Dear Parents,
This week marks the anniversary of the September 11 attacks, when thousands of people were killed or injured as a result of hate and ignorance. Many felt fear and anxiety. Yet in response, people showed compassion, unity, courage, and service as they helped those in need.
Even though 9/11 happened 20 years ago, it brings to mind current political situations around the world (some of which are causing violence and mistrust), and how people may feel fear and anxiety due to issues related to race, the economy, and COVID-19. This makes our work at St. Peter’s even more meaningful and important, as we guide children to act in unity with love and in faith. Our KEYS—“You are Love” and “Service unites”—are reminders that we can be positive, active examples to listen to other perspectives, act with kindness, and work towards justice. We want St. Peter’s School to be a safe place for students to grow and learn, where they can accomplish their goals with open hearts and open minds. Let us continue our partnership as we reach for this goal, and continue our prayers for peace throughout our communities.
--Mrs. Sandra Jimenez
This week and next is Window #1 for STAR Testing. Students in Kindergarten and 1st grade take a test in Early Literacy, while students in grades 2-8 take tests in Reading and Math.
STAR assessments is one data point that helps teachers know how they can best help students. It will not be part of the students’ grade, yet it will help teachers determine areas where students may need extra help or where students need to be further challenged. Results of STAR assessments will be discussed at the first round of Parent-Teacher conferences in October.
If you have not already done so, please complete and return all forms that were distributed on the first day of school as soon as possible to your child’s teacher. These include:
- Emergency Card
- Medical Information Packet
- Media Release Form
- Technology Acceptable Use Policy
- Handbook Acknowledgement Form
- Permission to Walk Home from School
- Family Income Survey for Title I Funding
- Home Language Survey for Title III Funding
- For Middle Schoolers – Student Discipline Policy
We live our core value to UNITE as students wear their school uniform with pride. Please remember that the complete daily uniform includes the plain white polo shirt, navy khaki pants or uniform skirt/jumper, green uniform sweatshirt, black or white socks, and solid black or solid white sneakers (tennis shoes).
On FRIDAYS (unless there is a church service), students may wear the optional gray Aztecs hoodie, Aztecs sweatpants, and Aztecs T-shirt, with the usual uniform shoes. (If your child does not have an Aztecs T-shirt, he/she should wear the uniform white polo with the sweats.)
For more details on the school uniform, refer to the Uniform section of the Parent-Student Handbook that was distributed on the first day of school, which is also available on the school website:
Students who are out of uniform will receive a “Uniform Notice” to be signed by a parent or guardian, as a reminder about the uniform policy, and to help us unite as a school community!
We have begun our series of Weekly School Masses, which will take place on Tuesday mornings at 8:30, unless otherwise noted. Students will attend Mass in Church according to specified groups, while other classes will participate via livestream in the classroom. Groups will rotate each week between in-person Church participation and livestream participation.
At this time, parents may join weekly school Masses by clicking on this link to our school Mass livestream:
For students in grades Kindergarten through 5th, there is limited space in the BVCC after-school program at St. Peter’s School. At this time, only middle school students with elementary grade siblings will be accepted. For questions about BVCC, please contact Rochelle Celedon at 415-713-0625 ( or Judy Diaz at 415-283-5545 (
We continue to endure the effects of the COVID-19 pandemic. To prevent the spread of COVID-19 at school, we have developed a School Infection Mitigation Plan, which was given to each parent on the first day of school as part of the Parent-Student Handbook. The Infection Mitigation Plan is also available on our school website at
Please remember -- If your child is feeling ill or has been exposed to COVID-19, phone the school office and keep your child at home!
— Symptoms to watch out for include:
· Fever -- 100.4°F / 38°C or higher
· Cough
· Severe headache
· Sore throat
· Shortness of breath or trouble breathing
· New loss of taste or smell
· Vomiting
· Diarrhea
September 6-17 STAR Assessments, Window #1
September 8 Minimum Day Dismissal
September 10 Middle School electives begin
September 14 8:30 AM School Mass