Dear Parents,
This coming Saturday, 23 students in our St. Peter’s School family will be receiving the sacrament of First Holy Communion! Communion is a sacred time for a follower of Jesus. Each time we receive this most blessed sacrament, we should spend some reflective moments in self-examination to prepare for this beautiful time of remembrance.
Let us keep our First Communicants in our prayers in their final days of Communion preparation, and use this time for ourselves to remind us of the gift of salvation that Jesus gave to us all.
Lord Jesus,
Bless the children coming forward to receive Holy Communion for the first time. May this be an initial step into a lifelong love of the Eucharist. Give them a hunger for this sacred food so that they turn to you for comfort, guidance, and wisdom as they grow into full discipleship. Thank you for their innocence and goodness. May their hands, extended in anticipation of your Body and Blood, inspire ALL of us to cherish this sacred sacrament. AMEN.
--Mrs. Sandra Jimenez
Thank you to all the parent volunteers and donations that made our Annual Family Dinner and Dance a successful event last Saturday! Special school events like these would not be possible without the help of parent volunteers. If you’d like to help plan future school community events, please contact Mrs. Jimenez at
Last week, your child received a field trip permission form for the AZTEC Trek Walk-a-thon and games. On March 8, students and teachers will be walking to and around Precita Park and will be participating in field day games at school. If you have not already signed and returned this permission form, please do so by this Friday, March 1.
Also—if your child has not yet turned in the minimum $100 collection for the AZTEC Trek fundraiser, please submit this collection to the office immediately. This money is now overdue. Thank you for your cooperation on this matter!
Students have the option of taking Spring Pictures tomorrow, on Thursday, February 28. If your child will be taking photos that day, he/she may be in appropriate free dress.
Last week, the orange re-registration form for the upcoming school year, along with the new tuition rates for 2019-2020, were sent home with Quye Pasa. Extras are available in the office. Please return the re-registration form by March 13, 2019 in order to help plan for the new school year.
The application process for the Archdiocese Family Grant for the 2019-2020 school year has now begun. Please go on to mytads.comto begin the application process. Be sure you have your 2018 income tax information or 2018 income information (Calworks, social security, food stamps, etc.). Please be sure you have completed the total process by the Archdiocese deadline—April 14, 2019.
New students entering for the 2019-2020 school year must complete the BASIC Fund Application no later than March 15, 2019.
Renewal families will be filling out their BASIC Fund Renewal Application in March and April. All student accounts must be current with no past due balances. Please be sure you have your 2018 income tax information or 2018 income information (Calworks, social security, food stamps, etc.). Contact the school office if you have any questions.
· English Classes for adults: Monday-Thursday from 10:00-11:30 AM
· Computer Class for adults: Mondays, 9:00-10:00 AM
· Afternoon Activities for Families (Computer Access, English Practice, Homework help, Art & Games, Reading, Cooking): Tuesdays and Thursdays from 3:30-5:30 PM
· Children must be accompanied by parent or guardian.
THE LANTERN CENTER is located on 3106 Folsom Street in San Francisco. For more information, call 415-401-7379. ALL ARE WELCOME!
Homeroom teachers identify Students of the Month at the end of each month. We celebrate these students because they have exemplified living the St. Peter’s KEYS:
Knowledge feeds GROWTH.
Every ACCOMPLISHMENT needs courage.
You are LOVE.
KINDER - Camila Soto Hernandez is an incredible role model and a diligent student. She has the KEYS to grow by facing challenges with optimism and faith in God. She works hard and wants to succeed and grow in every way she can. As shown through her substantial growth. Camila's work ethic and focus on doing well is an inspiration to her classmates.
1A – Sonia Estrada is a shining example of a student who is always trying to live out St. Peter's KEYS. She lights up the room with her smile and positivity. Sonia always shows love for God and others. This is seen in the countless kind acts that Sonia does for those around her. Sonia is always willing to try something new and is not afraid of a challenge.
2A - Ella Jimenez loves learning! She helps her classmates when they need it and she always does her homework. She enjoys playing with her friends and works cooperatively in groups. Ella focuses on her work and listens attentively.
3A - Although he was SOTM for January, Isaiah Arguello has continued to grow soooo much farther that he was voted to continue on for this month! He has ACCOMPLISHED academically, shown LOVE to his table partners and his teacher. He has been of SERVICE during the time that a substitute was needed in the classroom as well as UNITING the class for our various projects. Isaiah we are all very proud of you because you have GROWN into an exceptional third grader.
4A - Nelly Alfaro Ortiz comes to school each day with a smile on her face. She is determined. Nelly is open to new challenges! Long division is no easy task, and Nelly worked hard to master this skill! She is respectful to her fellow students and to her teachers, and is willing to help anyone in need. She welcomes every she meets with a kind spirit and is a true bucket filler! She is an aspiring author and using her writing skills to bring joy to our classroom.
5A – Brisia Castillo works so hard in all subjects and has her homework every single day. Her openness to new challenges has helped her grow tremendously as a reader and mathematician this year. Brisia always follows the classroom rules, and she is always willing to show her classmates love by helping when needed. Her kind spirit makes 5th grade a better place to learn every single day! Yay Brisia!
6A - Guadalupe Gonzalez has been a wonderful example of a student with the KEYS this year! She has accomplished so much this year and continue to grow! Guadalupe is an awesome support to her teachers and her classmates, asks great questions, and does not give up in the face of challenges! Thank you for your hard work and positive attitude this year Guadalupe, we are lucky to have you.
7A - Gabriel Sembrana lives out St. Peter's School's KEYS each and every day. He brings to the classroom an optimism and energy that is always positive. He is a good friend, teammate, and classmate. Keep up the good work Gabriel!
8A - As an enthusiastic learner, Oscar Castaneda constantly grows by embracing new experiences and faces challenges with optimism. He is willing to ask those difficult questions and use all the necessary tools to achieve success. Oscar also spreads love and unity by continuously strengthening our school community as an ambassador, tour guide and Student Council officer, ALL with a smile on his face.
8B - Emilio Ramirez has shown us that when you set goals and embrace new experiences, you can accomplish and grow. Emilio lives our core values by demonstrating critical thinking and communicating effectively. He faces challenges with optimism and will do great things when he moves on from St. Peter's.
KINDER - This week, we will read a story about taking care of different kinds of pets. As good readers, we will make predictions, think aloud, and make connections. We will continue to work on our handwriting and identify the upper and lowercase forms of Gg. In Math, we will add numbers and objects to make 20. Parents, please help your child learn their sight words: he, she, with, was, for, have, of, they.
1A - This week in first grade we are reading, writing, and learning about how animals survive in nature. In religion, we are starting to prepare for the Lenten season. In math, we are finishing up our addition and subtraction extension. In science, we are beginning our study of matter and the different phases. In social studies, we are learning about the different branches of government.
2A – We are reading “Golden Flower” and “Why Fir Tree Keeps his Leaves.” We are wrapping up our coins unit and moving onto measuring with inches. In science, we are going to see what happened to our solids in water after 2 weeks of soaking and check our lettuce plants in the garden. Students are preparing to receive the Eucharist for the first time, remembering Jesus and his sacrifices for us, and the special meaning of mass. The students are very excited about making their First Communion! They will soon be able to receive the Eucharist with you at mass. Please talk with your child so they are not anxious. See you tonight, February 27, at 5:45 p.m. in St. Peter's Church for First Communion rehearsal and parent meeting.
3A – In Language class this week, 3A will continue writing non-fiction stories about their favorite animals. In Math, we continue studying multiplication. We are examining arrays, multiplication and division fact families, and tablet work with concentration on multiplication. We will continue our assessment of High Frequency 3rd grade words during Spelling class. In Religion, we are learning about the various types of prayer.
4A - This week in Religion, we will be focusing on the "modern day" Beatitudes. How can we connect the Beatitudes to our own lives? In Math, we will be completing our Division unit! The students have done a great job on a very difficult concept. In Reading, we will continue reading our novel, Wonder. As we continue through Part 2, students will be bringing home nightly questions. In Social Studies, we will continue to learn about St. Junipero Serra and the Mission Era. In Science, we will be focusing on earthquakes and connecting what we learned on our field trips to our labs. Please continue to read for 20 minutes every night!
5A - Fifth grade is finishing February by learning all about equivalent fractions in math! 5th graders will do some special activities with food and fractions this week. We'll also revise our persuasive essays before officially publishing them, and work on analyzing character motivations as we continue with chapter 5 and 6 of Harry Potter.
6A Religion – Students will be making cards for their buddies who are celebrating their First Holy Communion this weekend. Language Arts – Students are wrapping up their Google Slideshows this week. They continue to practice the challenging rules of bibliographies and also confront most people's biggest phobia: public speaking! Students will learn how to communicate clearly and effectively, with a composed and professional manner. Math – Students will find the absolute value of an integer. Social Studies – Students continue to learn about the achievements of Ancient Civilizations. Science – 6A students will relate thunderstorms to tornados.
7A Religion - 7A will recognize Jesus' call to build a just society that honors and promotes human dignity. Language Arts - Students have finished their Selfie Poem, describing an obstacle, its difficulty, and ways one has learned from it. They will have an opportunity to share their creations with the class. Students will also apply the unique characteristics of poetry by reading and annotating poems. Math – Students will add linear expressions. Social Studies – Students will learn about the Black Death and how the disease and the effects it had on Europe. Science – Students create a family tree and trace inherited traits over a few generations!
8A/8B Religion - In eighth grade religion this week students will be taking their ACRE test! Language Arts - Students have begun their Poetry Unit. They have reviewed the different techniques, characteristics, and forms. They are now beginning the creative process by composing a "Where I'm From" Poem. Thank you to all those who watched the 8th graders Final Zoot Suit Performance! They did an incredible job embodying the Pachuco culture, from the way that they dressed to the way that they danced! Math – Students will continue to write an equation of a line. Social Studies – Students are finishing the film Selma and will finish the Constitution unit with an essay about freedoms and responsibilities. Science - Students continue to explore energy as they prepare to face off with gravitational energy in their egg drop project.
Feb. 27 5:45 PM, First Communion rehearsal and Parent Meeting in church
Feb. 28 LifeTouch Spring Pictures (Optional)
Mar. 2 10:00 AM, First Holy Communion Mass
Mar. 6 8:10 AM, Ash Wednesday School Mass
Mar. 7 Free Dress for No Tardies in February
Mar. 8 AZTEC Trek Walk-a-Thon and Game Day