Dear Parents,
Today, Ash Wednesday, marks the beginning Lent. This is a special liturgical season when we take time to pray, reflect, repent, and renew so that we can grow closer to God as we prepare for the death and resurrection of Jesus. Here is a reflection (from Daily Reflections for Lent: Not By Bread Alone 2019) to help us begin our journey through Lent with each other and with our children.
Ash Wednesday is marked with a somber sign of our faith. The cross on our forehead is meant to leave a lasting imprint deep within, like a spiritual tattoo that will linger long after we complete the 40-day course. The sacrifices and prayers of the season help us clear a path, but we can’t stop there, not if we want to experience real transformation. God wants nothing less than our hearts broken open so that he might find a resting place within and make us whole. Yes, the exterior practices are important, but what matters most is what happens unseen within our hearts and souls.
Heavenly Father, guide us in the right ways as we begin our Lenten journey. Give us the courage to allow ourselves to be transformed by your love. Help us to use our Lenten sacrifices to dig deeper into our spiritual center and carve out a space for you alone. AMEN.
--Mrs. Sandra Jimenez
Thank you to all the loving parent volunteers and donations that made our Annual Family Dinner and Dance a successful event last Saturday! Special school events like these would not be possible without the help of parent volunteers. If you’d like to help plan future school community events, please contact Mrs. Jimenez through Class Dojo or email
If your child has not yet turned in the minimum $100 collection for the Aztec Trek fundraiser, please submit this collection to the office immediately. This money is now overdue. Thank you for your cooperation on this matter!
Last week, the yellow re-registration form for the upcoming school year, along with the new tuition rates for 2020-2021, were sent home with Que Pasa. Extras are available in the office. Please return the re-registration form by March 12, 2020 in order to help plan for the new school year.
The application process for the Archdiocese Family Grant for the 2020-2021 school year has now begun. Please go on to mytads.comto begin the application process. Be sure you have your 2019 income tax information or 2019 income information (Calworks, social security, food stamps, etc.). Please be sure you have completed the total process by the Archdiocese deadline—April 15, 2020
New students entering for the 2020-2021 school year must go online to the by visiting and completing a NEW BASIC Fund Application no later than March 18, 2020.
Renewal families will be renewing their BASIC Fund scholarship online in March All student tuition accounts must be current with no past due balances. Please be sure you have your 2019 income tax information or 2019 income information (Calworks, social security, food stamps, etc.).
Homeroom teachers identify Students of the Month at the end of each month. We celebrate these students because they have exemplified living the St. Peter’s KEYS:
Knowledge feeds GROWTH.
Every ACCOMPLISHMENT needs courage.
You are LOVE.
KINDER - Jayla Delgado has the keys to open any door she likes! And she is so kind, she will open up a door for you too! She has been working very hard to earn the honor of being SOTM. Her neatness and ability to finish her work have wowed us! We are also wowed by her word reading power! Keep buzzing Jayla, and you will reach the highest skies!
1A – Alani Alas is a student who constantly works to embody the values of St. Peter's KEYS. Alani comes into class smiling and ready to learn. She is such a positive and compassionate member of our community, who is always willing to support those in need. She has been working extremely hard and it shows in all of her academic accomplishments.
2A - Dominic Leonor is dedicated to learning all he can in every subject. He especially enjoys challenging himself with math! He pays attention to what is going on and contributes to classroom discussions. He's determined to grow his brain!
3A - Xavier Reyes has worked hard this year to ACCOMPLISH many goals. He joined the basketball team so that he can learn how to UNITE with his 3rd grade classmates. In class, he is practicing math to move ahead and prepare for the fourth grade. He is moving forward with his phonics, reading and grammar to increase his knowledge by working on Lexia daily. Keep up with your positive growth mindset!
4A - Mariah Ibarra-Febo is an effective communicator who collaborates with her classmates! She continues to challenge herself to grow academically and has shown great growth and determination this year. She comes into school each day with a smile and makes sure everyone feels that they are an important member of the 4th grade community! She is a great story tell and has been doing a great job in our writing assignments.
5A – Cecilia Farias Tietze is incredibly hard-working, organized, and compassionate to everyone she meets. She embraces new challenges with an open heart and an open mind. Her determination and focus in the classroom has already paid off big-time in her STAR growth this year. Keep up the good work, Cecilia!
6A - Brisia Castillo is a wonderful example of a student with the KEYS in 6th grade. She has grown as a learner and a leader in the classroom. Brisia shows service by supporting her teachers and classmates. Thank you, Brisia, for always bringing positivity and joy to our classroom community!
7A - Cristian Contreras continues to grow by approaching new experiences with positivity and hope. He leads the class through his example of facing challenges with faith and an open heart and mind. He shows appreciation for others and he supports our school community by encouraging others to also try their best. He is focused on his future and he persists in his learning in order to achieve his goals.
8A - Fernanda Cruz has grown and accomplished so much this year. She genuinely wants to reach her academic potential by asking questions and seeking help whenever faced with an area of difficulty. She is willing to work hard in order to be successful. Fernanda is embracing these new experiences and challenges with such positivity and enthusiasm.
KINDER - As we walk into the Lenten Season together, let's unite in a promise to reduce our screen time (tablets, phones and TV). We can enhance our Lenten Season by spending more time reading together. So instead of reaching for a device, reach for a book the next 40 days!
1A - This week, we are reading, writing, and learning about insects and how they are alike and different. We are working on the long i sound with: i, y, igh, and ie spelling patters, in words like: hi, fly, night, and pie. In religion, we are celebrating the start of Lent. In math, we are continuing to use the read, draw, write strategy to solve addition and subtraction word problems. In science, we are experimenting with light and the transparency of different objects. In social studies, we are testing our knowledge of the Pledge of Allegiance.
2A – We are reading “Grace for President” this week. We are working with patterns in math and counting up and down by 1's, 10's & 100's. We are also going to be adding and subtracting within 200 with word problems to 100. We started a classroom science project involving decomposing materials. Please help your child prepare for First Reconciliation by reciting the Act of Contrition and talking with them about this sacrament so they are not nervous.
3A – 3A is beginning a lesson on polygons in Math. In Religion, we'll continue studying The Apostles Creed. For Reading, we will move back into our textbook, Journeys. We have completed our chapter assessment on Stone Fox. We also compared and contrasted the book to the movie. Parents, please be on the lookout for all of the students' work which will be coming home to you March 11 with the report card. Please sign and return the report card and keep their work.
4A - In Religion, we will be preparing our hearts for the season of Lent. Not only will we be celebrating the beginning of Lent during Ash Wednesday, but we will also be learning about the importance of this day in our faith. In Reading, we will continue to read our novel Frindle. We will continue to concentrate on the skill of understanding character traits and the strategy of summarization when we read. In Math, we will focus on solving multiplication problems using partial products and standard algorithms. In Social Studies, we will be learning about our Missions project. In Science, we will begin to focus on our next unit: Energy. Thank you for all that you do!
5A - This week, 5th graders are working to conceptually understand what it means to divide decimal numbers. We're going to be doing a lot of word problems with real world examples. In ELA, we're focusing on finishing our biography essays and our Harry Potterprojects. We'll also be applying our strategies for comprehending informational texts to an article about Ruby Bridges!
6A Religion – Students will be preparing for the Lenten season as we set a Lenten promise and make a Lenten Journey journal. Language Arts – We have begun our persuasive writing unit and we are practicing looking at writing and advertisements with a critical eye. This week, we'll continue practicing our rhetorical techniques by creating our own advertisements for a fictional product. Math – Students are working with decimals this week: adding, subtracting, multiplying using partial products, and dividing. They will have a test next Tuesday on these skills of working with decimals. Social Studies – Students will continue to explore the beginnings of Judaism in order to later compare Judaism to the beliefs and traditions of Christianity. Science – Scientists will learn about the Powell Expedition of the Grand Canyon and dive into Earth's early geological history.
7A Religion – Students will continue to prepare for the season of Lent by putting together a Lenten Prayer journal for daily reflections during Lent. Language Arts - Students are continuing to read Freak the Mighty and answering Comprehension Questions. Additionally, they are discovering the unique bond between Max and Kevin. The constant reference of King Arthur and the Knights of the Round Table has been the foundation of their friendship, seeking quests to “…rescue fair maidens and slay dragons!” Math - Students will be continuing working with rational numbers and convert positive and negative fractions to decimals as well as converting decimals to fractions. They will have a test next Tuesday on transforming decimal and fraction equivalents as well as on multiplying and dividing integers. Social Studies – Students will now begin to compare Feudalism in Medieval Japan to Feudalism in Medieval Europe, moving our focus over to Europe in the Middle Ages for the month of March. Science – Students continue to learn about genetics and heredity as they prepare for their genetic mutation project.
8A Religion - Students will identify the meaning and importance of Lent as they enter into the Lenten Season. Language Arts - Students have presented their Poetry Portfolio with each other to officially end their unit on Poetry. They are also well into Act 1 of the play Zoot Suit. The overarching themes of Culture Clash and Racial Discrimination the Chicanos faced during the 1940's are stirring up lively discussions. Students are finding similarities of past and present examples in their own society. They are continuing to record their thoughts of tone and mood in their Reporter's Notebook. Math – Students will be working with the Pythagorean Theorem this week as they continue to learn about triangles. They will have test next Tuesday on finding missing angles and lengths of triangles and angles on a plane. Social Studies – Students will begin to outline their two-minute amendment speech where they will prepare to convince their audience to pass their amendment idea into law. Science - Students get to know the anatomy of a mousetrap as we prepare to begin our exploration of energy and motion through the mousetrap project.
Mar. 3 8:10 AM School Mass
Mar. 4 Free Dress for No Tardies in February
Mar. 10-12 WCEA/WASC 3-day School Accreditation Visit
Mar. 11 Report Cards sent home
Mar 13 NO SCHOOL, Faculty Retreat