QUE PASA 5/13/2020 (ENGLISH)

Dear Parents,

       As we continue through the Easter Season and this month of Mary, let us pray to our Blessed Mother for continued strength.  We must keep our faith and be reminded of the joy of new life after a time of great difficulty, as we learned from the glory of Jesus’s resurrection.   Together we can reflect on this prayer from Pope Francis:

O Mary,
You always shine on our pathas a sign of salvation and of hope.
We entrust ourselves to you, Health of the Sick,who at the cross took part in Jesus' pain, keeping your faith firm.
Youknow what we need,
and we are sure you will provideso that, as in Cana of Galilee,we may return to joy and to feasting
after this time of trial.
Help us, Mother of Divine Love,
to conform to the will of the Father
and to do as we are told by Jesus,

who has taken upon himself our sufferings
and carried our sorrows
to lead us, through the cross,
to the joy of the resurrection.                                                      

Under your protection, we seek refuge, Holy Mother of God … deliver us from every danger, O glorious and blessed Virgin.  Amen.

Take care and stay safe!

--Mrs. Sandra Jimenez


Student Council is proud to announce SHELTER-IN -PLACE SPIRIT WEEK, happening every day next week!  A Spirit Week flyer will soon be posted. Below is a list of the themes for each day:

May 18 – Sports Madness Monday

May 19 – Tired Tuesday

May 20 – Wacky Wednesday

Thursday May 21 – Thrilling Thursday

Friday May 22 – Aztec Fun Friday 

Remember to see the flyer for more details about each day.  Show your school spirit, and participate in the activities for each day!


* The Student Council virtual elections have been cancelled, and instead elections will take place when we return to the school building.  Thank you to all the students who were planning to run for office—we will continue with the process when we are together again in person at school!




The BVCC Summer Program is awaiting guidelines and approval about hosting a summer program at St. Peter’s School.  Confirmation or cancellation of the program may not be announced until June. However, if guidelines are available at an earlier time, the announcement will be made as soon as possible. If you have questions about the BVCC Summer Program, please contact Rochelle at rochelle.bvcc@gmail.com or 415-713-0625.Thank you for your patience during this uncertain time.


- If you ordered Lifetouch Spring Pictures, they have been delivered to the school.  You may pick up your order while the office is open, from Monday - Thursday, 12:00 - 3:00.  If you’re not able to pick them up, the photos will safely be kept in the school office.

- 8th graders and 8th grade parents -- We are still waiting for your graduation portraits to arrive. Once they arrive at school, you will be informed.  

- If you ordered the school panoramic photo, those have not yet been delivered. 

- The shelter-in-place has delayed all photo orders and shipments.  The Lifetouch photo company greatly appreciates our patience as we wait for our photo orders.




If you have not yet returned the yellow re-registration form, please phone the school office (415-647-8662) Monday-Thursday between 12:00-3:00, and Ms. Ticas can fill out a form for you, with parent authorization.  

For registration or tuition payments, Ms. Ticas will accept any credit card payments over the phone, or parents may drop in the office at those times (Monday-Thursday from 12:00-3:00) to submit a payment in person.

Payments may also be submitted via Venmo, by searching @SPeters-School.  In the comments section, please write your child’s full name and “Tuition” or “Registration.” 

If you have questions about registration or tuition, please call the office or email  tuition-office@sanpedro.org




Through the San Francisco Department of Public Health, the City and County of San Francisco is offering free COVID-19 tests for people who work or live in San Francisco.  

- You do not need medical insurance to get tested. You do not need a doctor's note to schedule a test.

- You must make an appointment. Walk-thrus or drive-thrus are available at various locations throughout the City.

- For additional details, to find the testing location nearest you, and to make an appointment, visit the website:  https://sf.gov/find-out-how-get-tested-coronavirus

* Spanish translation available by clicking on “Translate” or on the globe icon on the website.




During these uncertain times, you or someone you know may need assistance with basic needs such as daily meals.  Here are some resources that could be helpful: 


SF/Marin Food Bank Pop-up Pantries


(Available in Spanish by clicking on the Globe icon on the website)



(Available in Spanish by clicking on “Translate” on the website)



(Available in Spanish by clicking on the Globe icon on the website)