Que Pasa March 8, 2017

Dear Parents,

A reflection for the second week of Lent. There is so much darkness in my life and I hide from you. Take my hand

and lead me out of the shadows of my fear. Help me to change my heart. Bring me to your truth and help me to respond to your generous love. Let me recognize the fullness of your love which will fill my life. Free me from the darkness in my heart. May the Lord bless us, protect us from all evil and bring us to everlasting life. Amen.

 Congratulations to the students who received the Sacrament of Reconciliation on Saturday.

 A reminder that you re-registration forms are due by March 15th to reserve your space with a $100 deposit. Remaining balance due April 14th.


March:  Unite

I will respect everyone in the St. Peter’s “family” including parents, teachers, staff, and other students.  I understand I am still growing even from my mistakes.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                     STUDENT LEARNING EXPECTATIONS

A St. Peter’s student will comprehend and communicate effectively through reading, writing, speaking, and listening.


Join our Archbishop Salvatore Cordileone in celebrating the dignity of immigrants at a special Mass at St. Peter's Church on Saturday, March 11, 11:00 AM. All are welcome. Following Mass, a Forum will be held on the topic of immigrant rights and resources to support migrants, offered in Spanish and English.


Every day during Lent there will Mass at St. Peter’s Church at 6:00 PM. On Friday’s there will be Stations of the Cross at 5:30 PM before Mass.


All money for the Walk-A-Thon was due on Friday, February 10th. This was a mandatory fundraiser. Please submit your $100 as soon as possible. Winners will be announced at the Walk-A-Thon on March 10th. Please return your permission forms for this event.


The application process for applying for the Archdiocese Family Grant for 2017-2018 is now accepting applications for next school year (August, 2017-May, 2018). Please go on to mytads.com and select 2017-2018 and be sure you have your 2016 income tax information or 2016 income information (calworks, social security, food stamps, etc.)


New Students entering 2017-2018 need to complete the Basic Fund Application no later than March 10, 2017

Renewal Families will be filling out their Basic Fund Renewal Application in March, 2017. All student accounts need to be current with no past due balances. Please be sure you have your 2016 income tax information or 2016 income information (calworks, social security, food stamps, etc.) For questions, please contact our office.


In our efforts to get all students to school on time, we will continue to give rewards for the children that are not late to school. If your child has no tardies during the month of March, he/she can have a free dress on April 11th.


The application for the 2017-2018 school year is available for new students.  Please encourage friends, family, and co-workers to stop by the school for a tour and to pick up an application. Student Shadow Days:  Students in Grades 1-7 can spend a day at St. Peter’s to meet teachers and students.  Any day of the week is available, Monday-Friday. Call the office at (415) 647-8662 to arrange a shadow date. If you have a new Kindergartener or know someone who is interested, please call the office to register for the next Morning in Kindergarten.


Mathias Torres 1st                            Abigail Becerra 5th                          

Jaykob Offril 2nd                             Eduardo Olivera-Diaz 6A

Alexandra Reyes Nieto 3rd              Luis Gonzalez 6B       

Arnel Pineda 4th                              Lucy Blanco 8B   


In 1st – This week in 1st grade we are talking about how we classify and categorize things. We are working on reading and spelling words with /ar/ such as barn, art and yarn. We are talking about the different points of view in a story and working on making and confirming predictions. In math we are finishing off our geometry unit and will soon be starting on money and time.

 In 2nd – We will continue with multiplication, how families celebrate and what makes a hero. Walk-a-thon is Friday March 10th so please turn in your permission form and wear walking shoes. We will be walking with 6th grade buddies.

 In 3rd – In Science, 3A/B in learning facts from reading several Magic School Bus books. These informational texts include some of the following subjects: the senses the ocean, the water cycle, the Solar System, and the human body. Reading informational texts at home with your child can improve comprehension and vocabulary of words which can be difficult. Friday March 10th. is the St. Peter's Walkathon. ALL students and staff will participate and students will walk with buddies to Precita Park. This will promote community building and a healthier lifestyle.

 In 4th – This week the fourth grade will identify and use adjectives and adverbs correctly, identify the purposes of different types of texts, such as to inform, persuade, express, or entertain, and recognize the numerator and denominator of a fraction.

 In 5th – In Language Arts this week, we will complete graphic organizers to help us compare and contrast three main characters of three stories that we've read together in class.  Each character helped fight for human rights in his or her own way, but in what other ways are they alike? And what ways are they different?


6th and 7th Grade ELA: We are finishing up our unit on poetry with a poetry recital of student's favorite poems they've written these past weeks. We will also be reviewing all of the different types of figurative language, sound devices, and types of poetry we've analyzed in this unit. 8th Grade Religion: Students have completed the unit on the Reformation and Counter-Reformation. This week we will be reviewing key concepts and vocabulary from the unit in preparation for our final exam.

Science – 6: Sixth grade meteorologists are preparing to give their first live forecasts! 7: Seventh grade is getting ready to test their knowledge of genetics and heredity. 8: Eighth grade is wrapping up the mousetrap car data acquisition portion of their project and looking forward to writing their post lab analyses.

Social Studies: 6th Grade Social Studies is spending the week learning about the culture and achievements of Ancient India. 7th Grade Social Studies has finished their castle research projects, learned about the Black Death, and will begin to learn about the Renaissance in Europe. 8th Grade Social Studies will begin the “Indian Removal” section of their Westward Movement Unit. 6B Religion is continuing discussion about their Lenten journeys and inviting Mr. Kyle in for conversations about the characteristics of Lent.


March 10th               Walk-A-Thon 11:00 AM – 2:00 PM

March 15th                Re-Registration Due

                                 Lenten Mass 8:30 AM

March 17th                No School – Faculty Retreat

March 20th                Spring Pictures

March 22nd               Lenten Mass 8:30 AM

March 24th                7th Grade Retreat