Dear Parents,
This Friday, we look forward to celebrating the life of Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. as we have a special school prayer service in his honor. He is a role model for us and our students as we discuss how others should be treated with dignity and love. We can reflect on how Dr. King is an example of thinking critically, living out the KEYS, and taking action for social justice. It’s a perfect opportunity to apply our growth mindset along with the children, and to take action through service!
At the same time, we pray for peace in our world. I am reminded of Jesus’ words: “Peace I leave with you, My peace I give to you.” Like Jesus and Dr. King, let us remember to be examples of respect and peace for our children.
--Mrs. Sandra Jimenez
On Monday, we had a special assembly to introduce the AZTEC TREK, our annual mandatory fundraiser. Going home with each child today is the collection envelope for the AZTEC TREK. Students and families can help support our school by collecting pledges for our walk-a-thon and game day. This is our only mandatory school fundraiser, and it helps to keep St. Peter’s School’s tuition the lowest in the Archdiocese. The minimum mandatory amount to be collected by each student is $100, but the more a student collects, the more prizes and class points can be earned! The due date for all money to be turned in us Friday, February 22. See the attached flyer for more details. Thank you in advance for your support!
Due to an emergency, Mr. Minh, our after school computer lab supervisor, will not be at school from January 7-18. The computer lab will be closed from January 7-18 and will re-open on January 22 (after the MLK holiday).
Since we will be attending a school prayer service this Friday in honor of Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr., all children must be in complete uniform, and not in the gray school sweats. Also, no free dress passes may be used on this day.
To show our appreciation for our Catholic Schools, we will be celebrating Catholic Schools Week from January 27-31. Please see the attached flyer for the various themes of each day!
The application process for the Archdiocese Family Grant for the 2019-2020 school year has now begun. Please go on to mytads.comto begin the application process. Be sure you have your 2018 income tax information or 2018 income information (Calworks, social security, food stamps, etc.). Please be sure you have completed the total process by the Archdiocese deadline.
New students entering for the 2019-2020 school year must complete the BASIC Fund Application no later than March 15, 2019.
Renewal families will be filling out their BASIC Fund Renewal Application in March and April. All student accounts must be current with no past due balances. Please be sure you have your 2018 income tax information or 2018 income information (Calworks, social security, food stamps, etc.). Contact the school office if you have any questions.
We depend on parent volunteer support throughout the school year! Some upcoming events include our FAMILY DANCE and CATHOLIC SCHOOLS WEEK FAMILY MASS RECEPTION. If you would like to help plan future events and fundraisers, or would like to join one of our parent groups, please contact Mrs. Jimenez at or leave your name and number at the office.
As the weather gets colder and you bundle up your child, please ensure that he/she follows uniform policy as posted by the school office and stated in the school handbook. All undershirts, including long-sleeve undershirts, should be white. If your daughter wears tights, they should be solid black or white and extend to the ankle. Socks must be black or white and extend above the ankle. Boots may not be worn.
KINDER - This week in Kindergarten, students will learn to identify main events in fiction text. We will identify the most important events in a story, retell, and recognized events that happen to the main character.
1A - This week, we are reading and discussing how plants change as they grow and working on reading and writing words with the long i sound. In religion, we are praying through song and thanking those who donated books to our classroom over Christmas. In math, we are continuing to work on place value for numbers up to 100. In science, we are making thermometers to demonstrate how air temperature is taken. In social studies, we are learning about Martin Luther King Jr. and the importance of standing up for what is right.
2A - We are reading “Volcanoes” and learning about quadrilaterals (2-dimensional shapes) and cubes. We are going to be investigating spills in science. We are talking about making better choices and preparing for the sacrament of Reconciliation.
3A – 3A is continuing to read Mr. Popper's Penguins during Language Arts class. Also in Language Arts, we are studying the 120 high-frequency third grade words that we use so often in our writing. In Social Studies, we will focus on Dr. MLK, Jr. We'll learn about his life and what makes him the great American hero that we look up to for our continuing struggle for equality. Math focus this month is on word problems. We are looking for key words that tell us which operation to use in solving these problems. One of our ongoing GOALS is to begin multiplication on February 4. We are challenging ourselves to work harder on STMath here at school and at home. 3A, remember our GROWTH MINDSET rule! NEVER GIVE UP OR GIVE IN!!!
4A - What a great start to 2019! In Religion this week, we will continue to focus on the 7 Sacraments and learn how God fills us with Grace. In Reading, we will begin to read Coming Distractions: Questioning Movies. We will begin to focus on the differences between facts and opinions. In Math, we will begin our division unit! The students will focus on 2 by 1 digit division as well as 3 by 1 digit. In Social Studies, we will focus on a mini-project about California Native Peoples; this will lead us into our Mission unit during the 3rd quarter! In Science, we will focus on energy. We will begin to use our stations during our Literacy Block and Math classes. Please continue to read each night and use STMath!
5A - In 5th grade this week, our class is focusing on writing better main idea sentences for our paragraphs. We're learning about the original 13 US colonies in Social Studies and continuing our quest to become division fact masters in math.
6A Religion – 6th Graders are leading weekly masses in January and writing cards to the imprisoned as a Work of Mercy for January. Language Arts – Students continue to build on their academic vocabulary using Greek and Latin roots. We have also concluded our first novel, Roll of Thunder Hear My Cry, and will be working on their culminating projects this week. Social Studies – Students continue with their Ancient India Unit. They will act out some Ancient Indian tales and identify the moral and author's purpose in the stories.
7A Language Arts - Students are continuing their introduction to Freak the Mighty. They participated in a series of pre-reading activities: the author and various themes/topics to ensure comprehension as students begin reading the novel this week. Social Studies – Students are ending Quarter 2 with a Passion Project research presentation about different cultural aspects about life in Medieval China and Japan. Science – Students have now tested their knowledge of it's time to choreograph its dance!
8A/8B Language Arts - Students are finalizing their Night Literary Analysis Essay this week. They also thoroughly enjoyed the Holocaust Guest Speaker this past Tuesday. The presentation allowed them to put a face to the experiences they read in the novel. As they wrap up Night, students will transition to the introduction of their next text, a play, Zoot Suit by Luis Valdez. Social Studies – Students are finalizing Quarter 2 with a project about the Branches of Government to distinguish between the roles and responsibilities of each of the three branches. Science - Rocket launch has been delayed by a week. This week we conduct test flights and next week we launch for flight distances.
Jan. 16 AZTEC TREK Fundraiser begins
Jan. 16 First Communion Parent Meeting, 5:45 PM in Church
Jan. 18 End of 2nd Quarter
Jan. 18 Martin Luther King, Jr. Prayer Service, 8:30 AM
Jan. 21 Dr. MLK, Jr. Holiday, No School
Jan. 23 8th Grade Graduation Photo Day
Jan. 23 Report Cards sent home
Jan. 27 Catholic Schools Week Sunday Family Mass and Reception, 9:30 AM
Jan. 28 12:30 Dismissal