Dear Parents,
While we do our best to start 2024 with positivity, we continue to pray for strength as we face the every-day challenges of life. At times, work, family, and personal demands might keep us from taking time to reflect. The Prayer of St. Francis can help us to slow down, reflect, and remember the positive impact that we can have on each other as an “instrument of peace.” As we pray, let us remember that God is always with us through life’s challenges!
Peace Prayer of St. Francis
Lord, make me an instrument of your peace:
where there is hatred, let me sow love;
where there is injury, pardon;
where there is doubt, faith;
where there is despair, hope;
where there is darkness, light;
where there is sadness, joy.
O divine Master, grant that I may not so much seek
to be consoled as to console,
to be understood as to understand,
to be loved as to love.
For it is in giving that we receive,
it is in pardoning that we are pardoned,
and it is in dying that we are born to eternal life. AMEN.
-- Mrs. Sandra Jimenez
On Monday, January 22, we have a 12:00 dismissal day for teachers to attend an Archdiocese In-Service meeting. BVCC will be open for students who are registered for Mondays.
During the week of January 28 (the week AFTER next week), we will celebrate CATHOLIC SCHOOLS WEEK! We celebrate UNITY as a Catholic School and take time to reflect on and appreciate our Catholic School education. A flier will be posted on Class Dojo for details on the themes for each day for Catholic Schools Week. Show your school spirit by participating in the activities!
To start Catholic Schools Week, students and families are invited to attend Sunday Family Mass at 11:00 AM on Sunday, January 28. After Mass, our classrooms will be open for viewing for family members and prospective students and families.
* Come to this Sunday Mass in your school uniform and receive a free dress pass!
Spread the word! Students entering Kindergarten for the 2024-2025 school year are invited to participate in “Mornings in Kindergarten.” While parents take a tour of the school, the prospective Kindergartener will spend some time in the Kindergarten classroom.
** As announced last school year, the 2024 -2025 Kindergarten class will be our first DUAL-LANGUAGE IMMERSION (DLI) class, with academic content being taught in English and Spanish. For more information about the upcoming DLI program, visit our website at
Students entering grades 1-7 for the 2023-2024 school year are invited to participate in “Shadow Visits,” when they spend some time in their grade-level classroom, and take their entrance exam afterwards.
If you or someone you know is interested in scheduling a Morning In Kindergarten or Shadow Visit, contact the school office at 415-647-8662, or email our School Marketing Coordinator, Janelle Godoy at
We live our core value to UNITE as students wear their school uniform with pride. Please remember that the complete daily uniform includes the plain white polo shirt, navy slacks or uniform skirt/jumper, green uniform sweatshirt, black or white socks, and solid black or solid white sneakers (tennis shoes).
On Fridays (unless there is a church service), students may wear the optional gray Aztecs hoodie, Aztecs sweatpants, and Aztecs T-shirt.
** To purchase the gray Aztecs sweats, obtain an order form in the school office.
For more details on the school uniform, refer to the Uniform section of the Parent-Student Handbook that was distributed on the first day of school, which is also available on the school website:
Students who are out of uniform will receive a “Uniform Notice” to be signed by a parent or guardian, as a reminder about the uniform policy, and to help us unite as a school community!
January 22 12:00 Dismissal
January 23 8:15 AM School Mass
January 24 12:30 Dismissal
January 25 8th Grade Graduation Photo Day
January 28 11:00 AM Sunday Family Mass for Catholic Schools Week
January 28-February 2 Catholic Schools Week