Dear Parents,
What a school year we’ve had! Not only did we successfully prepare for and complete our school accreditation process (which is a significantly large task for the entire school community), but we also completed an entire trimester of Distance Learning—a very new platform of teaching and learning for us all.
Through all the challenges, we’ve learned and adapted. We faced some difficulties, but keeping an open heart and mind helped us to keep moving forward. The teachers and I are grateful your understanding and partnership, especially during these uncertain times.
We continue to plan for the re-opening of the school year, which is on August 24. With different guidelines changing rather quickly, we will be prepared for different scenarios. For the latest updates, please be sure to check Class Dojo and email over the summer. However we are allowed to proceed with our reopening in the Fall, we will do so with the safety of our school community as a priority.
I share with you this prayer to end this school year:
Dear God,
We give thanks for: all the teaching and learning that has taken place, both in and out of the classroom; for the talents that have been shared and the challenges that have been faced; for the respect and care that has been given; for the faith that has been lived in our daily struggles; for the hope that has lifted our hearts on the dark days and for the love that has kept us going. We give thanks for the community that we are. Bless our children and may the Holy Spirit inspire them with calmness and confidence and keep them safe. Pour out your love on our families so that we may return renewed and refreshed to continue our journey together. AMEN.
And don’t forget…
Grow, Accomplish, Love, Serve, Unite!
St. Peter’s has the KEYS to OPEN HEARTS, OPEN MINDS!
Have a great summer!
See you for the new school year on August 24!
--Mrs. Sandra Jimenez
Some of our teachers will be moving on from St. Peter’s School at the end of this school year, as they keep a growth mindset and try something new, just as we encourage our students to do!
We give thanks to Ms. Hanson, who creatively taught Middle School Math this past school year.
We are grateful to Ms. Solorio, who served her one-year commitment as our Mercy Corps volunteer and 6thgrade Science teacher.
We thank Mrs. Schusteritsch, who has taught 2ndgrade and prepared students for First Communion for the past four years.
We are grateful for Ms. Watters, a teacher leader who taught 4thgrade, was a spirited Student Council moderator, and helped to plan a variety of school events for the past two years.
We give thanks to Ms. Land, another teacher leader who taught Middle School Social Studies and Religion, and helped to coordinate Middle School electives, camp, and a variety of special learning opportunities for the past four years.
Though we are sad to see them go, we are proud of their accomplishments and appreciate all the love they have shown our students. We are extremely grateful for their service and wish them the best on their future endeavors!
For the upcoming school year, we are all-set and ready to welcome wonderful teachers to fill their positions. We look forward to this new growth at St. Peter’s!
Our drop-offs/pick-ups have been going quite smoothly—thank you for your cooperation! Please refer to the letter (posted on Class Dojo on June 8) for more details on the procedure!
Below are the remaining time slots. If you are unable to come at your designated time, please contact your child’s teacher.
Grades K-7
Wednesday, June 10
9:00 - 11:30 … Last names → H - L
12:30 - 3:00 … Last names → M - P
Thursday, June 11
9:00 - 11:30 … Last names → Q - R
12:30 - 3:00 … Last names → S - Z
For the 3rdTrimester, teachers have written individual narratives for each student to go along with the report card. Every narrative includes SUMMER LEARNING GOALS. The goals include completing a Summer Reading Log and continuing regular use of the online programs, such as Lexia, ST Math, RAZ Kids, ReadWorks, Mathletics, and Khan Academy. Completed reading logs can be returned in August, and teachers will also check progress in the recommended online programs.
Let’s keep on growing! Prevent summer learning loss, and continue to take a bit of time each day to practice reading and math skills.
If your child borrowed a school Chromebook for Distance Learning, please return the Chromebook to the elementary science lab during your specified drop-off/pick-up time. If you are returning in the Fall and would like to borrow the Chromebook over the summer so your child can continue progress through the assigned online programs, please stop by the elementary science lab to complete a Chromebook extension form.
On Class Dojo, each teacher has shared a link to a Distance Learning reflection survey. For grades Kindergarten through 3rdgrade, there is a single survey that both parents and students can complete together. For grades 4 through 8, there are separate surveys: one for parents to complete, and one for student to complete. Please help us learn and grow from our Distance Learning experience by completing these reflection surveys. Thank you!
Yearbooks are still available! To purchase one for $25, you can drop by the school office, Mondays-Thursdays from 9:00-2:00 and pay with cash, credit card, or Venmo by searching @SPeters-School; make sure you leave your child’s full name and “Yearbook” in the comments section.
For registration or tuition payments, the school will accept any credit card payments over the phone (415-647-8662) from Monday-Thursday from 9:00-2:00, or parents may drop in the office at those times to submit a payment in person.
Payments may also be submitted via Venmo, by searching @SPeters-School. In the comments section, please write your child’s full name and “tuition” or
If you have questions about registration or tuition, please call the office or email
Through the San Francisco Department of Public Health, the City and County of San Francisco is offering free COVID-19 tests for people who work or live in San Francisco.
You do not need medical insurance to get tested. You do not need a doctor's note to schedule a test.
You must make an appointment. Walk-thrus or drive-thrus are available at various locations throughout the City.
For additional details, to find the testing location nearest you, and to make an appointment, visit the website:
* Spanish translation available by clicking on “Translate” or on the globe icon on the website.
During these uncertain times, you or someone you know may need assistance with basic needs such as daily meals. Here are some resources that could be helpful:
SF/Marin Food Bank Pop-up Pantries
(Available in Spanish by clicking on the Globe icon on the website)
(Available in Spanish by clicking on “Translate” on the website)
(Available in Spanish by clicking on the Globe icon on the website)