QUE PASA 1/23/2019 (English)

Dear Parents,

       This week marks the beginning of the 3rd quarter.  It’s another fresh start as we begin a new section of the school year.

       During this time, let’s not forget our growth mindset, and remember that we can be positive examples of growth for our children. There’s still much more we can learn, and there’s still plenty of time in this school year to be challenged, to ask questions, and to live out our core value: GROW! I’m trying to keep an open mind and keep a growth mindset, too. I feel like I’m learning a lot this year, and I know there’s still a lot more for me to learn. United, let’s not be afraid to try new things and learn from our mistakes; because, like our St. Peter’s KEYS state: Every accomplishment needs courage and Knowledge feeds growth.  Every day, with our children, we’ll keep on growing!


--Mrs. Sandra Jimenez




Last week, your child received a collection envelope and flyer for the AZTEC TREK.  Students and families can help support our school by collecting pledges for our walk-a-thon and game day.  This is our only mandatory school fundraiser, and it helps to keep St. Peter’s School’s tuition the lowest in the Archdiocese.  The minimum mandatory amount to be collected by each student is $100, but the more money a student collects, the more prizes and class points can be earned!  The due date for all money to be turned in is Friday, February 22. Thank you in advance for your support!



To show our appreciation for our Catholic Schools, we will be celebrating Catholic Schools Week next week, from January 27-31.  Please see the attached flyer for details on the special events of the week!  Below is a brief list of events:

Sunday, 1/27 – 9:30 AM Family Mass and Reception

Monday, 1/28 – Multicolor Monday

Tuesday, 1/29 – Grandparents Day Mass at 8:30 AM

Wednesday, 1/30 – Works of Mercy Wednesday

Thursday, 1/31– Thank the Parish Thursday (Bake Sale)

Friday, 2/1 – Free Day Friday (No School)



The application process for the Archdiocese Family Grant for the 2019-2020 school year has now begun.  Please go on to mytads.comto begin the application process. Be sure you have your 2018 income tax information or 2018 income information (Calworks, social security, food stamps, etc.).  Please be sure you have completed the total process by the Archdiocese deadline—April 15, 2019.



New students entering for the 2019-2020 school year must complete the BASIC Fund Application no later than March 15, 2019.  

Renewal families will be filling out their BASIC Fund Renewal Application in March and April.  All student accounts must be current with no past due balances. Please be sure you have your 2018 income tax information or 2018 income information (Calworks, social security, food stamps, etc.).  Contact the school office if you have any questions.



We depend on parent volunteer support throughout the school year! Some upcoming events include our FAMILY DANCE and CATHOLIC SCHOOLS WEEK FAMILY MASS RECEPTION.  If you would like to help plan future events and fundraisers, or would like to join one of our parent groups, please contact Mrs. Jimenez at sjimenez@sanpedro.org or leave your name and number at the office.



As the weather gets colder and you bundle up your child, please ensure that he/she follows uniform policy as posted by the school office and stated in the school handbook.  All undershirts, including long-sleeve undershirts, should be white.  If your daughter wears tights, they should be solid black or white and extend to the ankle.  Socks must be black or white and extend above the ankle.  Boots may not be worn.



KINDER - This week in Kindergarten, students are going to sing a song about some foods that are grown on farms. We will also read to find out about the kinds of foods that people grow. Students will be reminded that some of the pronouns that they have learned include he, she, it, we, you and I. In Math, we will learn to make 10. Students will find the number that makes ten when added to the given number. 


1A - This week in first grade we are reading, writing, and learning about folktales. In religion, we are learning about the significance of the Our Father. In math, we are using our knowledge of place value to compare two-digit numbers. In science, we are observing and comparing different types of clouds and discussing how they move across the sky. In social studies, we are learning about different U.S. symbols. 


2A - We are reading “Dear Primo” and learning about quarters, dimes, nickels, and pennies—please let your child play with coins! We are going to be investigating particulate solids on the schoolyard in science. We are talking about making better choices and preparing for Reconciliation. Please take the time to talk with your child about Reconciliation so that they are not anxious. 


3A – This week, we continue reading Mr. Popper's Penguins.  We are also researching the habits and habitats of penguins during Science Class.  In Social Studies, we are learning about women who have made great contributions to our world.  In Math, we are working on multiplication strategies using our tablets during rotational model time. Finally, but importantly, we are studying the Sacraments of Christian Initiation - Baptism, Eucharist and Confirmation. 


4A - Welcome to the 3rd Quarter! We are excited to start the 2nd half of the year, and becoming "5th Graders in Training!” In Religion this week, we will continue to focus on the Seven Sacraments as a way for us to experience God's Grace. We will have a Religion Test on Friday. In Reading, we will begin on next story, Me and Uncle Romie.  We will also begin our first home book report this week. In Math, we will continue to focus on division. Students will use their multiplication skills to help us with our long division problems. In Social Studies, we will have a Native California project where we will research one California tribe. In Science, we will begin our unit on energy. Let's have a great second half of 4th Grade!


5A - This week, we're learning about long division with two-digit divisors in math. In reading, we're focusing on identifying the author's purpose in a variety of texts. In social studies, we're learning about life in the New England colonies. Please make sure your child is continuing to practice their division fact fluency at home! 


6A  Religion – 6th Grade will be hosting the Family Mass Reception on Sunday January 27th at 9:30 a.m. and bringing juice and coffee cups. Thank you for your support in starting Catholic Schools Week!   Language Arts – It's the beginning of 3rd Quarter and a fresh start! We are beginning our unit on non-fiction text this week, with a focus on persuasive writing. We'll be identifying bias in writing by distinguishing between facts and opinions in a text.   Math - To start the third quarter, 6A will begin dividing fractions.  Social Studies – Students are acting out Ancient Indian tales and identifying the morals of the stories.


7A   Language Arts - Students are continuing to read Freak the Mighty. In addition to their reading, students will also respond to a series of comprehension questions to ensure understanding of the overall content.   Math - 7A will identify and use mathematical properties to simplify algebraic expressions.   Social Studies – Students are learning about Feudalism in Medieval Japanese Society.   Science – Students are wrapping up their mitosis dance as we prepare to begin our conversation on chromosomes and genetics.


8A/8B   Religion - This week, we will be discussing the Crusades and the effect they continue to have on the Church today.  Language Arts - Students are well into Act 1 of the play Zoot Suit. The overarching themes of Culture Clash and Racial Discrimination the Chicanos faced during the 1940's are stirring up lively discussions. Students are finding similarities of past and present examples in their own society. They are continuing to record their thoughts of tone and mood in their Reporter's Notebook.  Math -  8A and 8B will graph linear equations using the slope and y-intercept.   Social Studies – Students will begin their amendment projects as the final steps of the Constitution Unit.   Science - Rocket flight conditions are excellent this week. Students will fly their rockets and begin their post-lab analyses of their respective performances.




Jan. 23         8th Grade Graduation Photo Day

Jan. 23         Report Cards sent home

Jan. 27         Catholic Schools Week Sunday Family Mass and Reception, 9:30 AM


Jan. 28         12:30 Dismissal

Jan. 28         USF afterschool tutoring resumes

Jan. 29         8:30 AM Mass for Grandparents Day

Jan. 31         Bake Sale (during recess times)

Feb. 1           NO SCHOOL - Teacher In-Service Day