Dear Parents,

        Happy New Year!!!  I pray that everyone safely enjoyed Christmas and new year celebrations filled with lots of love and laughter.  May our spirits be resilient and hopeful for a bright 2023! 

Together as a school family, let us start this new year with a prayer:

Lord, You make all things new.

You bring hope alive in our hearts 

And cause our Spirits to be born again.

Thank you for this new year,

For all the potential it holds.

Come and kindle in us a mighty flame

So that in our time, many will see the wonders of God

And live forever to praise Your glorious name.  AMEN.


-- Mrs. Sandra Jimenez  




Tomorrow—January 6—is The Feast of Epiphany, which commemorates the Magi who followed a star to find the baby Jesus. The Feast of Epiphany blessing asks that we might find the Lord when our pilgrimage is ended. It reminds us that we should be looking for God, and finding Him, all along the way!  In honor of the feast of the Epiphany, we pray that all will be treated with dignity and love, and that those who come there will find, as did the magi on their journey, Jesus Christ.

Our first school Mass of 2023 will be tomorrow (Friday, January 6) at 8:30 AM in honor of the Feast of the Epiphany.  Parents are welcome to join this Eucharistic celebration




The January lunch calendar is now available, attached here and available online at https://static1.squarespace.com/static/56297986e4b0b0d8bdbde6d6/t/63b49e0d189de730941280ce/1672781325317/Cafeteria+Calendar+January+2023.pdf

School lunches are $3.00 for the entree, $0.75 for water, and $0.75 for SunChips.

Students may order school lunches daily at the cafeteria, or parents may place orders on the Cafeteria VENMO account @StPeters-Lunch.  Venmo lunch orders must be completed by 8:30 AM.  You may also order lunches ahead of time (for the week or month) on Venmo.  Be sure to include your child’s name, grade, and items to be ordered.

*Note that the Cafeteria Venmo account is different from the Venmo school tuition/fees account.

Remember that school lunches may NOT be dropped off at the school office during the school day.  On regular dismissal days, students bring a lunch from home, or order a lunch from the cafeteria.  We also encourage students to bring a SNACK to eat during morning recess.


For those who missed the meeting about Dual-Language Immersion at St. Peter’s School, a full recording of the Zoom meeting is available at this link:


PASSCODE:  *0cQgp9+

The slides of the meeting are available here: https://docs.google.com/presentation/d/1c9D4BqAKTIcaPApnI53OrJpnrAbYd9HDd99fU-1O8CY/edit?usp=sharing

Now, ALL parents are encouraged to complete this SURVEY to gather input about a possible Dual Language Immersion program at St. Peter’s School.  Please click on this link for the survey.  Your input is needed and greatly appreciated!





Message from the Latino Task Force and Unidos en Salud at the 24th and Capp Street site:

“We’re here to keep your family and community safe during the holidays. Everyone 5 years and older should get the new Bivalent COVID booster.  Everyone 6 months and older should also get a flu shot. Appointments available at https://my.primary.health/a/bridgevaccine?access_code=748F2ABB5AEF6DBC or visit our site at 24th and Capp Street, Friday, Saturday, and Monday, 9:00 AM to 3:30 PM. For questions or assistance making an appointment, call 844-965-0987. And keep testing before gathering with friends and family!”




We continue to endure the effects of the COVID-19 pandemic.  To prevent the spread of COVID-19 at school, we have developed a School Infection Mitigation Plan, which was given to each parent on the first day of school as part of the Parent-Student Handbook.  The Infection Mitigation Plan is also available on our school website at http://www.stpeterssf.org/pandemic-reopening-plan

Please remember -- If your child is feeling ill or has been exposed to COVID-19, phone the school office and keep your child at home!  

🡪 Symptoms to watch out for include:

  • Fever -- 100.4°F / 38°C or higher

  • Cough

  • Severe headache

  • Sore throat

  • Shortness of breath or trouble breathing

  • New loss of taste or smell

  • Vomiting

  • Diarrhea

Homeroom teachers identify and describe Students of the Month at the end of each month. We all celebrate these students because they have exemplified living the St. Peter’s KEYS:

Knowledge feeds GROWTH. 

Every ACCOMPLISHMENT needs courage.

You are LOVE.


Congratulations to our December Students of the Month!


Kindergarten - Tatiana Juarez always comes to school ready and listening. She has a smile that lights up the whole room. She is a friend to everyone and includes everyone when out on the yard or during free choice time in the classroom. She will play with everyone and loves to include the whole class in whatever she is doing. Tatiana will always jump up and help whenever a student or teacher needs it. She loves to learn about new things and raises her hand with joy and enthusiasm. I love the energy that Tatiana brings to the classroom! 

1st Grade - Bridgette Rivas Guzman is student of the month for December. She has a passion for learning. Bridgette is kind to her classmates and follows playground rules. She listens to instructions and completes homework and classwork. Congratulations, Bridgette!

2nd grade - Natalie Rocha-Falcon is always looking for ways to help others. She can often be spotted trying to make someone feel better. In addition, she works hard in class and is always growing, especially in math. Thank you for modeling the St. Peter's Key of LOVE, Natalie!

3rd grade - Erick Maradiaga Hernandez is our student of the month. Erick does a great job in class by being responsible and respectful of others. He is helpful to others and stays on-task for any classroom job. He is a reliable and dependable friend to others. Thank you for being part of our classroom, Erick!

4th grade - Amariz Araujo Ortega has been a shining example of a student who lives out our school's KEYS.  She earned 2nd Honors during the first grading period and continues to work hard and grow as a student during the second trimester.  She is a great friend, so helpful in class, and willing to give to those in need.  She was so giving during the St. Peter's School Food Drive.  Keep up the great work Amariz!  You are a star.

5th grade - Andrea Morales-Boteo comes into class prepared and completes all her assignments. She often volunteers to help out in the classroom. Because of her outstanding work habits as a student, I have no doubt she will be very successful in the future. Brava, Andrea!

6th grade - Elizabeth Hernandez takes initiative in her classwork, and demonstrates what it means to be a compassionate learner. Ellie is a loving, sweet, and caring individual. She's always coming into class with a smile and positive attitude towards herself and others. I'm excited to see what this lifetime has to offer you, Ellie! Congratulations! :) 

7th grade - Andrea Perez lives out the St. Peter's KEYS every day! She is mature, responsible, and caring. She always offers a helping hand with a smile on her face and perseveres through hardship with strength and optimism. I am also continually impressed by Andrea's academic performance. You're a delight to have in class, Andrea, and you are appreciated!

8th grade - Matthew Chirino-Sandoval has demonstrated what it means to serve by sharing his time and talents within our school community as a leader, student council officer, classmate and friend. He also exudes positive energy and is determined to reach his true potential. Matthew is constantly asking questions and seeks ways to better himself. I am confident he will continue to grow and reach his best self! Great job,  Matthew! 



January 5        Classes resume, Regular schedule

January 6        8:30 AM  Feast of the Epiphany School Mass

January 10      8:15 AM School Mass

January 11      Minimum Day Dismissal

January 11      5:30 PM Parent First Communion Meeting

January 13      8:30 AM  Martin Luther King, Jr. Prayer Service

January 16      No School – MLK, Jr. Holiday