Dear Parents,
I hope that you and your loved ones are staying safe and healthy during our shelter-in-place. Even though the school building is closed, please know that the teachers and I are keeping all of our students and families in our thoughts and prayers every day.
For reflection, I’d like to share an excerpt of an article, “A Faith Response to the Coronavirus” by Paul Canavese (2020). During these trying times, we should remind ourselves to connect with our Faith, especially during this season of Lent, as we remember Jesus’ ultimate sacrifice for us.
“This health crisis is challenging many of us to make sacrifices in our lives. Some are huge, such as those made by health care workers around the world, trying to help patients while avoiding the illness themselves.
Other sacrifices fall more in the category of inconveniences. It is inconvenient when events are canceled, when travel is limited.
But this kind of sacrifice is at the very center of our faith. Every time we gather around the Lord’s Table, we celebrate the powerful way Christ showed us how to love others. He sacrificed everything in self-giving love for us, and he invited us to do the same.
Ultimately, as are called to live out the four cardinal virtues:
Prudence: Carefully discern the best course of action, not just for ourselves, but for the good of all.
Justice: Seek fairness for everyone, especially those who need it most.
Temperance: Find a healthy balance between self-care and care for others.
Fortitude: Persevere in times of trial and difficulty.”
During these difficult and unusual times, we continue to move forward, knowing that God’s love can give us the guidance strength, and courage to carry on.
Take care, everyone!
--Mrs. Sandra Jimenez
With San Francisco’s Shelter-in-Place order, the school closure has been extended through Easter Vacation. School will then resume on April 20. However, at this time, it is still undecided if schooling will continue via Distance Learning or if the school buildings will re-open for classes. The Superintendent’s letter (in English and Spanish) has been shared via Class Dojo. Please take a few moments to read this information on your Class Dojo account.
I will continue to keep families updated on the school closure situation. Thank you for your support and understanding as we navigate through these challenging times.
During the school closure, students should still be completing their daily work. Teachers are posting assignments, links, and videos daily on Class Dojo. Please follow their directions on how to submit student work each day and how to check-in for student attendance. Please contact your child’s teacher if you have any questions.
**Middle School students – Please also check your school email daily! In addition to posting on Class Dojo, your teachers will email you your assignments and directions.
If your family is in need of Internet connection at home, Comcast is offering two free months of service, and Sonic is offering 3 free months of service. Click on the links below for more information:
COMCAST – (English)
A second parent survey (previously shared on Class Dojo and SchoolSpeak) is open for parents to share their feedback on the Distance Learning experience. If you have not done so already, please click on the link to complete this survey-
Your input is very important as we move forward with our Distance Learning plans, so please complete the survey today. Thank you!
During these uncertain times, you or someone you know may need assistance with basic needs such as daily meals. Here are some resources that could be very helpful.
The Food Bank will be distributing bags of groceries on a weekly basis:
- Thursdays near Mission High School (Dolores Street between 18th and 19th Street)
- Fridays outside of Lincoln High School on 24th Avenue
* Both places will be operating from 9:00 a.m. to 1:00 p.m.
The SF-Marin Food Bank also has a “Locator” tool to find food assistance (such as weekly groceries or one-time emergency food) in San Francisco. One of their locations is our own St. Peter’s Church. To access this information and to enroll in their programs, visit the SF-Marin Food Bank website, in both English and Español:
The yellow re-registration form for the upcoming school year is now due. If you have not yet returned this form, please phone the school office (415-647-8662) between 12:00-3:00 on the following days, and Ms. Ticas can fill out a form for you, with parent authorization. She will also accept any credit card payments over the phone.
- Wednesday, March 25
- Tuesday, March 31
- Wednesday, April 1
Please complete the application process for the Archdiocese Family Grant on by APRIL 15. Be sure you have your 2019 income tax information or 2019 income information (Calworks, social security, food stamps, etc.). If possible, please submit your application early so there is enough time to review all documents.
An application link will be emailed to renewing families by the end of March. This email will include instructions on how to successfully complete the renewal application. The deadline to complete the renewal application is Friday, APRIL 17.