QUE PASA 5/27/2020 (English)

Dear Parents,

       As we approach the end of May, we also approach the end of the Easter season with Pentecost Sunday this Sunday—the day we remember when the Holy Spirit, appearing as flames over each of the apostles—descended upon them. 

       The Holy Spirit filled the disciples with courage and faith, empowering them to share the Good News with others. They began to tell others about Jesus, and that he died for us and rose to new life.  Pentecost can have an even more special meaning for us at St. Peter’s, because on Pentecost, St. Peter spoke to a crowd and asked the people to receive the gift of the Holy Spirit.  Many people were baptized that day, and the apostles continued to baptize others, sharing the Holy Spirit’s strength.

       God the Father sent Jesus to teach us and be our Savior; Jesus sent the Holy Spirit to help and guide the Church.  Pentecost reminds us that the Holy Spirit is with us to guide us and give us strength, which can be especially comforting during these difficult times. Together, we can offer this prayer for Pentecost (from WeBelieveAndShare.com):

Holy Spirit of life, enflame us with passion for the Good News.  Let our voices ring with the hope and promise of Christ.

Holy Spirit of Love, immerse us in compassion and kindness.  May our words bring comfort to those in need of consolation and assurance.

Holy Spirit of grace, enlighten our minds and hearts.  Fill our words and actions with peace and understanding.



Take care and stay safe!

--Mrs. Sandra Jimenez


Last Thursday, a letter was posted on Class Dojo describing details of the end-of-year process of dropping off borrowed school materials and picking up end-of-year documents and personal items in the classrooms.

Below, see the date and time for your family’s pick-up/drop-off date and time, according to last names.  If you’re not able to come to school at your specified time, contact your child’s teacher to make alternate arrangements.  Please see the letter (posted on Class Dojo on May 21) for more details!

Grades K-7

Monday, June 8 

9:00 - 11:30 … Last names →  A - B

12:30 - 3:00 … Last names →  Cabral - Castillo


Tuesday, June 9 

9:00 - 11:30 … Last names →  Cea - E

12:30 - 3:00 … Last names → F - G


Wednesday, June 10 

9:00 - 11:30 … Last names →  H - L

12:30 - 3:00 … Last names →  M - P


Thursday, June 11

9:00 - 11:30 …  Last names →  Q - R

12:30 - 3:00 …  Last names →  S - Z


8th grade, please follow special directions from Mrs. Fuaau.




On May 18, a letter from Pam Lyons, the Archdiocese of San Francisco’s Superintendent of Catholic Schools, was posted on Class Dojo and was also emailed to parents through SchoolSpeak.  This letter explains some possibilities for the upcoming 2020-2021 school year.  If you have not yet read the letter, please check ClassDojo or your email to access the letter.




Each teacher will be sharing a link to a Distance Learning reflection survey.  For grades Kindergarten through 3rdgrade, there is a single survey that both parents and students can complete together.  For grades 4 through 8, there are separate surveys: one for parents to complete, and one for student to complete.  Please help us learn and grow from our Distance Learning experience by completing these reflection surveys.  Thank you!




Last Friday, new guidelines were posted allowing summer programs to be held in San Francisco.  BVCC will host a small, modified summer program at St. Peter’s School, from June 22-July 31.  For more information, please contact Rochelle at rochelle.bvcc@gmail.comor call 415-713-0625.   




This is definitely a school year to remember—and now you can purchase a yearbook to commemorate the school year!  We will continue to sell yearbooks until the supply runs out.  To purchase one for $25, you can call the school office, Mondays-Thursdays from 12:00-3:00 and provide your credit card number.  You can also pay through Venmo by searching @SPeters-School; make sure you leave your child’s full name and “Yearbook” in the comments section.

Your yearbook will be kept in the office until the drop-off/pick-up days, June 8-11.




For registration or tuition payments, Ms. Ticas will accept any credit card payments over the phone (415-647-8662) from Monday-Thursday from 12:00-3:00, or parents may drop in the office at those times to submit a payment in person. 

Payments may also be submitted via Venmo, by searching @SPeters-School.  In the comments section, please write your child’s full name and “Tuition” or “Registration.” 

If you have questions about registration or tuition, please call the office or email  tuition-office@sanpedro.org




Through the San Francisco Department of Public Health, the City and County of San Francisco is offering free COVID-19 tests for people who work or live in San Francisco.   

You do not need medical insurance to get tested. You do not need a doctor's note to schedule a test.

You must make an appointment. Walk-thrus or drive-thrus are available at various locations throughout the City.

For additional details, to find the testing location nearest you, and to make an appointment, visit the website:  https://sf.gov/find-out-how-get-tested-coronavirus

* Spanish translation available by clicking on “Translate” or on the globe icon on the website.




During these uncertain times, you or someone you know may need assistance with basic needs such as daily meals.  Here are some resources that could be helpful: 

SF/Marin Food Bank Pop-up Pantries


(Available in Spanish by clicking on the Globe icon on the website)



(Available in Spanish by clicking on “Translate” on the website)



(Available in Spanish by clicking on the Globe icon on the website)