QUE PASA 1/20/2021 (ENGLISH)

Dear Parents,

     Today is the presidential inauguration—marking yet another new beginning for 2021.  While we welcome new leadership into the White House, let us remember our own St. Peter’s School Core Values to Grow, Accomplish, Love, Serve, and Unite, and do our best to live out these values to have open hearts and open minds.

     The Prayer of St. Francis can help us find the strength to take the action to work for peace and unity, especially as our country may feel broken from the pandemic and recent violent events at the Capitol.  So I ask that you take a few minutes to pray so that we can ACT as instruments of peace. 

Peace Prayer of St. Francis

Lord, make me an instrument of your peace:

where there is hatred, let me sow love;

where there is injury, pardon;

where there is doubt, faith;

where there is despair, hope;

where there is darkness, light;

where there is sadness, joy. 

O divine Master, grant that I may not so much seek

to be consoled as to console,

to be understood as to understand,

to be loved as to love.

For it is in giving that we receive, 

it is in pardoning that we are pardoned, 

and it is in dying that we are born to eternal life.  AMEN.


--Mrs. Sandra Jimenez


On January 16, a notification was emailed to parents regarding a positive COVID-19 case at school.  We are following the directions of the San Francisco Department of Public Health Department. The affected class is currently in quarantine, but other classes are safe to continue with in-person learning. 

We continue to practice infection mitigation protocols at school, and if your child is not feeling well, please do not send him/her to school unless cleared to do so.  Symptoms to watch for include:

·        Fever or Chills

·       Cough

·       Shortness of breath, rapid breathing, or difficulty breathing

·       Loss of taste or smell.  Children may complaining that food “tastes bad” or “tastes funny”

·       Congested or runny nose

·       Sore throat

·       Headache

·       Muscle aches or body aches

·       Feeling unusually fatigued or tired

·       Diarrhea

·       Nausea or vomiting

We continue to follow the Stay Safer at Home Health Order.  For anyone traveling outside of the Bay Area, there is a mandatory quarantine of 10 days upon return to the Bay Area.  The Travel Advisory and Guidance from SFDPH is available here: https://www.sfdph.org/dph/alerts/covid-guidance/COVID-Travel-Advisory.pdf

Remember that our Return to School Infection Mitigation Plan, as well as our Distance Learning Plan, are available on our school website: http://www.stpeterssf.org/parents-students.  

If you have any questions, contact the school office.  Thank you for your cooperation and understanding!


COVID-19 Vaccine update: A website is now available so you can sign-up to get notifications regarding your eligibility to receive the COVID-19 vaccine.  (For Spanish, click on Español in the top right corner.)  Visit https://sf.gov/get-notified-when-youre-eligible-covid-19-vaccine and click on “Get Notified” to get started.


TOMORROW -- Thursday, January 21 is School Picture Day for students in grades K-5 who are currently participating in in-person instruction and for Middle School Cohort A students.

Picture day for Distance Learning students and Middle School Cohort B students will take place on Wednesday, February 24.  For this day, a schedule will be provided for distance learning students to arrive for their picture day time slot.

For January 21, you may order photos online at  https://my.lifetouch.com/mylifetouch/ - / and enter our Picture Day ID: EVT2SF84N

For picture days, students must be in COMPLETE UNIFORM, including the green uniform sweatshirt, white polo, and uniform skirt or navy pants.  (8th graders may wear their black 8th grade sweatshirt.)

Lifetouch provided these safety procedures that have been implemented due to COVID-19:

-Video - https://lifetouch.com/newpicturedayexperience/

- Photographers will have markers on the floor spaced 6 feet apart for students to stand on when waiting in line.

- Grooming stations will be set up with tissues, wipes, hand sanitizer and combs for students to use. The station will also have signs with directions for use and disposal.                                 

- There will be a bar setup near the cameras where students can hang their mask while they take their picture. This bar will be sanitized after each student.          

- Photographers will sanitize their stations at specific intervals and as needed throughout the day.                                   

- Photographers are required to wear masks.


A new shipment of the gray “AZTECS” sweats have arrived.  The hoodies, sweatpants, and t-shirts are available in youth and adult sizes, but quantities are limited.  The prices are below:

Hoodies - $30 each

Sweatpants - $25 each

T-shirts - $10 each

At school, gray AZTECS sweats may be worn on Fridays in lieu of the regular school uniform. Parents are welcome to wear the AZTECS sweats, too!  If you’d like to purchase any of these items, please call the school office at 415-647-8662 to place an order and make a payment.




To show our appreciation for our Catholic Schools, we will be celebrating Catholic Schools Week from January 25-29!  Below are the themes for each day:

- 1/25 Grandparents’ Day Monday – Letters and prayers for grandparents

- 1/26 True Hero Tuesday – Dress like your hero!

- 1/27 Works of Mercy Wednesday – Do an act of service and write prayers for our Sisters of Mercy

- 1/28 Thankful Thursday – Write “thank you” letters to those who help us at school

- 1/29 Favorite Catholic Schools Week Friday – Reflect on the importance of Catholic education and design a bumper sticker!


New Applications:  Starting January 15, the BASIC Fund new application for the 2021-2022 School Year will be available online on www.basicfund.org.  Because this year has been so challenging, BASIC Fund is making a change and allowing applicants to provide their 2019 tax returns, if 2020 returns are not yet prepared. New siblings for current BASIC Fund students must request a link from BASIC Fund to apply for a new student.   The deadline is March 31, 2021

Renewal Applications:  The BASIC Fund has decided to use the financial documentation that we have on file for the current year, to process the 2021-2022 renewals for our renewing families.  In February,  BASIC Fund will email families a renewal application link for each family to update their information, i.e., address, telephone, etc. Families will still be able to update any financial documentation if they would like to be considered for a higher percentage.

Families that exceeded the financial guidelines but met the leeway for the 2020-2021 School Year and were awarded 25%, should submit recent financial information for consideration.  The BASIC Fund will determine if you qualify.  The deadline is March 31, 2021.




The application process for the Archdiocese Family Grant for the 2021-2022 school year has now begun.  Please go on to mytads.com to begin the application process. If you do not have ready your 2020 income tax or financial information. be sure you submit your 2019  income tax information or 2019 income information (Calworks, social security, food stamps, etc.).  You should upload or fax to Tads your 2020 income tax or 2020 financial information before the deadline. Please be sure you have completed the total Tads process by the Archdiocese deadline—April 15, 2021




As students return to the school building, they must submit all completed forms to their teacher:

- Emergency Card

- Medical Packet

- Media Release

- Technology Responsible Use Form

- Community Pledge

- Risk Acknowledgement Form

- Live-streaming of Classes Form

For a complete list of school supplies, visit our school website at http://www.stpeterssf.org/parents-students

Due to COVID-19 precautions, it is important that all students bring in the necessary school supplies, since school supplies are not shared between students at this time.



As stated on the school supply list, all students (whether in-person or distance learning) must submit a $25 Technology Fee to help cover the costs of online programs and tech devices.  Payment may be submitted with cash or check, credit card payment over the phone, or through Venmo -- @SPeters-School.  (Please remember to write your child’s name and “Technology Fee” in the comments.)




For information about free COVID-19 testing in San Francisco, visit the website (available in both English and Spanish): https://sf.gov/es/find-out-about-your-covid-19-testing-options

The Latino Task Force also has information about free COVID-19 testing, as well as a variety of other helpful resources such as food assistance and employment assistance.  Visit their website at https://www.ltfrespuestalatina.com/



Jan.19-22           Middle School Cohort A in the school building

Jan.19-22           Middle School Cohort B distance learning

Jan.21                Lifetouch School Picture Day

Jan. 25               12:30 Dismissal

Jan.25-29           Middle School Cohort B in the school building

Jan.25-29           Middle School Cohort A distance learning

Jan. 27               Progress Reports sent home

Jan. 29               8th grade Graduation Photo Day