Dear Parents,

       Happy New Year!!!  I pray that everyone enjoyed Christmas and new year celebrations filled with lots of love and laughter.  I am looking forward to another blessed year filled with hope, challenges, and growth.  Together as a school family, let us start 2020 with a prayer:

Lord, You make all things new.

You bring hope alive in our hearts

And cause our Spirits to be born again.

Thank you for this new year,

For all the potential it holds.

Come and kindle in us a mighty flame

So that in our time, many will see the wonders of God

And live forever to praise Your glorious name.  



--Mrs. Sandra Jimenez




The second round of Parent-Teacher Conferences has been moved to March 17-20, 2020.  These were originally scheduled for January 28-31. 

Now, January 28-31 (Tuesday-Friday) will be regular 3:00 dismissal days (except for the usual 2:15 dismissal on Wednesday).  March 17-20 (Tuesday-Friday) will be changed to 12:30 dismissal days to accommodate Parent-Teacher Conferences. 

If you have any questions, please contact the school office.  Thank you for your understanding with this change in our school calendar.



Our annual holiday food drive was a great success and we collected a total of 1,150 pounds of food for the SF/Marin Food Bank.  THANK YOU for answering Jesus' call to serve the poor. 

We need to recognize two classes in particular that lived out our KEYS to LOVE and SERVE. 6A collected 417 pounds (12.6 pounds per student).  And the class that collected the most food per student was 3A with a whopping 17.5 pounds per student!  Both classes will receive a special prize to celebrate being leaders in generosity!



You can now register for St. Peter’s sports using your Venmo account.  Please make sure to include the following in your memo:

Student name, grade, full academic year, season, sport, registration, and/or uniform

Example:  Ryan Suárez 8A 2019-2020 Fall Soccer Registration and Uniform

*Note: If a student already paid registration and will only be paying uniform, the memo should read:  Ryan Suárez 8A 2019-2020 Fall Soccer Uniform

If you would like your 3rd through 8th grade daughter to play basketball for the spring of 2020, please keep the following details in mind:
- January 13-17: Basketball practice schedules are created
- January 24: FINAL registration deadline

**A student is considered “registered” when both permission slip AND all sports fees (uniform fee and registration fee) have been turned in. Please see Mr. Suárez to request extensions on payments or to create a payment plan.
- March 6: Basketball regular season begins
- May 10: Basketball regular season ends
- May 13-16: Basketball playoffs
- May 17-22: Basketball championships

If you are unsure about your registration status, please check in with Mr. Suárez.
Thank you,
--St. Peter’s Athletics Committee  




KINDER - Happy New Year to Everyone! I hope the break brought us all good blessings! Thank you for all the hard work your children did on their activity book. As we come back to school, it is important to be a good citizen in our classroom. Your child can be a good citizen by following the rules, listening carefully, being kind and helpful, and sharing. We have a lot of academic ground to cover, so I would encourage a good night's sleep and a breakfast in the morning. Be sure to come to school with a snack and a reusable leak-proof water bottle! I pray that we can start 2020 in the right way!


1A - Welcome back! I hope you all had a wonderful Christmas break. This week, we are working on words with the long i sound and silent e. We are reading, writing, and discussing how plants change as they grow. In religion, we are learning about the sacrament of Baptism. In math, we are finishing up our work on subtraction. In social studies, we are learning about cardinal directions and how to use a compass rose.


2A - We will be reading a story about rainforests, and students especially love learning about the various animals that live there. We are going to count up and down from 90-1,000 so that we know place value inside and out! We are beginning to talk about choices (good and not so good) in preparation for Reconciliation. I hope you continue to make time for family and prayer.


3A – A brand new year, a fresh start, and SO much to look forward to in our new year of 2020. I hope that everyone had a restful and fun-filled vacation. 3A will begin the new year with a new reader with loads of fun and exciting stories. In Lexia, we will focus on many different types of comprehension and grammar problems. In Math class, we will be concentrating on multiplication and division. The kiddos should be studying these basic facts through the 12's. They can use flashcards, tablet applications, or worksheets that you download for free from many different websites. Remember that in order to GROW our brains, we must practice our various school subjects with a lot of studying!!!


4A - Welcome back to school! We are excited to get back into the swing of things and will be setting some New Year’s resolutions for both academic goals and life goals. We will be refocusing on our classroom community by reviewing our classroom rules, procedures, as well as core values. It will be a busy week ahead, but with a new attitude with can accomplish it all!


5A - Happy 2020! 5th graders are starting the new decade with some goal setting. We're starting to learn about figurative language in ELA and reviewing multi-digit multiplication strategies in math.


6A  Religion – Happy New Year! Feliz Año Nuevo! This week students will be scoring themselves on the SLE self-assessment and using it to set a New Year’s resolution in a short essay project.   Language Arts – A new year brings exciting new things to learn and skills to practice! This week we begin our first novel unit, with a reading of the historical fiction story Roll of Thunder Hear My Cry. We will begin by exploring the social context of the Jim Crow era and how it influences the themes of equality and justice.   Math – Students are using models to divide fractions.  Social Studies – Students will begin learning the physical geography and natural boundaries of India.  Science – 6th Grade Scientists will be reflecting on their time away and diving back into density and convection in the atmosphere.


7A   Religion – Students will be using the SLE self-assessment to set a New Years resolution.    Language Arts - Welcome back! Students have ended their Unit on A Christmas Carol. They are now moving on to the introduction of their next unit, Poetry.   Math – This week, students are learning about integers and how to combine them as well as finding discounts and new costs of items that are on sale.   Social Studies – Students will continue the final half of their novel study for A Long Walk to Water, connecting the story to the themes of geography and water as a resource in their Africa Unit.   Science – Students review organelles as they prepare to test their knowledge of cells.


8A   Religion – Welcome back, Class of 2020! Students will discover and discuss the Epiphany, Three Kings’ Day. They will also be able to make comparisons between the Eastern and Western churches and make suggestions on how to build bridges between the two today.   Language Arts - Students are closing their Night unit with a Literary Analysis Essay, interpreting the significant events, topics, and themes in the novel.   Math – This month 8th grade will be learning about geometry. This week we are focusing on congruence, transformations, translations, and reflections on a plane.  Social Studies – Students will be pairing an art project with an opinion writing assignment about the writing of the US Constitution.  Science - Students work away on their rockets as they prepare to use SAFE chemical reactions to power their rockets!



Jan. 17         8:30 AM Martin Luther King, Jr. Prayer Service

Jan. 20         No School; Martin Luther King, Jr. Holiday

Jan. 23         8th Grade Graduation Portrait Day

Jan. 26-31   Catholic Schools Week

Jan. 26        11:00 AM Sunday Family Mass

Jan. 27        12:30 Dismissal, Teachers’ In-Service