QUE PASA 5/31/2023 (ENGLISH)

Dear Parents,

        The 8th graders are taking their final steps towards GRADUATION!  We proudly share in their accomplishments as we—their families and teachers—have helped them to lay the foundation for their future.  Now, they are ready to take on their next steps in high school!

Let us offer this prayer for our soon-to-be graduates:

 Loving God, we thank you for our graduates. You have blessed them during their years at St. Peter’s School with wisdom, friendships, and skills. Continue to challenge them to make this world a better place. Help them to look forward to their next steps in high school. Give them faith and a sense of purpose in 

their next steps. Show them how to serve others in effective ways.  May they be aware in everything they do that they find fulfillment in doing your will, that you will be with them always, and that you will bring to completion the good work you have begun in them.  AMEN.


WAY TO GO CLASS OF 2023!!! We are so proud of you!

 --Mrs. Sandra Jimenez


As a school we will attend the Class of 2023 Baccalaureate Mass in honor of our 8th graders on Friday, June 2 at 9:30 AM.

On Tuesday, June 6, we will have a Kindergarten - 7th grade Awards Ceremony and Prayer Service at 1:15 PM.

During the final week of school, there will be no Tuesday school Mass.  Instead, we will have school Mass on Friday, June 9 at 8:30 AM in celebration of our last day of school.

Since we will be attending school Mass on June 2 and June 9, please be sure that your child is in complete school uniform.  No Gray sweats or free dress passes may be used on these days.


During the last week of school (June 5-9), there will be no BVCC after-school services while they prepare for their summer program.

Please plan accordingly so that your child(ren) are picked up at the appropriate school dismissal time, listed below:

  • Monday, June 5 - 3:00 PM

  • Tuesday, June 6 - 3:00 PM

  • Wednesday, June 7 - 12:30 PM  (Minimum Day)

  • Thursday, June 8 - 12:30 PM  (Minimum Day)

  • Friday, June 9 - 10:30 AM  (Last day of School)


The 2022-2023 yearbooks are now on sale! Supplies are very limited, so make sure to reserve your copy in one of the following ways:

1. Reserve through Venmo: Send $25 to @SPeters-School. Make sure to write your child’s full name, grade, and YEARBOOK in the comments.

2. Reserve at the office: Bring $25 to the front office, cash only.

→ Yearbooks will be delivered to students' classrooms the last week of May. Don't miss out on this keepsake of wonderful memories from the school year!


The re-registration forms are  now past due. Please submit this completed form as soon as possible. 

The registration fee per student is also now past due.  As noted on the letter sent home, the registration fees are as follows:

- Students entering grades K-7: $505

- Students entering 8th grade: $550 (includes 8th grade sweatshirt)                                                                                               

To reference the letter with the tuition rates and re-registration form–scroll down or call the school office to have another letter and form sent home.


The LAST DAY for BVCC after-school services for this school year is Friday, June 2.  There will be no BVCC services from June 5-9, so please plan accordingly!

Now, you can register for the BVCC Summer Fun Extravaganza Camp.  

Mornings will consist of academic help, and afternoons will consist of enrichment activities for students.

- Dates:  June 12th - July 28th  

- Hours:  9:00 a.m. - 3:30 p.m.

- Extended Hours:  8:00-9:00 a.m. & 3:30-5:30 p.m

- Fees:  $300 per week; Extended Care $50 morning; $75 afternoon; or $100 for both.

* No one is turned away due to finances.  Please talk to Ms. Judy or Ms. Rochelle (415-283-5545 or 415-713-0625). 

To register, click on this link:  https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSf0gYhzk-8uVPZZM98DrAGgR76yw9omW3paK9rc9_dyOAgYrA/viewform


We continue to endure the effects of the COVID-19 pandemic.  To prevent the spread of COVID-19 at school, we have developed a School Infection Mitigation Plan, which was given to each parent on the first day of school as part of the Parent-Student Handbook.  The Infection Mitigation Plan is also available on our school website at http://www.stpeterssf.org/pandemic-reopening-plan

Please remember -- If your child is feeling ill or has been exposed to COVID-19, phone the school office and keep your child at home!  


Homeroom teachers identify Students of the Month at the end of each month.  We celebrate these students because they have exemplified living the St. Peter’s KEYS:

Knowledge feeds GROWTH. 

Every ACCOMPLISHMENT needs courage.

You are LOVE.


Congratulations to our May Students of the Month!

Kindergarten - Memphis Torres Nava brings joy to the classroom. He comes to class ready to learn with a can-do attitude. This young person is friends with everyone and has a laugh that lights up the whole room. He is always ready for a sports game and a new activity. Congratulations, Memphis!

1st Grade - Laylah Olivares Marin is the student of the month for May. She is respectful and nice towards her classmates. She enjoys helping others and embodies the golden rule of treating others with kindness. Academically, Laylah tries her best and loves to read. Congratulations, Laylah!

2nd Grade - Rose Solis demonstrates the St. Peter's key of LOVE. TShe comes to school excited to learn and is enthusiastic to share what she has learned with others. Rose brings a lot of enthusiasm to the classroom and school community. Her smile radiates positivity and kindness. Way to go, Rose!

3rd Grade - Joshua Estrada is our student of the month for May. Joshua shows enthusiasm, energy and excitement in the classroom. He goes above and beyond with his classwork and is always a team player. We are happy to have him in our classroom!

4th Grade - Camila Soto Hernandez has shined this school year living out our school's KEYS and keeping an open heart and open mind.  She is a great student always ensuring that her classwork and homework is complete and turned in.  She is also a great teammate; she is always so positive, encouraging, and supportive of her friends on the team.  Keep up the amazing work Camila!  You are a star.

5th Grade - Bella Gonzalez- Aguilar has made great strides in her social and academic development this year. She also volunteers frequently and makes significant contributions to the class. Brava, Bella!

6th Grade - Veronica Juarez is such a hardworking, compassionate, and thoughtful learner, filled with love, joy, and happiness. Vee is fearless in speaking up and using their voice when something needs to be corrected. They continue to model what a St. Peter's student should be here at school by serving, uniting, and accomplishing. Thank you for being you! Congratulations, Veronica!

7th Grade - Julissa Rodriguez is mature, open-minded, and curious. She has a strong work ethic and puts a lot of effort into classroom discussions and assignments. She is easy-going with a deeply kind soul. Thank you for sharing your stellar presence, Juli :)

8th Grade - Nelly Ortiz has continued to grow as she ends her 8th grade year strong! She has stepped out of her comfort zone to serve her St. Peter's community, as the Student Body Treasurer, student, and friend. Nelly has continuously demonstrated what it means to love and has appreciated what others have done for her by paying it forward, whether small or big, whether young or old. She always has a smile on her face and is ready to tackle the next challenge. Way to go Nelly!


June 1           8th Grade Picnic

June 2           Last day of BVCC After-School Services

June 2           9:30 AM  Baccalaureate Mass

June 2           11:00 AM  8th grade Luncheon

June 2           4:30 PM  Graduation Ceremony

June 6           1:15 PM  K-7 Awards Ceremony

June 7           Minimum Day Dismissal

June 8           8:45 AM  Kindergarten Promotion Celebration

June 8           Minimum Day Dismissal

June 9           8:30 AM Last Day of School Mass

June 9           10:30 AM Dismissal