Dear Parents,
Today we begin the season Lent: Creator of my Life, renew me bring me to new life in you.
Touch me and make me feel whole again. Help me to see your love in the passion, death and resurrection of your son. Help me to observe Lent in a way that allows me to celebrate that love. Prepare me for these weeks of Lent as I feel both deep sorrow for my sins and your undying love for me. Amen
Special thanks for the weeks of planning and preparing for the Family Dance: Myra Santos and Vanessa Espinoza and their families. Thank you to Mr. Duarte for providing the DJ music. Thank you to the Blueprint Tap Room for the dinner.Thank you to all parents who donated drinks and desserts, and who helped in setting up and cleaning up after the dance.
A reminder that you re-registration forms are due by March 15th to reserve your space with a $100 deposit. Remaining balance due April 14th.
March: Unite
I will respect everyone in the St. Peter’s “family” including parents, teachers, staff, and other students.
A St. Peter Student will develop awareness and appreciation of Catholic principles and practices.
All money for the Walk-A-Thon was due on Friday, February 10th. This was a mandatory fundraiser. Please submit your $100 as soon as possible. Winners will be announced at the Walk-A-Thon on March 10th. Please return your permission forms for this event.
The application process for applying for the Archdiocese Family Grant for 2017-2018 is now accepting applications for next school year (August, 2017-May, 2018). Please go on to and select 2017-2018 and be sure you have your 2016 income tax information or 2016 income information (calworks, social security, food stamps, etc.)
New Students entering 2017-2018 need to complete the Basic Fund Application no later than March 10, 2017
Renewal Families will be filling out their Basic Fund Renewal Application in March, 2017. All student accounts need to be current with no past due balances. Please be sure you have your 2016 income tax information or 2016 income information (calworks, social security, food stamps, etc.) For questions, please contact our office.
In our efforts to get all students to school on time, we will continue to give rewards for the children that are not late to school. If your child has no tardies during the month of February, he/she can have a free dress on March 7th.
The application for the 2017-2018 school year is available for new students. Please encourage friends, family, and co-workers to stop by the school for a tour and to pick up an application. Student Shadow Days: Students in Grades 1-7 can spend a day at St. Peter’s to meet teachers and students. Any day of the week is available, Monday-Friday. Call the office at (415) 647-8662 to arrange a shadow date. If you have a new Kindergartener or know someone who is interested, please call the office to register for the next Morning in Kindergarten: Monday, March 6th from 10:00-11:00 AM at St. Peter’s School (1266 Florida Street).
Veronica Juarez K Bianca Langlois 6B
Leticia Alarcon 3rd Rafael Campos 8A
Yasmin Bello-Leon 5th Guadalupe Sandoval 8B
Daniel Mejia 6A
In K –This week, students will participate in shared research and writing projects. Students will work with partners to create their transportation poster.
In 3rd – We are beginning to study multiplication in Math. Please help your child/children by studying the multiplication tables through the 12's. It is critical that student's know these by the end of 3rd grade. Practicing every night will help reach that goal. Your cooperation is greatly appreciated.
In 5th – In Religion this week, we will begin our discussion about Lent. In Math, we are learning how to multiply fractions and mixed numbers. We are also studying the US Presidents in History through songs and online games, so at home your child should be studying the Presidents as well.
Science – 6: Students are getting their weather reports ready for broadcast! 7: Students are completing their genetic disorder presentation and wrapping up their chapter on heredity. 8: Students are fine-tuning their mouse trap cars and getting them ready for races!
6th and 7th Grade ELA: 6th and 7th graders are continuing their unit on poetry. This week, 7th graders will be looking at classic examples of elegies and the format of modern “Slam” poetry. 6th graders will continue identifying and interpreting figurative language, as well as practicing to write their own. 8th Grade Religion: We are wrapping our unit on the Reformation and Counter-Reformation movements by creating skits that summarize the most important events and concepts of the era. Students are working with groups to write their scripts and produce their plays.
6th – 8th Grade Social Studies is finishing up Black History Month activities and projects. By the end of the week, 6th grade will be starting the Ancient India Unit, 7th grade will be presenting their Medieval Castle projects, and 8th grade will be learning about the causes and effects of the War of 1812. 6B Religion is preparing for Lent and making Lenten promises.
8th Grade Language Arts: Students have showcased a couple pieces from their Poetry Collection Portfolio. They will begin the introduction to their third text, "Zoot Suit" by Luis Valdez this week. 6th Grade Language Arts: Students are continuing to read Hatchet. They are enjoying the struggles and triumphs Brain, the main character, faces as he tries to survive in the Canadian forest alone. In addition to reading in class, students are creating Book Notes as a comprehension tool.
March 4th Reconciliation 11:30 AM
March 6th Morning in K 10:00 AM
March 7th Free Dress – No Tardies (February)
5th Academy of Sciences
Lenten Mass 8:30 AM
March 10th Walk-A-Thon 11:00 AM – 2:00 PM
March 15th Lenten Mass 8:30 AM
March 17th No School – Faculty Retreat