Dear Parents,

       This week marks the anniversary of the September 11 attacks, when thousands of people were killed or injured as a result of hate and ignorance.  Many felt fear and anxiety.  Yet in response, people showed compassion, unity, courage, and service as they helped those in need.

       Even though 9/11 happened 19 years ago, it brings to mind our current political climate, and how people may feel fear and anxiety due to issues related to race, the economy, and COVID -19.  This makes our work at St. Peter’s even more meaningful and important, as we guide children to act in unity with love.  Our KEYS—“You are Love” and “Service unites”—are reminders that we can be positive examples to listen to other perspectives, act with kindness, and work towards justice. We want St. Peter’s School to be a safe place for students to grow and learn, where they can accomplish their goals with open hearts and open minds.  Let us continue our partnership as we reach for this goal. 


Though I miss seeing everyone in person, I hope you are staying safe and taking care!

--Mrs. Sandra Jimenez


Last week, a link to a Family Income Survey was shared on Class Dojo.  Please click on the link -- Family Income Survey-- to complete the survey by September 11.  This information is important for our school to receive very helpful funding from SFUSD for academic and counseling services for our students.  Names are not necessary on the survey, and all information will be kept confidential.  Thank you for your cooperation!




- Based on the direction from the Archdiocese Superintendent of Catholic Schools, Distance Learning for all students will continue until September 18. This date may be extended again as we receive updates regarding COVID-19.  To read the complete letter from the superintendent, see the Class Dojo post from September 1, 2020.  


- School administration is currently preparing paperwork so that when the building is cleared to open, students may return for in-person instruction.  To view the St. Peter’s Infection Mitigation Plan, please refer to the Parent-Student Handbook distributed at the Learning Materials pick-ups, or visit the school website at http://www.stpeterssf.org/parents-students


-  Maintain a learning space at homeaway from distractions, where your child can participate on Zoom classes and complete his/her daily work with the proper supplies on hand.  Send in a picture of your child in his/her learning space, and earn virtual KEYS on Class Dojo!


-  Please ensure that your child has set up his/her own Class Dojo account.  Students should not be using their parents’ accounts.


-  For grades 4-8, students and teachers are utilizing Google Classroom.  Parents—if you have not received an email invitation to join your child’s class on Google classroom, please notify your child’s teacher right away.  *Parents must accept the invitation in order to receive updates on your child’s assignment completion.


-  Remember the Zoom expectationsfor students.  For a complete list, refer to the Parent & Student Handbook, which was distributed with learning materials, or see the Distance Learning Plan on the school website: http://www.stpeterssf.org/parents-students

  • Conduct yourself according to the "Student Discipline Contract" in the St. Peter’s Parent-Student Handbook.   

  • Do not enter Zoom sessions you haven’t been invited to join. 

  • Dress in appropriate St. Peter’s School free dress attire.

  • Student microphones may be disabled to help the teacher retain attention during the lesson.

  • Video should be enabled to show your presence.

  • Do not eat or play with other items or devices during Zoom sessions.

  • Zoom sessions may not be recorded without parental consent from all participants. 



California Law, (California State Law A354) requires that all students entering 7th-12thgrades show proof of a Tdap (Whooping Cough) Pertussis booster shot. If you have not already done so, please submit documentation to the school as soon as possible. The San Francisco Department of Health informs us we cannot offer a grace period for those who do not have a booster. Please contact your child’s health care provider and arrange for the Tdap booster.

Tdap documentation can be emailed to Mrs. Cea at tcea@sanpedro.orgor faxed to the school office at 415-647-4618.




At the learning supply pick-ups, students received an envelope with important forms for parents to complete.  Please hold on to these forms, and once we are able to open the school for in-person instruction, return the completed forms to your child’s teacher.

The items on the school supply list may also be kept at home for distance learning.  Students may bring in those supplies when we are able to open the school for in-person instruction. 




For information about free COVID-19 testing in San Francisco, visit the website (available in both English and Spanish): https://sf.gov/es/find-out-about-your-covid-19-testing-options

The Latino Task Force also has information about free COVID-19 testing, as well as a variety of other helpful resources such as food assistance and employment assistance.  Visit their website at https://www.ltfrespuestalatina.com/


September 11   Title I Income Survey due