Dear Parents,
This past weekend and also this coming weekend, we celebrated/will be celebrating students’ First Communion—a great reminder for us all that we may continue to grow during the Easter season. This past Sunday, which was the 4th Sunday of Easter, was also “Good Shepherd Sunday”—reminding us that through the joys and trials in our lives, God our Good Shepherd is with us! While we experience renewed hope and faith, yet continue to face challenges such as societal injustices and pains of the pandemic, we can turn to our Good Shepherd for strength and healing.
Let us offer this prayer together:
Almighty ever-living God, Lead us to a share in the joys of heaven, so that the humble flock may reach where the brave Shepherd has gone before. Who lives and reigns with you in the unity of the Holy Spirit, God, for ever and ever. AMEN.
--Mrs. Sandra Jimenez
Congratulations to our 28 First Communicants in the 3rd grade and older grades, who receive the Most Blessed Sacrament on Saturday, April 24! They were scheduled to receive First Communion in the Spring of 2020, yet the COVID-19 pandemic put those plans on hold. We are so excited for them that may now receive Jesus during the celebration of the Eucharist!
Thank you to our 3rd grade teacher Mrs. Gonzalez for preparing the students for this special day; to Mr. Gonzalez, Ms. Tonna, Mrs. Fresnoza, Mr. Romero, and Father Moises for their valuable assistance; and to all the students’ parents for their patience, understanding, and support.
* This Saturday, May 1 at 10:00 AM, our 2nd graders will be receiving their First Communion. Due to COVID-19 protocols, guests in the church are limited, but you are welcome to participate virtually through the livestream of the mass on our usual link for weekly school masses:
Today, teachers will be sending home Trimester 3 progress reports for each student. In-person students will receive paper copies to be signed by a parent and returned to the teacher. Parents of Distance Learners will receive a digital copy through email or Class Dojo; please respond to your child’s teacher to verify that you have received the digital progress report.
If you have any questions, please contact your child’s teacher.
This week, students in grades 5, 6, and 7 who have chosen to run for Student Council office will be campaigning and sharing their campaign speeches virtually with the voting students in grades 3-7. Running for Student Council is an opportunity for students to grow and try something new, while also learning and practicing student leadership skills and helping the school and our greater community. We are proud of all the students who are running for office! Stay tuned for the results next week.
The 2021-2022 YELLOW re-registration form is now past due, but you may still submit it to the office by dropping it off, mailing it in, or e-mailing a scanned copy to
Also--the per-student re-registration payment is now due. This non-refundable payment will secure your child's spot at St. Peter’s School for the 2021-2022 school year. This year, each student is receiving a one-time pandemic assistance amount of $125, reducing the re-registration payment from $475 to $350 per student.
You may submit a cash or check payment in the office, call the office to pay by credit/debit card, or pay via Venmo using @SPeters-School and remember to write your child’s name and “Registration Payment” in the comments section.
If you have any questions, please contact the school office. Thank you!
BVCC, along with San Francisco’s Summer Together Program, is excited to offer a FREE Academic and Enrichment Summer Program for all St. Peter's students K-8th Grade. Families who participate will receive a stipend at the end of the program.
Students can attend one, two or all sessions, but no drop-ins are available.
Session 1: June 14-July 2, 2021
Session 2: July 6-July 23, 2021(7/5 Holiday)
Session 3: July 26 - August 13, 2021
Hours: 8:00 a.m. – 5:30 p.m. (dismissal begins at 4:00 p.m.)
Registration for St. Peter's students will begin Wednesday, April 28th and Thursday, April 29th after school (at the Alabama entrance). Applications will be available in the school office. For more information, please call Ms. Judy at 415-283-5545 or Ms. Rochelle at 415-713-0625.
Deadline for registration is May 6th for St. Peter's Families.
Priority given to students already enrolled with BVCC After School Program.
As noted on our school calendar, there is NO SCHOOL on Friday, May 7. Faculty and staff will be attending an all-day retreat. Classes will resume with a regular schedule on Monday, May 10.
Please notify your child’s teacher or phone the school office about any school-day absences. If your child is not feeling well or is exhibiting any COVID-19 symptoms (as listed in the COVID-19 REMINDERS section below), please do not send him/her to school, and provide a doctor’s clearance note as needed. In-Person students who are not present at school (daily for grades K-5; rotating weeks for grades 6-8) will be marked as absent when they are not present in the school building.
Though we are approaching the end of the school year, we want to continue to UNITE and follow the uniform policy.
- Students in school are to wear the white polo shirt with the uniform sweatshirt, and either the uniform skirt or Navy khakis (not stretch pants or dark jeans).
- Girls may wear solid black or white tights under their skirts.
- Uniform shoes are SOLID black or white tennis shoes/rubber-soled shoes.
- The Gray Aztecs sweats (hoodie, t-shirt, and sweatpants) may be worn on Fridays. Plain gray sweats are not uniform sweats, and that is considered free dress attire.
If you have any questions regarding the uniform, please contact the school office.
Remember that you can join our virtual school mass on Tuesdays at 8:30 AM. The livestream is available at the following link: One class will be in the church, while the rest of the school and all distance learners participate virtually. Join us virtually in prayer on Tuesday mornings!
We continue to practice infection mitigation protocols at school, and if your child is not feeling well, please do not send him/her to school unless cleared to do so. Symptoms to watch for include:
· Fever or Chills
· Cough
· Shortness of breath, rapid breathing, or difficulty breathing
· Loss of taste or smell. Children may complain that food “tastes bad” or “tastes funny”
· Congested or runny nose
· Sore throat
· Headache
· Muscle aches or body aches
· Feeling unusually fatigued or tired
· Diarrhea
· Nausea or vomiting
For anyone traveling outside of the Bay Area, there is a mandatory quarantine of 10 days upon return to the Bay Area. The Travel Advisory and Guidance from SFDPH is available here:
Remember that our Return to School Infection Mitigation Plan, as well as our Distance Learning Plan, are available on our school website:
If you have any questions, contact the school office. Thank you for your cooperation and understanding!
COVID-19 Vaccine update: A website is now available so you can sign-up to get notifications regarding your eligibility to receive the COVID-19 vaccine. (For Spanish, click on Español in the top right corner.) Visit and click on “Get Notified” to get started.
Apr. 26-30 Middle School Cohort B – In-Person Week
Apr. 26-30 Middle School Cohort A – Distance Learning Week
Apr. 27-30 Student Council Campaigning and Elections
Apr. 28 Progress Reports sent home
Apr. 28 Minimum Day Dismissal
Apr. 29 2:15 PM – First Communion Rehearsal in Church, 2nd grade students
May 1 10:00 AM – First Communion Mass, 2nd grade
May 3-6 Middle School Cohort A – In-Person Week
May 3-6 Middle School Cohort B – Distance Learning Week
May 4 8:30 AM Virtual School Mass
May 5 Minimum Day Dismissal
May 7 NO SCHOOL, Faculty & Staff Retreat Day