QUE PASA 11/23/2021 (ENGLISH)

Dear Parents,

     As we celebrate Thanksgiving this week, I want to say Thank You for being part of the St. Peter’s School family!  I am proud to be part of our community as we continue to teach our children to live out and celebrate our core values to grow, accomplish, love, serve, and unite.  

       While we are thankful for all our blessings—like our families, our friends, and our homes, to name a few—let us also remember to pray for those who are in need and who are facing particularly difficult challenges during this holiday time.  Together, let us offer this prayer (written by “Anonymous”):

 O Heavenly Father:

We thank You for food and remember the hungry.

We thank You for health and remember the sick.

We thank You for friends and remember the friendless.

We thank You for freedom and remember the enslaved.

May these remembrances stir us to service,

That Your gifts to us may be used for others.  AMEN.

Also—this Sunday marks the beginning of the ADVENT season. As this liturgical season approaches, begin thinking of ways that you and your child can prepare your hearts for the coming of Jesus at Christmas time!

Have a blessed, happy, and SAFE Thanksgiving! 

 --Mrs. Sandra Jimenez



There is NO SCHOOL Wednesday-Friday, November 24-26, for the Thanksgiving break.  After the Thanksgiving break, school will resume on Monday, November 29 with a Minimum Day Schedule. 


We are now beginning our Second Trimester of the school year.  Report Cards for Trimester 1 will be going home with students on Monday, November 29, when we return from the Thanksgiving break.  


LifeTouch School Photo Re-Take Day is scheduled for Tuesday, November 30.  If your child was absent on our first picture day, or would like to re-take their school photo, he/she may take their photo on November 30 in their complete school uniform. 

To order online, go to https://my.lifetouch.com/mylifetouch/#/ and enter our Picture Day ID:  EVTWMQPDJ

* If you purchased a photo package from the original picture day but would like to return that package for a new photo, please have your child bring the complete photo package back to school, and he/she may take a re-take photo. You will receive the same photo package once the re-take photos are ready.


BVCC is accepting applications for their after-school program.  Financial Aid is available, and applications are in the school office. 

If your child is part of a St. Peter’s Sports team and has a later practice start time after school, please register your child in the BVCC after-school program if he/she will be waiting on campus before the sports practice begins.  This is to help ensure proper safety and supervision as students wait for their coach to arrive and practice to begin.

If you have any questions, please contact our BVCC Program Directors:  Judy (415-283-5545) or Rochelle (415-713-0625).


Support our Athletic Department by purchasing our original St. Peter’s T-shirts!  Two t-shirt designs are available:

- Image of St. Peter’s Church

- Image of Our Blessed Mother Mary in our St. Peter’s School grotto 

These stylish, high quality t-shirts are available for purchase in the school office for $35.00 with sizes from XS to 3XL.  T-shirt order forms were also shared on Class Dojo!



Our Weekly School Masses take place on Tuesday mornings at 8:30, unless otherwise noted.  Students will attend Mass in Church according to specified groups.  Groups will rotate each week between in-person Church participation and Gospel reading/analysis in the classroom.

At this time, parents may join weekly school Masses by clicking on this link to our school Mass livestream: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCF6mjdkFRHn0Ip0yuxdIOWw




We continue to endure the effects of the COVID-19 pandemic.  To prevent the spread of COVID-19 at school, we have developed a School Infection Mitigation Plan, which was given to each parent on the first day of school as part of the Parent-Student Handbook.  The Infection Mitigation Plan is also available on our school website at http://www.stpeterssf.org/pandemic-reopening-plan

Please remember -- If your child is feeling ill or has been exposed to COVID-19, phone the school office and keep your child at home!  

🡪 Symptoms to watch out for include:

  • Fever -- 100.4°F / 38°C or higher

  • Cough

  • Severe headache

  • Sore throat

  • Shortness of breath or trouble breathing

  • New loss of taste or smell

  • Vomiting

  • Diarrhea



November 24-26   No School, THANKSGIVING BREAK

November 28        ADVENT begins

November 29        Minimum Day Dismissal

November 29        Report Cards sent home

November 30        8:30 AM  School Mass

November 30        Lifetouch School Photo Re-takes