Dear Parents,

  This Friday—October 7th—commemorates the Memorial of Our Lady of the Rosary, and (as we pray the Hail Mary as a school each morning) the month of October is traditionally the month of the Rosary. 

       Here is a thoughtful reflection from Living the Rosary by Father John Phalen:

The Rosary starts with Mary’s human experience, and it encourages us to learn from our own.  The Rosary is:

  • Remembering Christ with Mary

  • Learning Christ with Mary

  • Being conformed to Christ with Mary

  • Praying to Christ with Mary

  • Proclaiming Christ with Mary


       By looking to Mary, the courageous mother of our Savior, we can open our hearts and minds to God’s presence in our lives, and be models for our own children to live with love, patience, faith, and perseverance, even through the challenging times in our lives.

       When I pass by our grotto at school each day, I’m reminded of how much St. Peter’s students honor Mary, and I think about how they make the Sign of the Cross or stop to say a prayer at the grotto.  It’s definitely a sacred place for our entire school family.  Plus, each month, one class has the task of taking care of the grotto, by bringing flowers and even prayer cards to Mary!

       Throughout October, let us look to Mary as a role model of faith and courage, especially during this month of the Rosary!

--Mrs. Sandra Jimenez



There is no school this Friday, October 7, while all teachers attend an Archdiocesan In-service.  There is also no school on Monday, October 10, in honor of Indigenous People’s Day.  School will resume on Tuesday, October 11. 


October 19, 20, and 21 are Minimum Day dismissals for students so that teachers can meet with all parents for the mandatory Parent-Teacher Conferences.  This will be a time when teachers will be sharing each student’s Progress Report for Trimester 1.  Parents can learn about their children’s progress and ask teachers questions. All Parent-Teacher Conferences will be conducted via Zoom. 

Parents – On Class Dojo, your child’s teacher will share a link to a Parent-Teacher Conference sign-up sheet.  Please choose an appointment time right away, so that your child’s teacher can coordinate his/her full conference schedule and confirm your appointment time for this very important meeting.  Thank you for your cooperation!



For students in grades 3-8: If your child is already baptized and has not yet received the Sacrament of First Communion, please contact the office as soon as possible if you are interested in having your child receive First Communion with St. Peter’s School.




Our school Halloween celebration will take place on Friday, October 28.  We will begin with a costume parade on the schoolyard at 1:00 PM, followed by games and snack sales.  Parents are welcome to join the celebration. 

Students are welcome to come to school in an age-appropriate Halloween costume on Friday, October 28. However, please do not bring any costume parts or props that resemble any type of weapon.  Thank you for your cooperation on this matter. 

Students may bring individually-wrapped treats to share with their classmates for the Halloween celebration.  Teachers will notify families about the number of students in each class so that all students in the class are included if a treat is distributed. 

Since our school Halloween celebration will be on Friday, October 28; Monday, October 31 will be a regularly scheduled school day with students in school uniform.  

Please contact the office with any questions!




We continue to endure the effects of the COVID-19 pandemic.  To prevent the spread of COVID-19 at school, we have developed a School Infection Mitigation Plan, which is available on our school website at http://www.stpeterssf.org/pandemic-reopening-plan

Please remember -- If your child is feeling ill or has been exposed to COVID-19, phone the school office and keep your child at home!  

🡪 Symptoms to watch out for include:

  • Fever -- 100.4°F / 38°C or higher

  • Cough

  • Severe headache

  • Sore throat

  • Shortness of breath or trouble breathing

  • New loss of taste or smell

  • Vomiting

  • Diarrhea




Homeroom teachers identify and describe Students of the Month at the end of each month. We all celebrate these students because they have exemplified living the St. Peter’s KEYS:

Knowledge feeds GROWTH. 

Every ACCOMPLISHMENT needs courage.

You are LOVE.


Congratulations to our September Students of the Month!


KINDERGARTEN - Carolina Vega works very hard.  She is a student who pays attention, plays well with others, and comes to school with an open mind and open heart. Carolina beautifully embodies the KEYS of Saint Peter's.  She is always willing to help anyone in the classroom and is a wonderful classroom participant. I look forward to having her in class every day.  

1st GRADE - Joaquin Velasco is kind to his classmates and listens during class time. He is a hard worker and puts his best effort into his work. Congratulations, Joaquin! 

2nd GRADE - Rosemarie Garcia is a hard-worker.  She is always kind to everyone, and always follows directions. She is a great example for her classmates and brings out the best in others. Way to go, Rosemarie!

3rd GRADE - Solina Ramirez Herrera demonstrates great initiative by helping others, being responsible for any classroom job and trying her best in tackling difficult learning concepts. She participates heavily in classroom discussion and shows leadership in our core values in the classroom with our classroom agreement and treatment agreement, as well as the school with KEYS.  Congratulations, Solina! 

4th GRADE - Xitlali Cortes has been a shining example of a student living out our school's KEYS.  She works hard each day to grow as a student and currently serves as the 4th Grade Student Council Representative.  She is loving and kind to her friends in class, and she is willing to help in any way in and outside of the classroom.  Keep up the great work Xitlali; you are a star!  

5th GRADE - Angel Robledo-Noya is our 5th grade Student of the Month for September!  He is a polite and enthusiastic learner. He always comes to class with a positive attitude and a willingness to help others. Bravo, Angel! 

6th GRADE - Jonathan Garcia is a hard-working student, who continues to demonstrate what an open heart and open mind looks like within our classroom community. Jonathan is filled with love and joy each and every day he walks into the classroom! We are all so proud of you, and look forward to growing with you! Congratulations, Jonathan!  

7th GRADE - Paola Carranza displays each of our core values on a daily basis. She is a model student–she’s always on task with minimal instructions; respectful; and asks questions when things are unclear. She is punctual, responsible, optimistic, and kind to everyone around her. Thank you for being a standout student in class, Paola! 

8th GRADE - Julio Bautista demonstrates growth and love by striving to better himself, both in and outside the classroom. He constantly lends a helping hand to those around him, his peers, teachers and staff, not because he has to, but because he genuinely wants to. Julio is also embracing new experiences with an open heart and open mind, by tackling his 8th grade year with enthusiasm and confidence. Way to go Julio, keep up the great work!



October 5           8:30 AM Mercy Burlingame and Serra High School Presentation to 8th graders

October 7           NO SCHOOL – Teacher In-Service

October 10         NO SCHOOL – Holiday, Indigenous Peoples Day

October 11         8:15 AM  School Mass

October 11         After-school Cotton Candy Sale for St. Peter’s Athletics

October 12         Minimum Day Dismissal

October 19-21    Minimum Day Dismissal for Parent-Teacher Conferences