QUE PASA 2/13/2019 (English)

Dear Parents,

       Tomorrow we celebrate Valentine’s Day, a day that we celebrate by sharing special notes of friendship and love.  February is also the month of the Holy Family, a family that we could look towards as an example of unconditional love.  Below is a prayer the we can offer together, to remind us of our love for our family, and to remind us that we are a school family working together to help our children open their hearts and minds.  As stated in our school philosophy: We are a family--somos una familia--with parents, students and educators working together.

JESUS, Son of God and Son of Mary, bless our family. Graciously inspire in us the unity, peace, and mutual love that you found in your own family in the little town of Nazareth.

MARY, Mother of Jesus and Our Mother, nourish our family with your faith and your love. Keep us close to your Son, Jesus, in all our sorrows and joys.

JOSEPH, Foster-father to Jesus, guardian and spouse of Mary, keep our family safe from harm. Help us in all times of discouragement or anxiety.

HOLY FAMILY OF NAZARETH, make our family one with you. Help us to be instruments of peace. Grant that love, strengthened by grace, may prove mightier than all the weaknesses and trials through which our families sometimes pass. May we always have God at the center of our hearts and homes until we are all one family, happy and at peace in our true home with you.   AMEN.


--Mrs. Sandra Jimenez




Your child has received a collection envelope and flyer for the AZTEC TREK.  Students and families can help support our school by collecting pledges for our walk-a-thon and game day.  This is our only mandatory school fundraiser, and it helps to keep St. Peter’s School’s tuition the lowest in the Archdiocese.  The minimum mandatory amount to be collected by each student is $100, but the more money a student collects, the more prizes and class points can be earned!  The due date for all money to be turned in is next week--Friday, February 22. Thank you in advance for your support!


See the attached flyer and ticket order form for our annual Family Dinner and Dance!  This year, it will be held on Saturday, February 23.  Tickets are limited, so purchase your tickets early!



The application process for the Archdiocese Family Grant for the 2019-2020 school year has now begun.  Please go on to mytads.comto begin the application process. Be sure you have your 2018 income tax information or 2018 income information (Calworks, social security, food stamps, etc.).  Please be sure you have completed the total process by the Archdiocese deadline—April 14, 2019.



New students entering for the 2019-2020 school year must complete the BASIC Fund Application no later than March 15, 2019.  

Renewal families will be filling out their BASIC Fund Renewal Application in March and April.  All student accounts must be current with no past due balances. Please be sure you have your 2018 income tax information or 2018 income information (Calworks, social security, food stamps, etc.).  Contact the school office if you have any questions.



Please ensure that your child follows uniform policy as posted by the school office and stated in the school handbook.  All undershirts, including long-sleeve undershirts, should be white.  If your daughter wears tights, they should be solid black or white and extend to the ankle.  Socks must be black or white and extend above the ankle.  Shoes may not have blue or red on them, and boots may not be worn.




KINDER - This week, we will continue to name different kinds of weather. We will read a poem about weather, and how weather affects people and places. We will also write a weather report and draw a picture to go with it. In Math, we will continue to identify numbers, add and subtract. 


1A - This week we are reading, writing, and learning about how animals' bodies help them. We are working on words with the long asound with the ai and ay spelling pattern, such as in words like rain and play. In religion we are continuing our study of the Sacrament of Baptism.  In math, we are working on the addition and subtraction of larger numbers. In science, we are continuing our study of the moon. In social studies, we are learning about and celebrating Valentine's Day. 


2A – This week, we are reading poetry. KEEP COUNTING with quarters, dimes, nickels, and pennies (please let your child play with coins!). We are going to be investigating solids and water in science. We are making timelines of our lives. We are learning about the Eucharist and Jesus' sacrifice for us. 


3A – This week in Science, we are continuing our study of crayfish. Some of our investigation is focusing on how they raise their offspring, how they protect themselves, and how they get their food. In math, we will focus on fact families in multiplication and the 0's and 1's multiplication rules.  Please help your child by practicing the memorization of the basic multiplication facts.    


4A - Happy Valentine's Day! This week in Religion, we will focus on the Beatitudes. Knowing and living the Beatitudes will help strengthen our faith and bring us closer to Jesus. In Reading, we will continue to focus on our novel Wonder. We are working to develop new vocabulary, comprehension skills, and analyzing characters. In Math, we will continue our quest to master division! Long division is a tricky math skill, and we are working diligently to understand the correct steps. In Social Studies, we will return back to our computer program and begin to focus on Junipero Serra. In Science, we will continue to focus on our energy unit and recap our field trip to the California Academy of Sciences. 


5A - This week, 5th grade is officially kicking off our fractions unit! We're starting off by learning how to find the greatest common factor of 2 numbers. In Language Arts, we'll wrap up our persuasive writing unit and start our class novel study of the first Harry Potter.


6A  Religion – Students will be locating Bible verses about God's love in the spirit of Valentine's Day. Language Arts – Students are continuing their non-fiction unit with a research project on a historical figure. Students will learn how to gather information from credible sources, avoid plagiarism by rephrasing and synthesizing information, use correct citations, and design a professional and clear slide presentation. This is a challenging project that will really help our minds to grow!   Math - Students will continue to divide mixed numbers and begin using integers to represent real world situations.  Social Studies – Students will be researching ancient Chinese dynasties for a group research project.  Science – Students will describe how rain, hail, sleet, and snow develop.


7A   Religion -  This week, students will take a Religion test. Language Arts - Students have finalized their reading on Freak the Mighty. They will now transition to the Introduction to their Poetry Unit.   Math - 7A will simplify algebraic expressions and add linear equations.  Social Studies – Students will be studying the Black Death and how this event changed the history of Europe.Science – Students continue their study of genetics and look to create offspring of their own monsters!


8A/8B   Religion - Students will discuss the importance of peacefully resolving disagreements, which relates to our new chapter focused on the Protestant Reformation.  Language Arts - Students are finalizing their reading on Zoot Suit. As the trial comes to a close for the Pachucos, students will create a Letter of Appeal on behalf of a character in the play. They will use evidence from the text and elements of an appeal.  Math – 8A and 8B will continue to graph a function using the x- and y- intercepts and write linear equations.  Social Studies – Students are finishing the presentation of their amendment speeches.  Science - Students are done with the chemistry portion of their school year and are now heading into studies of physics. First thing they will study: the laws of motion.



Feb. 18      Presidents’ Day Holiday, No School

Feb. 19      8:10, AM School Mass

Feb. 20      School Panoramic Photo Day

Feb. 22      AZTEC Trek Money Due

Feb. 23      5:00-8:00 PM, Family Dinner and Dance

Feb. 24      9:30 AM, Sunday Family Mass

Feb. 25      12:30 Dismissal