QUE PASA 3/6/2019 (English)

Dear Parents,

        Today, Ash Wednesday, marks the beginning Lent. This is a special liturgical season when we take time to pray, reflect, repent, and renew so that we can grow closer to God as we prepare for the death and resurrection of Jesus.  Here is a reflection (from Daily Reflections for Lent: Not By Bread Alone 2019) to help us begin our journey through Lent with each other and with our children.  

Ash Wednesday is marked with a somber sign of our faith.  The cross on our forehead is meant to leave a lasting imprint deep within, like a spiritual tattoo that will linger long after we complete the 40-day course.  The sacrifices and prayers of the season help us clear a path, but we can’t stop there, not if we want to experience real transformation. God wants nothing less than our hearts broken open so that he might find a resting place within and make us whole. Yes, the exterior practices are important, but what matters most is what happens unseen within our hearts and souls. 

Heavenly Father, guide us in the right ways as we begin our Lenten journey. Give us the courage to allow ourselves to be transformed by your love. Help us to use our Lenten sacrifices to dig deeper into our spiritual center and carve out a space for you alone.  AMEN.


--Mrs. Sandra Jimenez



22 students on our St. Peter’s School family received the sacrament of First Holy Communion this past Saturday! We welcome them to God’s table as we begin our Lenten journey together.  Special thanks to Mrs. Schusteritsch, Sr. Lucy, Mrs. Toni Ortenzo, and Sr. Marian Rose as they prepared our First Communicants!



Mrs. Fuaau, our 8A homeroom and 7/8 Language Arts teacher, gave birth to a baby boy—Gael Martinez Fuaau—on Monday, March 4!  Mrs. Fuaau and baby Gael are both doing well!

We warmly welcome Mr. Jack Casey to our school faculty.  Mr. Casey comes to St. Peter’s with a variety of teaching experiences, and he will be taking over Mrs. Fuaau’s teaching duties while she is on maternity leave for the remainder of this school year.  Thank you, Mr. Casey!



Your child received a field trip permission form for the AZTEC Trek Walk-a-thon and games.  On March 8, students and teachers will be walking to and around Precita Park and will be participating in field day games at school.  If you have not already signed and returned this permission form, please do so immediately.

Also—if your child has not yet turned in the minimum $100 collection for the AZTEC Trek fundraiser, please submit this collection to the office immediately. This money is now overdue. Thank you for your cooperation on this matter! 



Tomorrow, March 7, is the Free Dress prize for students who had no tardies in the month of February. Your child’s teacher has notified students who have qualified for this prize.



The re-registration form for the upcoming school year, along with the new tuition rates for 2019-2020, were sent home with Que Pasa in February.  Extras are available in the office. Please return the re-registration form by March 13, 2019 in order to help plan for the new school year.



The application process for the Archdiocese Family Grant for the 2019-2020 school year has now begun.  Please go on to mytads.comto begin the application process. Be sure you have your 2018 income tax information or 2018 income information (Calworks, social security, food stamps, etc.).  Please be sure you have completed the total process by the Archdiocese deadline—April 14, 2019.



New students entering for the 2019-2020 school year must complete the BASIC Fund Application no later than March 15, 2019.  

Renewal families will be filling out their BASIC Fund Renewal Application in March and April.  All student accounts must be current with no past due balances. Please be sure you have your 2018 income tax information or 2018 income information (Calworks, social security, food stamps, etc.).  Contact the school office if you have any questions.




·       English Classes for adults: Monday-Thursday from 10:00-11:30 AM

·       Computer Class for adults:  Mondays, 9:00-10:00 AM

·       Afternoon Activities for Families (Computer Access, English Practice, Homework help, Art & Games, Reading, Cooking): Tuesdays and Thursdays from 3:30-5:30 PM   

·       Children must be accompanied by parent or guardian.

THE LANTERN CENTER is located on 3106 Folsom Street in San Francisco.  For more information, call 415-401-7379.  ALL ARE WELCOME!



KINDER - This week, we will find out about more places where animals live. We will read "Bear Snores" and find out one kind of animal habitat. Then we will learn how to write questions and answers about where animals live. In Math, we will review subtraction and write numbers 19 and 20.


1A - This week we are reading, writing, and learning about insects. In religion, we are continuing to prepare for the Lenten season. In math we are beginning our unit on shapes. In science, we are continuing our study of air. In social studies, we are continuing our study on the branches of government. 


2A – We are reading “Brave Bessie,” and in math we are measuring in inches and centimeters. We will be checking out all kinds of rocks in science. Students will be going to mass and receiving the Eucharist as well as ashes on their foreheads on Wednesday as we begin the Lenten season. 


3A – In Language class, we are in the final stages of  our book project which will be published for purchase before the end of the school year. In Math, we are continuing to practice our multiplication facts through the use of flashcard study, STMath tablet work, homework study sheets, and classroom instruction. In Science, we are learning about women who have made contributions in education, medicine, art, and science. In Social Studies, we are learning about "The Father of Our Country," George Washington, the Washington Monument, and the Lincoln Memorial. 


4A - Happy March! In Religion, we will continue to focus on the Beatitudes. We will work on ways to act out the Beatitudes in our daily lives. In Reading, we will continue to focus on our novel Wonder. We are over halfway through our novel study, and have been working on comprehension strategies as well as developing our vocabulary. In Math, we are beginning our next unit of Measurement. We will continue to focus on our multiplication and division facts each day to make sure we retain the information. In Science, we will focus on earth's changing surface by studying glaciers and earthquakes. In Social Studies, we will continue learning about St. Junipero Serra and the founding of the Missions in California. Please encourage your child to read every night and to use STMath as a way to improve and challenge our Math skills. 


5A - This week, 5th graders have officially been accepted to Hogwarts! We're continuing our Harry Potter novel study by reading chapter 6 together and completing a special math activity. 5th graders will learn the conversion rate for Galleons, Sickles, and Knuts, and go school supply shopping! We're also going to use our knowledge of character traits to describe the book's 3 main characters. In math, we're learning about Least Common Multiples (LCMs) and Least Common Denominators (LCDs).  


6A  Religion – Students will be preparing for Lent by learning about the different types of Lenten promises and setting a personal Lenten promise.  Language Arts – We will be diving into the rich and beautiful world of poetry this week. Students will begin by analyzing the difference between literal and figurative meanings in language and an overview of poetic terms. Students will also try out their public speaking skills by presenting on their historical figures. We're excited to see all of the hard work students have put into researching and creating their Google Slides.   Math - This week 6A will begin comparing and ordering integers.  Social Studies – Students will be beginning their Ancient Hebrews Unit.   


7A   Language Arts - Students are continuing with their poetry unit. They had fun writing about themselves and a struggle they have faced in their "Selfie" poems. Now they are writing metaphorical poems as they also construct a poetry portfolio.  Math - 7A will add linear expressions.  Social Studies – Students are starting a Late Middle Ages stop motion video project about different events during the Late Middle Ages in Europe.  Science – Students are getting ready to test on genetics and heredity as they prepare to begin their research on genetic disorders.  


8A/8B   Religion - Students will brainstorm possible things they can do for this Lenten season and will learn about the history of the sacrament of penance.   Language Arts - Students are progressing with their poetry unit. They enjoyed writing and sharing about themselves and their heritage in their "Where I'm From" poems. Now they are writing ode and elegy poems as they continue to create their poetry portfolio.   Math - 8A and 8B will solve systems of equations by graphing.   Social Studies – Students are starting a SPICE (social, political, intellectual, cultural, and economic) context project about the first 5 presidents of the United States.  Science- Students will be introduced to the egg drop project...a project that introduces them to our physics semester.



Mar. 7      Free Dress for No Tardies in February

Mar. 8      AZTEC Trek Walk-a-Thon and Game Day 

Mar. 12    8:10 AM School Mass

Mar. 14    8:30 AM, Lenten Reconciliation for 3rd and 4th  grades 

Mar. 15    No School, Teacher In-Service