QUE PASA 4/24/2024 (ENGLISH)

Dear Parents,

       This week, we celebrate Earth Day!  On Earth Day and every day, we are called to be stewards of God’s creations and to care for His gifts here on Earth.  We pray that we may be models to our children while we fulfill this responsibility.  Together, let us offer this Earth Day prayer from the Sisters of Mercy:

- For trees, plants, crops, and forests. Let us pray.

- For water, oceans, rivers, streams and ponds. Let us pray.

- For air, wind, climate and weather. Let us pray.

- For sun, clean energy and prevention of global warming. Let us pray.

- For animals, especially endangered species. Let us pray.

- For all humankind. Let us pray.

- For recycling and moderate personal consumption. Let us pray.

- For proper use of chemicals and disposal of toxic waste. Let us pray.

- For Earth and unity. Let us pray.

Creator God, we thank you for all of creation.We ask your forgiveness where we have failed to be just stewards. And we now ask for your guidance in restoring the face of the earth. May we learn to live in harmony, safety and just sharing of resources among all so that we achieve the kingdom of God.  Peace be to this community. Peace be to this land. Peace be to all people. AMEN.


--Mrs. Sandra Jimenez

Congratulations to all of our First Communicants listed below who received the Most Blessed Sacrament this past weekend!

- Aidan Bustillo Merlin

- Isabella Calderon Sola

- Gavin Contreras

- Carlos Cortez

- Adriano Lopez Villegas

- Laylah Olivares Marin

- Ariana Pineda Martinez

- Omar Reyes Villarreal

- Mario Reyna

- Bridgette Rivas Guzman

- Destiny Tabora Ortega

- Joaquin Velasco

- Julieta Garcia

- Laura Garcia

- Astrid Zoe Sarmiento Magallanes

- Jessica Vazquez

- Javier Flores

- Stephany Rivera Arenivar

- Matias Sandoval-Perez

- Frantz Marcello Gonzalez Gamez

- Zahid Herrera Garcia

May God continue to bless you all as you grow in faith! 


The re-registration forms and 2024-2025 tuition rates (printed on blue paper) have been sent home and are attached here (scroll down on this Que Pasa).  The Re-registration form and payment are due by April 30. These forms help us to plan and prepare for the 2024-2025 school year.

The registration fee per student is due on April 30, 2024, and will help to secure your child’s spot in their class for 2024-2025.

As noted on the letter sent home, the registration fees are as follows:

- Students entering grades K-7: $505

- Students entering 8th grade: $560 (includes 8th grade sweatshirt)

If you’d like another copy of the re-registration form, please visit the school office or call the office so that we can send another form home with your child.  Additionally, the letter and form are attached here.

** In the attachment, scroll past the Re-registration letter and form to see the SCHOOL CALENDAR FOR 2024-2025!  This calendar was also sent home with every child with the Re-registration form.

Please call the school office if you have any questions!


In partnership with BVCC, we are offering a parent workshop series, hosted by Pamela Lopez, LCSW (Licensed Clinical Social Worker).

Workshops are focused on students in grades 5-8, but all parents are welcome to join!

The 3rd workshop of this series will be focused on YOUTH MENTAL HEALTH AND TECHNOLOGY.  This workshop will be held on TUESDAY, APRIL 30 from 5:00-6:30 at St. Peter’s School.  Dinner and child care will be provided.  Scroll down to see the flier for more information.

** Please register for the workshop using this link by April 26:



- As noted on our school calendar, there is NO SCHOOL for students on Friday, May 3 while faculty & staff attend a retreat.

- There is also a SCHOOL HOLIDAY on Monday, May 6.  School will resume with a regular schedule on Tuesday, May 7,


CYO Summer Camp registration is open for children ages 8-14!

** See the website for details and videos about CYO Summer Camp – https://catholiccharitiessf.org/cyocamp/cyo-summer-camp/

This week-long summer camp experience at CYO Camp in Occidental, CA normally costs $940, but because of generous camp scholarships for St. Peter’s students, the cost goes down significantly!

- If a family meets the income eligibility guidelines then the cost of camp is $140, or $200 with round trip bus transportation.

- If a family does not meet the income eligibility guidelines then the cost of camp is $390, or $450 with round trip bus transportation.

Register ONLINE by logging in to your existing account or create a new account at this website: https://cyocamp.campmanagement.com/p/request_for_info_m.php?action=enroll

** Be sure to indicate your child's school as St. Peter's so that you may receive the special rate.

Scholarships are LIMITED.  If you are interested in having your child attend CYO Summer Camp with the discounted price, please click on the links below to fill out BOTH the Caritas Campership Form and CYO Financial Aid Form, available in English and Spanish.  

ENGLISH Caritas Campership Form - https://www.caritascreek.org/camperships 

SPANISH Caritas Campership Form - https://forms.gle/jmt5skbDRsfEsgH2A 

ENGLISH CYO Financial Aid Form - https://forms.gle/c9CqVysUjurCbPa4A 

SPANISH CYO Financial Aid Form - https://forms.gle/32brFXXQ5QK3vPvM9 

Space is LIMITED in each camp session.  The camp session dates are as follows:

Session One: June 23 - June 29 

Session Two: July 1 - July 6

Session Three: July 9 - July 15

Session Four: July 17 - July 23

Session Five: July 25 - July 31

Register as soon as possible before spaces are all gone!


We live our core value to UNITE as students wear their school uniform with pride.  Please remember that the complete daily uniform includes the plain white polo shirt, navy slacks or uniform skirt/jumper, green uniform sweatshirt, black or white socks, and solid black or solid white sneakers (tennis shoes).  

On Fridays (unless there is a church service), students may wear the optional gray Aztecs hoodie, Aztecs sweatpants, and Aztecs T-shirt.

** To purchase the gray Aztecs sweats, obtain an order form in the school office.

For more details on the school uniform, refer to the Uniform section of the Parent-Student Handbook that was distributed on the first day of school, which is also available on the school website: http://www.stpeterssf.org/parents-students

Students who are out of uniform will receive a “Uniform Notice” to be signed by a parent or guardian, as a reminder about the uniform policy, and to help us unite as a school community.


April 26      Kindergarten & 1st  grade Field Trip–SF Botanical  Gardens

April 30      8:15 AM School Mass

April 30      5:30 PM–Parent Workshop with Pamela Lopez

May 1         Minimum Day–12:30 Dismissal

May 1         Trimester 3 Progress Reports sent home

May 2         4th Grade Field Trip–Academy of Sciences

May 2         8th Grade Retreat at Mercy Burlingame

May 3         No School for Students; Faculty & Staff Retreat

May 6         School Holiday