Dear Parents,
The 8th graders are taking their final steps towards GRADUATION and CONFIRMATION! We proudly share in their accomplishments as we—their families and teachers—have helped them to lay the foundation for their future. We are especially proud of them as this school year presented many challenges and obstacles, yet they moved forward with open hearts and open minds. Now, they are ready to take on their next steps in high school and receive the Holy Spirit this weekend!
Let us offer this prayer for our soon-to-be graduates:
Loving God, we thank you for our graduates. You have blessed them during their years at St. Peter’s School with wisdom, friendships, and skills. Continue to challenge them to make this world a better place. Help them to look forward to their next steps in high school. Give them faith and a sense of purpose in their next steps. Show them how to serve others in effective ways. May they be aware in everything they do that they find fulfillment in doing your will, that you will be with them always, and that you will bring to completion the good work you have begun in them. AMEN.
GO CLASS OF 2021!!! We are so proud of you!
--Mrs. Sandra Jimenez
This Friday, June 4, there will be two church services in honor of our 8th graders.
In the morning, there will be a Baccalaureate Mass at 9:30 AM in church. In the afternoon, there will an 8th grade prayer service at 4:30 PM in the church. Because guests are limited inside the Church, you are welcome to join in these special celebrations by tuning in to our livestream at
On Saturday, June 5 at 10:00 AM, the Classes of 2020 and 2021 will be receiving the Sacrament of Confirmation. Again, guests are limited in the church, but you may join the celebration virtually at
Please keep our St. Peter’s graduates and Confirmandi in your prayers this weekend!
The 2020-2021 yearbooks have arrived! Make sure to grab your keepsake of this historic school year! Also this year, we are marking down the cost from $25 to only $20!
There are two ways to get your Yearbook:
1. Purchase through Venmo. Send $20 to @SPeters-School. Make sure to put your child's full name, grade, and YEARBOOK in the comments. Yearbooks will be delivered to students in their homerooms.
2. Purchase directly at the front office with $20, cash only.
Make sure to get your copy soon! Supplies are limited!
The last week of school for Kindergarten - 7th grade is June 7-11.
*There will be NO BVCC after-school program from June 7-11. *
- Monday, June 7 - Regular Schedule
- Tuesday, June 8 - Regular Schedule
- Wednesday, June 9 - Minimum Day Dismissal (12:15 / 12:30 / 12:40)
- Thursday, June 10 - Minimum Day Dismissal (12:15 / 12:30 / 12:40)
- Friday, June 11 - LAST DAY OF SCHOOL Special Dismissal Schedule
· Grades K-2 - 10:30 Dismissal
· Grades 3-5 - 10:45 Dismissal
· Grades 6-7 - 11:00 Dismissal
*If you have multiple children, please come at the time of the older student’s dismissal.
Contact the school office if you have any questions about the schedule for the last week of school.
For all full-time distance learning students in Kindergarten through 7th grade, any borrowed learning supplies (including textbooks, school Chromebooks, and any additional borrowed items from the teacher) are to be returned to school on Monday, June 7.
All items should be in a bag, labeled with the student’s full name. Chromebooks and chargers should have a Post-it with the student’s name. Plan to arrive with all returned supplies at your designated time, according to last name.
MONDAY, June 7
· Last Name A - B → 8:45 - 9:30
· Last Name C - D → 9:30 - 10:15
· Last Name E - G → 10:15 - 11:00
· Last Name H - M → 11:00 - 11:45
· Last Name N - R → 11:45 - 12:30
· Last Name S - V → 12:30 - 1:15
· Last Name V - Z → 1:15 - 2:00
Please note that any missing or damaged items will be billed to an account, and failure to return or pay for items may result in a hold on registration for the 2021-2022 school year.
If you have any questions, please contact the school office.
Last week, the 2021-2022 school calendar was sent home and shared on Class Dojo, along with a notice was sent home informing families that for the 2021-2022 school year, it is the plan of St. Peter’s School that all students--absent a legitimate, documented need for isolation--will return to full-time, five days per week, in-person instruction, commencing in August 2021. We realize that the pandemic has not come to an end, and we will continue to follow infection mitigation protocols, such as staggered morning intake and afternoon dismissal, separation of cohorts, and proper daily mask-wearing. We depend on a partnership between home and school in order for infection mitigation protocols to be followed consistently.
If you have any questions or concerns, please contact the school office as soon as possible. Your continued support is appreciated as we move forward into the next school year.
Please notify your child’s teacher or phone the school office about any school-day absences. If your child is not feeling well or is exhibiting any COVID-19 symptoms (as listed in the COVID-19 REMINDERS section below), please do not send him/her to school, and provide a doctor’s clearance note as needed. In-Person students who are not present at school (daily for grades K-5; rotating weeks for grades 6-8) will be marked as absent when they are not present in the school building.
Though we are approaching the end of the school year, we want to continue to UNITE and follow the uniform policy.
- Students in school are to wear the white polo shirt with the uniform sweatshirt, and either the uniform skirt or Navy khakis (not stretch pants or dark jeans).
- Girls may wear solid black or white tights under their skirts.
- Uniform shoes are SOLID black or white tennis shoes/rubber-soled shoes.
- The Gray Aztecs sweats (hoodie, t-shirt, and sweatpants) may be worn on Fridays. Plain gray sweats are not uniform sweats, and that is considered free dress attire.
If you have any questions regarding the uniform, please contact the school office.
Remember that you can join our virtual school mass on Tuesdays at 8:30 AM. The livestream is available at the following link: One class will be in the church, while the rest of the school and all distance learners participate virtually. Join us virtually in prayer on Tuesday mornings!
We continue to practice infection mitigation protocols at school, and if your child is not feeling well, please do not send him/her to school unless cleared to do so. Symptoms to watch for include:
· Fever or Chills
· Cough
· Shortness of breath, rapid breathing, or difficulty breathing
· Loss of taste or smell. Children may complain that food “tastes bad” or “tastes funny”
· Congested or runny nose
· Sore throat
· Headache
· Muscle aches or body aches
· Feeling unusually fatigued or tired
· Diarrhea
· Nausea or vomiting
COVID-19 Vaccine update from SFDPH
It’s your turn to get vaccinated! People 12 and older are eligible to get vaccinated in San Francisco.
We encourage everyone in your family to get vaccinated. If you are interested, you just have to make sure to register each person separately with this Eventbrite link --
We are encouraging all eligible San Franciscans to get vaccinated as soon as possible. Protect yourself, protect your family. Thank you for doing your part to protect our community and to help San Francisco reopen.
June 1-4 Middle School Cohort A – In-Person Week
June 1-4 Middle School Cohort B – Distance Learning Week
June 2 8th grade Mini Retreat
June 2 Minimum Day Dismissal
June 4 9:30 AM – Baccalaureate Mass
June 4 4:30 PM – 8th Grade Prayer Service
June 5 10:00 AM – Confirmation Ceremony
June 7 Grades K-7 Distance Learners – Return of Learning Materials to school
June 7-11 Middle School Cohort B – In-Person Week
June 7-11 Middle School Cohort A – Distance Learning Week
June 8 8:30 AM Final Virtual School Mass
June 9-10 Minimum Day Dismissal
June 11 LAST DAY OF SCHOOL – Special Schedule