QUE PASA 1/22/2025 (ENGLISH)

Dear Parents, 

      We are now a little more than halfway through our school year.  Today is school day #91 out of 180 days of the school year!     

       Though we face challenges each day, we can uplift ourselves by realizing our accomplishments.  Each day at school, we remind the students of our Schoolwide Learning Expectations (also known as SLEs), and how we live out our CORE VALUES to Grow, Accomplish, Love, Serve, and Unite.  Our school community continues to accomplish our goal to meet our SLEs, and at this time–as we are preparing for Catholic Schools Week–I am especially reminded of the following SLEs:

We have the KEYS to:

- GROW by facing challenges with optimism and faith in God.

- ACCOMPLISH by listening and communicating effectively in social and academic environments.

- LOVE by demonstrating an appreciation for what others have done for us.

- SERVE by sharing time, gifts, and joy within the school. 

- UNITE by supporting and encouraging others in order to strengthen our school community.  

Thank you for all your support so far during this school year!

--Mrs. Sandra Jimenez

P.S. To see the full list of our Schoolwide Learning Expectations, visit our school website at http://www.stpeterssf.org/sles!

Monday, January 27, we have a 12:00 dismissal day for teachers to attend an In-Service meeting.  BVCC will be open for students who are registered for Mondays.  All other students should be picked up or on their way home at the 12:00 dismissal time.


Next week, we will celebrate CATHOLIC SCHOOLS WEEK!  We celebrate UNITY as a Catholic School and take time to reflect on and appreciate our Catholic School education.  See the details below to see the themes for each day for Catholic Schools Week.  Show your school spirit by participating in the activities!

To start Catholic Schools Week, students and families are invited to attend Sunday Family Mass at 1:00 PM on Sunday, January 26.  

* Come to this Sunday Mass in your school uniform and receive a free dress pass!

1/27 – Meaningful Monday: Classes will design a symbol of Catholic Schools Week.

1/28 – Grandparents Day Tuesday: Invite your grandparents to sit with you at our 8:15 AM School Mass.  Prayers will be offered for all grandparents.

1/29 – CSW Colors Wednesday: Each class wears their assigned color from the Catholic Schools Week logo.

1/30 – Thankful Thursday: Special notes for all who support us in our Catholic education

1/31 – Fundraiser Friday: $5 Boba Drink Sale during recess!


The BASIC Fund’s new and renewal applications for the 2025-2026 School Year are now open and available on the website https://basicfund.org/how-to-apply/. Families can submit their 2023 Tax Return along with their application, but we highly encourage families to submit their 2024 Tax Return as they won’t be required to update on next year’s renewal application. 

Current BASIC Fund families wanting to apply for a new sibling must fill out an application through the Existing Family Application page on our website. Families will need to input their email and BASIC Fund family account number (a separate email has been sent to families with their family account) to access their application. If the family does not know their BASIC Fund family account number, they need to follow the instructions noted to have their account number emailed to them. 

** The New and Renewal Application deadline is March 28, 2025.


Applications for archdiocesan financial aid for 2025-2026 year are now open via myTads.com.

Applications should be submitted by. April 15, 2025. To be considered for financial aid, one must live in one of the following counties: San Francisco, San Mateo and Marin county.


We have received generous donations from the Olympic Club Foundation and Hoop Bus (https://www.hoopbus.com/) to help us renovate our schoolyard!  Because Hoop Bus will be in the Bay Area for the NBA All-Star Game happening next month at Chase Center, they would like to schedule the unveiling of the renovated schoolyard around the time of the All-Star Game in February.  Weather permitting, we hope to remain on this schedule!

While renovations are in process, we will make adjustments to morning drop-offs, recesses, and afternoon pickups.  Please stay tuned on Class Dojo and Que Pasa for announcements on those special instructions!  Thank you in advance for your cooperation and understanding.  


We are currently accepting applications and conducting entrance assessments for the upcoming 2025-2026 school year.  If you know a family interested in applying, please have them call the school office or email Ms. Godoy at jgodoy@sanpedro.org to begin the application process.  They may also start the application process through our school website at https://www.stpeterssf.org/how-to-apply


We live our core value to UNITE as students wear their school uniform with pride.  Please remember that the complete daily uniform includes the plain white polo shirt, navy slacks or uniform skirt/jumper, green uniform sweatshirt, black or white socks, and solid black or solid white sneakers (tennis shoes).  

On Fridays (unless there is a church service), students may wear the optional gray Aztecs hoodie, Aztecs sweatpants, and Aztecs T-shirt.

** To purchase the gray Aztecs sweats, obtain an order form in the school office.

For more details on the school uniform, refer to the Uniform section of the Parent-Student Handbook that was distributed on the first day of school, which is also available on the school website: http://www.stpeterssf.org/parents-students

Students who are out of uniform will receive a “Uniform Notice” to be signed by a parent or guardian, as a reminder about the uniform policy, and to help us unite as a school community!


January 23      8th Grade Graduation Photo Day

January 26      1:00 PM Sunday Family Mass for Catholic Schools Week


January 27       12:00 Dismissal 

January 28       8:15 School Mass in honor of Grandparents

January 28       Trimester 2 Progress Reports sent home

January 29       12:30 Dismissal

February 3-13    STAR Testing Window #3

February 4         8:15 AM School Mass

February 5         100th Day of School!

February 5         12:30 Dismissal