QUE PASA 12/18/2019 (ENGLISH)

Dear Parents,

       I share this prayer (written by Christine Sine) with you all:

The coming of our Lord is near,
And we wait in joyful expectation.
Draw close, Lord Jesus Christ,
Shed your light on all that is filled with darkness.
The coming of our Lord is near,
And we wait with hope filled hearts.
Draw close, God’s beloved son,
Teach us the wonder of your all-embracing love. 


       During this Advent and Christmas, I keep the entire St. Peter’s School family in my prayers--I am grateful to be a part of this loving community.  I pray that everyone has a safe and relaxing winter break.  Have a joyous Christmas and a happy new year!  See you in 2020!


--Mrs. Sandra Jimenez



This Friday, December 20, we will have our school Christmas Prayer Service at 9:00 AM in church.  Immediately after the prayer service, we will have our Christmas program, and each class will be performing a Christmas carol. Parents and family members are welcome to join us in this celebration!



You are invited to join in the Eucharistic celebrations on Christmas Eve and Christmas Day at St. Peter’s Church!

December 24 – 7:00 PM  Mass

December 25 – 9:30 AM Mass (English), 12:00 PM Mass (Spanish), and 5:30 PM Mass (Spanish)



BVCC is open for Winter Camp on the following dates: December 23, 26, 27 for Week 1; and December 30, January 2, 3 for week 2.  To register, please go to the BVCC office after school.



All student tuition accounts must be up to date and paid through December 2019 in order for your child to return to class on January 6, 2020. If your tuition is not up-to-date before leaving for Christmas vacation, your child will not be able to return to class on Monday, January 6, 2020. 

Please plan ahead so your tuition is received on time.

If you have any questions, please call the Tuition Office at (415) 647-8662.



The second round of Parent-Teacher Conferences has been moved to March 17-20, 2020.  These were originally scheduled for January 28-31. 

Now, January 28-31 (Tuesday-Friday) will be regular 3:00 dismissal days (except for the usual 2:15 dismissal on Wednesday).  March 17-20 (Tuesday-Friday) will be changed to 12:30 dismissal days to accommodate Parent-Teacher Conferences. 

If you have any questions, please contact the school office.  Thank you for your understanding with this change in our school calendar.




Homeroom teachers identify Students of the Month at the end of each month.  We celebrate these students because they have exemplified living the St. Peter’s KEYS:

Knowledge feeds GROWTH.

Every ACCOMPLISHMENT needs courage.

You are LOVE.



Kinder - As Jesus is the light in our world, Andrew Contreras is the light in our classroom. He shines bright in all that he does and shows us how service unites when he helps his tablemates with love and care each day. Andrew is a champion when it comes to Lexia and ST Math striving to reach ultimate heights! Shine on, Andrew!


1A - Angel Raygoza Robles is a wonderful example of a student who is always striving to live out the values of Jesus. She goes out of her way to help those in need and always makes sure that she is including others. Angel is a hard worker and takes pride in her work and it shows. She loves to learn and make her brain grow. For these reasons, Angel is first grade's student of the month.


2A - Second-grade's student of the month is Angel Robledo. His bright smile lights up the room. He participates in class with carefully thought-out answers. He tries to challenge himself whenever he can. He follows classroom and playground rules, and is very dependable. He always tries his best and has a positive attitude. He is going to grow and accomplish a great deal this year! Congratulations! 


3A – Christopher Chirino is a very enthusiastic student.  He enjoys and loves learning new things.  He is a whiz at Math and loves the challenge of new problems. He has a true gift for helping others whenever he can.  He is a role model for all of us when it comes to SERVICE.  Congratulations, Chris! 


4A - Congratulations to our Classmate of the Month, Angelo Moctezuma Bocanegra! Angelo has grown so much this year. He works diligently in the classroom to produce high quality work. He uses his critical thinking skills to solve complex math problems. He models love on a daily basis by treating others with respect and kindness. He is using his growth mindset to improve every day. Way to go, Angelo!


5A – Zinara Fuentes Cruz is 5th grade's December Student of the Month! She is always enthusiastic about learning and works hard in all subjects. She also sets a great example for others by being willing to embrace challenges with an open heart and open mind. Our class community is grateful that she shares her gifts and joy with us! Go Zinara Go!    


6A - We have been very lucky to have Jesse Reina Vasquez as part of our 6th grade class this year.  Jesse sets a great example of a student with the KEYS! Jesse has grown in his learning, is joyful when celebrating his and others' accomplishments, and supports his classmates and teachers when they need help.  He is a positive light in the classroom and we are lucky to have him at St. Peter's! Great work, Jesse! 


7A - Alaysha Flores lives out St. Peter's core values through her kindness towards those around her. She finds opportunities to grow when facing new challenges and she always seems to have a smile on her face, showing gratitude and spreading joy and positivity. In class, she tries her very best to continue to grow and meet her learning goals, always with an open heart and open mind. Alaysha leads by example and we appreciate all she brings to our community!  


8A - Jazmin Gamez has continued to grow and accomplish so much this year! Her focus and attention to detail has come through in every new experience she encounters. She is willing to go above and beyond what is asked of her and has stepped out of her comfort zone. Jazmin has shared her gifts as a student, a student council officer, and a friend. Keep up the awesome work, Jazmin!




KINDER - Wishing you a very Merry Christmas and a new year full of blessings! As we spend time with our families, remember that they are the best gift of all!


1A - This week, we are reviewing what we have learned up to this point. We are continuing our trip around the world, visiting other countries, and learning about their Christmas traditions. In religion, we are continuing to celebrate the season of Advent. We are also trying to help those in need by working towards our Food Drive goals. Thank you for all of your support. Have a very Merry Christmas!  


2A - We will be learning how deaf people enjoy rock concerts by reading “Many Ways to Enjoy Music.” We'll compare measurements with centimeters (relating addition and subtraction). We visited the garden and cleaned it up! During the season of Advent, I hope you are able to make time for family and prayer.


3A – 3A is preparing for baby Jesus this week.  We have our rose-colored candle lit on our Advent wreath, our tree is decorated, and we are making ready for our Christmas vacation.  We are working on Lexia and ST Math to strengthen our ELA and Math skills.  Please don't forget to have the kiddos practice daily on their tablets or other devices.  Many of you have already downloaded these programs—thank you.  Keep them busy with learning activities during our vacation.  I want to wish all of you a joyous time with family and friends.  Remember what Mrs. Jimenez always tells us "JESUS IS THE REASON FOR THE SEASON.”  I hope to see you at some of the special Masses during the next two weeks. God Bless All!


4A - This week, we will continue to focus on the season of Advent and working to prepare our hearts for Jesus' birth. It is Christmas Around the World in Literacy Block. Each day, we will focus on holidays in two different countries. This is a great time for us to work on our compare-and-contrast skills as well as learn about our cultures and traditions. In Math, we will be applying our addition and subtraction knowledge to multi-step word problems. In Science, we will be completing two Christmas STEAM activities. We will be working to spread our Christmas cheer!


5A - Have a blessed Christmas holiday with your families! If your family has access to Lexia and ST Math, please encourage your child to continue using those programs over break. See you in the new year!


6A  Religion – 6th Grade will be completing their Jesse Tree Project and preparing for the Christmas Program on December 20th by practicing "Rockin’ Around the Christmas Tree."   Language Arts – 6th grade is continuing to type out their final drafts, while making edits along the way. Our final stage of publishing will be to write the Dedication, About the Author, and Preview for our books!   Math - Hello families! Students took a test on Tuesday. All students will be taking STAR tests to track their progress in math on Wednesday. On Thursday students will be exploring mathematical patterns.  Science – 6th Grade Scientists have had an inquisitive and explorational year so far. They will take an end of the year test and will explore some concepts that they have been wondering about all trimester.


7A   Religion - Students will be making an Advent Trivia Board Game to learn more about the Advent Season. Language Arts - Students have wrapped up their reading on A Christmas Carol.  They will participate in a Change of Heart Activity, focusing on Scrooge’s BEFORE and AFTER character transformation. Through this, they will be able to identify how and why he leads to a "change of heart."  Have a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year!   Math – Hello families! All students will be taking STAR tests to track their progress in math on Wednesday. On Thursday students will be exploring mathematical patterns.  Social Studies – Students will be continuing their novel study of A Long Walk to Water.  Science - We welcome the 7th graders back to school and get right back at our study of the cell. This week the seventh graders make an extended analogy between a cell and something of their choosing.


8A   Religion - Students will examine and analyze the Nativity of Jesus as HE is the REASON for this Christmas SEASON!   Language Arts - Students have finalized their reading on Night. They will create a culminating Tear Art Visual to represent their feelings and reactions to an event in the novel. In doing so, they will be able to illustrate how mood and symbolism can convey a message to the reader. More importantly, students will be able to highlight the devastation in which the main character and other Jewish prisoners endured, while capturing the human emotion that is so vivid in the novel. Have a very Merry Christmas! See you in 2020, class of 2020!   Math -  Hello families! Students took a test on Tuesday. All students will be taking STAR tests to track their progress in math on Wednesday. On Thursday students will be exploring mathematical patterns.   Social Studies - Students will be having their own 'Constitutional Convention' where they will be debating important issues that were discussed at the Constitutional Convention in 1787.   Science - Students continue to learn to use the tools necessary to measure mass, volume, and area. These skills will be necessary as they prepare their rockets!



Dec. 20        9:00 AM, Christmas Prayer Service and Program

Dec. 20       12:30 PM Dismissal


Jan. 6           Classes Resume  (Regular day, 7:55-3:00)

Jan. 7           8:10 AM School Mass

Jan. 17         8:30 AM Martin Luther King, Jr. Prayer Service

Jan. 20         No School; Martin Luther King, Jr. Holiday