QUE PASA 9/16/2020 (ENGLISH)

Dear Parents,

       Though we are in our 4thweek of school, this is our first FULL week of Zoom classes.  In this relatively short amount of time, I feel that the students, teachers, and staff have grown very much as we move forward with distance learning. We’ve learned from our past distance learning experiences and want to continue to learn and grow from our experiences.  I reflect on the many pieces and people that must come together in order for us live out our mission of Mercy and education at St. Peter’s.  Parents, teachers, staff, volunteers, clergy, and students--there’s much to coordinate!  We at school want to be partners in faith and education with parents, so that we can be positive examples of learning and growing.  Together, we can model the ways we can live out our KEYS:  Knowledge feeds growth.  Every accomplishment needs courage.  You are love.  Service unites.  Your partnership is valuable to us, and we hope to strengthen that collaboration as the year goes on! 

--Mrs. Sandra Jimenez


This week and next week, students will be taking their Renaissance STAR assessments. First graders and Kindergarteners are taking their tests one-on-one with a teacher or teacher’s assistant, while students in grades 2-8 are taking their tests in small groups with teacher supervision. All tests will be administered and monitored on Zoom.  

Taking these tests remotely is new for all of us, so we may need to make adjustments along the way.  Please know that the purpose of these assessments in Reading and Math is to help teachers know how they can best help students. It will not be part of the students’ grade, yet it will help teachers determine areas where students may need extra help or where students need to be further challenged.


A past letter form the Archdiocese Superintendent explained that Distance Learning for all students would go until September 18.  However, it has now been determined that our school will continue Distance Learning until around late-October. In San Francisco county, the process to reopen for in-person instruction is a lengthy one, which includes meetings, reviews, and at least one on-site school visit from the San Francisco Department of Public Health.  With various schools in line to complete this entire process, it is difficult to pinpoint an exact date for reopening our school building.

By late October, we hope to begin with in-person instruction for those who choose that option for their children, as long as we are cleared to do so, with the safety of students, faculty, and staff as a priority.  Then, we will begin with a staggered start--this means that we will first open for our students in Kindergarten, 1st, and 2nd grades; then followed by adding the 3rd, 4th, and 5th grades the following week; and finally the middle school students will join the following week.  Please know that due to the changing COVID-19 situation, our plans may change, so please watch for updates on Class Dojo and school email messages.

To review the school’s Infection Mitigation Plan which is a necessary document to be prepared for reopening the school building, you may find it on the school website at http://www.stpeterssf.org/parents-students




Since distance learning for all students is going longer than expected (and because our math books arrived late due to a delay in shipment), we will have another supply pick-up on September 22 and 23.  Supplies will be distributed on Florida Street, outside of our front office doors.  Please come at your scheduled time. (If your child is currently enrolled with BVCC, your child will receive his/her supplies at school during the program.)  If you are unable to come at your scheduled time, contact your child’s teacher so alternate arrangements can be made.


Tuesday, September 22

- Last names  A - B …. 9:30 AM - 11:00 AM

-  Last names  C - D…. 11:00 AM - 12:30 PM

-  Last names  E - J… 1:00 PM - 2:30 PM


Wednesday, September 23

-  Last names  K - N ….  9:30 AM - 11:00 AM

-  Last names  O - R …. 11:00 AM - 12:30 PM

-  Last names  S - Z … 1:00 PM - 2:30 PM


*On September 22-23, teachers will continue to follow each class’s regular Zoom and Distance Learning schedule, and students will continue to have assignments.


In order to best support our English Language Learner students, we ask parents to please complete a short Home Language Survey.  Please click on the link -- Home Language Survey-- to complete the survey by September 21.  

*If you have multiple children, please complete one survey for each child.

This information is important for our school in three key ways: (1) It helps us to identify students who are in need of English Proficiency testing.  (2) It provides information for teachers on how to best help students develop their English skills.  (3) It provides funding through SFUSD for professional development for our teachers on English Language Development.    Thank you for your cooperation!




-  Remember the Zoom expectationsfor students. For a complete list, refer to the Parent & Student Handbook, which was distributed with learning materials, or see the Distance Learning Plan on the school website: http://www.stpeterssf.org/parents-students

  • Conduct yourself according to the "Student Discipline Contract" in the St. Peter’s Parent-Student Handbook.   

  • Do not enter Zoom sessions you haven’t been invited to join. 

  • Dress in appropriate St. Peter’s School free dress attire.

  • Student microphones may be disabled to help the teacher retain attention during the lesson.

  • Video should be enabled to show your presence.

  • Do not eat or play with other items or devices during Zoom sessions.

  • Have the necessary supplies ready for class, and maintain a distraction-free learning space.

  • Zoom sessions may not be recorded without parental consent from all participants. 




California Law, (California State Law A354) requires that all students entering 7th-12thgrades show proof of a Tdap (Whooping Cough) Pertussis booster shot. If you have not already done so, please submit documentation to the school as soon as possible. The San Francisco Department of Health informs us we cannot offer a grace period for those who do not have a booster. Please contact your child’s health care provider and arrange for the Tdap booster.

Tdap documentation can be emailed to Mrs. Cea at tcea@sanpedro.orgor faxed to the school office at 415-647-4618.




For information about free COVID-19 testing in San Francisco, visit the website (available in both English and Spanish): https://sf.gov/es/find-out-about-your-covid-19-testing-options

The Latino Task Force also has information about free COVID-19 testing, as well as a variety of other helpful resources such as food assistance and employment assistance.  Visit their website at 




September 24     Feast of Our Lady of Mercy – “Mercy Day”