QUE PASA 10/2/2024 (ENGLISH)

Dear Parents,

     October 7th commemorates the Memorial of Our Lady of the Rosary, and (as we pray the Hail Mary as a school each morning) the month of October is traditionally the month of the Rosary. 

       Here is a thoughtful reflection from Living the Rosary by Father John Phalen:

The Rosary starts with Mary’s human experience, and it encourages us to learn from our own.  The Rosary is:

  • Remembering Christ with Mary

  • Learning Christ with Mary

  • Being conformed to Christ with Mary

  • Praying to Christ with Mary

  • Proclaiming Christ with Mary

   By looking to Mary, the courageous mother of our Savior, we can open our hearts and minds to God’s presence in our lives, and be models for our own children to live with love, patience, faith, and perseverance, even through the challenging times in our lives.

       When I pass by our grotto at school each day, I’m reminded of how much St. Peter’s students honor Mary, and I think about how they make the Sign of the Cross or stop to say a prayer at the grotto.  It’s definitely a sacred place for our entire school family.  Plus, each month, one class has the task of taking care of the grotto, by bringing flowers and even prayer cards to Mary!

       Throughout October, let us look to Mary as a role model of faith and courage, especially during this month of the Rosary!

--Mrs. Sandra Jimenez


As noted on our school calendar, there is NO SCHOOL this

Friday, October 4 while all teachers attend an Archdiocesan In–Service.  


Thank you to those who have completed and returned the FAMILY INCOME SURVEY (on green paper) was sent home with the oldest child in each family.  We are sending home a second round of surveys to those who have not yet returned their survey.  These surveys help our school participate in the Title I, Part A Federal Program. This very important program provides extra academic and social-emotional support for our students.  Please complete the survey and return it to your child’s teacher.  Thank you for your support and cooperation!


Thank you to our students and families for your generosity during our “Dimes from Heaven” fundraiser!  In total, our school collected $1,010.41, which will go towards Student Council Events and The Palestine Children’s Relief Fund.

Here are the winning classes in each category, who will receive a sweet ice cream treat:

- In the K-5 Category, the 5th grade was the top collector!

- In the Middle School Category, 8th grade was the top collector!

Weekly, we will now collect for those in need in our Missions collection to support the MCA (Missionary Childhood Association) as one way to live out the Works of Mercy.


We are grateful to Mr. Suarez and Coach Raquel for planning and coordinating our Inside Out 2 Family Movie Night!  Thank you to all you volunteered and donated items in order to make this event fun and successful.  Proceeds will benefit St. Peter’s Athletics.

Thanks also to those who came and participated in our Annual SF Bike Coalition Bike Fair at St. Peter’s School.  We learned about bike safety, children received free helmets and won bikes, and a delicious lunch was served.  Huge thanks to Mr. Suarez for coordinating this event with our community partners at the Bike Coalition!


October 16, 17, and 18 are Minimum Day (12:30) dismissals for students so that teachers can meet with all parents for the mandatory Parent-Teacher Conferences.  This will be a time when teachers will be sharing each student’s Progress Report for Trimester 1.  Parents can learn about their children’s progress and ask teachers questions. Parent-Teacher Conferences will be conducted via Zoom. 

Parents – On Class Dojo, your child’s teacher will share a link to a Parent-Teacher Conference sign-up sheet.  Please choose an appointment time right away, so that your child’s teacher can coordinate his/her full conference schedule and confirm your appointment time for this very important meeting.  Thank you for your cooperation!


We live our core value to UNITE as students wear their school uniform with pride.  Please remember that the complete daily uniform includes the plain white polo shirt, navy slacks or uniform skirt/jumper, green uniform sweatshirt, black or white socks, and solid black or solid white sneakers (tennis shoes).  

On Fridays (unless there is a church service), students may wear the optional gray Aztecs hoodie, Aztecs sweatpants, and Aztecs T-shirt.

** To purchase the gray Aztecs sweats, obtain an order form in the school office.

For more details on the school uniform, refer to the Uniform section of the Parent-Student Handbook that was distributed on the first day of school, which is also available on the school website: http://www.stpeterssf.org/parents-students

Students who are out of uniform will receive a “Uniform Notice” to be signed by a parent or guardian, as a reminder about the uniform policy, and to help us unite as a school community!


Homeroom teachers identify and describe Students of the Month at the end of each month. We all celebrate these students because they have exemplified living the St. Peter’s KEYS:

Knowledge feeds GROWTH. 

Every ACCOMPLISHMENT needs courage.

You are LOVE.


Congratulations to our September Students of the Month!

KINDERGARTEN - Paolo Guevara Galan is a kind friend, curious learner, and an excellent listener. He represents our school values and has proven himself to be an exemplary kindergarten student. Paolo's smile lights up any room he is in and his ability to share is admirable. He makes an enthusiastic effort in our class tasks even if they seem too hard at first. He has grown so much during this first month of school. Way to go, Paolo!

1st GRADE - Victoria Jamaica-Rocha is kind and respectful to both grown-ups and students. She is also very hard-working. For example, she has already grown 3 levels in Lexia! Way to GROW in 1st grade, Victoria!

2nd GRADE - Ricardo Martinez-Millan is very kind and respectful to everyone. He has shown himself to be a good student, especially in reading. Although he is new to St. Peter's, he has shown the St. Peter's core value of ACCOMPLISH. Way to go, Richie!

3rd GRADE - Bridgette Rivas Guzman has been working really hard to grow and accomplish academically in class.  She did an amazing job on her first STAR Reading test and has been so thoughtful sharing her answers with her Think-Pair-Share partner and the rest of us in class as we have been learning about the Growth Mindset on Class Dojo.  Along with being a solid 3rd Grade student, she is also a great and loyal friend.  Keep up the amazing work, Bridgette!  You are a star.

4th GRADE - Mateo Rojas has been working really hard to grow and accomplish academically in class.  He has been a leader in class, asking his friends to practice self-control and quiet down when it has gotten too loud while we watch CNN10 or work on Mathletics.  He also has been so thoughtful sharing his answers with his Think-Pair-Share partner and the rest of us in class as we have been learning about the Growth Mindset on Class Dojo.  Along with being a solid 4th Grade student, he is a great and loyal friend, too.  Keep up the amazing work, Mateo!  You are a star. 

5th GRADE - Andrea Moctezuma Bocanegra shows a lot of leadership in the classroom. She leads by example and positively contributes to our classroom environment with kindness and respect. She shows great responsibility, helping classmates and showing concern for others. Her writing has also shown effort, showing creativity, clear thinking, and attention to detail. We are so proud of her hard work and dedication especially towards UNITE and SERVE. Keep up the amazing work, Andrea! 

6th GRADE - Matheo Hernandez Hurtado is a great example of a student who values the KEYS of St. Peter, especially respecting the space and other people. He also strives hard academically, finishes all his work on time, and helps his classmates afterwards. And for these reasons Matheo is the 6th grade September student of the month.  

7th GRADE - Yuliana Hernandez Ramos demonstrates a willingness to learn, asks intentional questions, and shows a commitment to bettering her school community. Yuliana demonstrates our core values each day through her kindness, and academic excellence. Way to grow, accomplish, love, serve, and unite in 7th grade Yuliana!

8th GRADE - Antonio Robelo-Hernandez demonstrates growth and love by striving to better himself, both in and outside the classroom. He constantly lends a helping hand to those around him, his peers, teachers and staff, not because he has to, but because he genuinely wants to. Antonio is also embracing new experiences with an open heart and open mind, by tackling his 8th grade year with enthusiasm and confidence. Way to go Antonio, keep up the great work!


October 4        Student Holiday (No School); Teacher In-Service

October 8        8:15 AM School Mass

October 9        12:30 PM Dismissal

October 10      8:30 AM Serra High School presentation to 8th grade

October 14      School Holiday; Indigenous People’s Day

October 15      8:15 AM School Mass

October 16      12:30 PM Dismissal - Parent-Teacher Conferences

October 17      12:30 PM Dismissal - Parent-Teacher Conferences

October 18      12:30 PM Dismissal - Parent-Teacher Conferences