ignited in them all.  We continue to pray for them as they grow in faith.

- Mariana Arellano

- Isaiah Arguello

- Julissa Cabrera

- Paola Carranza

- Annarelly Contreras

- Isabella Coreas

- Isabella Del Rosario

- Isela Diaz

- Shelsy Gutierrez-Ordonez

- Mariah Ibarra-Febo

- Genesis Ixcal Vasquez

- Anthony Maradiaga Hernandez

- Angelo Moctezuma Bocanegra

- Thiago Morales-Romero

- Anthony Ortiz Alfaro

- Andrea Perez

- Celeste Rivera

- Danna Sanchez-Arias

- Matias Sandoval-Perez

- Ruby Valencia                                                                   

 Thank you to all who have guided them in their faith journey!


We are proud of ALL the students who showed courage and love for St. Peter’s School as they ran for Student Council office!  Thank you for being models of growth and service.

Here are the election results for the 2024-2025 Student Council Officers:

President: Ana Martins-Moreira

Vice-President: Jean Omondi

Secretary: Maria Espinoza

Treasurer: Ella Jimenez

Commissioner of Religious Affairs: Genesis Garcia

Commissioner of Sports: Minerva Chamul

Commissioner of Communications: Bella Gonzalez-Aguilar


This Thursday, May 16, we will have a prayer service in St. Peter’s Church at 8:45 AM.  We will crown our Blessed Mother Mary, remember Jesus’ Ascension into Heaven, and welcome our new Student Council officers into their leadership positions.  

Families are invited to join us during this prayer service!


Next week (May 20-24) is Spirit Week!  Scroll down to see the descriptions for each themed day.  Class participation points will be rewarded, and the classes with the most points at the end of Spirit Week will receive a school spirit prize!

May 20 - Matching Monday

May 21 - Team Tuesday

May 22 - Well-Known Duo Wednesday

May 23 - Together Colors Thursday

May 24 - Film Friday (and Family Movie Night!)


The St. Peter’s Athletic Department is hosting a Family Movie Night on Friday, May 24 at 7:00 PM at St. Peter’s School.  Pre-order your tickets now, as tickets are LIMITED.

- St. Peter’s students - $4

- Adults and other children over 4 - $6

We’ll be watching Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles!

You may also pre-order your meals and snacks, and make donations towards the Movie Night.  Scroll down to see the order and donation forms.


The re-registration forms are now past due. If you have not done so already, please submit the completed form as soon as possible. 

The registration fee per student is also now past due.  As noted on the letter sent home, the registration fees are as follows:

- Students entering grades K-7: $505

- Students entering 8th grade: $560 (includes 8th grade sweatshirt)

To reference the letter with the tuition rates and re-registration form–scroll down or call the school office to have another letter and form sent home.


The LAST DAY for BVCC after-school services for this school year is Friday, May 31.  There will be no after-school BVCC services from June 3-7, so please plan accordingly and ensure that your child is picked up or on their way home at the school dismissal time.


During the last week of school (June 3-7), there will be no BVCC after-school services while they prepare for their summer program.

Please plan accordingly so that your child(ren) are picked up at the appropriate school dismissal time, listed below:

  • Monday, June 3 - 3:00 PM

  • Tuesday, June 4 - 3:00 PM

  • Wednesday, June 5 - 12:30 PM  (Minimum Day)

  • Thursday, June 6 - 12:30 PM  (Minimum Day)

  • Friday, June 7 - 10:30 AM  (Last day of School)


We live our core value to UNITE as students wear their school uniform with pride.  Please remember that the complete daily uniform includes the plain white polo shirt, navy slacks or uniform skirt/jumper, green uniform sweatshirt, black or white socks, and solid black or solid white sneakers (tennis shoes).  

On Fridays (unless there is a church service), students may wear the optional gray Aztecs hoodie, Aztecs sweatpants, and Aztecs T-shirt.

** To purchase the gray Aztecs sweats, obtain an order form in the school office.

For more details on the school uniform, refer to the Uniform section of the Parent-Student Handbook that was distributed on the first day of school, which is also available on the school website: http://www.stpeterssf.org/parents-students

Students who are out of uniform will receive a “Uniform Notice” to be signed by a parent or guardian, as a reminder about the uniform policy, and to help us unite as a school community.


May 16        8:45 AM Crowning for Virgin Mary and Student Council Officer Installation

May 20-24  SPIRIT WEEK

May 21        8:15 AM School Mass

May 22        Minimum Day–12:30 Dismissal

May 24        7:00 PM Family Movie Night

May 27        No School–Memorial Day Holiday

May 31        9:30 AM Baccalaureate Mass

May 31        4:30 Pm 8th Grade Graduation Ceremony


Dear Parents,

      This Sunday, we celebrate Mother’s Day. We recognize the important role that mothers, aunts, grandmothers, and all mother-figures play in our lives!  We are thankful for the love they show us and the sacrifices they make for us. During this month of May, we also dedicate time to pray to our Blessed Mother Mary.  We look to Mary as an example of faith, love, and courage as she said YES to God!  Let us pray in thanksgiving for our Blessed Mother Mary and for all mother-figures in our lives.

Heavenly Father, 

We Praise You and we thank You for the gift of our mothers, through whom You give us life and through whom we experience love. We thank You for Mary, the mother of our Lord Jesus Christ, a mother so gracious and a woman of example in motherhood for all of us.  May our prayer warm the hearts of all mothers. May they know that they are loved and precious. May mothers all over the world feel in their heart the joys of being called a mother and in all their goodness and all their failings, be blessed in Your love and forgiveness.  We pray in Grace they belong close to You Lord Jesus Christ, AMEN.

(Prayer by Geevetha Mary Samuel)

--Mrs. Sandra Jimenez


You are welcome to witness our 8th graders be sealed with the Gifts of the Holy Spirit during the San Francisco Archdiocese Confirmation Mass.  Archbishop Salvatore Cordileone will be the celebrant.  The Mass is this Saturday, May 11 at St. Mary’s Cathedral (1111 Gough Street in San Francisco) and begins at 10:00 AM.  Arrive early for parking! 


This week is Teacher Appreciation Week!  Be sure to let your teachers know what you appreciate most about them 🙂

Thank you to all of our dedicated, hardworking teachers!


This week, our Student Council candidates are campaigning and running for office.  We are proud of them for showing courage to serve as student leaders.  Stay tuned for the election results!


The re-registration forms are now past due. If you have not done so already, please submit the completed form as soon as possible. 

The registration fee per student is also now past due.  As noted on the letter sent home, the registration fees are as follows:

- Students entering grades K-7: $505

- Students entering 8th grade: $560 (includes 8th grade sweatshirt)

To reference the letter with the tuition rates and re-registration form–scroll down or call the school office to have another letter and form sent home.


We live our core value to UNITE as students wear their school uniform with pride.  Please remember that the complete daily uniform includes the plain white polo shirt, navy slacks or uniform skirt/jumper, green uniform sweatshirt, black or white socks, and solid black or solid white sneakers (tennis shoes).  

On Fridays (unless there is a church service), students may wear the optional gray Aztecs hoodie, Aztecs sweatpants, and Aztecs T-shirt.

** To purchase the gray Aztecs sweats, obtain an order form in the school office.

For more details on the school uniform, refer to the Uniform section of the Parent-Student Handbook that was distributed on the first day of school, which is also available on the school website: http://www.stpeterssf.org/parents-students

Students who are out of uniform will receive a “Uniform Notice” to be signed by a parent or guardian, as a reminder about the uniform policy, and to help us unite as a school community.


Homeroom teachers identify Students of the Month at the end of each month.  We celebrate these students because they have exemplified living the St. Peter’s KEYS:

Knowledge feeds GROWTH. 

Every ACCOMPLISHMENT needs courage.

You are LOVE.


Congratulations to our April Students of the Month!

Kindergarten - Sosa Hisatake works hard every day. He loves learning new things and sharing facts about animals with his classmates. Sosa comes to school every day with an upbeat positive attitude. He shows love by playing and including all of his classmates at recess and in the classroom. Sosa lives out our GROW core value by being an active participant in small group conversations and whole class work. Congratulations, Sosa! 

1st Grade - Fransesca Ruiz lives out the St. Peter's School core values of LOVE and UNITE. She pays extra special attention during Religion class and during read-alouds. She shows a lot of empathy and understanding for all of God's creations. Thank you, Fransesca, for being an example of someone who spreads God's love! 

2nd Grade - Laylah Olivares Marin is a great example of a student who lives out the St. Peter's core value of LOVE. She always comes to class with a huge smile and is a ray of sunshine. She works hard at her reading and math and did a wonderful job recently receiving her First Holy Communion. Great job, Laylah!

3rd Grade - Jhosia Martinez has shown big growth from the beginning of the year both in STAR testing and in class performance. He has become a big reader and writer having proudly presented his animal report in front of an audience. You can also catch him solving tricky math problems. He is learning and growing, and is a big voice in our classroom. We are proud to see him ACCOMPLISH and GROW. We are glad to have you in class, Jhosia!

4th Grade - Camila Martinez has been a shining example of a student living out St. Peter's School KEYS. She has done an amazing job working hard each day to grow as a student. She is not afraid to ask questions and ask for help when things become challenging.  She brings a loving kindness each day and is a loyal friend. Keep up the amazing work Camila!  You are a star.

5th Grade - Alani Alas has demonstrated a commitment to her education. She supports her learning through great questions and classroom participation. She demonstrates accountability through her actions on and off the court. Alani demonstrates the KEYS each day through her kindness and dedication to her classroom community. Way to grow, accomplish, serve, love and unite in fifth grade, Alani! 

6th Grade - Jean Omondi is always all-in on putting effort on what he is doing.  He shows an excellent ability to set goals and an eagerness to achieve those goals. He wants to be challenged academically and also in  co-curricular activities.  He extends help to his classmates and values the KEYS of St. Peter’s School.  Thank you, Jean!

7th Grade - Maria Espinoza is an exceptional student who lives out the St. Peter’s School core values of GROW, LOVE, and SERVE. Maria is always seeking opportunities to learn, improve, and develop new skills. She demonstrates love by fostering positive relationships with her classmates and teachers, and serves others by committing to help her classmates.  Thank you, Maria!

8th Grade - Mariah Ibarra-Febo has continued to grow by embracing new experiences with an open mind and open heart. She has exhibited what it means to step out of her comfort zone, taking risks and accomplishing so much this year! She also demonstrates love by her positive demeanor and the choices she makes for others, but more importantly for herself. She is a great example of someone who is living out St. Peter’s School KEYS! Way to go, Mariah!  


May 7-17    STAR Testing Window        

May 7-10    Teacher Appreciation Week

May 9         8:45 AM Student Council Candidate Speeches

May 10       Student Council Elections

May 11       10:00 AM  Confirmation Mass at St. Mary’s Cathedral

May 12        Mothers Day

May 14        8:15 AM School Mass

May 14        3rd Grade Field Trip - Academy of Sciences

May 15        Minimum Day–12:30 Dismissal

May 16        8:45 AM Crowning for Virgin Mary and Student Council Officer Installation


Dear Parents,

      As we continue through the Easter Season and begin the month of May–the month of our Blessed Mother Mary–let us pray to our Blessed Mother for continued strength.  We strive to keep our faith and be reminded of the joy of new life after a time of great difficulty, as we learned from the glory of Jesus’s resurrection.  Together we can reflect on this prayer from Pope Francis:

O Mary,

You always shine on our path as a sign of salvation and of hope.

We entrust ourselves to you, who at the cross took part in Jesus' pain, keeping your faith firm.

You know what we need, and we are sure you will provide so that, as in Cana of Galilee, we may return to joy and to feasting after a time of trial.

Help us, Mother of Divine Love, to conform to the will of the Father and to do as we are told by Jesus, who has taken upon himself our sufferings and carried our sorrows to lead us, through the cross, to the joy of the resurrection.                                                                           

Under your protection, we seek refuge, Holy Mother of God … deliver us from every danger, O glorious and blessed Virgin.  Amen.

--Mrs. Sandra Jimenez


The re-registration forms and 2024-2025 tuition rates (printed on blue paper) have been sent home and are attached here (scroll down on this Que Pasa).  The Re-registration form and payment are now past due. These forms help us to plan and prepare for the 2024-2025 school year.

The registration fee per student is now past due.  As noted on the letter sent home, the registration fees are as follows:

- Students entering grades K-7: $505

- Students entering 8th grade: $560 (includes 8th grade sweatshirt)

If you’d like another copy of the re-registration form, please visit the school office or call the office so that we can send another form home with your child.  Additionally, the letter and form are attached here.

** In the attachment, scroll past the Re-registration letter and form to see the SCHOOL CALENDAR FOR 2024-2025.  This calendar was also sent home with every child with the Re-registration form.

Please call the school office if you have any questions!


Today (Wednesday, May 1), each student was sent home with the Trimester 3 Progress Report.  Please sign and return the progress report by this Tuesday, May 7.  If you have any questions, please contact your child’s teacher.


- As noted on our school calendar, there is NO SCHOOL for students this Friday, May 3 while faculty & staff attend a retreat.

- There is also a SCHOOL HOLIDAY on Monday, May 6.  School will resume with a regular schedule on Tuesday, May 7.


Next week, from May 6-10, is Teacher Appreciation Week!  Be sure to let your teachers know what you appreciate most about them 🙂


You are welcome to witness our 8th graders be sealed with the Gifts of the Holy Spirit during the San Francisco Archdiocese Confirmation Mass.  Archbishop Salvatore Cordileone will be the celebrant.  The Mass is Saturday, May 11 at St. Mary’s Cathedral (1111 Gough Street in San Francisco) and begins at 10:00 AM.  Arrive early for parking! 


CYO Summer Camp registration is open for children ages 8-14!

** See the website for details and videos about CYO Summer Camp – https://catholiccharitiessf.org/cyocamp/cyo-summer-camp/

This week-long summer camp experience at CYO Camp in Occidental, CA normally costs $940, but because of generous camp scholarships for St. Peter’s students, the cost goes down significantly!

- If a family meets the income eligibility guidelines then the cost of camp is $140, or $200 with round trip bus transportation.

- If a family does not meet the income eligibility guidelines then the cost of camp is $390, or $450 with round trip bus transportation.

Register ONLINE by logging in to your existing account or create a new account at this website: https://cyocamp.campmanagement.com/p/request_for_info_m.php?action=enroll

** Be sure to indicate your child's school as St. Peter's so that you may receive the special rate.

Scholarships are LIMITED.  If you are interested in having your child attend CYO Summer Camp with the discounted price, please click on the links below to fill out BOTH the Caritas Campership Form and CYO Financial Aid Form, available in English and Spanish.  

ENGLISH Caritas Campership Form - https://www.caritascreek.org/camperships 

SPANISH Caritas Campership Form - https://forms.gle/jmt5skbDRsfEsgH2A 

ENGLISH CYO Financial Aid Form - https://forms.gle/c9CqVysUjurCbPa4A 

SPANISH CYO Financial Aid Form - https://forms.gle/32brFXXQ5QK3vPvM9 

Space is LIMITED in each camp session.  The camp session dates are as follows:

Session One: June 23 - June 29 

Session Two: July 1 - July 6

Session Three: July 9 - July 15

Session Four: July 17 - July 23

Session Five: July 25 - July 31

Register as soon as possible before spaces are all gone!


We live our core value to UNITE as students wear their school uniform with pride.  Please remember that the complete daily uniform includes the plain white polo shirt, navy slacks or uniform skirt/jumper, green uniform sweatshirt, black or white socks, and solid black or solid white sneakers (tennis shoes).  

On Fridays (unless there is a church service), students may wear the optional gray Aztecs hoodie, Aztecs sweatpants, and Aztecs T-shirt.

** To purchase the gray Aztecs sweats, obtain an order form in the school office.

For more details on the school uniform, refer to the Uniform section of the Parent-Student Handbook that was distributed on the first day of school, which is also available on the school website: http://www.stpeterssf.org/parents-students

Students who are out of uniform will receive a “Uniform Notice” to be signed by a parent or guardian, as a reminder about the uniform policy, and to help us unite as a school community.


May 1         Trimester 3 Progress Reports sent home

May 2         4th Grade Field Trip–Academy of Sciences

May 2         8th Grade Retreat at Mercy Burlingame

May 3         No School for Students; Faculty & Staff Retreat

May 6         School Holiday

May 7         Student Council Campaigning begins

May 7         8:15 AM School Mass

May 8         Minimum Day–12:30 Dismissal

May 9        8:45 AM Student Council Candidate Speeches

May 10      Student Council Elections

May 11      10:00 AM  Confirmation Mass at St. Mary’s Cathedral

QUE PASA 4/24/2024 (ENGLISH)

Dear Parents,

       This week, we celebrate Earth Day!  On Earth Day and every day, we are called to be stewards of God’s creations and to care for His gifts here on Earth.  We pray that we may be models to our children while we fulfill this responsibility.  Together, let us offer this Earth Day prayer from the Sisters of Mercy:

- For trees, plants, crops, and forests. Let us pray.

- For water, oceans, rivers, streams and ponds. Let us pray.

- For air, wind, climate and weather. Let us pray.

- For sun, clean energy and prevention of global warming. Let us pray.

- For animals, especially endangered species. Let us pray.

- For all humankind. Let us pray.

- For recycling and moderate personal consumption. Let us pray.

- For proper use of chemicals and disposal of toxic waste. Let us pray.

- For Earth and unity. Let us pray.

Creator God, we thank you for all of creation.We ask your forgiveness where we have failed to be just stewards. And we now ask for your guidance in restoring the face of the earth. May we learn to live in harmony, safety and just sharing of resources among all so that we achieve the kingdom of God.  Peace be to this community. Peace be to this land. Peace be to all people. AMEN.


--Mrs. Sandra Jimenez

Congratulations to all of our First Communicants listed below who received the Most Blessed Sacrament this past weekend!

- Aidan Bustillo Merlin

- Isabella Calderon Sola

- Gavin Contreras

- Carlos Cortez

- Adriano Lopez Villegas

- Laylah Olivares Marin

- Ariana Pineda Martinez

- Omar Reyes Villarreal

- Mario Reyna

- Bridgette Rivas Guzman

- Destiny Tabora Ortega

- Joaquin Velasco

- Julieta Garcia

- Laura Garcia

- Astrid Zoe Sarmiento Magallanes

- Jessica Vazquez

- Javier Flores

- Stephany Rivera Arenivar

- Matias Sandoval-Perez

- Frantz Marcello Gonzalez Gamez

- Zahid Herrera Garcia

May God continue to bless you all as you grow in faith! 


The re-registration forms and 2024-2025 tuition rates (printed on blue paper) have been sent home and are attached here (scroll down on this Que Pasa).  The Re-registration form and payment are due by April 30. These forms help us to plan and prepare for the 2024-2025 school year.

The registration fee per student is due on April 30, 2024, and will help to secure your child’s spot in their class for 2024-2025.

As noted on the letter sent home, the registration fees are as follows:

- Students entering grades K-7: $505

- Students entering 8th grade: $560 (includes 8th grade sweatshirt)

If you’d like another copy of the re-registration form, please visit the school office or call the office so that we can send another form home with your child.  Additionally, the letter and form are attached here.

** In the attachment, scroll past the Re-registration letter and form to see the SCHOOL CALENDAR FOR 2024-2025!  This calendar was also sent home with every child with the Re-registration form.

Please call the school office if you have any questions!


In partnership with BVCC, we are offering a parent workshop series, hosted by Pamela Lopez, LCSW (Licensed Clinical Social Worker).

Workshops are focused on students in grades 5-8, but all parents are welcome to join!

The 3rd workshop of this series will be focused on YOUTH MENTAL HEALTH AND TECHNOLOGY.  This workshop will be held on TUESDAY, APRIL 30 from 5:00-6:30 at St. Peter’s School.  Dinner and child care will be provided.  Scroll down to see the flier for more information.

** Please register for the workshop using this link by April 26:



- As noted on our school calendar, there is NO SCHOOL for students on Friday, May 3 while faculty & staff attend a retreat.

- There is also a SCHOOL HOLIDAY on Monday, May 6.  School will resume with a regular schedule on Tuesday, May 7,


CYO Summer Camp registration is open for children ages 8-14!

** See the website for details and videos about CYO Summer Camp – https://catholiccharitiessf.org/cyocamp/cyo-summer-camp/

This week-long summer camp experience at CYO Camp in Occidental, CA normally costs $940, but because of generous camp scholarships for St. Peter’s students, the cost goes down significantly!

- If a family meets the income eligibility guidelines then the cost of camp is $140, or $200 with round trip bus transportation.

- If a family does not meet the income eligibility guidelines then the cost of camp is $390, or $450 with round trip bus transportation.

Register ONLINE by logging in to your existing account or create a new account at this website: https://cyocamp.campmanagement.com/p/request_for_info_m.php?action=enroll

** Be sure to indicate your child's school as St. Peter's so that you may receive the special rate.

Scholarships are LIMITED.  If you are interested in having your child attend CYO Summer Camp with the discounted price, please click on the links below to fill out BOTH the Caritas Campership Form and CYO Financial Aid Form, available in English and Spanish.  

ENGLISH Caritas Campership Form - https://www.caritascreek.org/camperships 

SPANISH Caritas Campership Form - https://forms.gle/jmt5skbDRsfEsgH2A 

ENGLISH CYO Financial Aid Form - https://forms.gle/c9CqVysUjurCbPa4A 

SPANISH CYO Financial Aid Form - https://forms.gle/32brFXXQ5QK3vPvM9 

Space is LIMITED in each camp session.  The camp session dates are as follows:

Session One: June 23 - June 29 

Session Two: July 1 - July 6

Session Three: July 9 - July 15

Session Four: July 17 - July 23

Session Five: July 25 - July 31

Register as soon as possible before spaces are all gone!


We live our core value to UNITE as students wear their school uniform with pride.  Please remember that the complete daily uniform includes the plain white polo shirt, navy slacks or uniform skirt/jumper, green uniform sweatshirt, black or white socks, and solid black or solid white sneakers (tennis shoes).  

On Fridays (unless there is a church service), students may wear the optional gray Aztecs hoodie, Aztecs sweatpants, and Aztecs T-shirt.

** To purchase the gray Aztecs sweats, obtain an order form in the school office.

For more details on the school uniform, refer to the Uniform section of the Parent-Student Handbook that was distributed on the first day of school, which is also available on the school website: http://www.stpeterssf.org/parents-students

Students who are out of uniform will receive a “Uniform Notice” to be signed by a parent or guardian, as a reminder about the uniform policy, and to help us unite as a school community.


April 26      Kindergarten & 1st  grade Field Trip–SF Botanical  Gardens

April 30      8:15 AM School Mass

April 30      5:30 PM–Parent Workshop with Pamela Lopez

May 1         Minimum Day–12:30 Dismissal

May 1         Trimester 3 Progress Reports sent home

May 2         4th Grade Field Trip–Academy of Sciences

May 2         8th Grade Retreat at Mercy Burlingame

May 3         No School for Students; Faculty & Staff Retreat

May 6         School Holiday

QUE PASA 4/17/2024 (ENGLISH)

Dear Parents,

        This Saturday, 21 St. Peter’s students will be receiving the Eucharist for the first time! While this is an important time in their faith journey, it’s also a good reminder for us during this Easter Season to reflect on our own faith journey, and what the Eucharist means to us.  Here is a prayer (from www.crosswalk.com) to help us all appreciate the Most Blessed Sacrament: 

Lord Jesus, I bow before you in humility and ask You to examine my heart today. Show me anything that is not pleasing to You. Reveal any secret pride, any unconfessed sin, any unforgiveness that may be hindering  my relationship with You. I know that I am Your beloved child, having received You into my heart and life and having accepted Your death as penalty for my sinfulness. …. As I take the bread representing Your life that was broken for me, I remember and celebrate Your faithfulness to me and to all who will receive You. … Thank You for Your extravagant love and unmerited favor. Thank You that Your death gave me life—abundant life now, and eternal life forever. As You instructed Your disciples, I, too, receive this bread in remembrance of You.  AMEN.

May God bless our First Communicants!

--Mrs. Sandra Jimenez

Our First Communicants will be receiving the Sacrament of Holy Eucharist for the first time this Saturday, April 20 at 10:00 AM at St. Peter’s Church.  You are welcome to join us in this Eucharistic celebration.  Please keep them in their prayers during these final days of their preparation.


- As noted on our school calendar, this Friday, April 19 is a 12:00 Dismissal Day so that teachers may attend an Archdiocesan Catechetical In-service.  BVCC will be open for students who are registered for Fridays.  All other students should be picked up or on their way home at the 12:00 dismissal time.

- Also noted on our school calendar–Monday, April 22 is a 12:30 Dismissal day.


The re-registration forms and 2024-2025 tuition rates (printed on blue paper) have been sent home and are attached here (scroll down on this Que Pasa).  The Re-registration form and payment are due by April 30. These forms help us to plan and prepare for the 2024-2025 school year.

The registration fee per student is due on April 30, 2024, and will help to secure your child’s spot in their class for 2024-2025.

As noted on the letter sent home, the registration fees are as follows:

- Students entering grades K-7: $505

- Students entering 8th grade: $560 (includes 8th grade sweatshirt)

If you’d like another copy of the re-registration form, please visit the school office or call the office so that we can send another form home with your child.  Additionally, the letter and form are attached here.

** In the attachment, scroll past the Re-registration letter and form to see the SCHOOL CALENDAR FOR 2024-2025!  This calendar was also sent home with every child with the Re-registration form.

Please call the school office if you have any questions!


Registration is now open for the BVCC Summer Program! 

- Dates: June 10 - July 26 (Closed June 19 and July 4-5) 

- Location:  1249 Alabama Street at St. Peter's School

- Fees: $0-$400 per week (sliding scale). No one is turned away due to finances.

- Hours: 9:00 AM-3:30 PM

*Times may vary during field trips days 

- Extended Hours

8:00 AM-9:00 AM - $50 per week

4:00 PM-5:30 PM -  $75 per week

For both morning & afternoon care - $100 per week

Register your child at this link:


For more information please call 415-283-5545 or 415-713-0625


CYO Summer Camp registration is open for children ages 8-14!

** See the website for details and videos about CYO Summer Camp – https://catholiccharitiessf.org/cyocamp/cyo-summer-camp/

This week-long summer camp experience at CYO Camp in Occidental, CA normally costs $940, but because of generous camp scholarships for St. Peter’s students, the cost goes down significantly!

- If a family meets the income eligibility guidelines then the cost of camp is $140, or $200 with round trip bus transportation.

- If a family does not meet the income eligibility guidelines then the cost of camp is $390, or $450 with round trip bus transportation.

Register ONLINE by logging in to your existing account or create a new account at this website: https://cyocamp.campmanagement.com/p/request_for_info_m.php?action=enroll

** Be sure to indicate your child's school as St. Peter's so that you may receive the special rate.

Scholarships are LIMITED.  If you are interested in having your child attend CYO Summer Camp with the discounted price, please click on the links below to fill out BOTH the Caritas Campership Form and CYO Financial Aid Form, available in English and Spanish.  

ENGLISH Caritas Campership Form - https://www.caritascreek.org/camperships 

SPANISH Caritas Campership Form - https://forms.gle/jmt5skbDRsfEsgH2A 

ENGLISH CYO Financial Aid Form - https://forms.gle/c9CqVysUjurCbPa4A 

SPANISH CYO Financial Aid Form - https://forms.gle/32brFXXQ5QK3vPvM9 

Space is LIMITED in each camp session.  The camp session dates are as follows:

Session One: June 23 - June 29 

Session Two: July 1 - July 6

Session Three: July 9 - July 15

Session Four: July 17 - July 23

Session Five: July 25 - July 31

Register as soon as possible before spaces are all gone!


We live our core value to UNITE as students wear their school uniform with pride.  Please remember that the complete daily uniform includes the plain white polo shirt, navy slacks or uniform skirt/jumper, green uniform sweatshirt, black or white socks, and solid black or solid white sneakers (tennis shoes).  

On Fridays (unless there is a church service), students may wear the optional gray Aztecs hoodie, Aztecs sweatpants, and Aztecs T-shirt.

** To purchase the gray Aztecs sweats, obtain an order form in the school office.

For more details on the school uniform, refer to the Uniform section of the Parent-Student Handbook that was distributed on the first day of school, which is also available on the school website: http://www.stpeterssf.org/parents-students

Students who are out of uniform will receive a “Uniform Notice” to be signed by a parent or guardian, as a reminder about the uniform policy, and to help us unite as a school community.


April 8-19    ARK Religion Assessment Window

April 17        5:30 PM–First Communion Church Rehearsal

April 19        8th Grade Field Trip–Service Project at SF/Marin Food Bank

April 19        Kindergarten & 2nd grade Field Trip–Folsom Fire Station

April 19        12:00 PM Dismissal; Archdiocesan Teacher In-Service

April 20        10:00 AM–First Communion Mass

April 22         Minimum Day–12:30 Dismissal

April 23        8:15 AM School Mass

April 24        Minimum Day–12:30 Dismissal

QUE PASA 4/10/2024 (ENGLISH)

Dear Parents,

        I hope you had a blessed Easter with your family! We are now in the EASTER SEASON, but what does living the spirit of the Easter season mean? Here is an Easter season reflection from “Be Fearless, Be Joyful, Be Renewed: Living the Spirit of Easter” (www.loyolapress.com) that could help us to sustain our renewed Easter hope.

Live With Joy.  The Passion and Resurrection of Jesus teach us that suffering is transformed through faith in the Risen Christ. With this faith, we are able to hold on to an enduring sense of joy even in the midst of the sadness we experience from the loss of a loved one, a failure to achieve an important goal, or a setback during recovery from an illness.

Live Without Fear.  The Resurrection teaches us that God can overcome anything, even death. When the Risen Christ appears to the women at the tomb and later to his disciples, his first words are “Do not be afraid!” (Mt 28:5). These words speak to our hearts, helping us cope with fear. Our faith allows us to trust that God can overcome our most serious problems.

Live With New Eyes. Just as the return of spring makes us feel like the whole world is new, the Resurrection of Jesus makes “all things new” (Rev. 21:5).  The Easter spirit is a spirit of renewal that enables us to show up at work with a positive attitude, to renew relationships that have been taken for granted, and to express appreciation and affection to those closest to us. It means to see the world through new eyes—God´s eyes!

The Resurrection reminds us to stay hopeful.  Let’s keep our hearts and minds open to live our core values this Easter season!  

--Mrs. Sandra Jimenez


The re-registration forms and 2024-2025 tuition rates (printed on blue paper) have been sent home and are attached here (scroll down on this Que Pasa).  The Re-registration form and payment are due by April 30. These forms help us to plan and prepare for the 2024-2025 school year.

The registration fee per student is due on April 30, 2024, and will help to secure your child’s spot in their class for 2024-2025.

As noted on the letter sent home, the registration fees are as follows:

- Students entering grades K-7: $505

- Students entering 8th grade: $560 (includes 8th grade sweatshirt)

If you’d like another copy of the re-registration form, please visit the school office or call the office so that we can send another form home with your child.  Additionally, the letter and form are attached here.

** In the attachment, scroll past the Re-registration letter and form to see the SCHOOL CALENDAR FOR 2024-2025!  This calendar was also sent home with every child with the Re-registration form.

Please call the school office if you have any questions!


Over these last two weeks in April, students in grades 5 through 8 will be taking the ARK Religion test, a standardized assessment that checks students’ understanding of Religion content, prayers, and practices learned throughout the years.  If you have any questions about this assessment, please check in with your child’s teacher.


As noted on our school calendar, Friday, April 19 is a 12:00 Dismissal Day so that teachers may attend an Archdiocesan Catechetical In-service.  BVCC will be open for students who are registered for Fridays.  All other students should be picked up or on their way home at the 12:00 dismissal time.

Our First Communicants will be receiving the Sacrament of Holy Eucharist for the first time on Saturday, April 20 at 10:00 AM at St. Peter’s Church.  You are welcome to join us in this Eucharistic celebration.  Please keep them in their prayers during these final days of their preparation.


Registration is now open for the BVCC Summer Program! 

- Dates: June 10 - July 26 (Closed June 19 and July 4-5) 

- Location:  1249 Alabama Street at St. Peter's School

- Fees: $0-$400 per week (sliding scale). No one is turned away due to finances.

- Hours: 9:00 AM-3:30 PM

*Times may vary during field trips days 

- Extended Hours

8:00 AM-9:00 AM - $50 per week

4:00 PM-5:30 PM -  $75 per week

For both morning & afternoon care - $100 per week

Register your child at this link:


For more information please call 415-283-5545 or 415-713-0625


CYO Summer Camp registration is open for children ages 8-14!

** See the website for details and videos about CYO Summer Camp – https://catholiccharitiessf.org/cyocamp/cyo-summer-camp/

This week-long summer camp experience at CYO Camp in Occidental, CA normally costs $940, but because of generous camp scholarships for St. Peter’s students, the cost goes down significantly!

- If a family meets the income eligibility guidelines then the cost of camp is $140, or $200 with round trip bus transportation.

- If a family does not meet the income eligibility guidelines then the cost of camp is $390, or $450 with round trip bus transportation.

Register ONLINE by logging in to your existing account or create a new account at this website: https://cyocamp.campmanagement.com/p/request_for_info_m.php?action=enroll

** Be sure to indicate your child's school as St. Peter's so that you may receive the special rate.

Scholarships are LIMITED.  If you are interested in having your child attend CYO Summer Camp with the discounted price, please click on the links below to fill out BOTH the Caritas Campership Form and CYO Financial Aid Form, available in English and Spanish.  

ENGLISH Caritas Campership Form - https://www.caritascreek.org/camperships 

SPANISH Caritas Campership Form - https://forms.gle/jmt5skbDRsfEsgH2A 

ENGLISH CYO Financial Aid Form - https://forms.gle/c9CqVysUjurCbPa4A 

SPANISH CYO Financial Aid Form - https://forms.gle/32brFXXQ5QK3vPvM9 

Space is LIMITED in each camp session.  The camp session dates are as follows:

Session One: June 23 - June 29  (Nearly filled up!)

Session Two: July 1 - July 6

Session Three: July 9 - July 15

Session Four: July 17 - July 23

Session Five: July 25 - July 31   (Nearly filled up!)

Register as soon as possible before spaces are all gone!


We live our core value to UNITE as students wear their school uniform with pride.  Please remember that the complete daily uniform includes the plain white polo shirt, navy slacks or uniform skirt/jumper, green uniform sweatshirt, black or white socks, and solid black or solid white sneakers (tennis shoes).  

On Fridays (unless there is a church service), students may wear the optional gray Aztecs hoodie, Aztecs sweatpants, and Aztecs T-shirt.

** To purchase the gray Aztecs sweats, obtain an order form in the school office.

For more details on the school uniform, refer to the Uniform section of the Parent-Student Handbook that was distributed on the first day of school, which is also available on the school website: http://www.stpeterssf.org/parents-students

Students who are out of uniform will receive a “Uniform Notice” to be signed by a parent or guardian, as a reminder about the uniform policy, and to help us unite as a school community.


Homeroom teachers identify and describe Students of the Month at the end of each month. We all celebrate these students because they have exemplified living the St. Peter’s KEYS:

Knowledge feeds GROWTH. 

Every ACCOMPLISHMENT needs courage.

You are LOVE.


Congratulations to our March Students of the Month!

Kindergarten - Celeste Hernandez-Ramos shows up to school excited to learn and ready for any activity. She loves reading, writing, and Math. She enjoys working on new activities and learning new things. Her light shines when she participates in class. Celeste works hard and always has a positive attitude. Congratulations, Celeste!

1st Grade - Carolina Vega Lopez comes to school each morning on time and ready to learn! She exemplifies the St. Peter's core values of love, serve, and unite. Not only is she a very kind friend and always willing to help, but she also works very hard. She always tries her best and has shown great improvement in her writing and math. Congratulations, Carolina!

2nd Grade - Omar Reyes Villareal is a great example of the St. Peter's core value of GROW. He has grown so much as a reader due to lots of hard work. He is kind to others and is a friend to everyone. Great job, Omar!

3rd Grade - Rose Solis has shown tremendous growth from the beginning of the school year. She faces each challenge with a great attitude and she leads by example. In the classroom you can find her hard at work with her writing, proudly sharing her work and giving good answers in discussion. She comes into class ready to ACCOMPLISH and GROW. We are glad to have you in class, Rose! 

4th Grade - Rene Rangel Jr. has been a shining example of a student living out St. Peter's School KEYS.  He has done an amazing job this school year serving our school community.  As one of our Student Council class representatives, he keeps our class up to date on the big events and fun activities taking place at school.  He continues to excel in the classroom.  He earned Honors for the Second Trimester and continues to grow and accomplish as student.  And along with being a great brother, he has been a great friend to his classmates.  Keep up the great work, RJ!  You are a star!

5th Grade - Alexander Quiroz Galdamez comes prepared to class each day ready to learn. Alex asks inquisitive questions and advocates for himself. Alex is always willing to lend support to his friends and always has something positive to say. Alex demonstrates the KEYS each day through his kindness and dedication. Way to grow, serve, love, and unite in fifth grade, Alex! 

6th Grade - Karla Chavez is a great example of a student who values the KEYS of St. Peter. She puts extra effort into all her work, and she loves helping her classmates when she finishes her work early. She is responsible for all her actions and she demonstrates excellent behavior inside and outside the classroom. Congratulations, Karla!

7th Grade - Antonio Robelo-Hernandez has shown remarkable growth and consistently exemplifies our core values of LOVE and SERVE. Antonio is a great sports player and is always cheering on his classmates. He consistently goes above and beyond to support his peers. Way to go, Antonio!!!

8th Grade - Julissa Rodriguez continues to grow by embracing new experiences with an open mind and open heart, especially now as an 8th grader. She has exhibited what it means to be a leader in the classroom, constantly stepping up to help her peers and teachers. Juli continues to go above and beyond, serving as an example to others. She also demonstrates love by her positive demeanor and the choices she makes for others, but more importantly for herself. She is a great example of someone who is living out the KEYS!


April 8-19    ARK Religion Assessment Window

April 16        8:15 AM School Mass

April 17        Minimum Day–12:30 Dismissal

April 17        5:30 PM–First Communion Church Rehearsal

April 19        8th Grade Field Trip–Service Project at SF/Marin Food Bank

April 19        Kindergarten & 2nd grade Field Trip–Folsom Fire Station

April 19        12:00 PM Dismissal; Archdiocesan Teacher In-Service

April 20        10:00 AM–First Communion Mass

QUE PASA 3/27/2024 (ENGLISH)

Dear Parents,

          Throughout Lent, the students have been learning and acting upon different ways that they can grow closer to God.  Now that we find ourselves in the middle of Holy Week, I hope you find that your journey through Lent has brought you and your family closer to God, and that together, we can keep our faith strong and share the love that God the Father has shown us.  Remember Jesus’ gift of the Eucharist on Holy Thursday, and the ultimate sacrifice he made for us on Good Friday so that our sins could be forgiven. Together, take time to say a prayer of thanksgiving for God’s love as we await Jesus’ resurrection on Easter. 

We pray:

Heavenly Father, thank you for the gift of everlasting life brought about by the resurrection of your son from the dead! This dark night is enlightened by a glimpse of the greatest mystery.  Our minds could never have conceived how you would save us, Lord, nor can we ever fully understand the depths of your love in choosing to do so.  We thank you for all that you have done for us throughout Lent. Now, throughout Easter, grant us the fullness of life.  AMEN.

(Adapted from “The Joy of Lent: Encouragement and Daily Prayers”)


Have a joyous Easter! 

--Mrs. Sandra Jimenez


- Tomorrow, Thursday March 28, is a Minimum Day–12:30 Dismissal.  The School office will close at 1:30 PM.

- Students and teachers will be on Easter vacation from March 29 through April 7.

School will resume on Monday, April 8 with a regular schedule (7:55 AM - 3:00 PM).

You are invited to the special St. Peter’s Church services for Holy Thursday, Good Friday, Holy Saturday (Easter Vigil), and Easter Sunday.  Please scroll down to see the church flier listing the times for church services throughout the Mission Parishes (St. Peter, St. Anthony, and St. Charles).


We had a great time last Friday during our Aztec Trek Walk-a-Thon and Games!  Congratulations to our AZTEC TREK CLASS CHAMPIONS–First Grade!

Here are our top 3 individual fundraisers, who are took home their Target Gift Card prizes:

- TOP FUNDRAISER: Melissa in 4th grade

- 2nd Place: Ella in 7th grade

- 3rd Place: Josiah in 6th grade

We also had various raffle prize winners who won free dress passes, homework passes, gift cards, and Easter baskets!

THANK YOU to our families for your support in this school fundraiser!  GO AZTECS!!!



Renewal emails for returning students have been sent by The BASIC Fund to parent emails.  If you need to change your email for The BASIC Fund or have questions, call (415) 986-5650 right away.  Please note that submitting 2023 Taxes is part of the Renewal Application, so plan accordingly.  



-  Each year families may apply through TADS for the Archdiocese Elementary Family Grant.  This grant does not renew automatically.  To apply, go to www.mytads.com to complete your new 2024-2025 financial aid application.  Please be sure to have your financial documents (2023 Federal tax form 1040, W-2, 1099, Calworks, Calfresh, Social Security, Workers Comp, Unemployment or any other financial documents requested by TADS) ready to upload or fax to TADS.
THE TADS APPLICATION DEADLINE IS APRIL 1, 2024.  Late applications will NOT be considered. 

- Applicants are ranked on the basis of financial need. Within the limit of available funds, the Archdiocese of San Francisco will then award financial aid.  


Registration is now open for the BVCC Summer Program! 

- Dates: June 10 - July 26 (Closed June 19 and July 4-5) 

- Location:  1249 Alabama Street at St. Peter's School

- Fees: $0-$400 per week (sliding scale). No one is turned away due to finances.

- Hours: 9:00 AM-3:30 PM

*Times may vary during field trips days 

- Extended Hours

8:00 AM-9:00 AM - $50 per week

4:00 PM-5:30 PM -  $75 per week

For both morning & afternoon care - $100 per week

Register your child at this link:


For more information please call 415-283-5545 or 415-713-0625


CYO Summer Camp registration is open for children ages 8-14!

** See the website for details and videos about CYO Summer Camp – https://catholiccharitiessf.org/cyocamp/cyo-summer-camp/

This week-long summer camp experience at CYO Camp in Occidental, CA normally costs $940, but because of generous camp scholarships for St. Peter’s students, the cost goes down significantly!

- If a family meets the income eligibility guidelines then the cost of camp is $140, or $200 with round trip bus transportation.

- If a family does not meet the income eligibility guidelines then the cost of camp is $390, or $450 with round trip bus transportation.

Register ONLINE by logging in to your existing account or create a new account at this website: https://cyocamp.campmanagement.com/p/request_for_info_m.php?action=enroll

** Be sure to indicate your child's school as St. Peter's so that you may receive the special rate.

Scholarships are LIMITED.  If you are interested in having your child attend CYO Summer Camp with the discounted price, please click on the links below to fill out BOTH the Caritas Campership Form and CYO Financial Aid Form, available in English and Spanish.  

ENGLISH Caritas Campership Form - https://www.caritascreek.org/camperships 

SPANISH Caritas Campership Form - https://forms.gle/jmt5skbDRsfEsgH2A 

ENGLISH CYO Financial Aid Form - https://forms.gle/c9CqVysUjurCbPa4A 

SPANISH CYO Financial Aid Form - https://forms.gle/32brFXXQ5QK3vPvM9 

Space is LIMITED in each camp session.  The camp session dates are as follows:

Session One: June 23 - June 29  (Nearly filled up!)

Session Two: July 1 - July 6

Session Three: July 9 - July 15

Session Four: July 17 - July 23

Session Five: July 25 - July 31   (Nearly filled up!)

Register as soon as possible before spaces are all gone!


We live our core value to UNITE as students wear their school uniform with pride.  Please remember that the complete daily uniform includes the plain white polo shirt, navy slacks or uniform skirt/jumper, green uniform sweatshirt, black or white socks, and solid black or solid white sneakers (tennis shoes).  

On Fridays (unless there is a church service), students may wear the optional gray Aztecs hoodie, Aztecs sweatpants, and Aztecs T-shirt.

** To purchase the gray Aztecs sweats, obtain an order form in the school office.

For more details on the school uniform, refer to the Uniform section of the Parent-Student Handbook that was distributed on the first day of school, which is also available on the school website: http://www.stpeterssf.org/parents-students

Students who are out of uniform will receive a “Uniform Notice” to be signed by a parent or guardian, as a reminder about the uniform policy, and to help us unite as a school community.


March 28         Minimum Day–12:30 Dismissal; School office closes at 1:30 PM

March 29-April 5     EASTER VACATION

April 8             School resumes; regular schedule

April 9             8:15 AM School Mass

April 10           Minimum Day–12:30 Dismissal

QUE PASA 3/20/2024 (ENGLISH)

Dear Parents,

          With all the different responsibilities we have as parents, we may easily feel overwhelmed and tired.  Yet Lent can be a time for our renewal.  With Holy Week approaching next week, beginning with Palm Sunday this Sunday, let’s not forget how Jesus can be a source of strength and a loving comfort to us, and how we can follow his example to spread that love and be a positive example for our children. 


How true are Jesus’ words, which invite those who are tired and weary to come to Him to find rest! His arms outstretched on the cross show that no one is excluded from his love and his mercy, not even the greatest sinner: no one!

-Pope Francis


Heavenly Father, your son’s death on the cross stands as a testament to your endless love and care for all of us. No one who seeks you out is excluded from your love, no matter what we have done. No one is cut off from your mercy, no matter how great our suffering. Give me the courage, Lord, to always look to Christ crucified as the promise of mercy for me. In this Lenten season, give me the confidence to trust that your love for me will never die. AMEN.

(from “The Joy of Lent: Encouragement and Daily Prayers”)

--Mrs. Sandra Jimenez


As noted on our school calendar, this Monday, March 25 is a Minimum Day (12:30 dismissal) so that teachers may attend a meeting.

Thursday, March 28 is another Minimum Day (12:30 dismissal).  The school office will close at 1:30 PM on that day.

Easter vacation will begin on Friday, March 29.  School will resume with a regular schedule on Monday, April 8.   


The Aztec Trek fundraising collection envelope (mandatory minimum $125) is now past due.  If you have not yet turned in this envelope, please do so as soon as possible!

The Aztec Trek Walk-a-thon and game day will take THIS FRIDAY,  March 22.  Each child was sent home with a field trip permission form for the walk-a-thon, as we will be walking to and from Precita Park.  Please sign and return this form by tomorrow if you have not done so already.

Currently, here are the class standings:

1st place - 1st grade

2nd place - Kindergarten

3rd place - 4th grade

However, the standings can still change as classes earn more points on our game day.  Stay tuned to see who will be named the 2024 Aztec Trek Champion!


On Wednesday, March 27, there will be a school prayer service for the Stations of the Cross at 8:45 AM in the church.  Families are welcome to join us for this prayer service.


Registration is now open for the BVCC Summer Program! 

- Dates: June 10 - July 26 (Closed June 19 and July 4-5) 

- Location:  1249 Alabama Street at St. Peter's School

- Fees: $0-$400 per week (sliding scale). No one is turned away due to finances.

- Hours: 9:00 AM-3:30 PM

*Times may vary during field trips days 

- Extended Hours

8:00 AM-9:00 AM - $50 per week

4:00 PM-5:30 PM -  $75 per week

For both morning & afternoon care - $100 per week

Register your child at this link:


For more information please call 415-283-5545 or 415-713-0625


CYO Summer Camp registration is open for children ages 8-14!

** See the website for details and videos about CYO Summer Camp – https://catholiccharitiessf.org/cyocamp/cyo-summer-camp/

This week-long summer camp experience at CYO Camp in Occidental, CA normally costs $940, but because of generous camp scholarships for St. Peter’s students, the cost goes down significantly!

- If a family meets the income eligibility guidelines then the cost of camp is $140, or $200 with round trip bus transportation.

- If a family does not meet the income eligibility guidelines then the cost of camp is $390, or $450 with round trip bus transportation.

Register ONLINE by logging in to your existing account or create a new account at this website: https://cyocamp.campmanagement.com/p/request_for_info_m.php?action=enroll

** Be sure to indicate your child's school as St. Peter's so that you may receive the special rate.

Scholarships are LIMITED.  If you are interested in having your child attend CYO Summer Camp with the discounted price, please click on the links below to fill out BOTH the Caritas Campership Form and CYO Financial Aid Form, available in English and Spanish.  

ENGLISH Caritas Campership Form - https://www.caritascreek.org/camperships 

SPANISH Caritas Campership Form - https://forms.gle/jmt5skbDRsfEsgH2A 

ENGLISH CYO Financial Aid Form - https://forms.gle/c9CqVysUjurCbPa4A 

SPANISH CYO Financial Aid Form - https://forms.gle/32brFXXQ5QK3vPvM9 

Space is LIMITED in each camp session.  The camp session dates are as follows:

Session One: June 23 - June 29  (Nearly filled up!)

Session Two: July 1 - July 6

Session Three: July 9 - July 15

Session Four: July 17 - July 23

Session Five: July 25 - July 31   (Nearly filled up!)

Register as soon as possible before spaces are all gone!


-  Each year families may apply through TADS for the Archdiocese Elementary Family Grant.  This grant does not renew automatically.  Go to www.mytads.com to complete your new 2024-2025 financial aid application.  Please be sure to have your financial documents (2023 Federal tax form 1040, W-2, 1099, Calworks, Calfresh, Social Security, Workers Comp, Unemployment or any other financial documents requested by TADS). ready to upload or fax to TADS.
The application deadline is April 1, 2024.  Late applications will NOT be considered.  

- The Archdiocese of San Francisco is unable to provide financial aid to all students who apply. Applicants are ranked on the basis of financial need. Within the limit of available funds, the Archdiocese of San Francisco will then award financial aid.                                                                                   


Renewal emails for returning students have been sent by BASIC Fund to parent emails.  If you need to change your email for the Basic Fund or have questions, please call (415) 986-5650.  The Renewal Application deadline is March 29, 2024.  

* Please remember that 2023 Taxes are a part of the application, so plan accordingly to meet the March 29 deadline.


We live our core value to UNITE as students wear their school uniform with pride.  Please remember that the complete daily uniform includes the plain white polo shirt, navy slacks or uniform skirt/jumper, green uniform sweatshirt, black or white socks, and solid black or solid white sneakers (tennis shoes).  

On Fridays (unless there is a church service), students may wear the optional gray Aztecs hoodie, Aztecs sweatpants, and Aztecs T-shirt.

** To purchase the gray Aztecs sweats, obtain an order form in the school office.

For more details on the school uniform, refer to the Uniform section of the Parent-Student Handbook that was distributed on the first day of school, which is also available on the school website: http://www.stpeterssf.org/parents-students

Students who are out of uniform will receive a “Uniform Notice” to be signed by a parent or guardian, as a reminder about the uniform policy, and to help us unite as a school community.


March 20         5:30 PM First Reconciliation for First Communicants

March 21        8:30 AM  Lenten Reconciliation for 3rd and 4th Grades

March 22         Aztec Trek Walk-a-thon and Game Day 

March 25         Minimum Day–12:30 Dismissal

March 26         8:15 AM School Mass

March 27         8:45 AM  Stations of the Cross Prayer Service

March 27         Minimum Day–12:30 Dismissal

March 28         Minimum Day–12:30 Dismissal; School office closes at 1:30 PM

March 29-April 5     EASTER VACATION

April 8             School resumes; regular schedule

QUE PASA 3/13/2024 (ENGLISH)

Dear Parents,

          We are more than halfway through the season of Lent, and the time of Jesus’ death and resurrection are drawing near.  How are you and your family growing closer to God? Reflect on what makes you unwell, not necessarily physically, but mentally, emotionally, spiritually. What unhealthy thing takes up the space in your heart, mind, and soul that belongs to God?  As the Psalm below says, let us remember that God is merciful and always present, especially in our times of need.

The LORD is gracious and merciful,

slow to anger and of great kindness.

The LORD is good to all

and compassionate toward all his works.

The LORD is faithful in all his words

and holy in all his works.

The LORD lifts up all who are falling

and raises up all who are bowed down.

The LORD is just in all his ways

and holy in all his works.

The LORD is near to all who call upon him,

to all who call upon him in truth.

The Lord is gracious and merciful.

-Psalm 145:8-9


Merciful Lord, thank you for sending us your Son to free us from sin and make us new.  Help us to look forward in hope to the life that you have planned for us.   AMEN.

(from Daily Reflections for Lent, M. Poust)

–Mrs. Sandra Jimenez

Thank you for your time and cooperation during Parent-Teacher Conferences last week.  We appreciate your support and partnership as we help your child learn and grow here at school.  

If you haven’t done so already–please remember to sign and return your child’s report card to your child’s teacher. 


In partnership with BVCC, we are offering a parent workshop series, hosted by Pamela Lopez, LCSW (Licensed Clinical Social Worker).

- “We will delve into ways to cultivate connection with your child, learn the importance of reconnection to self, and discover how to support your child’s optimal healthy development.”

Workshops are focused on students in grades 5-8, but all parents are welcome to join.

The 2nd workshop of this series is on March 19 from 5:00-6:30 at St. Peter’s School.  Dinner and child care will be provided.  Scroll down to see the flier for more information.

** Please register for the workshop using this link by March 17: https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSfKUKJxfoGXqUP49XTE_MTWtuhAYz-ns10Cs-1rRv8gKmJWWg/viewform


The Aztec Trek fundraising collection envelope (mandatory minimum $125) is now past due.  If you have not yet turned in this envelope, please do so as soon as possible!

The Aztec Trek Walk-a-thon and game day will take place on Friday, March 22.  Each child was sent home with a field trip permission form for the walk-a-thon, as we will be walking to and from Precita Park.  Please sign and return this form by March 20.

Currently, here are the class standings:

1st place - 1st grade

2nd place - Kindergarten

3rd place - 4th grade

However, the standings can still change as classes earn more points on our game day.  Stay tuned to see who will be named the 2024 Aztec Trek Champion!



Registration is now open for the BVCC Summer Program! 

- Dates: June 10 - July 26 (Closed June 19 and July 4-5) 

- Location:  1249 Alabama Street at St. Peter's School

- Fees: $0-$400 per week (sliding scale). No one is turned away due to finances.

- Hours: 9:00 AM-3:30 PM

*Times may vary during field trips days 

- Extended Hours

8:00 AM-9:00 AM - $50 per week

4:00 PM-5:30 PM -  $75 per week

For both morning & afternoon care - $100 per week

Register your child at this link:


For more information please call 415-283-5545 or 415-713-0625


CYO Summer Camp registration is open for children ages 8-14!

** See the website for details and videos about CYO Summer Camp – https://catholiccharitiessf.org/cyocamp/cyo-summer-camp/

This week-long summer camp experience at CYO Camp in Occidental, CA normally costs $940, but because of generous camp scholarships for St. Peter’s students, the cost goes down significantly!

- If a family meets the income eligibility guidelines then the cost of camp is $140, or $200 with round trip bus transportation.

- If a family does not meet the income eligibility guidelines then the cost of camp is $390, or $450 with round trip bus transportation.

Register ONLINE by logging in to your existing account or create a new account at this website: https://cyocamp.campmanagement.com/p/request_for_info_m.php?action=enroll

** Be sure to indicate your child's school as St. Peter's so that you may receive the special rate.

Scholarships are LIMITED.  If you are interested in having your child attend CYO Summer Camp with the discounted price, please click on the links below to fill out BOTH the Caritas Campership Form and CYO Financial Aid Form, available in English and Spanish.  

ENGLISH Caritas Campership Form - https://www.caritascreek.org/camperships 

SPANISH Caritas Campership Form - https://forms.gle/jmt5skbDRsfEsgH2A 

ENGLISH CYO Financial Aid Form - https://forms.gle/c9CqVysUjurCbPa4A 

SPANISH CYO Financial Aid Form - https://forms.gle/32brFXXQ5QK3vPvM9 

Space is LIMITED in each camp session.  The camp session dates are as follows:

Session One: June 23 - June 29  (Nearly filled up!)

Session Two: July 1 - July 6

Session Three: July 9 - July 15

Session Four: July 17 - July 23

Session Five: July 25 - July 31   (Nearly filled up!)

Register as soon as possible before spaces are all gone!



-  Each year families may apply through TADS for the Archdiocese Elementary Family Grant.  This grant does not renew automatically.  Go to www.mytads.com to complete your new 2024-2025 financial aid application.  Please be sure to have your financial documents (2023 Federal tax form 1040, W-2, 1099, Calworks, Calfresh, Social Security, Workers Comp, Unemployment or any other financial documents requested by TADS). ready to upload or fax to TADS.
The application deadline is April 1, 2024.  Late applications will NOT be considered.  

- The Archdiocese of San Francisco is unable to provide financial aid to all students who apply. Applicants are ranked on the basis of financial need. Within the limit of available funds, the Archdiocese of San Francisco will then award financial aid.                                                                                   


Renewal emails for returning students have been sent by BASIC Fund to parent emails.  If you need to change your email for the Basic Fund or have questions, please call (415) 986-5650.  The Renewal Application deadline is March 29, 2024.  

* Please remember that 2023 Taxes are a part of the application, so plan accordingly to meet the March 29 deadline.


We live our core value to UNITE as students wear their school uniform with pride.  Please remember that the complete daily uniform includes the plain white polo shirt, navy slacks or uniform skirt/jumper, green uniform sweatshirt, black or white socks, and solid black or solid white sneakers (tennis shoes).  

On Fridays (unless there is a church service), students may wear the optional gray Aztecs hoodie, Aztecs sweatpants, and Aztecs T-shirt.

** To purchase the gray Aztecs sweats, obtain an order form in the school office.

For more details on the school uniform, refer to the Uniform section of the Parent-Student Handbook that was distributed on the first day of school, which is also available on the school website: http://www.stpeterssf.org/parents-students

Students who are out of uniform will receive a “Uniform Notice” to be signed by a parent or guardian, as a reminder about the uniform policy, and to help us unite as a school community.


March 14         STEAM Fair

March 19         8:15 AM School Mass

March 19         5:00 PM  “Connections” Parent Workshop

March 20         Minimum Day–12:30 Dismissal

March 20         5:30 PM First Reconciliation for First Communicants

March 21        8:30 AM  Lenten Reconciliation for 3rd and 4th Grades

March 22         Aztec Trek Walk-a-thon and Game Day     


Dear Parents,

       This week, our Parent-Teacher Conferences continue as we aim to strengthen the home-school partnership.  As parents, we strive to be role models of open hearts and open minds for our children; and during Lent we can reflect and recommit to this task.  At school, we encourage each other to develop a growth mindset and live our St. Peter’s School KEYS so that we can open our hearts and minds.  Lent pushes us to dig out of our souls all the things that have clogged our hearts, the little sins that we clench in our fists, keeping us from opening our hands, hearts, and minds freely. God is offering to not only lift the burden from our shoulders, but also to help in rebalancing our load in the future. Tossing those small bad habits, pushing aside bitterness and resentment so that we might love God with our whole heart, and with all our strength.  Now and beyond Lent, we should make time to turn to God in prayer and for strength.

What is weighing you down? How might you prayerfully sort through what takes up room in your heart and mind? What habits and grudges can be cleared out, left behind?

God, take away what clutters our hearts, feed us with your Word, so that we might have the strength and freedom to love you with all our hearts, all our souls, all our being.

(Adapted from Daily Reflections for Lent: Not By Bread Alone)

–Mrs. Sandra Jimenez

Tomorrow is another Minimum Day Dismissal for Parent-Teacher Zoom Conferences.  Thank you to all parents who have already met with teachers.  These conferences are important as we support student growth and learning.  If you still have not signed up for a conference time, please contact your child's teacher.

Also–remember to sign and return your child’s report card, which was sent home yesterday. 


As noted on our school calendar, there is NO SCHOOL tomorrow– Friday, March 8–while teachers attend an Archdiocese educator session for professional development.  School will resume with a regular schedule on Monday, March 11.  


Registration is now open for the BVCC Summer Program! 

- Dates: June 10 - July 26 (Closed June 19 and July 4-5) 

- Location:  1249 Alabama Street at St. Peter's School

- Fees: $0-$400 per week (sliding scale). No one is turned away due to finances.

- Hours: 9:00 AM-3:30 PM

*Times may vary during field trips days 

- Extended Hours

8:00 AM-9:00 AM - $50 per week

4:00 PM - 5:30 PM -  $75 per week

For both morning & afternoon care - $100 per week

Register your child at this link:


For more information please call 415-283-5545 or 415-713-0625


CYO Summer Camp registration is open for children ages 8-14!

** See the website for details and videos about CYO Summer Camp – https://catholiccharitiessf.org/cyocamp/cyo-summer-camp/

This week-long summer camp experience at CYO Camp in Occidental, CA normally costs $940, but because of generous camp scholarships for St. Peter’s students, the cost goes down significantly!

- If a family meets the income eligibility guidelines then the cost of camp is $140, or $200 with round trip bus transportation.

- If a family does not meet the income eligibility guidelines then the cost of camp is $390, or $450 with round trip bus transportation.

Register ONLINE by logging in to your existing account or create a new account at this website: https://cyocamp.campmanagement.com/p/request_for_info_m.php?action=enroll

** Be sure to indicate your child's school as St. Peter's so that you may receive the special rate.

Scholarships are LIMITED.  If you are interested in having your child attend CYO Summer Camp with the discounted price, please click on the links below to fill out BOTH the Caritas Campership Form and CYO Financial Aid Form, available in English and Spanish.  

ENGLISH Caritas Campership Form - https://www.caritascreek.org/camperships 

SPANISH Caritas Campership Form - https://forms.gle/jmt5skbDRsfEsgH2A 

ENGLISH CYO Financial Aid Form - https://forms.gle/c9CqVysUjurCbPa4A 

SPANISH CYO Financial Aid Form - https://forms.gle/32brFXXQ5QK3vPvM9 

Space is LIMITED in each camp session.  The camp session dates are as follows:

Session One: June 23 - June 29  (Nearly filled up!)

Session Two: July 1 - July 6

Session Three: July 9 - July 15

Session Four: July 17 - July 23

Session Five: July 25 - July 31   (Nearly filled up!)

Register as soon as possible before spaces are all gone!


 The final due date for the collection envelope is March 7, and the Aztec Trek Walk-a-thon and games will be held on March 22.

Thank you to all who have already turned in their minimum $125 collection!  This is a mandatory fundraiser–you will receive a notice if your minimum collection is not turned in by the due date!

Currently, here are the class standings:

1st place - 6th grade

2nd place - 5th grade 

3rd place - 7th grade

Check our website to see class standings and make a donation on Venmo – https://www.stpeterssf.org/aztec-trek



In partnership with BVCC, we are offering a parent workshop series, hosted by Pamela Lopez, LCSW (Licensed Clinical Social Worker).

- “We will delve into ways to cultivate connection with your child, learn the importance of reconnection to self, and discover how to support your child’s optimal healthy development.”

Workshops are focused on students in grades 5-8, but all parents are welcome to join.

The 2nd workshop of this series is on March 19 from 5:00-6:30 at St. Peter’s School.  Dinner and child care will be provided.

** Please register for the workshop using this link by March 17: https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSfKUKJxfoGXqUP49XTE_MTWtuhAYz-ns10Cs-1rRv8gKmJWWg/viewform


-  Each year families may apply through TADS for the Archdiocese Elementary Family Grant.  This grant does not renew automatically.  Go to www.mytads.com to complete your new 2024-2025 financial aid application.  Please be sure to have your financial documents (2023 Federal tax form 1040, W-2, 1099, Calworks, Calfresh, Social Security, Workers Comp, Unemployment or any other financial documents requested by TADS). ready to upload or fax to TADS.
The application deadline is April 1, 2024.  Late applications will NOT be considered.  

- The Archdiocese of San Francisco is unable to provide financial aid to all students who apply. Applicants are ranked on the basis of financial need. Within the limit of available funds, the Archdiocese of San Francisco will then award financial aid.                                                                                   


Renewal emails for returning students have been sent by BASIC Fund to parent emails.  If you need to change your email for the Basic Fund or have questions, please call (415) 986-5650.  The Renewal Application deadline is March 29, 2024.  

* Please remember that 2023 Taxes are a part of the application, so plan accordingly to meet the March 29 deadline.


We live our core value to UNITE as students wear their school uniform with pride.  Please remember that the complete daily uniform includes the plain white polo shirt, navy slacks or uniform skirt/jumper, green uniform sweatshirt, black or white socks, and solid black or solid white sneakers (tennis shoes).  

On Fridays (unless there is a church service), students may wear the optional gray Aztecs hoodie, Aztecs sweatpants, and Aztecs T-shirt.

** To purchase the gray Aztecs sweats, obtain an order form in the school office.

For more details on the school uniform, refer to the Uniform section of the Parent-Student Handbook that was distributed on the first day of school, which is also available on the school website: http://www.stpeterssf.org/parents-students

Students who are out of uniform will receive a “Uniform Notice” to be signed by a parent or guardian, as a reminder about the uniform policy, and to help us unite as a school community!


Homeroom teachers identify and describe Students of the Month at the end of each month. We all celebrate these students because they have exemplified living the St. Peter’s KEYS:

Knowledge feeds GROWTH. 

Every ACCOMPLISHMENT needs courage.

You are LOVE.


Congratulations to our February Students of the Month!

Kindergarten - Matteo Jara loves to help out the teacher. He comes to school and always asks how he can help. He gets his work done and then loves to walk around offering help to anyone who needs it. Matteo is a bright member of the classroom. He makes all his classmates feel so welcome and special. He uses the KEYS to grow, love, and accomplish every time he gets work done. Congratulations, Matteo!

1st Grade - Ariyah Ghattas exemplifies the St. Peter's core values of LOVE and GROWTH. She always helps the teacher and other students without being asked. She has also been working very hard on raising her hand more and sharing her thoughts with the rest of the class. Keep up the amazing work, Ariyah! We love to hear what you have to say!

2nd Grade - Ariana Pineda always shows a great attitude and does a great job with everything she does. She is an especially strong reader. She is respectful to both grownups and students and is a good friend. Good job, Ariana!

3rd Grade - Sophia Chavez shows up every day with perfect attendance. She always listens and follows directions the first time, and she is kind and respectful to her classmates. She puts her best effort in her writing and you can always catch her solving a tricky math problem! She comes into class ready to ACCOMPLISH and UNITE. We are glad to have you in class, Sophia!

4th Grade - Alexander Salinas has been a shining example of a student living out St. Peter's School KEYS.  Being new to St. Peter's School and to the fourth grade class, he has done an amazing job becoming a part of our school community.  He has brought an energy and kindness that has brightened our classroom.  He works hard each day growing as a student working on programs like Lexia and STMath in class and consistently turning in his homework.  He has made lots of friends in class, and it has been a blessing having him become a part of our St. Peter's School family.  Keep up the great work Alexander!  You are a star! 

5th Grade - Xitlali Cortes comes to class with a smile and is always prepared to learn. She demonstrates her ability to take initiative and ownership when it comes to her learning. She persists through challenges and doesn't hesitate to ask questions that continue to support her in her learning. She demonstrates our KEYS each day by being on task, helping no matter the task, and being a kind and supportive classmate and friend. Way to grow, accomplish, love, serve, and unite in fifth grade, Xitlali! 

6th Grade - Damian Perez Ortega is always all-in, putting full effort towards the task at hand.  He shows excellent ability to set goals and eagerness to achieve them.. He wants to be challenged academically and also with co-curricular activities.  He is a good friend by extending help to his classmates. Plus, he showed great progress on his STAR test.  Congratulations, Damian!

7th Grade - Alejandra Nava-Gomez demonstrates leadership, and our core values to grow and serve. She is innovative and is always engaged in her learning. She contributes to her learning and is always ready to lend a hand. She is radiant and positive. Keep being you, Ale!! 

8th Grade - Isaiah Arguello has grown and accomplished so much this year! He has been an active member of our school community as the Student Council President, student, and friend. He continually demonstrates what it means to serve and brings that positive energy to those around him. Isaiah always has a smile on his face and is ready to tackle the next challenge. Way to go, Isaiah!  


March 4-8        7th Grade Caritas Creek Camp Retreat (rescheduled week)

March 5-7        Minimum Days–12:30 Dismissal; Parent-Teacher Conferences

March 7           8:30 AM–Lenten Reconciliation for 5th & 6th Grades

March 8           No School; Archdiocese Teacher In-service Day

March 12         8:15 AM School Mass

March 13         5:30 PM First Communion Parent Zoom Meeting

March 13         Minimum Day–12:30 Dismissal

March 14         STEAM Fair

QUE PASA 2/28/2024

Dear Parents,

       Teachers are preparing for our upcoming Parent-Teacher conferences as we appreciate the partnership between home and school.  With all the different responsibilities we have as parents, we may easily feel overwhelmed and tired.  Yet Lent can be a time for our renewal.  Let’s not forget how Jesus can be a source of strength and a loving comfort to us, and how we can follow his example to spread that love and be a positive example for our children. 


How true are Jesus’ words, which invite those who are tired and weary to come to Him to find rest! His arms outstretched on the cross show that no one is excluded from his love and his mercy, not even the greatest sinner: no one!

-Pope Francis


Heavenly Father, your son’s death on the cross stands as a testament to your endless love and care for all of us. No one who seeks you out is excluded from your love, no matter what we have done. No one is cut off from your mercy, no matter how great our suffering. Give me the courage, Lord, to always look to Christ crucified as the promise of mercy for me. In this Lenten season, give me the confidence to trust that your love for me will never die. AMEN.

(from “The Joy of Lent: Encouragement and Daily Prayers”)

–Mrs. Sandra Jimenez

This Friday marks the end of Trimester 2; therefore it is time for teachers to share report cards with parents and students.  Report cards will be discussed at the mandatory Parent-Teacher Conferences coming up next week.

On Class Dojo, each teacher shared a link to sign up for a Parent-Teacher Zoom conference for March 5, 6, or 7.  (March 5-7 will all be Minimum Day–12:30–dismissal.)  If you have not already done so, please choose a conference time slot in order to meet with your child’s teacher.  These conferences are important as we continue to support student growth and learning.  

If you have any questions, please contact your child’s teacher or call the school office.


As noted on our school calendar, there is NO SCHOOL on Friday, March 8 while teachers attend an Archdiocese educator session for professional development.  School will resume with a regular schedule on Monday, March 11.  


During the season of Lent, our students in 2nd - 8th grades will have the opportunity to receive the sacrament of Reconciliation.  As Lent is a time for prayer and repentance, receiving Reconciliation will help our children grow closer to God and understand Jesus’ great love and sacrifice for us all.  The Lenten Reconciliation schedule is below:

February 29 - 7th & 8th grades

March 7 - 5th & 6th grades

March 20 - 2nd grade and First Communicants

March 21 - 3rd & 4th grades


Thank you to all who have already turned in their minimum $125 collection for our mandatory school fundraiser, the Aztec Trek!  The final due date for the collection envelope is March 7, and the Aztec Trek Walk-a-thon and games will be held on March 22.

Remember–the more money that you collect, the more prizes you receive and the more points your class will receive towards a class prize! 

Currently, here are the class standings:

1st place - 6th grade

2nd place - 7th grade 

3rd place = 3rd grade

Check our website to see class standings and make a donation on Venmo – https://www.stpeterssf.org/aztec-trek



-  Each year families may apply through TADS for the Archdiocese Elementary Family Grant.  This grant does not renew automatically.  TADS is now accepting applications for the school term 2024-2025,  If you are interested in applying, please go to www.mytads.com to complete your new 2024-2025 financial aid application.  Please be sure to have your financial documents (2023 Federal tax form 1040, W-2, 1099, Calworks, Calfresh, Social Security, Workers Comp, Unemployment or any other financial documents requested by TADS). ready to upload or fax to TADS.
-  Your application and all documents need to be received by TADS no later than April 1, 2024.  After the Student Aid Form has been processed by TADS, the Department of Catholic Schools gathers the completed application materials. The Archdiocese of San Francisco is unable to provide financial aid to all students who apply. Applicants are ranked on the basis of financial need. Within the limit of available funds, the Archdiocese of San Francisco will then award financial aid.                                                                                   

-  Late applications will NOT be considered. Students must live in Marin, San Francisco, or San Mateo Counties to be considered for the Archdiocesan Scholarship. Please visit the other scholarship programs section for more opportunities. Grant notifications will be sent out from the Archdiocese to the elementary students’ families in late May/early June.                                                                                              

If you have any questions, phone TADS at 800-477-8237.


The BASIC Fund application for new students is now available online at https://basicfund.org/. The New Application deadline is March 29, 2024. 

Renewal emails for returning students have been  sent by BASIC Fund to parent emails.  If you need to change your email for the Basic Fund or have questions, please call (415) 986-5650.  The Renewal Application deadline is March 29, 2024.


We live our core value to UNITE as students wear their school uniform with pride.  Please remember that the complete daily uniform includes the plain white polo shirt, navy slacks or uniform skirt/jumper, green uniform sweatshirt, black or white socks, and solid black or solid white sneakers (tennis shoes).  

On Fridays (unless there is a church service), students may wear the optional gray Aztecs hoodie, Aztecs sweatpants, and Aztecs T-shirt.

** To purchase the gray Aztecs sweats, obtain an order form in the school office.

For more details on the school uniform, refer to the Uniform section of the Parent-Student Handbook that was distributed on the first day of school, which is also available on the school website: http://www.stpeterssf.org/parents-students

Students who are out of uniform will receive a “Uniform Notice” to be signed by a parent or guardian, as a reminder about the uniform policy, and to help us unite as a school community!


February 29      8:30 AM–Lenten Reconciliation for 7th & 8th Grades

March 1            End of Trimester 2

March 4-8        7th Grade Caritas Creek Camp Retreat (rescheduled week)

March 5           8:15 AM School Mass

March 5-7        Minimum Days–12:30 Dismissal; Parent-Teacher Conferences

March 7           8:30 AM–Lenten Reconciliation for 5th & 6th Grades

March 8           No School; Archdiocese Teacher In-service Day

QUE PASA 2/21/2024 (ENGLISH)

Dear Parents,

       This week, we celebrate the Feast of the Chair of St. Peter.  On this day, we remember Christ’s choosing of Simon Peter to sit in his place as the servant-authority of the whole Church.  In other words, we consider St. Peter the first Pope of the Church.  He is the Rock on which the Church was built, and also the patron saint of our school and parish!     

       As we move forward during this season of Lent, we look towards St. Peter as an example of strength and faith, for even when Peter lost his faith, he found his way back to Jesus to become a leader of our Church and to hold the KEYS to the gates of Heaven.  

       Together let us pray:

Pray for us, Saint Peter the Apostle,
That we may be made worthy of the promises of Christ.              

O God,
who has given unto Thy blessed Apostle Peter
the keys to the kingdom of heaven,
and the power to bind and loose:
grant that we may be delivered,
through the help of this intercession,
from the slavery of all our sins:
Who lives and reigns, world without end. Amen.

 (from www.daily-prayers.org)

–Mrs. Sandra Jimenez


Tomorrow (Thursday, February 22) we will have our school Mass  at 8:15 AM in honor of the Feast of the Chair of St. Peter, our school and parish patron saint.  Please join us for this Eucharistic celebration.

**Since Thursday is a school Mass day, please be sure that your child is in complete uniform; No free dress passes.


As noted on our school calendar, we have a Minimum Day (12:30 Dismissal) on Monday, February 26 so that teachers may attend a faculty meeting.  BVCC will be open for students who are registered for Mondays.  All other students should be on their way home or picked up at the 12:30 dismissal time.  Please plan accordingly.


Thank you to all who have already turned in their minimum $125 collection for our mandatory school fundraiser, the Aztec Trek!  The final due date for the collection envelope is March 7, and the Aztec Trek Walk-a-thon and games will be held on March 22.

Remember–the more money that you collect, the more prizes you receive and the more points your class will receive towards a class prize! 

Currently, here are the class standings:

1st place - 6th grade

2nd place - 8th grade 

3rd place - 1st grade

Check our website to see class standings and make a donation on Venmo – https://www.stpeterssf.org/aztec-trek



-  Each year families may apply through TADS for the Archdiocese Elementary Family Grant.  This grant does not renew automatically.  TADS is now accepting applications for the school term 2024-2025,  If you are interested in applying, please go to www.mytads.com to complete your new 2024-2025 financial aid application.  Please be sure to have your financial documents (2023 Federal tax form 1040, W-2, 1099, Calworks, Calfresh, Social Security, Workers Comp, Unemployment or any other financial documents requested by TADS). ready to upload or fax to TADS.
-  Your application and all documents need to be received by TADS no later than April 1, 2024.  After the Student Aid Form has been processed by TADS, the Department of Catholic Schools gathers the completed application materials. The Archdiocese of San Francisco is unable to provide financial aid to all students who apply. Applicants are ranked on the basis of financial need. Within the limit of available funds, the Archdiocese of San Francisco will then award financial aid.                                                                                   

-  Late applications will NOT be considered. Students must live in Marin, San Francisco, or San Mateo Counties to be considered for the Archdiocesan Scholarship. Please visit the other scholarship programs section for more opportunities. Grant notifications will be sent out from the Archdiocese to the elementary students’ families in late May/early June.                                                                                              

If you have any questions, phone TADS at 800-477-8237.


The BASIC Fund application for new students is now available online at https://basicfund.org/. The New Application deadline is March 29, 2024. 

Renewal emails for returning students have been  sent by BASIC Fund to parent emails.  If you need to change your email for the Basic Fund or have questions, please call (415) 986-5650.  The Renewal Application deadline is March 29, 2024.


We live our core value to UNITE as students wear their school uniform with pride.  Please remember that the complete daily uniform includes the plain white polo shirt, navy slacks or uniform skirt/jumper, green uniform sweatshirt, black or white socks, and solid black or solid white sneakers (tennis shoes).  

On Fridays (unless there is a church service), students may wear the optional gray Aztecs hoodie, Aztecs sweatpants, and Aztecs T-shirt.

** To purchase the gray Aztecs sweats, obtain an order form in the school office.

For more details on the school uniform, refer to the Uniform section of the Parent-Student Handbook that was distributed on the first day of school, which is also available on the school website: http://www.stpeterssf.org/parents-students

Students who are out of uniform will receive a “Uniform Notice” to be signed by a parent or guardian, as a reminder about the uniform policy, and to help us unite as a school community!


February 22      8:15 AM School Mass–Feast of the Chair of St. Peter

February 26      Minimum Day–12:30 PM Dismissal

February 27      8:15 AM School Mass

February 28      Minimum Day–12:30 PM Dismissal

February 29      8:30 AM–Lenten Reconciliation for 7th & 8th Grades

March 1            End of Trimester 2

March 4-8        7th Grade Caritas Creek Camp Retreat (rescheduled week)

March 5-7        Minimum Days–12:30 Dismissal; Parent-Teacher Conferences

March 7           8:30 AM–Lenten Reconciliation for 5th & 6th Grades

March 8           No School; Archdiocese Teacher In-service Day

QUE PASA 2/14/2024 (ENGLISH)

Dear Parents,

       Today, Ash Wednesday, marks the beginning of Lent. This is a special liturgical season when we take time to pray, reflect, repent, and renew so that we can grow closer to God as we prepare for the death and resurrection of Jesus.  Throughout Lent, I’d like to offer a reflection (from Daily Reflections for Lent: Not By Bread Alone) as we journey through Lent with each other and with our children:  

“Ash Wednesday is marked with a somber sign of our faith.  The cross on our forehead is meant to leave a lasting imprint deep within, like a spiritual tattoo that will linger long after we complete the 40-day course.  The sacrifices and prayers of the season help us clear a path, but we can’t stop there, not if we want to experience real transformation. God wants nothing less than our hearts broken open so that he might find a resting place within and make us whole. Yes, the exterior practices are important, but what matters most is what happens unseen within our hearts and souls.” 

Heavenly Father, guide us in the right ways as we begin our Lenten journey. Give us the courage to allow ourselves to be transformed by your love. Help us to use our Lenten sacrifices to dig deeper into our spiritual center and carve out a space for you alone. AMEN.

–Mrs. Sandra Jimenez


As noted on our school calendar, there is NO SCHOOL on Friday, February 16 and Monday, February 19 for the President’s Day Break.  School will resume with a regular schedule on Tuesday, February 20.


Next week, we will not have school Mass on Tuesday.  Instead, we will have our school Mass on Thursday, February 22 at 8:15 AM in honor of the Feast of the Chair of St. Peter, our school and parish patron saint.  Please join us for this Eucharistic celebration.

**Since Thursday is a school Mass day, please be sure that your child is in complete uniform; No free dress passes.


St. Peter’s Lifetouch Spring Picture Day will take place TOMORROW–Thursday, February 15.  These photos are OPTIONAL for students to take.

If your child is taking a spring photo, he/she may wear appropriate free dress, as outlined in our School Handbook. The last week we sent the orders at hone,  you may order online at https://my.lifetouch.com/mylifetouch/#/ and enter our school Picture Day ID:  EVTNS8RFP


We will be taking our whole-school panoramic photo on Tuesday, February 20.  For this photo, all students should be in uniform (no free dress passes).

If you would like to order this panoramic photo, you may order with the order form being sent home, or order online at at https://my.lifetouch.com/mylifetouch/#/ and enter our school Picture Day ID:  BY043129T0


Thank you to all who have already turned in their minimum $125 collection for our mandatory school fundraiser, the Aztec Trek!  The final due date for the collection envelope is March 7, and the Aztec Trek Walk-a-thon and games will be held on March 22.

Remember–the more money that you collect, the more prizes you receive and the more points your class will receive towards a class prize!  .

Currently, here are the class standings:

1st place - 8th grade

2nd place - 6th grade

3rd place - 1st grade

Check our website to see class standings and make a donation on Venmo – https://www.stpeterssf.org/aztec-trek



-  Each year families may apply through TADS for the Archdiocese Elementary Family Grant.  This grant does not renew automatically.  TADS is now accepting applications for the school term 2024-2025,  If you are interested in applying, please go to www.mytads.com to complete your new 2024-2025 financial aid application.  Please be sure to have your financial documents (2023 Federal tax form 1040, W-2, 1099, Calworks, Calfresh, Social Security, Workers Comp, Unemployment or any other financial documents requested by TADS). ready to upload or fax to TADS.
-  Your application and all documents need to be received by TADS no later than April 1, 2024.  After the Student Aid Form has been processed by TADS, the Department of Catholic Schools gathers the completed application materials. The Archdiocese of San Francisco is unable to provide financial aid to all students who apply. Applicants are ranked on the basis of financial need. Within the limit of available funds, the Archdiocese of San Francisco will then award financial aid.                                                                                   

-  Late applications will NOT be considered. Students must live in Marin, San Francisco, or San Mateo Counties to be considered for the Archdiocesan Scholarship. Please visit the other scholarship programs section for more opportunities. Grant notifications will be sent out from the Archdiocese to the elementary students’ families in late May/early June.                                                                                              

If you have any questions, phone TADS at 800-477-8237.


The BASIC Fund application for new students is now available online at https://basicfund.org/. The New Application deadline is March 29, 2024. 

Renewal emails for returning students have been  sent by BASIC Fund to parent emails.  If you need to change your email for the Basic Fund or have questions, please call (415) 986-5650.  The Renewal Application deadline is March 29, 2024.


We live our core value to UNITE as students wear their school uniform with pride.  Please remember that the complete daily uniform includes the plain white polo shirt, navy slacks or uniform skirt/jumper, green uniform sweatshirt, black or white socks, and solid black or solid white sneakers (tennis shoes).  

On Fridays (unless there is a church service), students may wear the optional gray Aztecs hoodie, Aztecs sweatpants, and Aztecs T-shirt.

** To purchase the gray Aztecs sweats, obtain an order form in the school office.

For more details on the school uniform, refer to the Uniform section of the Parent-Student Handbook that was distributed on the first day of school, which is also available on the school website: http://www.stpeterssf.org/parents-students

Students who are out of uniform will receive a “Uniform Notice” to be signed by a parent or guardian, as a reminder about the uniform policy, and to help us unite as a school community!


February 15         LifeTouch Spring Picture Day

February 16, 19   NO SCHOOL; President’s Day Break

February 20      LifeTouch School Panoramic Picture Day

February 22      8:15 AM School Mass–Feast of the Chair of St. Peter

February 26      Minimum Day–12:30 PM Dismissal


Dear Parents,

       February is upon us! Since Valentine’s Day is in February, I associate the month of February with one of our school’s core values–LOVE.  February is also the month of the Holy Family, a family that we may look towards as an example of unconditional love.  Below is a prayer that we can offer together to remind us of our love for our families, and to remind us that we are a school family working together to help our children open their hearts and minds. As stated in our school philosophy–We are a family–somos una familia–with parents, students, and educators working together.

JESUS, Son of God and Son of Mary, bless our family. Graciously inspire in us the unity, peace, and mutual love that you found in your own family in the little town of Nazareth.

MARY, Mother of Jesus and Our Mother, nourish our family with your faith and your love. Keep us close to your Son, Jesus, in all our sorrows and joys.

JOSEPH, Foster-father to Jesus, guardian and spouse of Mary, keep our family safe from harm. Help us in all times of discouragement or anxiety.

HOLY FAMILY OF NAZARETH, make our family one with you. Help us to be instruments of peace. Grant that love, strengthened by grace, may prove mightier than all the weaknesses and trials through which our families sometimes pass. May we always have God at the center of our hearts and homes until we are all one family, happy and at peace in our true home with you.   AMEN.

–Mrs. Sandra Jimenez


As noted on our school calendar, Monday, February 12 is a 12:00 dismissal day for teachers to attend an Archdiocesan professional development session.  BVCC will be open for students who are registered for Mondays.  If your child is not registered for BVCC, please plan accordingly for your child to be picked up on the way home at the 12:00 dismissal time. 

Also noted on our school calendar–there is NO SCHOOL on Friday, February 16 and Monday, February 19 for the President’s Day Break.


Next week, we begin the liturgical season of LENT on Ash Wednesday.  We will have school Mass on Ash Wednesday–February 14–at 9:30 AM.  Families are welcome to join us at this Mass.

* We will not have school Mass on Tuesday next week since we will be attending Mass on Ash Wednesday.


Because Ash Wednesday is on February 14 (Valentine’s Day), classes will be having their Valentine’s celebrations on TUESDAY, February 13.  Valentine treats will NOT be distributed on February 14 in respect of Ash Wednesday.

For Valentine’s Day, students may distribute pre-packaged snacks or treats and/or non-edible items (such as pencils or stickers) to their classmates.  Please be sure that your child has enough items to distribute to each person in his/her class.  Teachers will let you know how many students are in each class.


St. Peter’s Lifetouch Spring Picture Day will take place on Thursday, February 15.  These photos are OPTIONAL for students to take.

If your child is taking a spring photo, he/she may wear appropriate free dress, as outlined in our School Handbook.  Order forms will be sent home, or you may order online at https://my.lifetouch.com/mylifetouch/#/ and enter our school Picture Day ID:  EVTNS8RFP


In partnership with BVCC, we are offering a parent workshop series, hosted by Pamela Lopez, LCSW (Licensed Clinical Social Worker).

- “We will delve into ways to cultivate connection with your child, learn the importance of reconnection to self, and discover how to support your child’s optimal healthy development.”

Workshops are focused on students in grades 5-8, but all parents are welcome to join.

The first workshop is on February 13 from 5:00-6:30 at St. Peter’s School.  Dinner and child care will be provided.

** Please register for the workshop using this link by February 12: https://forms.gle/1XwmZ1RbT2hojfXf8 and see the flier below for more information. 


Last week, Progress Reports for Trimester 2 were sent home.  Progress Reports provide a snapshot of your child’s progress, giving time to maintain grades or submit work for improvement before the end of the trimester Report Card arrives.  

Signed and returned Progress Reports are now past due. Please sign and return your child’s progress report if you have not already done so.  If you have any questions regarding the progress report, please contact your child’s teacher.


We are now in the 3rd window of STAR assessments–February 5-16.  These standardized assessments are taken four times throughout the school year and help provide additional data on student progress in Math and Reading.  If you have any questions about STAR assessments, please contact your child’s teacher.


-  Each year families may apply through TADS for the Archdiocese Elementary Family Grant.  This grant does not renew automatically.  TADS is now accepting applications for the school term 2024-2025,  If you are interested in applying, please go to www.mytads.com to complete your new 2024-2025 financial aid application.  Please be sure to have your financial documents (2023 Federal tax form 1040, W-2, 1099, Calworks, Calfresh, Social Security, Workers Comp, Unemployment or any other financial documents requested by TADS). ready to upload or fax to TADS.
-  Your application and all documents need to be received by TADS no later than April 1, 2024.  After the Student Aid Form has been processed by TADS, the Department of Catholic Schools gathers the completed application materials. The Archdiocese of San Francisco is unable to provide financial aid to all students who apply. Applicants are ranked on the basis of financial need. Within the limit of available funds, the Archdiocese of San Francisco will then award financial aid.                                                                                   

-  Late applications will NOT be considered. Students must live in Marin, San Francisco, or San Mateo Counties to be considered for the Archdiocesan Scholarship. Please visit the other scholarship programs section for more opportunities. Grant notifications will be sent out from the Archdiocese to the elementary students’ families in late May/early June.                                                                                              

If you have any questions, phone TADS at 800-477-8237.


The BASIC Fund application for new students is now available online at https://basicfund.org/. The New Application deadline is March 29, 2024. 

Renewal emails for returning students have been  sent by BASIC Fund to parent emails.  If you need to change your email for the Basic Fund or have questions, please call (415) 986-5650.  The Renewal Application deadline is March 29, 2024.


We live our core value to UNITE as students wear their school uniform with pride.  Please remember that the complete daily uniform includes the plain white polo shirt, navy slacks or uniform skirt/jumper, green uniform sweatshirt, black or white socks, and solid black or solid white sneakers (tennis shoes).  

On Fridays (unless there is a church service), students may wear the optional gray Aztecs hoodie, Aztecs sweatpants, and Aztecs T-shirt.

** To purchase the gray Aztecs sweats, obtain an order form in the school office.

For more details on the school uniform, refer to the Uniform section of the Parent-Student Handbook that was distributed on the first day of school, which is also available on the school website: http://www.stpeterssf.org/parents-students

Students who are out of uniform will receive a “Uniform Notice” to be signed by a parent or guardian, as a reminder about the uniform policy, and to help us unite as a school community!


Homeroom teachers identify and describe Students of the Month at the end of each month. We all celebrate these students because they have exemplified living the St. Peter’s KEYS:

Knowledge feeds GROWTH. 

Every ACCOMPLISHMENT needs courage.

You are LOVE.


Congratulations to our January Students of the Month!

Kindergarten - Alejandra Soto comes to school ready to learn. She takes in everything like a sponge. She listens intently, finishes her work, and helps others. She likes to be challenged and participate in whole-class and small-group learning. Alejandra lives out the KEYS by completing all her work and helping her fellow classmates. She unites the class by reminding others to listen. Congratulations, Alejandra! 

1st Grade - Itzayana Robelo Hernandez brightens up the classroom when she walks in. She continues to GROW and ACCOMPLISH in math and in writing. She is also very friendly and has been a wonderful ambassador to our visitors. Way to go, Itzayana!

2nd Grade - Isabella Calderon always displays the St. Peter's core value of LOVE. She comes to school with a smile and a positive attitude. She has really grown as a reader and gets excited when she learns new things. Keep up the great work, Isabella!

3rd Grade - Rosemarie Garcia has been described as hardworking, focused and caring by her classmates. She is an active listener and a student you can always find doing her best work and staying on task. Most of all she has a compassionate heart and a great friend to others. She comes into class ready to UNITE and ACCOMPLISH. We are glad to have you in class, Rosemarie! 

4th Grade - Joshua Estrada has been a star student and a shining example of someone living out St. Peter's School's KEYS. Joshua brings enthusiasm and energy to class each day as he cheers on and supports his classmates whenever we take part in a Kahoot or Blooket.  He really cares about his learning and is consistent with his classwork and homework.  In addition to being a solid student in class, he is also a really good friend to everyone in class and loves his family.  Keep up the great work, Joshua!  You have earned it.

5th Grade - Ethan Morales-Romero has demonstrated his ability to be accountable for his learning. He asks questions that help support his learning, accepts new challenges, and persists through the challenges with humor. His ability to advocate for himself is going to continue to serve him well. Ethan demonstrates the KEYS each day by completing his schoolwork, supporting his friends and teammates, and keeping a positive attitude.  Way to grow, accomplish, love, serve, and unite in fifth grade, Ethan!

6th Grade - Eduardo Rodriguez Flores is always punctual–NO TARDIES and NO ABSENCES!  He shows initiative and eagerness to learn.  He participates in class and extends help to his classmates.  Thank you, Eduardo!

7th Grade - Milena Arevalo-Zelayandia exemplifies St. Peter's core values of LOVE and UNITE by showing concern for others, helping out in the classroom, and being kind-hearted with her classmates. Milena radiates kindness and empathy toward others. She also demonstrates growth in her faith and in her school work. Great job, Milena! Keep being you! 

8th Grade - Paola Carranza has continued to grow this year! She has a drive to be academically successful and has offered herself to help others whenever possible. Her focus and dedication are admirable and by taking risks, she has grown in many ways. Paola continues to keep an open heart and open mind, for herself and for those around her. Keep up the great work, Paola!  


February 7        5:30 PM Parent First Communion Zoom Meeting

February 12      12:00 Dismissal

February 14      9:30 AM Ash Wednesday School Mass; LENT begins

February 14        12:30 Dismissal

February 15     LifeTouch Spring Picture Day

February 16, 19   NO SCHOOL; President’s Day Break

February 20      LifeTouch School Panoramic Picture Day


Dear Parents,

        Happy Catholic Schools Week and Happy 100th Day of School!  This week, we’ve been taking the time to reflect on Catholic education and all the ways that we learn to grow, accomplish, love, serve, and unite here at St. Peter’s School. We are thankful for those that support us in our Catholic school mission, and that here and at home, both our faith and our minds can grow.  In gratitude, I offer this prayer (adapted from www.thereligionteacher.com)

Almighty Father,

You sent forth your Son as a beacon of hope for all people.  As Teacher, he has given us the prime example of the importance of education.  As disciples, we look to him for inspiration and strength.  Thank you for the many sisters, brothers, priests, and laypeople who have dedicated their lives in service to our Catholic schools.  Thank you for the teachers and administrators who sustain our schools today.  Thank you for the parents who have given support to the importance of Catholic education in their daily lives.  Thank you for the students who work hard to further their education.

Bless St. Peter’s School and the many people who advance our mission.  May our building be a home for those who seek to grow in faith, knowledge, and service of others.  Fill our minds with knowledge and wisdom.  May our understanding of the world help us to grow in appreciation for it.  Fill our hearts with gladness.Fill our hands with the tools we need to serve others.  May we show them your unceasing love through our actions. AMEN.

--Mrs. Sandra Jimenez



This week, we celebrate UNITY as a Catholic School and take time to reflect on and appreciate our Catholic School education.  

Here are the remaining days for Catholic Schools Week.  Show your school spirit by participating in the activities!

2/1 – Thankful Thursday: Special notes for all who support us in our Catholic education

2/2 – Fundraiser Friday: $5 Boba Drink Sale during recess!


Today, Progress Reports for Trimester 2 are being sent home.  Progress Reports provide a snapshot of your child’s progress, giving time to maintain grades or submit work for improvement before the end of the trimester arrives.  

All progress reports should be signed by a parent and returned to the teacher by this Friday.  If you have any questions regarding the progress report, please contact your child’s teacher.


The 3rd window of STAR assessments will take place from February 5-16.  These standardized assessments are taken four times throughout the school year and help provide additional data on student progress in Math and Reading.  If you have any questions about STAR assessments, please contact your child’s teacher.

Next week, our 7th graders will be on their 5-day Caritas Creek Camp retreat at the CYO Camp site in Occidental.  Please keep them in your prayers as they take time to learn, reflect, and grow together!


As noted on our school calendar, Monday, February 12 is a 12:00 dismissal day for teachers to attend an Archdiocesan professional development session.  BVCC will be open for students who are registered for Mondays.  If your child is not registered for BVCC, please plan accordingly for your child to be picked up on the way home at the 12:00 dismissal time. 


In partnership with BVCC, we are offering a parent workshop series, hosted by Pamela Lopez, LCSW (Licensed Clinical Social Worker).

- “We will delve into ways to cultivate connection with your child, learn the importance of reconnection to self, and discover how to support your child’s optimal healthy development.”

Workshops are focused on students in grades 5-8, but all parents are welcome to join.

The first workshop is on February 13 from 5:00-6:30 at St. Peter’s School.  Dinner and child care will be provided.

** Please register for the workshop using this link by February 12: https://forms.gle/1XwmZ1RbT2hojfXf8 and see the flier below for more information. 


Each year families may apply through TADS for the Archdiocese Elementary Family Grant.  This grant does not renew automatically.  TADS is now accepting applications for the school term 2024-2025,  If you are interested in applying, please go to www.mytads.com to complete your new 2024-2025 financial aid application.  Please be sure to have your financial documents (2023 Federal tax form 1040, W-2, 1099, Calworks, Calfresh, Social Security, Workers Comp, Unemployment or any other financial documents requested by TADS). ready to upload or fax to TADS.
Your application and all documents need to be received by TADS no later than April 1, 2024.  After the Student Aid Form has been processed by TADS, the Department of Catholic Schools gathers the completed application materials. The Archdiocese of San Francisco is unable to provide financial aid to all students who apply. Applicants are ranked on the basis of financial need. Within the limit of available funds, the Archdiocese of San Francisco will then award financial aid.  

Late applications will NOT be considered. Students must live in Marin, San Francisco, or San Mateo Counties to be considered for the Archdiocesan Scholarship. Please visit the other scholarship programs section for more opportunities. Grant notifications will be sent out from the Archdiocese to the elementary students’ families in late May/early June.                                                                                              

If you have any questions, phone TADS at 800-477-8237.


The BASIC Fund application for new students is now available online at https://basicfund.org/. The New Application deadline is March 29, 2024. 

Renewal emails for returning students will be sent by BASIC Fund to your email starting in February, 2024.  If you need to change your email for the Basic Fund or have questions, please call (415) 986-5650.  The Renewal Application deadline is March 29, 2024.


Spread the word!  Students entering Kindergarten for the 2024-2025 school year are invited to participate in “Mornings in Kindergarten.”  While parents take a tour of the school, the prospective Kindergartener will spend some time in the Kindergarten classroom.  

** As announced last school year, the 2024 -2025 Kindergarten class will be our first DUAL-LANGUAGE IMMERSION (DLI) class, with academic content being taught in English and Spanish.  For more information about the upcoming DLI program, visit our website at https://www.stpeterssf.org/dli

Students entering grades 1-7 for the 2023-2024 school year are invited to participate in “Shadow Visits,” when they spend some time in their grade-level classroom, and take their entrance exam afterwards.

If you or someone you know is interested in scheduling a Morning In Kindergarten or Shadow Visit, contact the school office at 415-647-8662, or email our School Marketing Coordinator, Janelle Godoy at jgodoy@sanpedro.org.


We live our core value to UNITE as students wear their school uniform with pride.  Please remember that the complete daily uniform includes the plain white polo shirt, navy slacks or uniform skirt/jumper, green uniform sweatshirt, black or white socks, and solid black or solid white sneakers (tennis shoes).  

On Fridays (unless there is a church service), students may wear the optional gray Aztecs hoodie, Aztecs sweatpants, and Aztecs T-shirt.

** To purchase the gray Aztecs sweats, obtain an order form in the school office.

For more details on the school uniform, refer to the Uniform section of the Parent-Student Handbook that was distributed on the first day of school, which is also available on the school website: http://www.stpeterssf.org/parents-students

Students who are out of uniform will receive a “Uniform Notice” to be signed by a parent or guardian, as a reminder about the uniform policy, and to help us unite as a school community!


January 28-February 2   Catholic Schools Week

January 31        Trimester 2 Progress reports sent home

February 2        Trimester 2 Progress reports signed & returned to teachers

February 5-9     7th Grade Caritas Creek Camp Retreat

February 6        8:15 AM School Mass

February 7        12:30 Dismissal

February 12      12:00 Dismissal

February 14      9:30 AM Ash Wednesday School Mass; LENT begins