Dear Parents,
This Friday marks the end of our first Trimester, and the students have grown in many ways! The teachers and I value our partnership with you—especially as we adapt new teaching and learning platforms, and adjust to new protocols at school. We hope to continue to work together to help all students grow and meet their goals, whether at home or at school. As the first Trimester comes to a close, and because these are an important part of our school culture, I am re-sharing the St. Peter’s Schoolwide Learning Expectations, also known as “SLEs.” These expectations can extend into the home to help students live out our CORE VALUES to Grow, Accomplish, Love, Serve, and Unite!
A St. Peter’s student has the KEYS to…
GROW by...
- setting and evaluating individual goals to grow spiritually, socially, emotionally, academically, and physically.
- embracing new experiences with an open heart and open mind.
- facing challenges with optimism and faith in God.
- listening and communicating effectively in social and academic environments.
- demonstrating critical thinking skills and knowledge in all subject areas.
- using technology effectively and responsibly.
LOVE by…
- making choices based on the teachings of Jesus Christ.
- nurturing a spiritual life through prayer, retreats, masses, and the sacraments.
- demonstrating an appreciation for what others have done for us.
- living out the corporal and spiritual Works of Mercy.
- sharing time, gifts, and joy with the school community.
- participating in outreach to strengthen ties with those outside of our school community.
- engaging in weekly school Mass and morning prayer assemblies.
- supporting and encouraging others in order to strengthen school community.
- welcoming people of all backgrounds as St. Peter’s community members.
--Mrs. Sandra Jimenez
Monday and Tuesday (November 23-24) are both regular school days. There will be no school from Wednesday, November 25 – Friday, November 27 for the Thanksgiving break.
As the holiday season approaches—a time when many people typically travel and spend time with additional family members and loved ones—the San Francisco Department of Public Health (SFDPH) has published a Travel Advisory to help reduce the spread of COVID-19.
As a reminder, non-essential travel outside of the bay area, including holiday travel, is not recommended. However, if you do choose to travel or host people who are travelling, SFDPH’s new Travel Advisory covers how to plan ahead, reduce your risk, and when to quarantine:
Additionally, please see the Bay Area Region’s Recommendations for Staying Safe from COVID-19 During the Holidays:
Remember, that the safest gathering is one that is:
small (no more than 3 households)
short (limit to 2 hours)
stable (do not participate in multiple gatherings with different households)
outdoors, with face coverings and distance
Please follow these recommendations to keep your family and your community safe!
Our school building is reopen for in-person instruction, for Kindergarten through 5th grade students. The first cohort (Cohort A) of 6th, 7th, and 8th graders will begin in-person instruction on Monday, November 23. Cohort B of 6th, 7th and 8th graders will begin on Monday, November 30. When cohorts are not in the school building, they will participate in distance learning at home. Middle Schoolers will rotate weekly between distance learning and in-person instruction.
Families who have chosen the Distance Learning option and have notified the school office will continue with full Distance Learning.
Middle School parents – please check your Class Dojo messages from your child’s homeroom teacher to see what cohort (A or B) to which your child has been assigned.
Please remember the adjusted staggered drop-off and pick-up schedule:
Drop-off times
- 7:45-7:55 - Last Names A - F
- 7:55-8:05 - Last Names G - O
- 8:05-8:15 - Last Names P – Z
Grades K-2 Pick-up time
- 12:15 for Wednesdays and other Minimum Days
- 2:35 on Regular Days
Grades 3-5 Pick-up time
- 12:30 for Wednesdays and other Minimum Days
- 2:50 on Regular Days
Grades 6-8 Pick-up time
- 12:40 for Wednesdays and other Minimum Days
- 3:00 on Regular Days
* If there is a younger sibling in the family who dismisses earlier than the older sibling, the younger sibling may wait in his/her classroom until the older sibling is dismissed.
The BVCC After-School Program is currently full, but they are accepting names on their waitlist. Only full-time, pre-registered students in BVCC will be accepted for after-school care once school reopens. For questions regarding BVCC, please contact Rochelle at 415-713-0625 or Judy at 415-283-5545.
Remember that our Return to School Infection Mitigation Plan, as well as our Distance Learning Plan, are available on our school website:
For the safety of students, faculty, and staff, there are adjusted protocols and procedures during the school day. For a summary of school day procedures—including staggered drop-off and dismissal times and hygiene practices—click on this link: 2020-2021 Back-To-School Procedures
Plus—click on the links below to watch a short video to see examples of what the adapted school day will look like:
If you have any questions, please contact the school office. Thank you for your cooperation and understanding!
As students return to the school building, they must submit all completed forms to their teacher:
- Emergency Card
- Medical Packet
- Media Release
- Technology Responsible Use Form
Once students come to school they will also receive the Community Pledge, Risk Acknowledgement Form, and Live-streaming of Classes Form, which are to be signed by parents and returned to school as well.
On Class Dojo, teachers will let students know what school supplies to bring during the first week back in the building. For a complete list of school supplies, visit our school website at
As stated on the school supply list, all students (whether in-person or distance learning) must submit a $25 Technology Fee to help cover the costs of online programs and tech devices. Payment may be submitted with cash or check, credit card payment over the phone, or through Venmo -- @SPeters-School. (Please remember to write your child’s name and “Technology Fee” in the comments.)
As we prepare for in-person instruction at school, we also need to UNITE and prepare our school uniforms!
If you’d like to purchase school uniform items (such as a uniform skirt or jumper) from Ruth’s Children’s Shoppe, please call Ruth’s to make an appointment: 415-468-4399 or 415-238-6356.
If you need to purchase a school uniform sweatshirt ($25), call the office at 415-647-8662 so we can prepare the sweatshirt. Please pick up the sweatshirt before your child returns to school.
Navy Blue khakis and plain white polo shirts may be purchased at stores such as Target, WalMart, and Old Navy.
Also--don’t forget that uniform shoes are solid black or solid white tennis shoes/sneakers. (No boots.)
If you have any questions, contact the school office. Thank you!
The lunch calendar for October and November is available on our school website – just scroll down to “School Lunch Calendar” --
Please remember that students may bring in their lunch from home or order from school, but no outside lunch deliveries may be dropped off during the school day.
When your child returns to school, lunch orders will be taken from the classroom. Students should bring in their payment and will fill in the lunch slip in their classroom.
Younger students may bring in their payment in an envelope with their name and lunch order, and the teacher will collect that envelope.
Parents may also order lunches by 8:30 in the morning and pay via Venmo on our LUNCH ACCOUNT -- @StPeters-Lunch -- and write the student’s name and lunch order in the comments section.
Tuition Payment Agreements (printed on bright green paper) were sent home in the mail. Please be sure to complete this form and send it back to school in the postage-paid envelope provided, as soon as possible. If you did not receive this form in the mail, please contact the school office.
For information about free COVID-19 testing in San Francisco, visit the website (available in both English and Spanish):
The Latino Task Force also has information about free COVID-19 testing, as well as a variety of other helpful resources such as food assistance and employment assistance. Visit their website at
Nov. 20 End of Trimester 1
Nov. 23 In-Person instruction begins for Grades 6-8, Cohort A
Nov. 25-27 No School--Thanksgiving Break
Nov. 29 First Sunday of Advent
Nov. 30 In-Person instruction begins for Grades 6-8, Cohort B
Nov. 30 Report Cards sent home