Dear Parents,

       This Sunday, we celebrate Mother’s Day. We recognize the important role that mothers, aunts, grandmothers, and all mother-figures play in our lives!  We are thankful for the love they show us and sacrifices they make for us.  During this month of May, we also dedicate time to pray to our Blessed Mother Mary.  Especially as we face our current challenges, we look to Mary as an example of faith, love, and courage as she said YES to God!  Let us pray in thanksgiving for our Blessed Mother Mary and for all mother-figures in our lives.

Heavenly Father, 

We Praise You and we thank You for the gift of our mothers, through whom You give us life and through whom we experience love. We thank You for Mary, the mother of our Lord Jesus Christ, a mother so gracious and a woman of example in motherhood for all of us.  May our prayer warm the hearts of all mothers. May they know that they are loved and precious. May mothers all over the world feel in their heart the joys of being called a mother and in all their goodness and all their failings, be blessed in Your love and forgiveness.  We pray in Grace they belong close to You Lord Jesus Christ, AMEN.

(Prayer by Geevetha Mary Samuel)


Take care and stay safe!

--Mrs. Sandra Jimenez




As mentioned during Monday morning assembly on Class Dojo, it’s Teacher Appreciation Week! Take some time to send your teacher a message of “thanks” for the different ways that they teach you and care for you.  We’re not in the school building together, but teachers are thinking about and praying for students and families every day, and growing with students through Distance Learning. Thank you, teachers!


As announced last week, the Archdiocesan mandated school closures have been extended until the end of this school year in June. 

With the extended school closure, some important school events have been postponed:

- First Reconciliation and First Communion will be postponed until Fall 2020.  No date will be set until school is re-opened.  Depending on guidelines/restrictions on social gatherings, these events may be further postponed until Spring 2021.

- Confirmation at St. Mary’s Cathedral is postponed until July 12, but is subject to change again depending on guidelines/restrictions on social gatherings.

- Currently planning for a modified 8thgrade graduation ceremony for June.  (Date, time, and location yet to be determined)



Even though we are not in the school building, we are continuing with teaching and learning.  We are also moving forward with our Student Council elections!

Students in Grades 5, 6, and 7 – We need new student leaders for the next school year!  As stated in your Class Story on Class Dojo, please reach out to your homeroom teacher if you are interested in running for Student Council office.  Let’s see your school spirit and leadership.  GO AZTECS!



If you ordered Lifetouch Spring Pictures, they have been delivered to the school.  You may pick up your order while the office is open, from Monday - Thursday, 12:00 - 3:00.  If you’re not able to pick them up, the photos will safely be kept in the school office.

8th graders and 8th grade parents -- We are still waiting for your graduation portraits to arrive. Once they arrive at school, you will be informed.  

If you ordered the school panoramic photo, those have not yet been delivered. 

The shelter-in-place has delayed all photo orders and shipments.  The Lifetouch photo company greatly appreciates our patience as we wait for our photo orders.




If you have not yet returned the yellow re-registration form, please phone the school office (415-647-8662) Monday-Thursday between 12:00-3:00, and Ms. Ticas can fill out a form for you, with parent authorization.  

For registration or tuition payments, Ms. Ticas will accept any credit card payments over the phone, or parents may drop in the office at those times (Monday-Thursday from 12:00-3:00) to submit a payment in person.

Payments may also be submitted via Venmo, by searching @SPeters-School.  In the comments section, please write your child’s full name and “Tuition” or “Registration.” 

If you have questions about registration or tuition, please call the office or email  tuition-office@sanpedro.org




During these uncertain times, you or someone you know may need assistance with basic needs such as daily meals.  Here are some resources that could be helpful: 

SF/Marin Food Bank Pop-up Pantries


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(Available in Spanish by clicking on the Globe icon on the website)