QUE PASA 12/16/2020 (ENGLISH)

Dear Parents,

       Although we may have felt like this time would not arrive... we’ve made it to our last week of school in 2020! I am grateful for our school community and all that we have accomplished amidst the many challenges of the pandemic.  We continue to reflect during this Advent season and pray for strength as the year comes to a conclusion, and as we enter a new year with hope.

       I share this prayer (written by Christine Sine) with you all:

The coming of our Lord is near,
And we wait in joyful expectation.
Draw close, Lord Jesus Christ,
Shed your light on all that is filled with darkness.
The coming of our Lord is near,
And we wait with hope filled hearts.
Draw close, God’s beloved son,
Teach us the wonder of your all-embracing love.  AMEN.

       During this Advent and Christmas, I keep the entire St. Peter’s School family in my prayers--I am grateful to be a part of this loving community.  I pray that everyone has a safe and restful winter break.  Have a joyous Christmas and a happy new year!  Best wishes for 2021!


--Mrs. Sandra Jimenez


Whether you’re at home or at school, join us in the rest of our Christmas Spirit activities this week!

Wednesday, Dec. 16 - Festive Pajama Day

Thursday, Dec. 17 - Letters to Santa Day

Friday, Dec. 18 - Christmas Movie Day

Please see the Christmas Spirit Week Flyer on Class Dojo for more information!


Thank you for your generous donations to virtual food drive!  We’ve already surpassed our $1000 school goal, but we’ll continue to collect into the new year to help those in need.  Students can bring in cash donations to their classroom, and you can also make online contributions here:   


Thank you for your generosity and for being models of LOVE, SERVICE, and UNITY at home and at school!




For those students who are participating in in-person instruction, there is a survey from the Archdiocese of San Francisco Department of Catholic Schools that must be completed before returning to the school building in January.  

On this survey, if any answers are “Yes”—including to COVID-19 symptoms, contact with a current positive COVID-19 case, or out-of-state/out-of-country traveling over the Christmas vacation--then your child must participate in distance learning until cleared to return to the school building.

 To parents of our in-person learners-- the survey is available at the links below, and should be completed on January 3, the day before classes resume after Christmas vacation.

ENGLISH: https://forms.gle/CCCnc3hcaXrP8P1f8

SPANISH: https://forms.gle/MiDd6gJVgpXU8L5h8

A reminder about the survey will be sent out on January 3 on Class Dojo.  If you have any questions, please call the school office.  Thank you for your cooperation.




In San Francisco County, we follow the Stay Safer at Home Health Order.  Schools that are already open for in-person instruction are allowed to remain open.  Therefore, St. Peter’s School will continue to offer in-person instruction in the school building.  Families may still choose the distance learning option. 

Remember that our Return to School Infection Mitigation Plan, as well as our Distance Learning Plan, are available on our school website: http://www.stpeterssf.org/parents-students.  

For the safety of students, faculty, and staff, there are adjusted protocols and procedures during the school day. For a summary of school day procedures, click on this link:  2020-2021 Back-To-School Procedures

You can also watch a short video to see examples of what the adapted school day will look like:

ENGLISH – https://youtu.be/lewjPbE58JE

SPANISH – https://youtu.be/N7BrbHSax7s

Please continue to practice safety measures such as mask-wearing, proper hand hygiene, and avoidance of large gatherings.

If you have any questions, contact the school office. Thank you for your cooperation and understanding!




All student tuition accounts must be up to date and paid through December 2020 in order for your child to return to class on January 4, 2021. If your tuition is not up-to-date before leaving for Christmas vacation, your child will not be able to return to class on Monday, January 4, 2021.  Tuition payments must be made by Tuesday, December 15, 2020.  

You may call the office and pay over the phone with your credit card/debit card OR by Venmo @SPeters-School

Our school office will be closed during the Christmas Vacation, therefore please plan ahead to make your payment on time.

If you have any questions, please call the Tuition Office at (415) 647-8662 or email Myrna Soberanis at msoberanis@sanpedro.org.  Thank you!




As students return to the school building, they must submit all completed forms to their teacher:

- Emergency Card

- Medical Packet

- Media Release

- Technology Responsible Use Form

- Community Pledge

- Risk Acknowledgement Form

- Live-streaming of Classes Form

For a complete list of school supplies, visit our school website at http://www.stpeterssf.org/parents-students

Due to COVID-19 precautions, it is important that all students bring in the necessary school supplies, since school supplies are not shared between students at this time.




As stated on the school supply list, all students (whether in-person or distance learning) must submit a $25 Technology Fee to help cover the costs of online programs and tech devices.  Payment may be submitted with cash or check, credit card payment over the phone, or through Venmo -- @SPeters-School.  (Please remember to write your child’s name and “Technology Fee” in the comments.)




If you’d like to purchase any school uniform pieces at Ruth’s Children’s Shoppe, the store is open Tuesday through Saturday, from 10:00 AM – 4:00 PM.  There is no need to call ahead for an appointment. If you have any questions, the store phone numbers are 415-468-4399 or 415-238-6356.

Also--don’t forget that uniform shoes are solid black or solid white tennis shoes/sneakers.  (No boots.)




The lunch calendar is available on our school website – just scroll down to “School Lunch Calendar” -- http://www.stpeterssf.org/parents-students

Please remember that students bring in their lunch from home or order from school, but no outside lunch deliveries may be dropped off during the school day.

Lunch orders will be taken from the classroom; students should bring in their cash payment.  Parents may also order lunches by 8:30 in the morning and pay via Venmo on our LUNCH ACCOUNT -- @StPeters-Lunch -- and write the student’s name and lunch order in the comments section.


For information about free COVID-19 testing in San Francisco, visit the website (available in both English and Spanish): https://sf.gov/es/find-out-about-your-covid-19-testing-options

The Latino Task Force also has information about free COVID-19 testing, as well as a variety of other helpful resources such as food assistance and employment assistance.  Visit their website at https://www.ltfrespuestalatina.com/



Dec. 14-18         Middle School Cohort B in the school building

Dec. 14-18         Middle School Cohort A distance learning

Dec. 14-18         Christmas Spirit Week!

Dec. 18              12:30 Dismissal


Jan. 4                 Classes resume, regular schedule

Jan.4-8               Middle School Cohort A in the school building

Jan.4-8               Middle School Cohort B distance learning