Dear Parents,
This Sunday, we celebrate Mother’s Day. We recognize the important role that mothers, aunts, grandmothers, and all mother-figures play in our lives! We are thankful for the love they show us and sacrifices they make for us. During this month of May, we also dedicate time to pray to our Blessed Mother Mary. We look to Mary as an example of faith, love, and courage as she said YES to God! Let us pray in thanksgiving for our Blessed Mother Mary and for all mother-figures in our lives.
Heavenly Father,
We Praise You and we thank You for the gift of our mothers, through whom You give us life and through whom we experience love. We thank You for Mary, the mother of our Lord Jesus Christ, a mother so gracious and a woman of example in motherhood for all of us. May our prayer warm the hearts of all mothers. May they know that they are loved and precious. May mothers all over the world feel in their heart the joys of being called a mother and in all their goodness and all their failings, be blessed in Your love and forgiveness.
We pray in Grace they belong close to You Lord Jesus Christ, AMEN.
(Prayer by Geevetha Mary Samuel)
--Mrs. Sandra Jimenez
Please join me in congratulating many of our 8th graders who received the Sacrament of Confirmation this past Saturday! They have been “sealed with the gift of the Holy Spirit!” This is an important step in their faith journey, and they were able to reach this point thanks to the loving support of their families and teachers. Special thanks to Mrs. Ria Fresnoza for preparing students for this day.
Beginning this week, from May 7 – May 17, students will be completing their final STAR standardized tests of the school year. These tests help identify areas of strength and growth so that teachers can meet students’ needs, and results are also shared with the Department of Catholic Schools at the Archdiocese of San Francisco. To help students do their best, please make sure that your child is getting a good night’s rest and eating breakfast. Also, providing your child with a recess snack would be helpful. Please help the teachers in encouraging the children to do their best on the last STAR tests of this school year.
This Friday, May 10, join us for Family Loteria Night! You can pre-purchase Loteria cards to play for prizes from the prize table and bigger prizes including a $50 Target gift card, $50 Safeway gift card, and SF Giants game tickets! Plus, we’ll have a snack bar with food and beverages. See the attached flyer for more details. All proceeds will benefit the 7th grade Caritas Camp trip for October 2019!
Next week, May 13-17, is SPIRIT WEEK at St. Peter’s School! A flyer was sent home last week and also shared on Class Dojo, but in case you missed it, here are the themes of each day:
5/13 – MIRROR MONDAY – Dress as twins, triplets, etc. with your friends!
5/14 – TIME MACHINE TUESDAY – Dress from a different decade! K-1st: 90’s / 2nd-3rd: 80’s / 4th-5th: 70’s / 6th-7th: 60’s / 8th: 50’s
5/15 – WAIKIKI WEDNESDAY – Dress with Hawaiian spirit!
5/16 – THROW-DOWN THURSDAY – Dress in sports attire! Plus, a Student vs. Teacher game!
5/17 – FORMAL FUN FRIDAY – Dress in fancy attire!
Pending sports registration and uniform payment statements have been going home with your students the last couple of months. Please ensure that your payments are up to date to allow for your child's participation in our sports program next year 2019-2020. Failure to make all payments by June 3, 2019 will result in your child's inability to participate in sports next year. Thank you for your attention to this matter and for helping make our sports program a success!
Aztecs! Do you play soccer? Are you interested in coaching?! We are very excited to announce that we will be starting a co-ed second-grade soccer team next year! The league is not part of CYO, as they do not begin team play until third grade, but we firmly believe that exposing our students to sports at an earlier age can only be beneficial! Please contact our Athletic Director Jim Sanchez at 415-722-3999 if you are interested in helping out!
The 2019 school yearbook is now on sale! You can place an order by submitting a yearbook form and $25 payment. Yearbooks are limited, so order early!
There will be no BVCC after school services available on Thursday, June 6 (12:30 Dismissal) and Friday, June 7 (10:00 Dismissal).
The Computer lab will also be closed on Wednesday, June 5 and Thursday, June 6 (both 12:30 Dismissal days); and Friday, June 7 (10:00 Dismissal).
KINDER - This week in Kindergarten, we will work in pairs to identify and read initial medial vowels in three-phoneme words. Then, students will discuss who they want to thank and write a thank you note. For example: Dear _____, Thank you for _______. From, ____. In Math, we will identify and compare solid shapes. Parents, please help your child learn the names of these shapes: cylinder, sphere, cube, and cone.
1A - This week, we are reading, writing, and discussing how we can work together to make our lives better. In religion, we arecelebrating Mary and her important role as Jesus' mother. In math, we are beginning our unit on regrouping or "carrying" in addition. In science, we are making sound using cups and rubber bands. In social studies, we are using our understanding of maps and cardinal directions to direct each other to specific locations.
2A – We are reading Taking Care of Pepper. We are wrapping up multiplication with twos, fives, and tens. We will check on our seeds, our compost jars, and check out some clay in science. We continue learning mass responses and saying prayers for loved ones.
3A – Finally the week has come when our book author, Gloria St. Joy, will visit our classroom. She is bringing us copies of her book, Addie's One Wish to the Brightest Star. We will show her our published book as well. In Math, we continue to explore, identify and label geometric shapes. We continue to measure inches to the half inch and measure in centimeters. During the month of May, Mary's month, we will be crowning her statue at the grotto as well as in our classroom. The students have been making their crowns at home with family help. They are using a variety of materials. When you stop by to say a prayer to Mary, see how lovely she looks.
4A - Happy May! It is hard to believe that it is our last full month of school. We will continue to work on testing strategies as our last round of STAR testing is coming up. In Religion, the students will focus on the Rosary and the life of Mary. In Reading, we will focus on comprehension skills with short reading passages. We will also work on independent paragraph writing! In Math, we will continue to focus on fractions. This week, we will compare like fractions as well as add and subtract fractions. In Social Studies, we will continue learning about the legacy of the Missions in California. In Science, we will focus on pollination. We will also be going to the Exploratorium this Friday! We are very excited!
5A – 5th graders have been reviewing all of the key math and reading skills we've learned this year in preparation for our final round of STAR testing this week! Please make sure your child gets a good night's sleep and eats a healthy breakfast before these tests. We'll continue working on our fraction pizza projects, learn about the creation of the U.S. Constitution in social studies, and talk about why and how we honor Mary during May in religion.
6A Religion – Students continue to learn about the Easter Season gospel stories and events. They are also learning about the Miraculous Medal and stories about Mary for the Month of May. Language Arts – 6A will continue their writing workshop on literary response essays, focusing this week on finding and quoting textual evidence and incorporating transitional phrases to have our essays flow smoothly. Students will also focus on test taking strategies in preparation of our final STAR test. Math – Students will continue to find the areas and missing dimensions of triangles. Social Studies – Students will complete their group activities about Ancient Greek government and will begin learning about Alexander the Great and the decisions that he made to influence the Greek Empire. Science – Students will describe how “El Niño” affects the climate.
7A Religion - Students will learn to recognize that God created us to live in harmony with one another, and that the greatest virtue we are called to develop is charity. Language Arts - Students have completed their nonfiction unit and are starting to read their final book of the year, The Outsiders. Math – 7A will continue to find the area of circles. Social Studies – Students continue to read about Early American Civilizations and will learn specifically about the achievements of the Inca Empire. Science – Students have studied genetics, and now it's time to turn our attention to what that creates in tissues, organs, and organ systems!
8A/8B ** 8th GRADE REMINDER--Graduation Fee ($140) and any Outstanding Bills (such as tuition, AZTEC Trek)—NOW PAST DUE! Please make payments in the school office.**
Religion - This week, students will be examining different views on how to get to heaven. Language Arts - Students are completing their final project for the play Romeo and Juliet, and will be starting to read their last book of the year, Of Mice and Men. Math - 8A and 8B will continue to find the volumes of cylinders. Social Studies – Students will begin to make predictions about the US Civil War by learning about the resources that the Northern States and Southern states had at the beginning of the war. Science - Students are building their mousetrap cars all week long for next week's races!
May 7-17 Final STAR Testing Window
May 9 Ice Cream Field Trip to Garfield Park (Summer Learning Challenge Prize)
May 10 4A Field Trip to the Exploratorium
May 10 5:00-7:00 PM, Family Loteria Night
May 12 Mothers’ Day
May 14 8:10 AM, School Mass
May 17 3:30-5:30 PM, Middle School Dance